DISCLAIMER: I do not own Beyblade or any related personage of it (If I would, it would be Kai here, Kai there and Kai everywhere)

WARNING: m/m rape, incest and abuse will be in this fic maybe slash to but I'm not yet sure. Read at own risk

A/N: Voltaire and Tala will be good, so don't like them don't read this fic. Tala will be Kai's older nephew.

A/N2: This story will be an alternate universe, so beyblades do not exist, but the characters will be used in this story.

SUMMARY: Kai was abused by his parents, after being beaten nearly to death, he is put away from his parents, with his grandfather and cousin Tala, where he heals, but if you think that all is well, than you are sorely mistaken. will be eventually Rei/Kai

IMPORTANT NOTICE: if you think that I have misrated anything, if you think the content is over the limit of the R-rating, please tell me about it, and than I will fix it, thank you.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: my new Beta mrsalexwatkins. Thank you for correcting the rest of my story.


Normally I would answer to my reviewers, but not long ago I got a petition mail saying you can't do that, so I won't do it, even tough it is a habit. This doesn't mean that I don't appriciate the reviews you send, and I hope you keep sending them.

oh, and does somebody know if I should delete the answers to my reviewers from past chapters, or that I can let them stay, because I don't want to be thrown of FFnet again.

Oeh, two chapter in one day. I'm feeling generous.

Chapter 17

What happened last chapter:

Kai and Tala where lying in their bed, Tala was already in a deep sleep, but
Kai was still awake. He was starting to doze, when his alarm clock struck
midnight, and the door creaked open.





And in came Carlton.

Carlton didn't know that Kai was still awake. Carlton closed the door behind
himself and slowly crept to Kai's bed. He was holding a gun. He just wanted to pull the trigger when Kai threw a punch at him. The gun fired, and hit Kai in the arm, the noise had woken Tala. Tala was looking at Carlton with a surprised look on his face.

"Carlton, why, why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Well, Master Tala." He said in a mocking tone of voice. "Because Kai was
the only one that could identify me, I was planning on killing him, but
since you're awake why don't you join him?"

"You monster, how could you hurt him like that?" Tala screamed in an outraged voice.

"Simple, he locked up my drug deliverer, I take him down." Kai tried to attack Carlton, but he was just thrown against the wall, barely conscious.

"You know Tala, I liked it when you weren't home, his body is pleasurable."
He whispered in Tala's ear, Tala had a look of horror on his face.

"How could you do this" he said, in a small voice.

"want to know? Well I shall show you." He said, with a nasty smirk on his face.

He walked to Kai, who had a small wound on the side of his head, and kneeled before him.

"Don't." Tala screamed, and then he lunged at Carlton. Carlton turned and shot Tala in the knee. Tala fell on the floor, holding his knee.

"Don't interfere, or Kai dies." He snapped at Tala. "Don't struggle or Tala dies" he said to Kai. He wanted to torture them with their love for
each other.

Carlton started to take of Kai's clothes, slowly, never lying down his gun. Kai was starting to cry softly. Tala was looking at the scene before, with a look of shock, disgust and pity. He wanted to kill Carlton because he dared to touch Kai in that way. Carlton had finished undressing Kai, and had loosened his erection. He than pushed, with one thrust with no preparation into Kai's entrance. Kai
screamed. That was it for Tala, he snapped, he charged at Carlton, and threw him off Kai. Carlton was furious. He threw Tala off him, and screamed.

"SO YOU ALSO WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN, DON'T YOU." And then he tore away Tala's clothes.

Kai was looking at this with pain-filled eyes. Carlton pushed Tala's legs over his shoulder and prepared to enter, but Kai wouldn't let that happen. He ran to them, but not before taking a mirror from the wall (A/N: You know, a mirror that stands on a drawer only 0.5 Meter high or something like that.) and he slammed it into Carlton's skull. His skull gave a crack, and the mirror broke into thousands of pieces of glass. Carlton slumped onto Tala, who pushed him away. Tala looked at Kai and saw him standing there, naked, shivering, with some blood running on his legs.


Kai collapsed. Tala just was quick enough to catch him. Tala was still a little surprised at everything just happened, but luckily he came by his senses quickly. He called the police, tied Carlton down, and redressed him and Kai. Not much later the police came and took him away, with a look of disgust on their faces. They couldn't believe someone could do all this, and not feel guilty.

A Week later.

Tala was limping in the yard, still not completely healed, he walked to where Kai was sitting.

"Kai, how do you feel?" Tala asked, because he knew that it was more taxing on Kai than on him.

"Better, I guess."

"this afternoon we have to go to the trial, you know."

"I know."

"Kai, he raped you, why didn't you hit him or something?"

"because then you would have got hurt, and if you got hurt, I would never forgive myself." After this there was a silence. They where looking at the sky, hoping that everything would stay okay for ever. They didn't know if they could handle all this pain again.

"Hey Kai, Tala." Came a call. Rei and Bryan where coming to them.

"Rei, how are you." Kai asked.

"good, little angel." Rei answered, then he sat himself next to Kai and put him on his lap.

Kai was giggling slightly, and looked over at Tala, then he giggled some more. It seemed that Bryan had decided to kiss Tala"s knee, until it was painless. Tala was sitting with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Bryan I swear, if you kiss my knee one more time, I'm going to hurt you so badly that you will never be able to kiss anything again." This made Bryan stop immediately.

"we will escort you fair ladies to the court." Said Rei, in an old
fashioned, British sounding, gentlemen voice.

"watch out who you call lady." Kai said threateningly.

Everybody knew that he didn't mean it, so they just stayed there and laughed a little.

A lot of things happened the week before. Not only was Kai's past completely discovered, but Rei and Kai were closer now than any other couple, even Tala and Bryan.

After the police came, the journalists came, and even though they would never tell you, the four friends thought it was fun to try and avoid the press.

Of course the press didn't really want to put to much pressure on the children right now (A/N: what do you know, they do have a heart) so they only half tried to get the story first hand.

The reports of the police were enough to fill the first three pages of the newspaper anyway.

That afternoon.

The trial was just beginning, Kai and Tala were called up to testify. Tala just had to tell about that evening, and his almost rape and death.

Kai had to tell everything, even the reason of why he never told anybody of the abuse and rape.

This was almost crueller on the victim, than on the criminal. The Jury and judge listened very carefully, but they had to ask if he could repeat a thing or two.

All of them felt pity.

Carlton had almost no defence.

The Hiwatari's word was valuable, and to think that Voltaire had paid the judge to give Carlton the highest punishment he could get.

The judge wanted to give Carlton the highest punishment anyway, money or no money, but it was a nice extra, so he accepted.

He was sentenced to go to jail, for five lifetimes, no chance getting out on good behaviour, the jail he was sent to, was one of the worst in the country, but he deserved it.

Kai and Tala felt safe after this.

The Hiwatari family hired a new butler, a nice old guy, who was trustworthy, and their lives couldn't be better.

Poor butler though, before he was accepted, they had only a dozen detectives finding out what he had ever done before this, and, well, they had found some embaressing photos of him, when he was in college.

Kai had a nice boyfriend, loved to go out, was an ideal student.
The only bad thing about him, if you ask other people, was that he loved to play pranks on the everybody, prime target Mariah.

Like the time he had put some spiders in her

Her screams where terrible to hear, but Kai couldn't stop
laughing about the look on her face.

For Carlton , life wasn't so good anymore. The first night in jail was hell. He was standing in front of the bars, and said;

"one day Kai, I'll get you, you and your little friends will pay."

He looked outside, to a world where he won't be spending much time in, and thought of much new ways to torture Kai.

Behind him, a hand came around his waist. His cellmate was over 6 foot tall (A/N: is that 2 meters, I'm not sure, I don't work in feet), and was already serving twenty years of prison.

His crimes? Well, rape is one of the worse, beatings and murder were a few others.

And the first words he said were: "I need a new girlfriend, the last one died."

That night, awful screams came from the jail cell. The prison guards did their round, and came to see what the screams were about.

When they looked inside, and saw what was happening, they were disgusted, but they thought it was sweet justice, so they walked away.

One of the guards said one thing.

"Keep it quiet in there."

"But officer I didn't say something." Said the cellmate, naked, holding Carlton down. He was in panic, the last cellmate that he had raped, well, the guards had put him in solitude for six months.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the guy beneath you." Carlton, who had hoped that the guards would save him from the big brute, saw all his hope vanish, when he heard those words and saw the officer turn back on his cell.

"So, darling, it seems that they approve of our relationship" the man above him said, and then licked his ear.

Two weeks later.

The guards of the prison zipped the body bag closed. In there was the body of one man called Carlton.

The man had killed himself, he knew that otherwise he would be subjected to all the pain that he once gave.

The world couldn't be a happier place.


Hope you liked this one. PLease if you know Naruto, say which paring would be a good fanfic paring. Oh, I forgot to say it, it's going tob e a higschool ficie. One side paring will be Iruka/Kakashi.