I am currently working on editing this story, it was a while ago since I wrote them and I feel as though I have improved as a writer somewhat. I really love this story, but feel that it needs to fixer up. :)

I don't own Fillmore

Act 1: Reunion

Ingrid sat at her desk slowly finishing her paper work on the last case. Some kid had thought it was a good idea to steal all the pies for the annual pie eating contest at x middle school, Fillmore and she had caught him in a nick on time as usual.

She paused from her writing and smiled at her desk, ever since she had come to X she had felt as though she finally belonged, and if it hadn't been for Fillmore that would have never happened. "Speaking of Fillmore" she thought looking up towards Vallejo's office where he was currently being told off; she was usually present for the lecture, but with the offer to do his paper work as well Fillmore had taken the brunt. After a few more minutes of complaints from their chief he walked out, he smiled at her as he took a seat at his desk.

"Vallejo just finished the cost of our capture; you would think that just because I knocked over a couple of the art clubs vases, while chasing a thief, that I had destroyed the school!" he said jokingly. Ingrid smiled again, Fillmore was always careless of most things except for the perp they were after. However he always managed to get the job done, that much Vallejo couldn't complain about.

Looking at the clock she realized she was going to be late for dinner, her smile dropped when thinking of what that meant. She looked down at her finished papers for a moment before turning to her partner. "Fillmore I have to run Friday night dinner meeting…My father wants to discuss our funeral trip for next Sunday" she said calmly, although it had been a while since her mother had passed on this time of year was always a bit stressful for her.

Fillmore looked at her for a moment before getting up and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Ingrid…You know I'm here for you, if you ever need me" he said looking at her carefully, she nodded and smiled lightly at him, agreeing with her previous thoughts, it was defiantly better to have friends. Her mother had passed away five years ago from next Sunday, before X her mother had been her only real friend, someone to talk to, until that car accident. She loved her father and sister very much, but she would always miss her mother.

"I could come with you if you want" Fillmore offered with a slight hooked smile, Ingrid smiled wider. She had never had anyone offer to be there except for her father and sister, she nodded at his proposal and Fillmore released a breath he had been holding.

"That would be great Fillmore; I'll let you know the details later. Thanks again" she said while grabbing her bag. She turned to walk to the door when it opened up revealing a blond boy around their age; it was none other than Wayne Leggett, Fillmore's old partner.

Vallejo walked out of his office and smiled brightly "Leggett! It's great to see you!" he said patting him on the back. Wayne smiled at Vallejo and then turned towards Fillmore and Ingrid.

Fillmore got up and walked to him with a look of pure joy "Hey man what brings you here?" he asked clasping hands with his friend.

Wayne looked at the both of them "I've moved back home" he said smiling.

Vallejo looked surprised for a moment and then grabbed one of the safety patrol sashes and placed it over his head "Just wait, it'll be headline news 'one of X middle schools finest safety patrollers re-joins the force.' Can't wait to see what the rest of the gang says!" He said gesturing the air to make a point of what he was saying. The three patrollers looked at each other and laughed a bit at his enthusiasm.

Fillmore looked happier then before "It'll be great to have you back on the force man" he said. Ingrid smiled, she was happy that Fillmore's old friend was back, it was good to see him so happy.

Vallejo got up and looked at the time "Wow we should take our party else where, time to close shop…Hey Fillmore just think you got you're old partner back!"

Fillmore smiled in a dazed fashion "Yea I guess I do."

Ingrid's insides froze with that sentence; she glanced between the two old friends and felt a wave of fear wash over her. She wasn't ready to leave Fillmore's side as his partner, the thought of that twisted her heart.

Leggett stole a glance her way and then looked back at Fillmore and Vallejo "So Adam's Pizza house anyone?" they all smiled and agreed with the exception of Ingrid, she stood still plastering a fake smile on herself; trying to force herself to feel Fillmore's happiness his old friend and partner had come back. S

She pulled open the door "I should get going… You three have fun" she said as happily as she could.

"Oh see ya around Ingrid" said Fillmore passing her a quick look before returning his gaze to Wayne.

She ran, ran until she was out of breath. Tears threatened to burst from her but she wouldn't cry, she had not cried since her mother had died she was not going to now.

Her heart ached with a pain she had never felt, she then continued to walk home feeling empty. Fillmore was going to be Leggett's partner, where did that leave her? Would she be partnered up with someone else?

She shook her head, how could he do that? After just saying that he would be there for her, he had then pushed her aside. Ingrid Third felt for the first time in five months very alone.

Okay that is the first chapter done. :)