Serenity Isabella Black also known as Serena Tuskino walked down the streets in Tokyo Japan. A certain guardian of time had put a glamour on her so she looked fifteen when she was really about twenty-eight.
She was a graduate of Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry, she also graduated from a muggle high school by correspondence and she graduated Yale before Pluto had come to collect her now she just didn't care. Serena had been here for four years and she wanted to go home to her husband Sirius.(Serenity doesn't know that James and Lily are dead she is also Harry's godmother)
Serena was on her way to a scout meeting she was on time when she heard the inner scouts voicing their opinion of her.

"We have at lease another half hour till the meatball head gets here" Sailor Mercury a.k.a. Amy Anderson

"Are we going to vote her out or not?" Sailor Jupiter a.k.a. Lita Kino and Sailor Venus a.k.a. Mina Aino asked.

"We wouldn't know because you three don't deserve to be Serenity's guardians" came the voices of Sailor's Mars and Uranus a.k.a. Amara Tenoh and Raye Hino. Serena walked into the shrine.

"Now that I know your opinion I declare you traitors to the thrown I will now take your powers" she told the three scouts that betrayed her, she then turned to the loyal scouts. "I have to take a little of you power to not much just a little I am leaving after this and I am not coming back after this Pluto" she stated as all the girls glowed their respectful colors the loyal scouts glowed brighter then the others. After it was all over Serenity walked over to Pluto.

"Take me home I want to see Sirius, if you have to take me to Dumbledore just let me go home Pluto" she begged Pluto nodded.

"Who is Sirius?" asked Amara.

"Sirius is my husband" Serenity replied. The girls looked a little shocked Pluto then took off the glamour so they could see Serenity's real age. Serenity's hair was a silver that went to the middle of her back while her eyes were a blueish silver.

"You five have to protect this dimension, I don't think I will ever be back" she told them as Pluto opened a portal to the time gates to take her to Dumbledore. Pluto dropped Serenity on to the Hogwarts grounds it was still summer there so she didn't have to worry about scaring students. Serenity walked up to the castle doors and knocked. Severus Snape answered her knocking he had been walking to the Great Hall.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked Serenity just smirked at him.

"I want to see the Headmaster and none of your business Snappy" she replied as she walked in to the castle. Snape against his better judgment led her to the large dining room. (Serenity is covered in a light blue cloak that has a moon and cosmos insignia on it) as they walked into the Great Hall all the teachers stood up waiting to see who was under the cloak. The person under the cloak chuckled.

"Dumbledore relax I'm only after some information" the person said right after that the person lifted off the hood on the cloak. Everyone was surprised to see Serenity.

"Serenity Moon is that you?" McGonagall asked

"It's Serenity Black now a few years after Hogwarts Sirius and I got married right before I went to Yale as a matter a fact" Serenity replied. A Pink and blue bubble appeared out of nowhere it slowly developed into a human child with black and silver hair and dark blue eyes another little child fell out they where the same age this one had Pink hair in cone shaped buns and blue eye's. ( I changed the appearance a little)