

Take one.

Sanzo: ::driving along in his car after work::

Goku ::Runs out into the street.::

Sanzo: Holy shit! ::slams breaks but skids past Goku::

Goku ::falls::

Sanzo: Oh god... ::get out of the car to check who he hit, looks at Goku lying on the ground::

Goku ::tries to keep from laughing::

Sanzo: You're an idiot.

Goku ::laughs...and can't stop::

Sanzo ::gets back into car and starts it up::

Me: What are you doing?

Sanzo: If someone doesn't shut him up, I'm running him over.

Me: =Sigh= I can sense the love on this set...


Take two.

Goku ::Looks into the camera before shooting the next scene.:: I'm going to write a little something for Gojyo on the cue cards. He'll read ANYTHING on them!


Gojyo: Did I miss something weird?

Sanzo:: pulls Gojyo in the room:: Shut up you idiot! Before someone hears you!

Gojyo: What happened?

Sanzo: I hit him with my car.

Gojyo: Jeeze don't go all emotional about it and I am a total duchebag.

Hakkai: ::starts laughing::

Gojyo: What?

Sanzo: ::laughs a little:: Do you know what you just said?

Gojyo: Yeah, my line.

Hakkai: I think it was a little more than that.

Gojyo: Lemme see those cue cards. ::reads:: Oh...the child will die. ::runs off set.::


Homura: Don't are a herepic.

Goku: You just said herepic.

Homura: Did I? Shit.

Me: ::laughing:: HEREPIC!!!


Sanzo ::runs down the church hallway and trips.:: OW!


Hakkai: ::sitting with Goku:: I had the strangest dream last night Goku. And you were in it. We were all riding in Hakaryu and talking about someone named Gyugoa...I just said his name wrong.

Goku: Uh-huh.


Goku: ::Still in the street scene laughing his ass off::


Gojyo: ::Swings the Jakujou around his head.::


Gojyo:: Jakujou wipes the camera out:: .........::looks at everyone:: bad.


Gojyo: ::sitting with Goku on the docks:: I'm curious about whether Hakkai is right about us...I mean...All our base are belong to them.

Goku:: bursts out laughing::

Gojyo:: realizes he was set up again, turns to Goku:: You WILL die.

Hakkai: If he could just not laugh...Gojyo wouldn't realize he said a line wrong.

Sanzo: .........

Me: Gojyo! Memorize your lines please! And Goku! Stop writing on the cue cards!!!!


Gojyo: ::taking a shower, getting ready for the next scene:: Bye, bye miss American pie! Drove my Chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry! (So on...)

Goku ::sneaks into the bathroom holding a camera::

Gojyo ::still singing::

Goku ::Rips the curtains back.:: Say Gojyo, ever considered a career in karaoke?


Goku: I can point out three, you gave ME a camera. Two, you left the door un-locked, and three...You were singing 'American pie' in the shower. That says opportunity.

Gojyo ::Grabs a towel and chases Goku out of the bathroom.::


Sanzo ::after the long talk with the Merciful Goddess, staring out the window.::

::As he turns around the face the camera and say something, a car alarm goes off.::

Sanzo: Will someone shut that off? It ruined my big dramatic pause. ::starts laughing::


Sanzo: You heard me. A drinking problem. He drank two and a half whole bottles of sake last night and was passed out when I got home.

Hakkai: That something I wouldn't have guessed.

::the sounds of Gojyo beating the shit out of Goku can be heard in the back ground::

Sanzo: ::trying to ignore it:: Me either. So...I'm having a hard time trusting him by himself at the apartment.

Hakkai ::muffled laughing::

Sanzo ::turns around:: Will you cut it out!? ::starts laughing::


Goku: ::gets up off the street:: Ok...I'm ok now...

Sanzo: Really?

Goku: ::Starts laughing again::

Me: ....Cut.........15 minute break!


Lirin:: jumps off steeple and lands right on Homura:: OOOOOF!

Homura:: on the ground:: Ouch...


Gojyo: Hakkai...can I ask you something?

Hakkai: Sure.

Gojyo: My place just booted everyone out cause some guy bought the property. Mind if I stay with you, did someone set up us the bomb?

Hakkai: just—

Gojyo: =Sigh=......Yes...he's dead.


Me: There's your blooper reel! And if anyone didn't get the "All your base are belong to us" and "did someone set up us the bomb" jokes, it's a lil internet joke on a game called 'zero wing' (The game was translated wrong from Japanese to English) If you get the chance, look that joke up. It's damn funny!

Sanzo: Hope you enjoyed.

Gojyo: Hope I can remember my lines, I am a little bitch. ::pause:: GOD DAMNIT!

Goku: ::laughs:: He did it! I can't believe he did it AGAIN!

Gojyo: ::runs after Goku::

Hakkai: Well, from all of us here, we wish to thank you!

Sanzo: Please donate blood while your at it...Goku's gonna need it.

Me: ::sweat drop:: uh-heh heh... Hope you had a good time reading this crap!

Goku: ::jumps on Sanzo's shoulders:: Bye bye!!!!