Title: Losing, and Loving

Genre: Drama / Romance

Summary: Yugi and Yami are living together. Yugi has a job at Kabia Corp, and Yami is working at the Game Shop. Everything seems to be going great, that is until...

A/N I just want to say thank you to all who have reviewed. I also want to just thank those who are reading, even if you have not reviewed. I hope to make this chapter a bit longer. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far.

Chapter Nine

"Yes, and it will be here in an hour? OK, Thank you. Yes, goodbye."

Yugi let out a sigh, as he hung up with the office supply center. He had been busy arguing with them for over two hours, trying desperately to get Seto the things he needed.

Striding over to the door that now connected their offices he lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Came Seto's voice.

"Mr. Kaiba I just got off the phone, and your computer will be here in an hour. As well as a fax, and phone."

"Wonderful. Thank you." Seto said as he shuffled through some papers.

"Is there anything you need before I head down to security?"

"No, that is all. Oh, and Yugi?"

"Yes Mr. Kaiba?"

"Don't call me Mr. Kaiba."

Yugi mearily shook his head, as he headed out the door. He let his mind wander a bit, until he reached the security office. Forcing himself to focus back on work, he reluctantly showed the guard his pass.

"Yugi! It is great to see you back at work." Honda exclaimed as he saw Yugi walk in.

Yugi gave a small smile to his friend. The last time he had seen him, had been at Yami's funeral.

"Well, it's good to be back."

"I take it that you are here on business?" Honda asked.

"Yeah, what have you got for me? Anything new about the bombing."

Honda gave his friend a sad smile, at the mention of the bombing, but kept his composure. Just the mere thought of the bombing made him think of Yami's death, and all the pain Yugi had gone through.

"Lets go in my office where we can talk in private."


Yugi followed Honda into the small side office, that he claimed as his own. The office was not very big, but it served its purpose. The two friends sat down, and made themselves comfortable amongest the filing cabinets, and cluttered desk. Yugi glanced at a picture half hidden on Honda's desk. It was a picture of the whole gang. They had it taken about a year after graduation. They were all lined up sitting on a wall by the park. It showed him stting in Yami's lap.

"I remember that day." Honda said. "Remember how Yami didn't want to sit beside Bakura. Those to started fighting."

"I remember." Yugi said with a laugh. "Seto had to pull them off of each other." Yugi's face suddenly faltered, sadness glistening in his eyes.

"Lets get down to business." Honda said, wanting to change the subject quickly.

"Alright, what have you got for me?"

"To be honest nothing."

"What? You mean you found nothing. Surely there had to be something? This guy didn't seem like someone who was a professional. So there was nothing on the tapes?

"Sorry Yugi, but I have gone over every inch of the tapes for that day. I found nothing that could id this guy. Although I did find something rather suspicous."

"How so?"

"Remember the day you came down here to look at some tapes?"

"Yes I remember. The tape skipped over the guys visit."

"Yes that's right. You see though I found more. There are several tapes that have places missing. Like they were erased." Honda handed Yugi a paper filled with camera numbers, and the times they had skipped.

Yugi stared at the papers for several minutes, before turning back to Honda.

"Something about all of this just doesn't add up."

"Do things like this ever?"

"I guess not." Yugi chuckled. "What about the parts that were skipped? Someone had to have erased it. Who though?

"That I can't answer."

Yugi stood, and started pacing the short distance in front of Honda's desk. He slowly let his mind register this new information, hopping that something would pop in his head.

"There are still too many missing pieces. Ho did the tapes get erased?" Yugi asked as he turned back to Honda.

"Now that I can answer. I would have to say that it had to have been an inside job. That is the only way for these to have been erased."

"An inside job? That would mean that someone would have to of had a security pass, and..."

"..and been in here, while I was. I didn't see anything funny though." Honda finshed.

"This is leading no where." Yugi sighed. "Is that all you have for me?"

"Afraid so, but don't worry I am still working on it."

Yugi faced Honda, and gave a small smile. "Thank you for your help. I had better get going though. Please let me know if you find anything right away."

"Will do." Honda replied with a grin.

Yugi gave a nod, and made to leave, but was stopped by Honda.

"Oh, Yugi, can I ask you something?"


"Do you think... That is do you believe the bomb in Seto's office to be linked to.." Honda trailed off.

"You mean to the bomb at the game shop?" Yugi asked, pain evident in his voice.

Honda looked into Yugi's eyes. " I'm sorry Yugi. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"No it's OK. I understand." Yugi reassured. " As for them being connected, i don't have an answer."

Yugi turned to leave, but face Honda once more. "I can tell you one thing though."

"What's that?"

"Whoever did it, whoever the bastard is, I will personally see to it that he gets what is coming to him."

To say Honda was shocked, would have been an understatement. He had never heard such angry in Yugi's voice before. Honda looked straight into his friends eyes. They reflected pain, and something eles. What was it though? Was it revenge?

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Please review if you have time.