No more review responses... Too bad. ;;
And another one. Based on "The Little Red Riding Hood" with several personal touches, with help by my brother burstjoe. Kupos to him for helping! XD
Megaman Battle Network: The Little Brown Cape
Once upon a time, there was a little teen boy who lived in a village known as Electopia at the edge of a forest. His grandfather, Dr. Cossack, who lived in a cottage deep in the forest, had made him a long, brown cape. The boy wore it often, not because he 'loved it', but because it was long enough to hide much of him. So often did he appear in the brown cape, that the townsfolk began to call him 'Little Brown Cape' instead of his real name.
Which was Bass.
One fine day, Little Brown Cape's father, Raika, received news that Dr. Cossack was ill and bedridden.
"... I wonder if he's all right?"
"We should visit him and make sure," his wife, Pride, replied.
"Unfortunately, I have to save the world from evil net mafias today," Raika said. "What about you?"
"I have to attend the opening ceremony of the bakery, and a long to-do list besides that," Pride replied with a sigh. Her eyes brightened up as she turned to her son. "Little Brown Cape..."
"Don't call me that!" Red eyes flashed.
"Bass, go visit your grandfather," Raika ordered.
"Why should..."
"Bring a basket of creampuffs!" Pride pulled out a basket of food covered by a pink cloth, eerily prepared in a twinkling of an eye. "And some milk!"
"Your grandfather kindly made that cape for you, so you should be nice to him!" Raika reprimanded.
"... Whatever."
"Now, remember, stay close to the main road," Pride ordered regally.
"No talking to strangers," Raika continued.
"And beware of the Big Bad Wolf," Both chorused simultaneously, as if they had rehearsed.
"What do you think I am, a three-year-old?" Bass demanded.
"Well, yes," Pride admitted.
"Just go already!" Raika pushed the basket and the bottle of milk into Bass's hand, then opened the door and nudged him out with one foot. Scowling, Bass began to walk down the streets.
As he moved, he suddenly felt someone tugging at his cape, and he turned. It was a little boy with dark blue hair, named Megaman. He looked appealingly up at Bass.
"Excuse me, Little Brown Cape, are you going to visit Dr. Cossack?" he asked.
"... Yeah."
"You're going into the forest, right? Would you mind picking some flowers for me on the way?" Megaman pleaded. "Roll is sick, and I want to get her flowers. But my mom won't let me go out to the forest, and I hate to break rules... so..."
Bass remembered that Roll was the cute blond daughter of the butcher, and the apple of Megaman's eye. "Feh. Whatever."
"Really? You will? Thanks!" Megaman cried happily. "But you must be careful, okay? Beware of the Big Bad Wolf!"
"All right." Bass began to head towards the forest.
"Oh, and don't talk to strangers!" Megaman added.
"All right..."
"And say hi to Dr. Cossack from me!"
"All right..." Bass was getting irritated.
"And greet your dad!"
"All right..."
"And tell your mom hi from my twin Lan!"
"All right!"
"And eat the yellow sponge that sings at the bottom of Bikini Bottom."
"All right!" Bass yelled impatiently.
"Are you sure?" Megaman asked. "You're not paying attention, are you?"
"What?" Bass blinked.
"I told you to eat the yellow sponge that sings at the bottom of Bikini Bottom," Megaman repeated carefully. "You said 'all right'."
Bass blinked again.
Seconds later, Megaman was fleeing down the street from yells of "GO AWAYY!"
"Stupid Megaman... Stupid Mom... Stupid Dad... Stupid creampuffs..." Bass grumbled as he went.
Following the yellow path, he paused beside a great oak tree. Peering to the left, he noticed a natural flowerbed that seemed like what Megaman and Roll would want.
Still grumbling, he ditched the path and went towards the flowerbed in the clearing. Though he always grumbled and moaned and complained, Bass had a good heart deep inside, underneath the layers of cape, clothes, flesh, skin and bone.
Of course, he would never admit that.
Bending down, Bass pulled up a bunch of dandelions.
"Hey! That's no way to pick flowers!"
Instinctively, Bass straightened and threw the bunch at the speaker.
The flowers hit the head of the Big Bad Wolf, and slid down his furry head slowly. One of them stuck behind one ear, and the Wolf nudged at it with one paw.
"Hey, I think I look good like this," he said, chuckling.
Bass stared. "Are you nuts?"
"No, my name is not Nuts. It's Gospel," the Wolf replied. "Why, do I look like a Nuts?"
"Whatever. Just get out of my sight," Bass said with a sigh. Great, now I'm talking to an insane wolf who says his name is GOSPEL! Others would be scared of the Big Bad Wolf, but not Bass.
"But you're killing the flowers," Gospel growled. His face suddenly looked fierce. "You've to pick them by the stalk, and not grab them up roughly, spoiling their leaves."
"Like this?" Bass cautiously snapped the stalk of a rose and held it up.
"Very good!" Gospel praised. Bass blinked.
Then he blinked again.
"Just... get lost."
"Aw, don't be mean. Where are you going with the flowers?"
"I'm going to visit my grandfather in the cottage yonder, who's ill," Bass replied shortly, grabbing more flowers.
"The flowers are for him?" Gospel inquired.
"No, they're for Roll."
"Roll, someone who's ill."
"Roll's your grandfather?" Gospel asked, confused.
"No! I'm going to visit my grandfather; Megaman told me to bring the flowers for a girl called Roll!" Bass cried, exasperated.
"Megaman's your grandfather?" Gospel asked again.
Bass nearly tore his hair out.
"Hey, chill," Gospel said. "What's your name?"
"OH! I KNOW YOU!" Gospel cried. "You're the one they call Little Brown Cape!"
"Eh... am I wrong? Sorry, I've got bad memory!" Gospel apologised. "Is it Chibi Brown Cape?"
Gospel fled. He hid behind some trees, watching Bass.
"Oh, boy. He's mad... is it because of his grandfather?" Gospel whispered to himself. "It seems likely. He's not enjoying himself... maybe he's scared of his grandfather! Maybe his grandfather's an evil guy who plotting to take over the world!"
The more Gospel thought about it, the more angry he became. "Little Brown Cape is probably too nice to say anything. I must deal with this for him!"
Gospel then raced on all fours towards the little cottage in the clearing that he knew.
Raising himself on his hind legs, Gospel knocked on the door.
"Who's there?" a feeble voice called.
"It's I, Grandfather. Little Brown Cape, your grandson," Gospel growled softly. "I've come with some flowers!"
There was a long pause.
"Ah! Bass! Lift the latch and come in!" the voice said.
Gospel nudged the latch open and entered. At once a large broom came whacking down on him.
"HEY! STOP!" Gospel yelled. A man with brown hair stared at him in alarm.
"You're the Big Bad Wolf!" he cried.
"And you're the man plotting to take over the world!" Gospel retorted.
"Why are you impersonating my grandson?" Dr. Cossack demanded. "I knew that Bass would never call himself Little Brown Cape, and he wouldn't come armed with flowers!"
"I'm going to teach you a lesson for Little Brown Cape! You're an evil man that wants to take over the world!" Gospel howled. Dr. Cossack looked startled.
"Did Bass tell you that?" he asked, concerned.
"Oh my virus! It must be an imposter!" he cried. "Someone is posing as Bass to hunt me!"
"Oh dear! What should we do?" The ever gullible Gospel asked.
"I'm too weak and ill to be of any use. You've got to pose as me, Big Bad Wolf," Dr. Cossack said.
"But weren't you jumping about full of health just a minute ago?" Gospel asked, puzzled.
"Whatever. Now, put on my clothes and hide in my bed. You'll catch the poser when he comes. I'll go into my cabinet."
Bass rapped on the wooden door. A husky voice called out.
"Who's there?"
"It's I, Grandfather. Your grandson Bass," Bass replied. His voice sounds weird... Hangover? "Mom sent me with creampuffs and milk."
"Ah! Bass! Lift the latch and come in, my dear."
Bass opened the door cautiously and hopped in, puking inwardly at the affectionate term. He put the basket and bottle onto a table and glanced towards the bed.
A pink nightcap glanced back at him.
"Grandfather, what big ears you have today," he said, raising an eyebrow.
"All the better to hear you with. Now, come and give Grandfather a hug," Gospel crooned. Bass took a step backwards.
"Grandfather, what big eyes you have today."
"All the better to see you with. Come, come."
Bass took another step backwards.
"Gospel, what big teeth you have today."
"All the better to EAT you with!"
Gospel hopped out of bed and raced after Bass, barking loudly. Bass ran out of the house and dodged to the side.
"What did you do to Grandfather?" he demanded.
"What did you do to the real Little Brown Cape?" Gospel demanded.
"Why the hell are you two yelling like fishmongers in here for?" a third voice asked coolly. Both Bass and Gospel turned.
It was the woodcutter's son, Protoman. He held a sword in his hand and glared at the two peace-disturbing idiots.
"We're not fishmongers," Gospel growled, lowering his voice.
"He was posing as my grandfather," Bass hissed.
"He's posing as Little Brown Cape!" Gospel hissed as well.
"Oh yeah? Where's Dr. Cossack?" Protoman demanded.
"It's none of your business!" Gospel said. Protoman's sword flew to his throat. "Uh, he's in the house."
Cossack popped his head out.
"Well then, this is just a misunderstanding. Kiss and make up, and stop wasting your time," Protoman grumbled.
"I'm not kissing anyone!" Bass yelled, his cheeks flaming.
"How do you know he's the real Little Brown Cape?" Gospel asked. Protoman pointed to his shades.
"I scanned him. Nice armour, Little Brown Cape."
"Wha... YOU #(!" Bass cursed. "What do you think I wear the cape for?"
Laughing, Protoman sauntered off.
"Nice Mickey Mouse tattoo too."
Bass blinked.
Gospel blinked.
Dr. Cossack coughed and blinked.
"YOU &!&!$$!(#(#(#&XX!"
The ears of the residents of Electopia burned that day.