Authoress: As soon as this story is over I'll work
harder on my other stories.Zoe: Liar
Authoress: ……..I
Jareth: --
Zoe: Let's just start the chapter so you
don't embarrass yourself even more
Authoress: …….. Yeah…
Disclaimer: You
can't own everything in my life. This story has made me realize I
own many characters but none from Labyrinth. Enjoy!
Chapter 17
Can't All come!
The average human mind can make decisions and pick choices faster than any computer can even calculate. It is the most complex computing machine in the whole world. Or that's what Aboveground scientists say. If the average human brain can do that, what about a Fae's?
Let me warn you, Fae may be magical, but that never makes choices easier. Unfortunately, it often made things worse, because along with normal life consequences there's also magical consequences. And you thought they had life made, huh?
At this moment Jareth had taken up the age old hobby of pacing (again) while Sarah and Sallina stood outside in the garden sitting in the grass enjoying the summer sun of the Underground. Sarah had rosy cheeks as Sallina was explaining how Halem had asked to court her a couple of days ago. Once in a while a giggle would float through the window of the castle and if there were occupants in any of the windowed rooms they would suddenly seem happier.
There was still the shadow of a large choice on her back, but it was not seen today below the orange and red sun of this almost Fairy Tale place.
Sarah had privately told the centaur king, the elf king, and the ice Prince that she had not considered their advances and quietly asked them if they would consider not courting her. The ice and elf royalty took it with great grace and humility. They bowed, each laid a kiss upon Sarah's hand and wished her the best, before disappearing.
King Sephel, on the other hand, had to be banished by Jareth. His famous temper proved to be a problem. That's when the council got involved. They learned quickly of Sarah's choice and seemed to agree. They let it continue, telling Jareth that if she did not choose by the next Harvest moon, they'd betroth her to one of the nobles of their choosing. At the time Sarah shivered at the thought.
Right now, all of that did not dampen Sarah's spirit. There was rumor going around in the castle that the King was trying to make a big decision. Most knew not of what the actual choices, but knew it was going to bring about an interesting outcome.
Jareth sighed and nodded to himself in the mirror. His mismatched eyes scanned over his attire and the Fae gave another nod of approval.
"Hey, Adonis, now would be a great time to tell me of your choice," came the sarcastic voice of the vampire prince. Jareth nearly jumped from his skin as he twirled around.
"I hate that I can't see you in the mirror," Jareth growl. Gabriel Black pointed to the middle of his chest.
"No soul, no reflection," he said matter-of-factly. "Now, you aren't thinking of leaving me behind are you?" he chided.
"What are you talking about?" Jareth growled and turned back to the mirror.
"You know of what I speak of. I know you have made the choice of leaving for Sarah, and I want to go with you and the Princess. She had told me of her home and I wish to explore," the vampire King said and got a fake gleam of hope in his eyes. Hope? No soul, no hope.
"No, the only reason you want to go is because Aboveground blood is much sweeter to your kind. Oh, and wait, oh because Sarah is going!" Jareth scoffed, turning back to the mirror. He nearly fell forward when Gabriel laid a pale hand on his shoulder from behind. He had not seen him come closer. Jareth grumbled, he was losing his touch.
"Why try and win a contest that I am clearly not going to win? I want to be Sarah's friend, I've decided," he said. "If I get a nice bite to eat while I'm up there, then so be it," he grinned, showing sharp canines.
"You mean-" Jareth started and looked to the cold-skinned king. He nodded humbly and smiled a more friendly smile.
"She loves you, though she may not see or say it yet," he told him. "Now, shall we go to the human world?" he asked, all to excitedly.
"You are not coming," Jareth said and brushed passed the vampire and towards the window. He looked out to Sarah while Gabriel pouted.
"Sarah, you miss home, don't ya?" Sallina asked the young girl who was lain back in the grass, admiring it's softness.
"Yes," Sarah answered, though half-heartedly. "Though, I miss the people, more than the place."
"That's quite understandable," Sallina began. "I mean, who would miss that polluted, crowded, and criminal place?" she asked. Sarah sighed. There was a long pause. Then- "Yeah, I miss it too."
"Then would you like to go back?" came the silky voice of the king. Sallina nearly fell over form her position leaning against the tree and Sarah shot up into the sitting position.
"DON'T DO THAT!" Sallina screamed and aimed to punch him, hard. Jareth, stepped around her easily and walked over to Sarah. He grasped her hands and helped her up. She was somewhat surprised, but felt comforted by the softness of his ungloved hands.
"Wait, did you say, go back?" the princess asked.
"Correct," Jareth smiled. A smile, matching the sun in radiance, lit up on Sarah's face and she threw her arms around his neck.
"That would be wonderful!" she exclaimed happily. Jareth smiled, encircling her with his arms as a friend would and glanced over at Sallina, who was giving the two thumbs up in victory.
"Well, then we'll leave tonight if you'd like," the blonde-haired king consented, pulling away from Sarah slightly, reluctant of the warmth lost.
"Yes, please," Sarah whispered. She was a bit afraid of being greedy of his offer. In her mind she reasoned that he meant for a visit, and then return to the Labyrinth. This did not upset her at all. This was her new home.
Well, nobody told Jareth this. The king of the Labyrinth. was having an eternal battle. If he took her back he might not be able to refuse her request to stay. He just knew after meeting with her family again she'd want to stay with them… in their world. His old self almost kicked in to warn Sarah that she would be coming back no matter what, as say the laws of the Labyrinth and all that jazz. Coincidentally, the 'all that jazz' part of his life was getting very mediocre…. Not to mention nerve-racking.
For Sallina, this was a win-win situation. Her grass looked a lot greener on both sides of the fence. If she went home with Sarah she could go back to the life she had grown to cherish without magic. And in the Underground she had the luxury of magic, a free home, and Halem- uh-oh! Halem! He was in the Underground. She'd have to choose (if Sarah stayed Aboveground) between her best friend, and new beau. Being a fae seemed to suck right now.
Daramir and Kera were just confused beyond all reason.
They weren't sure if they were going or not. Kera had a mind to
make the dragon stay behind, showing witnesses that he singed many of
her dresses; and a faerie only keeps so many tiny dresses
Prince Zane ((AN: Bet you forgot about him too)) was
listening in on their conversations from affair, having very good
hearing. He was pretty sure he could worm his way into the trip, just
like that cocky Gabriel Black. He growled, thinking of the vampire
royal. It disturbed him to think of him winning Sarah's affections.
It seems naughty Prince Gabriel forgot to tell anyone else besides
Jareth that he was out of the race.
"I love creating drama," Gabriel said to himself as he sat up on a limb of a tree watching the sky through a window in the leaves.
"Yeah, you do, and you better quit before things go hay-wire," said a smooth voice from a branch on the other side of the tree. Gabriel gave a startled yelp, almost falling out of the tree.
"Kallene! What are you doing here?" the prince asked his child-hood friend incredulously.
"Well, one to see the look on your smug face, and two to warn you about the unrest from the centaur kingdoms," the vampiress told him, slithering to a branch above him, looking down.
Kallene had pitch black hair and violent purple eyes that could pierce through any soul. Ever since they were children they were friends, Kallene being a nobles daughter. Over time Kallene developed affections for her prince, but had never released any of the secrets to anyone.
"I knew that horse-headed king would do something," Gabriel growled. "Kallene, can you do me a favor?"
"Anything, my prince," Kallene said, bowing her head.
"Call me by my name. How many times must I tell you?" he said.
"May I die a thousand deaths and live long enough just to please you, my prince," she poked mischievously.
"Anyway…" he drawled. He gained a far-away look as he peered towards the sky again. "I want you to keep an eye on his activities, inform me of anything off. I'll be traveling to the human world. (Kallene gave him a skeptical look) I know, but it's for-"
"The princess?" Kallene asked, barely letting any malice drip into her voice, repressing it.
"No, I'm supporting Jareth. They belong together," he said, barely noticing her change in emotion aura.
Kallene's spirit lifted to new heights and she had to stop herself from leaping at him then and there. She settled with a warm smile.
"Very well, Gabriel," she said and promptly disappeared before he could look back to her.
"That woman," Gabriel whispered and jumped down from the tree.
"Halem!" Sallina called from outside his door.
"Come in!" came the reply, before Sallina stepped inside his room and looked around.
'Wow, the royals got the really good rooms! I'm having a talk with dear Jareth,' she mentally decided and looked around for her courtier.
Said man stepped out from the bathroom in nothing but his pants, toweling his hair.
Sallina went stock still and almost all color drained from her skin. Quicker than almost any fae thought possible she whirled around, her back to him.
"Why didn't you tell me you weren't fully dressed?" she exclaimed, the color now returning to her skin…. But mostly to her cheeks and face. They were redder than an oubliette is dark.
"What? Because I don't have my shirt on?" Halem asked. He then realized Lady 'Geminia' had probably grown up with the proper education for courtship and especially proper encounters. He was pretty sure that type of education didn't talk about seeing your courtier with his shirt off.
Ironically, Sallina had never in her life set foot in a class of that kind. She had pretty much trained herself about life. The reason she was reacting this way was because she had never, in her 490 years of existence, dealt with any type of relationship past good friends. Yes, folks, she is still a virgin at the tender age of 490.
"Ok, its on," Halem said gently. Sallina turned around and sighed in relief.
"Sorry, it's just that-" she began.
"That kind of thing is improper, I know," he said and nodded.
"No! I mean, well, yes, but that's not why, oh never mind," Sallina said, deciding to stop before she got herself into trouble.
Halem chuckled and walked up to her, now wearing a pale blue shirt, grasped her hands and looked into her eyes.
"Did you want to say something?" he asked. The red was tingeing her cheeks again! How did this man, well, Fae do this to her!
"Um, yeah! Oh yeah! Well, Jareth wants to take Sarah back Aboveground and I'm going with her. I want you to come with me," she told him, calming herself. The excitement in her eyes couldn't be kept under control.
"Aboveground?" he said, giving a skeptical look.
"Yeah, will you come?" Sallina asked, giving his hands a squeeze.
"Well, I guess I should, if I'm courting you," the dragon King said. Sallina frowned, her spirits dropping a notch, or two…. Ok, maybe a couple more than two.
"You don't want to go, do you?" the fire fae pointed out.
"Well, it's the Aboveground with non-magic humans and such, why would you want to be near that?" he asked, surprised she wanted to go with Sarah to the Aboveground.
That struck a very unpleasant cord in the ex-thief fire fae. She fought to contain herself, trying to hold back a surge. Sallina told herself he was a royal fae, he was brought up that way. It didn't work.
Sallina yanked her hands from his grasp, surprising him profoundly.
"Because it has been my life for the
past five years!" she burst. Taking a step away, afraid she might
actually hit him. "Because I used to live there, seeing the things
humans did and how the lived," she said, almost hysterical,
"Because….. Because," she paused and sighed.
"Because I am
not who you think I am," she confessed.
"What are you talking about, Gemin-" he began, worried.
"Stop! My name is Sallina, not Geminia," the woman corrected him quickly and with a flick of her wrist her appearance changed back to the firey red hair and the bright eyes she so loved. "I'm a fire fae, banished to the human world."
"H-how did yo-?" was all that he managed.
"I found a loop-hole," she said sarcastically and turned to go. A small invisible fairy must've kicked him in the head, because her name rung a very large bell.
"Sallina, the Fire-Flight thief!" Halem questioned sharply. She winced, but nodded, not looking at him, but stealing her eyes anyways. Her poker face was now in play.
"I don't expect you to forgive me, continue to court me, or even like me anymore," she said.
"You murdered a council member, I certainly cannot allow you near anyone anymore or in the underground," his crisp voice cut through her heart like a knife, killing her very soul. There was no longer any feeling for her in him.
Her fear turned to anger as his words sank in.
"I DID NOT KILL ANYONE!" she yelled, and brandished a large fireball, which she was tempted to throw. "I was set up and banished to Aboveground unjustly!"
"Well, it seems you love it there, so the council can send you back!" he countered hotly. Her fireball dissolved in a puff.
"Y-you," she stammered.
"Yes?" he jabbed.
"You are just like them! Nothing more than a self-centered, close-minded, ego-maniac, who cares only for his reputation and not for the feelings and emotions of those around you and those who loved you!" she screamed and then turned on her heal and ran out.
Halem stood, stunned, staring out the door, which stood up, showing an empty frame. She wasn't coming back. Gemin- no! Sallina wasn't coming back. He put a hand through his hair out of confusion and stumbled over to the mirror. She was in love with him?
'Correction, was in love with you,' came the small voice of reason he failed to use most of the time. Incidentally, Jareth found this guy about two weeks ago.
Looking in the mirror, he glared. He was handsome, no doubt. Hell, he was drop dead gorgeous to most. He was a king, a high Fae, and a respected gentlemen.
'She compared me to the councilmen!' he thought.
'She was right,' said the voice, matter-of-factly.
'No! I am not like them! I have compassion-'
'Oh, you really showed it to Sallina. "I
certainly cannot allow you near anyone anymore or in the
Underground." Nice going, Mr.
Compassionate!" the voice taunted.
'I am not an ego-maniac, my reputation isn't everything!' he growled.
'Mmhmm. "…it seems you love it there, so the council can send you back!"' it quoted him perfectly.
The voice was right. He crushed her before she could say anything about the trial, which even he had to admit, were usually based on who was bribed the most. He turned away from her when she gave a type of apology. He even told her he was going to turn her in.
"My god, what have I done?" he thought frantically. Her ran for the door and looked out. Of course she was gone by then. Something sparkled on the ground and he looked down. Small droplets of water shone in the setting sun through the window.
Halem, the King of Dragons, had done the one thing he swore he'd never do since asking to court her: he had made her cry. Tears of a broken heart. Tears of a soul betrayed. Tears of a lost love.
"I have to find her," he said aloud, guilt weighing on his mind, not to mention immense pain for losing practically the love of his life.
"Standing around here will not help you!" said an unknown voice, distinctly female. "Go, boy! Go and ask for forgiveness!"
Halem was off like a shot, running through the hall-ways looking for her. He burst into the throne room, scattering goblins. No one. Just Goblins cleaning up.
"Oh, sir, if you are looking for the king," said a goblin, tugging on his pant-leg. "He just left with the two ladies and the two princes," the goblin informed him and then scurried off.
Sallina was gone. Gone with Sarah and Jareth. Aboveground. A realm that only Jareth could cross to.
"No." he said, his fists tightening to fists. "No, I will find a way Aboveground. I will find her again. I swear."
With determination in his heart he turned on his heal and left the throne room, left the castle, and left the Labyrinth Kingdom all together. He'd find a way, if it killed him. At this rate, it just might.
The goblins sweeping the throne room looked from one another. They shook their heads all at the same time. "Drama…." they said in unison, with exhausted sighs.
Zoe: Pipe down! We're watching a movie!
Jareth: Yeah, shut up.
Authoress: (Growl)
Zoe: cower
Authoress: Anyhoo, I need to explain a couple things. First, I like side stories, thus the Sallina/Halem thing, and the Gabriel/Kallene thing. Don't worry, next chappy it mostly Jareth/Sarah. In fact, I'm pretty sure next chapter is Christmas Chapter.
Zoe: YAY!
Authoress: Another thing. Jareth is the only Fae able to cross the dimension on a regular basis. However, most fae can communicate on a certain psyche level, such as vampires. This will be god to know for future reference.
Jareth: Get on with it!
Authoress: Drama, drama, drama, I love this fic! PLEASE REVIEW!