Going Courting - Epilogue
By ACJ Leveille

Marcus looked around the ballroom in awe. He still wasn't used to the amazing sights, though it had been almost a month since he had left Earth. There was always something new in this ruddy-skied land to surprise him.

"I haven't seen you lately," the Goblin Queen commented as she came up to him. "What have you been doing with yourself?"

"Exploring," he answered with a smile.

"Ahh," she said.

They sat in silence, watching the denizens of the Labyrinth cavort around the huge dancing floor.

"So, Marcus," an upbeat voice began, coming up behind him. "How do you like my Labyrinth so far?"

Marcus straightened, his decorated silver spurs clinking on his hard floor. Jareth had knighted him shortly after his arrival. The ceremony had been short, yet formal, though it had ended with a pat on the back and a hearty, "Welcome to the kingdom."

"I love it," he told the king in a reverent tone.

Jareth laughed loudly, causing eyes to look their way. "Perhaps you were right, my darling," he smiled at Sarah.

"I won't say I told you so," she said. The song the musicians were playing ended, and the strains of a new one began.

Jareth, listening, perked one brow. "My dear, I believe this is our dance."

"I'll see you later?" Sarah asked Marcus.

He nodded. "My Lady, your Majesty." He bowed - a move he had almost perfected in his month's stay in his new home.

He watched them dance, Sarah was happier than he had ever seen her. He held no grudge. It was clear that she and Jareth were meant to be together.

He turned to the open window. It was set high above the maze that was only a small part of the Goblin Kingdom. The red-orange sun shone high above, though the clock said it was past tenth hour.

Far off, he could see the forests, and the mountains. A whole new world to explore.

"I believe I shall like it here."

Sarah whirled in her husband's arms, happy and free. "You didn't have to throw a ball," she chided.

"Sarah, I've told you many times, I don't have to do anything." He kissed her nose as the music slowed, the twirled her. "I wanted to."

Sarah laughed, swinging in a circle. Her elaborate ball gown swirled around her ankles.

She glanced over his shoulder, and saw Marcus standing at one of the many windows, staring out. "Do you think we did the right thing?" It wasn't the first time she had asked.

Jareth merely sighed. They twisted, and he looked at Marcus. Sarah saw something like amusement appear in his eyes. "I have a feeling that Sir Marcus shall do very well indeed," he said, turning his attention back to his wife. "And so shall we!"

Sarah grinned, twining her arms around his neck as the dance ground to an end. "A happy ever after?"

Jareth leaned in close - she could see herself reflected in his eyes. "Indeed."

Their mouths met, and applause erupted across the ballroom, celebrating the love and commitment of the Goblin King and his beloved Queen.


Author's Note:

Yes, this time it's at the end. What did you think? Let me know how much you liked it, or hated it! Yes, Marcus does have his own story, but I'm not going to work on it right away, I have too much on the burner already. Until next time!