To say everyone (besides Dumbledore) in the room was quit shocked at the news the person it most shocked was Snape because when they had been in school Snape had had a crush on Serenity.

"Dumbledore I told you to tell everyone that Sirius and I got married you were there" she said exasperatedly the other people in the room turned to glare at the headmaster.

"I could have sworn that I told you" he said balefully, the staff rolled their.

"Dumbledore where is my Husband I had to go somewhere a few months after Harry was born now he would be around sixteen now?" Serenity asked Dumbledore hung his head.

" We don't know Serena, he disappeared.............." Dumbledore went on to tell Serenity about all of what happened after she disappeared and what Happened to Lily and James. By the time he was done she was crying Serenity couldn't believe what she was hearing her husband had fallen though the veil of dreams. Serena slowly paced the room Dumbledore had given her in the Gryffindor tower.

"Pluto could you please come here?" Serenity called, a purple portal opened seconds later.

"What do you need princess?" she scout of time asked.

"Is there any way to get my husband back from the veil of dreams, please tell me there is?" Serenity begged

"yes Princess there is but only you can get him out he only thinks of you and Harry, whom you really need to go see, Petunia has about given up trying to get the boy out of his room, but it will take at least a month to get up enough energy to go though and come back" Pluto answered the question.

"I think I will go see Harry today and bring him to the Moon Palace I don't want him on earth till the start of term" Serenity replied

Serenity walked into Dumbledore's office a little past noon to talk to the old wizard.

"Serenity child what can I do for you?" he asked as she sat down in the opposite chair.

"I want to go collect Harry from Petunia and take him where he is safest and that's not on Earth" Serenity stated.

"Where would you be taking him but earth child?"

"Easy Albus, I myself am not from earth, I am Lunarien, Lily was Solarien and James Martian so that would make Harry a mix and heir to both planets now that Raychel was taken from the thrown" Serenity told him Albus looked shocked to say the least.

"but..But he needs to be here for the start of term" Albus stuttered.

"I know that but he needs training in his planets powers or he will never defeat Voldemort" Serenity told him