I only want to be excepted

Chapter one: Blood is thicker than water.

A.N. I thought that I might give you a bit of background info on some of the character before I start the chapter because you might get confused. YOU MUST READ THIS OR IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE.

ALEX: 19. Hermione's cousin, their mums are sisters. Alex is a deep dark person, who likes a lot of heavy metal rock music such as slipknot. Some may label her as a 'Goth' because she wears a lot of dark makeup and clothes. Alex also has two brothers, Sam 17, and Jason 18. She has a sister Leah 22 and a niece Gemma 3 (Leah's daughter.) She's not only her cousin but her sister. Their mums are sisters which makes them cousins but they also share the same father. Which also means that Scot, John and Lianne are her brother and sisters as well. They do not act like brother and sisters and always reefer to each other as cousin.

SAM: 17, Hermione's cousin. Only six months apart and she actually gets on pretty well with Scot, he is quite protective over her. He and Jason work as paint and decorators and they both smoke a lot of cigarettes and cannabis.

JASON: 18, they constantly argue. Very similar to Hermione which is a bad thing as they always argue. Has a very violent temper and usually results in him hitting someone. Smoking increases his anger.

LEAH: 22 Has a 3 year old daughter Gemma. Not in contact with the baby's father. Always arguing with Jason and Alex.

TERESA: Mother of the above four. Sister to Hermione's mother. Always had pent up anger towards her sister for sleeping with her boyfriend. Never really liked Hermione as its proof of the split between her and her partner.

Other people that will be mentioned in this chapter will be:

AMY: 33, Another of Hermione's cousin but this time from a different sister. Has two children Charlie 13, and Gregg 11, and is NOT a capable mother. Amy has beaten them and neglected them from a very young age. Jason is very protective over Charlie. Amy does a lot of different drugs and drinks a lot of alcohol. She has been in prison for drug dealing and prostitution.

CHARLIE: 13, daughter of Amy. Charlie usually spends the holidays with Hermione because she hates her mother. She always confides in Hermione and constantly owls her when she is at school.

DANNY: 21, Son of Alice. Another of her mum's sisters. He is a lazy layabout who was in care from the age of 6 till he was 17. He came back to the family and lived with his mum. He doesn't work or do anything apart from smoke. She doesn't really have much to do with Danny because he never liked the fact she was a witch.

Ok sorry that was pretty long, but you'll be really confused if you don't read it. Most of these incidents, feelings, arguments have been experienced. Please do not read if you are easily offended. There is rape in this chapter.

You have been warned!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has any association with J.K Rowling or Harry Potter. I do however claim the rights to the plot and the OC'S.

As she sits alone in her bedroom, trying not to think about the pain of the bruise on her eye and cheek. She wonders what she has done in her life to deserve any of this family bull shit she has been subjected too.

She hates coming home for the summer because she is back to the chaos of her family. At least at school she can get away from the traumas of her home life. She has her friends and school work to preoccupy her mind. Today is the second week of her holidays and all she wants to do is escape.

Hermione Granger is a 16 year old girl who has grown up around a large family and now has grown to hate them. She hates every member of her immediate and distant family for one reason or another. She hates her mother for lying to her for years about her father, brothers and sisters. She hates her father that she never knew, he was around yes, but never treated her like a daughter just as some young girl who happened to live with them. She hates her grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Sometimes she wonders whether she is adopted. She is nothing like her family, for one, she is a witch. No other person in her family, shows the slightest bit of magic in their blood. She is a very talented girl with a gift that her family don't understand. She isn't an outcast exactly, but they always penalise her for it. They will make snide comments and judgements and make fun of her. They don't understand her gift. This really hurts her, having her family bully her about being a witch and different. She gets enough of it at school because she is Muggle born.

Everywhere she goes she isn't accepted. All she wants is to be accepted. Hermione is smart. Her family are not exactly well known her their intelligence apart from Hermione, she does have a brain and uses it well. She doesn't have a criminal record or do drugs. Every member over the age of 18 has one or takes drugs or does both. She doesn't have a violent streak either. She is not like her family at all. Her only escape from them is to read or write. All she wants is to be accepted.

You may think that she is one of these lonely girls who sits in her room, slitting her wrists at everybody else's perfect existence, but she's not. She's an outgoing, lively, friendly girl, who loves to read but it doesn't mean she spends all her time reading. She has a select group or close friends and is always surrounded by more friends. She is accepted by these to an extent but none of them no the burning fire she as in her soul that has grown to hate over the years. None of them know anything about her family scares. She chooses not to tell them. It's her life so why should anybody else be concerned with it. She feared that they wouldn't believe her anyway. All she wants is to be accepted. Some of the things her family have done is just ridiculous and is something you might find out of a book, but for Hermione it's her life and she has to live it.

Already this summer she has watched her cousin Alex move out of her home and in with her because her mother (her aunt Teresa) accused her of stealing £200. She has had Charlie cry to her because Amy has yet again beaten her. This time it was because Charlie wanted to spend the night at her friends house instead of going to her Nan's house. She didn't deserve that. Nobody did. She had also been in the room when Jason beat Sam over the head with a glass ash tray because Scot had picked the phone up to Jason's girlfriend. It had been really frightening to witness that. They had been arguing and Hermione was sitting in the living room waiting for Jason to take her home, the next thing she knew Jason had picked up an ashtray and threw it at Sam. There was silence and all Hermione could see was blood dripping down Sam's head. She felt sick to the stomach. Sam stood there paralysed not knowing what to do or say.

He survived with a mild concussions, and eight stitches in his head. You can probably see why Hermione wants to escape her family now.

She has had to watch, hear about and be dragged into one problem or another concerning the fucked up family life. Everyday is a new chapter in her family's life and to an outsider it's laughable. So why should today be any different? Well there is a little difference, and today Jason gave her a nice set of cuts and bruises because she expressed an opinion.


Hermione woke up from the shouting she heard from down stairs. She groaned and got out of bed. Grabbing her dressing gown she starts to walk down the stairs and the shouts become clearer.

'I shouldn't have to take her anywhere!'

She recognised this voice as Alex. She'd been staying with them while she gets her new place sorted. They had always got on pretty well and yesterday they had gone to the cinema for Alex's 19th birthday. It was just them two.

'She's your cousin, and 13! Imagine how she felt when she found out you didn't include her!'

She knew this voice to, it was Jason and he was pissed off. Looking at the clock at the bottom of the stairs she could see that it was a Saturday 10.45am. She decided to go into the kitchen where they where and get a drink, hopefully calm the two of them down.

'You know full well I don't get on with Charlie so why should I take her out on my birthday?'

'So you take Hermione out and you don't take her?'

'Hermione is older and I don't have to take care of her.'

'You don't have to take care of Charlie!'

This is when Hermione walked in, they didn't notice she was there and continued to argue. She hadto figured out why they were shouting. Alex never took Charlie to the pictures and Jason was pissed off at this.

'John it's my choice who I wanted to take. And besides she has a mother! She could have taken her.'

'Her mother doesn't even like her! You are one right bitch you know that? How can you take that- that- WITCH and not take Charlie?'

'If you were so worried why didn't you take her? And don't call me a witch likes it a bad thing.'

They both turned to see Hermione leaning against the counter top with a drink in her hand.

'Who the hell asked you to speak Witch? And I couldn't take her I was working!'

'I'll speak whenever I want thanks Jason, I live here.'

'O fuck off, this doesn't concern you.'

'Actually it does if you talk about me and wake me up.'

He turned away from her and continued to shout at Alex.

'I can't believe you would be this spiteful Alex. You know what Amy does to her!'

'I couldn't care less. What has Amy or Charlie or YOU ever done for me. I don't owe you anything!'

'Fucking bitch, Charlie has had it hard and all you can think about is what they've done for you? You should take her out because you want to not because you can get anything out of her.'

'But I don't want to take her out! Get that threw you thick fucking head!'

'Can you to calm down? And talk about this like adults? Don't make me make you silent.'

'You wouldn't dare bitch.'

Jason had turned to face her again and he was far beyond angry, psychotic even. He had his eyes wide and veins popping out over his head. He didn't say his words he spat them at her like she was a bit of vermin.

'Don't start on me in my own house Jason. I'll do what I want and if that means casting a spell on you then I will.'

'You aren't allowed to do magic outside your pathetic school. And shut your fucking mouth, Iwasn't talking to you.'

Hermione jumped down from the counter top.

'I can do magic outside the school once if I want to because they will only give me a warning. I don't care if you are talking to me or not! I'm talking to you.'

In one swift movement he had his fist around her throat and lifted her inches from the ground.

'Jason out her down!'

'Listen to me. You aren't part of this family and never will be. You are a Witch, a filthy outbreed and never talk to me like you are part of my family. Now I repeat I was not talking to you so fuck off.'

He threw her across the kitchen and smashed her cheek and eye against the kitchen table. She instantly felt pain and tears streaked down her face. Alex rushed over to her.

'You idiot Jason. I don't blame her if she turns you into a frog! Look at what you've done!'

She pulled Hermione's tear stained face towards him and he saw that her cheek was bleeding and she had a black eye, which was swollen. Hermione looked at him with hate.

'Is this what you wanted Jason? To reduce your own sister to tears and beat her up? huh?'

He pulled her up by her arms and slammed her back against the door. She hit the door with such force that the handle would leave a massive bruise on her back.

'What makes you think you are my sister?'

'Think about it, WE HAVE THE SAME DAD! Or are you that thick you never even noticed?'

He let her go and she fell to the floor. He then brought his leg back and kicked her side.

'You are not welcome in this family and never will be. You are not accepted in this family. If I were you I'd up and leave and never come back.'

He turned to leave the kitchen but turned around as he was out the door.

'You'll never be any sister of mine, witch.'

With that he turned and left the kitchen and went into the living room.


Hermione had tears in her eyes as she sat on her bed looking out the window at the early sunset. She could barely open her eye, it was swollen so much. She had sat on her own in her room all day, thinking about everything that he had said to her. She put silencing charms on her room years ago, to block out her screams of frustration on her family.

Now they blocked out her cries.

They had really hurt.

In her life all she wanted was to be accepted by someone. And now she wasn't accepted nowhere. Not in her family because she was the bastard child who split up her aunt, uncle/dad, mum. She was a freak because she was a witch and different because she wasn't a criminal, druggy or stupid.

She wasn't accepted that much at school either because she was Muggle born. People thought that just because she was a Muggle at one point, she wasn't as pure or talented as the pure or half blood wizards. Even a squib was accepted more than she was. She had to put on an act to her friends and pretend her life was perfect and peachy. If only they knew.

All day she had been listening to people coming in and out of her house and shouting from down stairs. When she went up to her room, Alex and Jason continued to argue some more then Alex left. She was frightened to be left on her own with Jason. Especially when he was as angry as he was. But he didn't come up and start anything. He just used the phone and sat down stairs. Later on she heard her 'mum' and 'dad' come back. They asked where she was but Jason just said she was sleeping. And they left. She forgot they where going away for a week.

Alex never came back.

Hermione feel asleep.


Somebody had come into her room. Hermione woke up at the sound of her name and looked at the door. It was her cousin Danny.

Why is Dan here? He never comes over.

'Dan? What is it?'

Knowing she was awake he proceeded into her bedroom and sat on her bed with her. They didn't say a word to each other for a few minutes.

'Dan I don't mean to be rude but why are you here?'

'O, Jason told me what he did, so I came over to check if you where ok.'

'Not meaning to sound ungrateful, but why? You've never seemed to care about me for years.'

'Hermione I-'

He didn't finish what he was saying. He turned his whole body and sat right on the bed facing her. She was in her bed shorts and a jumper and saw as Danny's eyes roomed her whole body, lingering slightly on her chest.

'You've grown up.'

'Yeah people tend to do that.'

She wasn't in the mood for him today. Talking to him takes a lot of effort and she wasn't up for it. He smiled at her and placed a hand on her knee. She watched him do this and was a little freaked out.

'Dan was there something you wanted?'

'Actually yes.'

He moved his hand further up her knee onto her thigh, still moving up.

'Dan what are you-? I don't like this, can you leave?'

'Not till I get what I want.'

She was in shock. This was not happening to her, her cousin was not feeling her up. His other hand now pushed her back down onto the bed while the first hand proceeded to the inside of her thigh. Hermione then found the voice she forgot she had.

'Dan get off! Stop Dan please get off.'

He just laughed at her. And his knees forced her legs apart. Her mind was racing, she was still begging, pleading with him to stop. She then heard footsteps up the stairs and preyed it was Alex.

The bedroom door swung open and there stood Jason with a smirk on his face.

'Sounds like she's begging you to continue Dan, O and I heard she likes it rough.'

He then left the room closing the door firmly behind him. She was speechless. This was not happening to her. It couldn't happen to her. If only she had her wand.

Dan moved his hands under her shirt and lifted it above her head. She struggled, trying to kick and scream but all she could do was cry. He eyed her chest hungrily.

'Well my baby cousin isn't a little baby any more.'

'Please Dan don't do this.'

He took no notice and forced his lips onto hers. She left like she was going to be sick. He tasted of stale cigarettes and sweat. She clapped her lips shut as he felt his tongue move alone her bottom lip. He gave up there and started to bite and suck her neck. Hermione gasped as he bit down particularly hard and drew blood.

'You've never had it better have you?'

She didn't answer him. He was taking her virginity away from her. His hands where massaging her breasts, but to Hermione it felt like he was pulling them apart. It hurt so much and she would have bruises for sure.

'God 'mione, your delicious.'

She felt him move from her neck down to her chest biting and sucking her nipples until he drew blood. Then without warning and in the matter of seconds he had pulled down her shorts, pulled down his jeans and had entered her roughly. She let out a cry of pain and fresh tears fell down her cheeks.

'O 'mione, god.'

It seemed like forever, he would thrust into her hard and fast making her cry out in pain again and again. And then she felt something warm fill her inside. It was over. He kissed her forehead and got up. He did his trouser back up and left the room.

'Sweet dreams 'mione.'

A.N ok that was the first chapter, tell me what you think

dark raven
