Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my plot.

A/N: Finally, here is the last chapter to this story. I hope you like the super long chapter!! Enjoy and remember to review!!

The Bitter End

Chapter 23: Blood, Sweat and Tears


Hermione's eyes opened slowly as her body felt drained and weak. She felt a strong grip across her belly and know who the grip belonged to. She smiled and snuggled closer to him loving every minute. She hated herself for beginning to feel queasy and rushed out of the bed and to the bathroom. As if her body didn't feel weak enough she just felt worse.

She walked to her room and put on clothes not bothering to care how she looked.

"Its a little late. Everyone should be up by now," Hermione thought giving Draco a soft kiss on the lips as he slept and walked out of the dormitory heading straight towards Gryffindor Tower. She needed to see Harry and tell him what was coming up.

Her fast pace walk slowed as she began to feel nauseous again. Her mind felt as though it was spinning in circles and she had to lean against the wall for support. She took deep breaths and continued her journey. She looked around the halls differently. Something didn't feel right at all. It was too quiet, to empty for this time. As she reached the portrait and said the password she spotted him.

"Harry," Hermione said and ran to him.

"Hermione what's wrong? Are you okay? You look horrible," Harry said and held onto her arm as she sat down harshly.

"I need to tell you something very important. The war..." Hermione paused.

"What about the war?" Harry sounded serious.

"It's sooner than we think," Hermione finished. "I don't know when it is but its close."

"Who told you this?" Harry asked.

"Draco," Hermione answered quietly and her eyes closed sending her into a dark empty world.

Hermione opened her eyes only to reveal the same darkness she was drowned in earlier. She was lying on a cold stone floor and winced in pain. Her body was screaming in agony as the pain surged through. She slowly sat up and leaned against the wall.

The darkness was consuming and she was in a room. An empty dark, silent cold room. Chills were suppressing her, drowning her into a world she never knew of. This world felt like death.

Hermione's eyes searched for any sign of life even though the room was pitch black. She wanted to see someone, anyone...anything. Her ears pounded with the sound of her heartbeat. Her fingers touched the rough surface of the hard floor.

Her mind was rapidly filling with questions. Where was she? What happened to her? How did she get to the place she was at? Did anyone know she was gone? Did somebody take her there? Where was Harry and Ron? Where was Draco?

Smart as she was, she couldn't find an answer to anything. Her breath quivered as a chill ran down her spine. She wished she were in Draco's strong arms. In the arms of her lover that would protect her. She could feel fresh tears in her eyes.

She blinked quickly hoping that they wouldn't fall. She had to be strong and brave. She slowly stood up and her legs felt numb as ever. Her head was now pounding with a strong beat, never wanting to end. Her hands searched desperately for her wand, but there was no such luck.

Hermione walked slowly around the room, feeling the walls for anything. Her eyes widened as she felt her fingers wrap around a smooth object...a doorknob. Hope reached her instantly. This was her chance to get away from where she was. To get away from the dark and to the light…to see the ones she loved.

She held her breath as her fingers turned the knob and pulled back. Her hope crashed and burned. The door didn't budge or move one bit. She tried turning the knob and pushing but was met with the same end result.

Hermione kicked the door and a laugh escaped her lips. She continued to laugh as though it were the funniest moment of her life.

"This has to be a dream," she laughed nervously. "It just has to be."

She leaned back on the wall, which felt cooler than ever. She slowly slid to the floor with a soft giggle.

"Why me?" she said now as her laughs subsided. She felt as though her sanity reached its limit.

"Why me?" she asked again this time hoping to hear an answer but none came. Now fear finally washed over. She realised she didn't laugh as if it were a funny moment. She laughed to hide this fear. To hide how helpless she really felt inside.

Unshed tears burned her cheeks.

"Please help me," her voice was low and shaky.

"Anyone please," she pleaded again. Her sobs were bouncing off the walls. She was sensing no joy, no happiness nor hope. She only felt desperate. Desperate to escape, desperate to live, and desperate to die.

Hermione then heard a soft click. Light then lit up the darkened room. The door was open. She was just about to stand and run out until she felt someone grab her arm roughly. Hermione was speechless.

Draco's PoV:

Draco woke up hearing a loud, constant tap on the portrait. He felt that Hermione wasn't in his bed and he sighed angrily. He sat up and continued to hear the tap. It was getting unnerving for him as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He put on a pair of pants and a shirt.

"I'm coming damnit," Draco yelled as he walked towards the portrait. He opened and saw Ron.

"Weasley, what the hell do you want?" Draco snapped and saw Harry walk behind Ron with Hermione in his arms.

"What happened to her?" Draco said and ushered them inside.

"I don't know, she just fainted," Harry replied putting her on the sofa.

Draco frowned as he traced her lips with his thumb. He noticed she felt very cold.

"Weasley, in my room there's a blanket. Go get it for me," Draco commanded. Ron looked like he wanted to retort a reply but he shook it off.

"Hermione told me something before she blacked out," Harry's voice sounded cold.

"What may that be?" Draco asked and grabbed the blanket from Ron.

"The war is here," Harry replied and Ron shuddered.

Draco nodded as he wrapped the blanket around her. "She's right."

"What are we going to do?" Harry asked and Draco raised an eyebrow.

"We?" Draco asked. "Who ever said anything about a we?"

"Well I would think you would be on our side," Harry snapped.

"I'm on no one's side Potter. Remember that," Draco muttered.

"I will," Harry said and the portrait opened and Snape rushed in with Alexa by his side and stopped instantly with the site of Ron and Harry.

Snape looked like he was at a loss for words but Draco walked up to him.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"It has begun," Snape replied.

Draco closed his eyes in frustration. "It can't be, I didn't feel my mark burn."

"That's because it only burned on mine," Snape said and looked at Hermione.

"What happened to her?" Snape asked as he walked up to the sofa.

"Fainted," Harry answered watching Snape's movements closely.

"She looks dehydrated and stressed," Snape voice drawled as he continued to observe her.

"I don't blame her," Draco said recoiling everything that occurred from the past few days. Snape walked back to him.

"Draco, we have to go," Snape said looking serious.

"Fine, but everyone's coming with me," Draco replied and Snape shook his head.

"No Draco," Snape said sharply. "You know we can't do that. It's a huge risk."

"Desperate times calls for desperate measures Sev," Draco replied darkly. "I know you're on Dumbledore's side, and if you want to end this battle I say you bring everyone thats in this room, especially Potter."

Harry walked over to where Draco and Snape where standing. He gave them a knowing look.

"Potter, what do you think of this? Is it a better idea for just me, Alexa and Snape to go to Riddle Manor? Or should I bring everyone along?" Draco asked and Harry sighed.

"Well I think with everyone going is a better choice, yet it's more dangerous," Harry answered thoughtfully.

"Then together we go," Draco said throwing his arms up in frustration. "Sev make a big portkey."

Snape gave Draco a look but did as he was told. Harry began to look a little unsure.

"Malfoy, when you say everyone, who exactly do you mean?" Harry asked and crossed his arms.

"Everyone in this room," Draco said looking at everyone.

"Even Hermione?" Harry asked and looked at her.

Draco thought about this. She was unconscious and he was planning of taking her to Riddle Manor where the war was taking place. In all reality, that wasn't the best thing to do. But he knew how strong her power was. He knew how smart she was. He knew that she can help a great deal with the war.

Draco nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, even Hermione."

"I don't know," Harry said and looked back at Draco. "You and I both know that's not the best idea in the world."

"It's not, but she's coming," Draco snapped.

"So you're planning to just take her like that, in that condition she's in?" Harry asked angrily and pointed at Hermione.

"Yes Potter," Draco growled. "You do understand English don't you?"

"I do understand it thank you, but Hermione isn't in shape to go to that war Malfoy. She's obviously sick. Not to mention she's pregnant, she can lose the baby in such battles." Harry said now looking concerned. "I don't want her coming."

"Well I do," Draco muttered. "She has strength, Potter. Strength that can help your side greatly. Think about it Potter. If she were awake what do you think she would've done?"

Harry stayed silent with this.

"I knew that would be your reaction," Draco said and frowned. "Believe me I do not want to do this. Though I think a great deal of help can be brought if we did this."

Snape came back with a broom in his hands. "We're all set to go," Snape said and looked at Draco and Harry.

"Everyone's coming," Draco said looking at Snape.

"What about Dumbledore?" Harry asked his eyes were on Snape.

"He knows Potter," Snape said looking at him.

"Then let's finish this once and for all," Draco said and turned away and walked towards the sofa.

Draco began to pick Hermione up and Ron questioned his antics. "Malfoy what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing Weasley?" Draco said annoyed.

Snape walked up to Draco. "What's that?" Ron asked looking at the broomstick.

"Weasley, is your brain really that thick?" Alexa piped up walking up to the group.

"No, I'm just wondering why he has a broom. We're not going to start sweeping are we?" Ron asked sarcastically. Everyone gave him a stern look.

"Ron-" Harry started but was cut off by Draco.

"It's a portkey Weasley," Draco said as he held Hermione in his arms. She felt slightly heavy, but he was strong enough to hold her.

"Portkey?" Ron said as his eyes widened. "Why do we need a portkey?"

"Because we're going to war, that's why," Draco said coolly and Ron looked shocked.

"War?" Ron was then quiet. "So this is what Hermione was talking about."

Both Draco and Harry nodded at this and Ron looked at Hermione.

"You're not thinking of bringing her along are you?" Ron muttered angrily.

"As a matter of fact Weasley, I am," Draco snapped as he walked up to Snape.

"You can't," Ron protested. "She could...look, you can't bring her while she's like that."

"Weasley just shut up and come over here," Draco said as Ron was the missing link of the small group.

"The portkey will start in ten seconds," Snape said dully and Ron walked up them.

Everyone positioned themselves and placed their hands on the stick. Draco held both his and Hermione's hand. His mind counted down the seconds.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five," Draco looked at everyone's faces and saw the stressful looks. He knew exactly how they felt. "Four, three, two, one..."

Draco felt himself being pulled instantly. His grip on Hermione tightened and his eyes were shut. He was now thinking the worst things that could happen. Hermione dying, he dying, losing the battle to win against Voldemort, Voldemort and his loyal followers winning the war to reign the wizarding world once more.

His pondering on fate ended as he felt the floor crash with his feet instanly. He stumbled a bit but kept his balance. The evil energy came to his senses as he felt a strong surge of power rush in him. Now was his chance to show Voldemort what power and resentment he had.

Snape watched around the room intently looking as if anyone were to attack. The silence felt very uneasy, especially standing in the manor of the devil himself.

"I wish I brought it," Harry whispered quietly to himself.

"Brought what Potter?" Draco asked quietly.

"My invisibility cloak," Harry said looking upset.

"Did you hear that?" Alexa whispered and turned quickly looking for the source.

"No," Draco, Harry and Ron whispered back in unison. They all then looked at each other angrily.

Alexa gave a sharp intake of air as ice began to appear on the walls. The small hall was becoming a freezer instantly as the small ice particles froze the walls. Draco could feel Hermione shiver in his arms.

"Damn," Harry said looking at the ice and shuddered. "Dementors."

The lights in the hall began to blink as the shadows of the dementors came in slowly. Draco pulled out his wand, bracing himself for anything. He watched as the dementors came into the hall and headed straight towards he and Hermione.

"I know this might be hard for you, but think of your happiest thought Malfoy. Don't let them get too close to you, if they do the charm is Expecto Patronum," Harry said as he watched the dementors with hate.

"Potter, I know what I have to do. Thanks anyway, just don't faint on us," Draco said briskly and Harry's jaw clenched as his eyes darkened.

The dementor continued to head straight towards him. He began to think of his happiest moments. Draco going to Diagon Alley with his father to get anything he wanted. Playing Quidditch in school for the first time. Becoming Head Boy. Kissing Hermione for the first time. Hermione telling him that she loved him.

That was it. That had to be the main thing in happiness for him. He never was told the word until she spoke it. He raised the wand and cleared his throat.

"Expecto Patro-" Draco stopped abruptly as he felt as if a thousand knives stabbed him.

He could hear everyone's yells as they began to fight Death Eaters and dementors. But soon the sound shut from his mind. He dropped Hermione roughly on the floor and he saw her head hit the floor with hard contact.

His knees became weak as he dropped to the floor looking up at his apparent attacker. He felt another pain guide its way through straight to his heart. His own father held the wand urging the curse that was driving him mad. He looked furious as he kept the charm on Draco.

Draco gripped his wand as tight as he could and stood up fighting the pain as he did this. He raised the wand towards his father, but he couldn't speak. If he did all that would come out were screams. Screams of pain, anger and hate.

His power was strong and kept him standing. More strength was becoming of him. He kept the wand pointing at his father. He searched his father's eyes but they were icy, solid to the core. He soon felt the curse wear down and saw his father watch him first with admiration, then hate.

Lucius walked slowly towards Draco. As he got closer, Draco stared into the eyes he thought he knew. They looked empty, hateful and cold. His father was cold but never like this. He had to be frozen. Frozen in his own world of power and death. Voldemort made him like this. Maybe Azkaban helped conjoin such insanity. He couldn't tell nor did he want to.

Draco's eyes shut instantly as he felt the burning skin on his right cheek. His father smacked him again but harder. Draco laughed inwardly as he thought of all the pain he had through life. His eyes opened as his father pushed him into a wall.

"Why Draco?" Lucius growled. "Why did you betray me?"

"I didn't betray anyone," Draco said hoping his voice sounded strong and not showing any signs of weakness. Lucius gave him another hard smack and Draco began to taste blood.

"Do not deny me," Lucius gripped his hand around Draco's neck.

"You fell in love," Lucius' voice was rising. "You fell in love with a Mudblood. A Mudblood who's helping the Light. I'm ashamed to have you as my son. My own flesh and blood. How dare you! You deserve to be disowned, Mudblood lover."

Draco's eyes filled with anger. How dare he? It should've been the other way around. How dare his father. How dare him to teach Draco not to love and to hate Muggles and Mudbloods. How dare him to teach Draco the ways of a Dark life and make him recieve a mark that would remain a burden in his life.

Lucius' grip on Draco tightened and his eyes lit up. Draco just watched those icy eyes fill up with hope as though wanting to see his body dead. He made effort to break his father's grip but he was losing the battle. Oh how he longed to win.

"Take her to the cell," Lucius said loudly and Draco saw a Death Eater pick Hermione up harshly.

Draco couldn't see the face of the Death Eater due to the mask. He now began to struggle against his father's grip. The little air in him was draining and heneeded to get Hermione. Draco was then pushed on the floor. He attempted to stand up and run after the person who had Hermione in their arms, but was pushed back down as a foot supported all of its weight on his back.

"We're going to have a nice little meeting just about now," Lucius said darkly. "Your actions has caused your fate, which your about to meet right now."

Draco's eyes widened at this. His father was going to take him to Voldemort. He was sure Voldemort had more important things going on as a war erupted in his own manor. Then again this was Voldemort and he can expect anything to come his way.

Lucius didn't even bother to let Draco stand as he dragged him to the room where all action took place. The room where death lived. The room where Draco might see the final moments of his life. He knew one thing, he was ready for what came his way. He was ready to finish the job he longed to finish. "And the battle begins," Draco thought darkly and entered what he considered was Hell.

Hermione wasn't sure what to say as Professor Snape took her out of the room.

"Professor?" Hermione asked looking at him.

"Shh," was his reply.

She did as she was told and followed him through the halls of what looked like a house. No, it was more like a mansion. Huge portraits of a teenage looking boy with dark hair and evil eyes were on the walls. The pictures made her shiver instantly. She obviously wasn't in Hogwarts anymore.

"Professor, where are we?" Hermione whispered hoping she'd get an answer back.

Professor Snape looked back at her and sighed. "We're at Riddle Manor."

Hermione's heart stopped. If she was in Riddle Manor, then she had to be in the...

"War," Hermione heard herself whisper and Professor Snape nodded.

They continued to walk and stopped at a corner so Professor Snape could check for any enemies. Hermione looked into a mirror and gasped. She looked horrible. Her skin looked completely pale and her head had a huge bump with a small trace of dried blood.

"Gods, what happened to me?" Hermione whispered but Snape heard her.

"That's a good question," Professor Snape said as he started to walk forward.

"I have another good one," Hermione said quietly observing the walls as she walked. "How did I get here?"

"Draco brought you here," Snape answered.

"Draco?" Hermione said disbelievingly. "Draco wouldn't bring me here."

"Well evidently he did," Snape muttered and Hermione's head began to swell with questions and thoughts which brought the throbbing pain back.

"I can't take it anymore," Hermione blurted out. "I swear I'm about to go insane any minute Professor."

"Aren't we all," Snape drawled and Hermione gave a small smile as she nodded. Her smile faded as she heard a hissing sound.

"Don't move," Snape said and added as an afterthought. "Don't speak neither."

Hermione's body froze as she saw a rather large snake slither gracefully on the floor. It's eyes we're on them, watching their bodies waiting to strike and to take a bite to taste the fresh blood and poison its victim.

Snape slowly moved back and the snake hissed moving forward. Hermione saw Snape take something out of his pocket. Her eyes lit up with happiness. He had her wand.

"I think you'll be needing this as you go on," Snape said as his eyes were fixed on the snake.

Hermione grabbed the wand and thought of his words a second time. "You're coming with me," she whispered to him.

"Let me handle this and go help Draco. He needs you more than anyone else," Snape said and Hermione stayed silent for a minute then replied with an ok.

"Go on," Snape snapped. "Go before anything else happens."

Hermione was just about to turn but stopped. "Thank you," she said quietly.

Snape nodded his approval and whispered for her to leave. This time she left and her heart rammed inside her chest as she heard the loud hiss of the snake and Snape yell a hex. She hoped he was okay. She ran in the huge mansion not knowing where to go.

Hermione turned left and right around the corners of the huge halls. She felt as if she were trapped in a maze and could never find her way out to freedom. She stopped instantly as she reached up to huge doors that looked like they led to a huge ballroom or something of that sort.

She couldn't help but notice the light that was breaching from the crack under the door. The light made her stomach churn at the sight. The light wasn't the color of pure white but of a red color. It was the color of blood. She knew someone had to be inside this room. Whether she liked it or not, she knew she had to check.

Hermione walked slowly towards the large doors. Her mind was telling her to just move on, to continue her search to leave the manor. But her heart urged her to stay, to check for Draco and the others.

Like Snape had said, "He needs you more than anyone else." She knew she needed him just as much. As she reached the door handle a sense of power tingled in her fingers. She could sense such dark power by just standing there.

"They're here," Hermione whispered to herself having a feeling that everyone, her loved ones and the Death Eaters were in the room.

Hermione's hand slowly turned the handle nervously. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. Her eyes didn't blink for a second. The door then opened slowly. She looked around the room as she slowly walked in.

The walls were white and the floor had white tiles. The glare of the red light bounced off of the white colors engulfing the room into a much more creepier surrounding. A fire roared behind her and she turned instantly.

"Well, well, look who finally decided to show up," a female voice came from behind her. The voice sounded familiar but she couldn't pinpoint whom's it belonged to. Hermione then felt something poke her back.

Hermione was glad she kept her wand hidden in her pocket. She made a quick movement pulling it out and turned to the female. She was shocked to see who it was. Bellatrix Lestrange stood in front of her pointing her wand and glaring daggers straight at her.

Hermione's mind began to think of all the things Lestrange was capable of. She remembered that Lestrange was the one who drove Neville's parents to insanity by continuously using the Cruciatus Curse. She remembered briefly fighting her in the Department of Mysteries. She remembered Harry telling her that Lestrange killed Sirius.

Hermione insides burned with anger. She felt like killing her right then and there. She watched Bellatrix give a dark smile.

"Glad you've finally shown," Bellatrix said and her eyes lit up. "You're almost going to miss the show."

"What show?" Hermione growled.

"You'll know what I'm talking about since you're going to be included in it," Bellatrix answered.

"I'm not going to be part of anything," Hermione looked straight at Bellatrix's wand. "Expellarmius!"

Bellatrix was thrown back and Hermione took hold of her wand. She smiled as walked up to Bellatrix.

"Bet you didn't expect that did you?" Hermione asked. "Maybe you didn't expect this either." Hermione said and gave a strong kick at Bellatrix's ribs. Bellatrix held her waist and breathed quickly fighting the pain.

"This is for me," Hermione kicked her again. "For Draco," another kick. "For Harry," two more kicks. Hermione was sure she had broken three or more ribs of Bellatrix's but she didn't care as she grabbed Bellatrix's collar.

"For Sirius," Hermione gave a nice punch in the face. "And this", Hermione said pulling her arm back. "This is for the Longbottom's." Hermione then used all her might when she punched Bellatrix. Bellatrix was knocked out with this punch and Hermione stood up proudly as she watched.

"That's a few broken ribs and possibly a broken nose," Alexa said walking up to Hermione. "Not bad if I say so myself. Though I think Potter would've liked the revenge."

Hermione just nodded as the adrenaline continued to rush through her veins. As she relaxed she looked at Alexa who had a dark grin plastered onto her features.

"Where are they?" Hermione asked.

"Everyone is about to join us Granger," Alexa sighed. Hermione was going to ask her again but she silenced herself as the heard the footsteps arrive as if on cue.

Hermione's eyes locked to the area where she had seen shadows of people. The shadows that were just about to be shown. She law a bright red jet of light enter the room and saw Harry run into the room.

"HARRY!" Hermione yelled and began to run after him. Harry turned to look at her quickly but this move cost him by getting hit by a powerful hex.

Hermione continued to run towards Harry's aid when she saw Ron enter. Soon followed Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye Moody and many more members of the Order and Ministry. All were fighting Death Eaters and dementors.

Hermione began to feel weak as she continued to run. She didn't realise how big this room really was. Harry was slowly getting up when she finally reached him.

"Hermione," Harry hugged and looked at her and his eyes widened. He turned her unexpectedly and she lost her balance and held onto his arm.

"Protego!" Harry yelled and blocked the hex that was heading towards them.

"Hermione they got him," Harry yelled to her as they ran to safety.

"Where?" Hermione asked urgently. She had to know where he was.

"Lucius took him to Voldemort but I think they're going to bring him out," Harry answered.

"Look out!" Hermione yelled and they both ducked missing the hex by inches.

Hermione could hear the chilling laughs of the Death Eaters. Her mind was racing again. Asking her questions she knew she couldn't answer. She gave Harry a stern look and then looked back at the battles before her eyes. She saw the jets of light protrude through so many wands it had her in a daze.

"Morsmordre!" Hermione heard a Death Eater yell loudly. Her eyes followed the green light as it reached the ceiling. Hermione caught her breath as she watched what the green light became. The ceiling was now completely covered with a skull and a serpent protruding from its mouth. It was...

"The Dark Mark," Harry growled as he too watched the ceiling.

"We got to end this," Hermione said as her eyes watched Ron battle against Antonin Dolohov.

Harry nodded and walked out to the line of fire. He turned back and looked at Hermione. "Be very careful," Harry said and then continued to walk until he disappeared into the jets of light.

Hermione sighed deeply and began to walk forward till she felt someone tug her hair and pull her down roughly.

"Where do you think your going?" Alexa yelled at her.

"Where does it look like I'm going Alexa?" Hermione shot back angrily.

"Oh no you don't," Alexa grabbed Hermione's arm tightly. "You're coming with me."

Hermione tried to break from Alexa's grip but stopped and stared in shock at the sight in front of her.

"Draco," Hermione's voice came out in a whisper and her eyes clouded with tears. "How did I not see you?" she whispered to herself.

Draco looked miserable. His blonde hair now had blood. His right eye was black. His cheek had a deep gash. His body looked frail. He now looked like a fallen angel.

Hermione walked slowly up to him and checked his wounds. He winced as she touched the gash.

"Oh Draco, I'm so sorry," Hermione said as a tear fell from her eyes. She saw his hand reach up and grab hers. He squeezed her hand and gave a small smile.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Draco's voice was weak and Hermione noticed bruises around his neck.

"Gods, what did they do to you?" She asked as she continued to look at him.

"Everything you dreamed of," was Draco's reply and Hermione's body went rigid. Now as she thought about it he was right. He looked the way he did in her dream. It felt as though a deja vu would be happening all over again.

"I've been dreaming about this too," A voice drawled from behind her and she turned to meet the steely eyes of Lucius Malfoy.

"You did this to him?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't say that, being that it was you who caused such a fate for him and yourself," Lucius said coolly and Alexa smirked.

Hermione took a good look at Alexa and saw her eyes were dark and empty. Evidently, rage was being shown through her eyes but Hermione couldn't read anything else. She then felt a hand grip her shoulder and saw Draco beside her. She felt his hand grab Bellatrix's wand and pointed immediately. She followed suit.

Hermione felt the world stop as she now watched her surroundings. Her wand was pointing straight at Alexa, and Draco's at Lucius. A loud bang erputed in the room and Hermione couldn't help herself.

"Stupefy!" Hermione yelled and the spell hit Alexa directly in the chest. Alexa was thrown back and hit the floor with a loud thud.

Hermione turned her attention to Draco and Lucius. Lucius looked grim as he stared at Draco. Draco was giving his father the darkest of looks.

"It's over Draco," Lucius said wand pointed his wand at Draco.

"Avada Kedavra," Hermione screamed as heard and she watched the green light. She watched Lucius' eyes stare at Draco as in shock but then his body fell straight onto the floor.

Draco lowered his wand staring into his father's eyes. "It's over for you." He growled and looked at Hermione.

Hermione was speechless as she looked at Draco. He had just murdered his own father. She felt his hand grab hers. Draco tugged her arm bringing her back to earth.

"Let's go finish what I really came here for," Draco said and began to walk. She followed him closely and looked back. Alexa was lying on the floor out cold and Lucius was dead. She then saw Ron follow and as she walked further Harry came in sight. She knew right away their next target was Voldemort and she now felt more than ready to see what was to come.

Draco's PoV:

Draco continued to be dragged roughly by his father. Lucius, Draco thought, had lost it. Had gone totally over the edge with the war. Draco noted to himself that he would be the same way if he trusted such a dark and insane leader. Still, Lucius would have to pay for what he made Draco go through. Draco had made sure of that.

His thoughts began to drift on Hermione. The last time he had seen her was when the Death Eater took her to a room, as though keeping her prisoner. He remembered how she had fallen when Lucius put the Cruciatus Curse on him. Draco hoped that had not done any harm to her.

Draco began to think about Hermione's pregnancy. His own child. It was only a month she had to be pregnant to only find out not so long ago. His insides turned when he thought about her losing the baby. He felt the same way for Alexa.

Draco could hear the battle cries of Death Eaters and fighters of the Light. In a way he wished to be one of those to be fighting instead of being dragged. To show his power, his strengths to everyone.

Deep inside he could feel the pits of his power surge. He had to look weak. To act in the eyes of his so called father. It was now becoming a countdown to Draco of when that time would come and his facade will dissolve to reveal the true side of himself.

Draco felt the tugging stop as he was pushed against a wall.

"Just wanted to let you know who's really going to win Draco," Lucius smirked as he put his wand in the air. "Morsmordre!"

Draco gave a grim smile as he watched the spell become the Dark Mark. He could hear everyone only get angrier and use more force than before. Lucius was silent after this as he kept his eyes looking at a corner. Draco tried to follow his gaze until Alexa blocked his view.

"Ah, just the person I was looking for," Lucius said as he walked up to her. Draco watched as his father whispered into Alexa's ear and seethed at her reactions. If she was acting to hide what she had inside her, she was doing a very well job with that.

Draco was beginning to have second thoughts on Alexa. She seemed too relaxed, as though pleased with how everything was. In such a large room where only war lived and people died, she was too calm for such an event.

"Draco," Lucius walked up to him. "I have something to seek out for."

"There goes that look again," Draco thought as he watched his father's facial expression.

Lucius eyes looked happier than ever. Draco couldn't help but continue to stare into the eyes of his cold-blooded father. The contact was broken as his father walked away. Draco's eyes were beginning to strain as he continued to search for his father. He was just about to get up until he heard footsteps.

Draco heard the steps stop immediately and he looked up to the worried brown eyes he had become so accustomed to. He wanted to smile, he wanted to cry, and he wanted to scream when he saw her. He wanted to hold her and protect her. He wanted to die for her.

He could feel Hermione's eyes burning holes into him. He knew she was looking at his wounds.

"Draco," Draco heard her whisper and he could see her eyes fill with tears.

"How did I not see you?" Draco noticed she was talking to herself when she said this and he could feel his heart tearing at the site of her being hurt.

Draco watched her slowly walk towards him. He was in a cold and dark world filled with death, yet he could feel her warmth from where he sat. She was strong. He both felt and saw this. He watched as her fingers reached out to him.

Draco winced as he felt the sting of his cut from her touch. He wanted to grab her hand and never let go. But he knew that it was inevitable. He knew he couldn't hold on to her forever.

"Oh Draco, I'm so sorry," Hermione said as a tear fell from her eyes. Draco reached up, squeezed her hand and gave a soft smile.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Draco said and felt his neck throb instanly. Oh how his father was going to pay.

"Gods, what did they do to you?" Hermione asked looking at him.

Draco's mind began to replay her words when she had told him about her nightmare. Her story of how he was tortured and the same happened to her. It was becoming true. He was living in a nightmare.

"Everything you dreamed of," Draco spoke his thoughts and he felt Hermione get tense. He could see her skin begin to get paler, and her eyes darken. He felt his insides burn as he saw his father walk right behind her.

"I've been dreaming about this too," Lucius drawled. His eyes remained the same but looked a little more empty. It was obvious that he had some plot forming in his head.

"You did this to him?" Hermione asked angrily.

"I wouldn't say that, being that it was you who caused such a fate for him and yourself," Lucius said coolly and Alexa smirked. Draco felt the surge burst. His power reached its final limit and he wasn't going to take anyone's crap anymore.

Draco slowly stood up. The power was making him shake. He reached out and leaned on her shoulder and noticed another wand holstered and looking as though it was hidden. He had to stop an urge of kissing her.

Hid mind slowly told him the steps of what to do but his body worked so fast on the orders. He grabbed the wand and saw Hermione do the same. He pointed his wand at his father never regretting of what he was doing.

Hate now was ignited and he knew he had the upper hand as his father remained wandless. With the corner of his eye he could see Hermione's wand pointing straight at Alexa.

Draco's heart pounded as hard as it ever did when the sound of an explosion erupted. Soon after he heard Hermione hex Alexa. He watched Alexa be thrown back from the strength of the hex. He knew she was out when her body hit the floor with such a thud.

Draco stared into the eyes of a father he once knew and almost loved. Then again how could he know if he loved him if he never was taught the meaning of love? He could feel Hermione's eyes on him as though expecting what was coming next.

Draco's eyes darkened with hate. He had no feeling toward his father. He never did and it seemed now he never will. That all to familiar look came on his fathers features and he knew it was the end.

"It's over Draco," Lucius said and raised his wand and pointed it at Draco.

Draco's power rose to the highest point. He never felt such anger intensify in him. Scarily, it was an amazing feeling.

"Avada Kedavra," the words came out so calm compared to how he truly felt. He could feel his fingers tingle with such darkness as he watched the green light develop at the tip of his wand.

To Draco it felt as time had slowened. He watched the light travel to its destination and looked into the now stunned eyes of his father. Draco watched as his father fall slowly to the ground, still holding his shocked expression.

Draco lowered his wand staring into his father's eyes. "It's over for you."

Draco now felt numb. His body felt drained and fatigued. He looked over quickly at Alexa who was still blacked out. He now felt the heat rush back in him as though relieved. He took Hermione's hand but saw that she was in a daze. He pulled harder on her arm and saw her blink, slipping back into reality.

"Let's go finish what I really came here for," Draco said and now began to walk foward to Voldemort's room. He could feel Hermione close to him. As he walked foward he could see everyone, mainly the Light watching him. Before he knew it they were following him. He supposed they knew what he wanted to do and was going to help.

He left the large area and was back out into the dark empty halls of Voldemort's mansion. He could hear the footsteps behind him walking cautiously as though expecting something to pop out of anywhere.

"Lumos," Draco heard and looked back. It was Harry who said this. Harry walked foward and now was in the lead with Draco and Hermione. It was an eerie silence in the hall as they continued to walk.

"So," Hermione spoke quietly. "You're taking us to him."

"It's more like I'm taking myself," Draco muttered.

"And you decided to bring me along for the trip?" Hermione asked angrily.

"There are many reasons why you're here. You should know what they are," Draco said sternly.

"I should know, but sorry Draco, I don't. I faint one minute with Harry and Ron, then the next I wake up in a damn room not knowing where I was nor what happened to me. Then Snape comes and gets me out and this huge snake comes at us."

Both Harry and Draco looked at her when she said this. Draco was about to ask her what happened with them but she continued on answering his question.

"Snape then wants me to leave but I didn't want to leave him. So when I finally did...I, I think it attacked him."

"Nagini," Draco said thinking about the snake and began feeling angry again.

"What?" Hermione asked looking confused.

"That's Voldemort's snakes name," Harry said and Hermione frowned.

"Oh," Hermione frowned. Draco was grateful that she didn't continue on her ramblings of what happened to her or anyone else.

Draco knew they were now getting so close to Voldemort. He could feel even darker magic rising. Not in him, but in the whole area. Harry looked like he felt it too. His face was very serious and Draco noticed him grip his wand even tighter.

The door was now coming in sight as they continued to walk foward. Harry now began to walk in front of everyone. This made Draco and Hermione speed up to catch up with him. They all then reached the large door much faster than it looked.

Draco watched as Harry gripped the doorhandle. Draco held his breath as the knob turned. This, he realized, could be his final moments alive. The door opened and Draco could see the sparks of hexes around the room. Draco's eyes widened with the sight before him.

Dumbledore was battling Voldemort. Dumbledore had the advantage as he always shot powerful and effective spells and vanished missing the spells Voldemort shot at him. If Draco could've he would have just watched, but just then dementor's and more Death Eaters entered the room.

"You," Draco heard Harry growl. He followed Harry's gaze and saw a bloodied and bruised Bellatrix watching the duel between the strong wizards.

"Harry no!" Hermione yelled out to Harry as he began to run towards her. Draco pulled her back instantly as a spell almost hit her.

Draco then stared at Voldemort and felt his feet move directly towards him.

"Draco you could get killed! Stop!!" Hermione pleaded with him but his ears wouldn't listen.

"Please Draco!! Turn back!! Dra-ahhhh," Draco could hear her scream but was in such a trance he didn't realize that Hermione was hit with very strong hex.

Draco was now in the battle of good and bad. The power of the spells made his hairon the back of his neck stick upand his body shiver. He saw Dumbledore give him an angry look for stepping into the duel. He didn't care...at least he didn't now.

Voldemort retreated some spells from Dumbledore and looked relieved when Dementor's began to circle around the powerful wizard.

"Finally come to tell me about the Mudblood Malfoy?" Voldemort bellowed angrily over the yells of everyone else.

"No," Draco yelled back. "I'm here to finish you off."

Draco heard Voldemort give a very dark laugh. "No one can finish me Draco. No one."

"Yeah, well think again," Draco raised his wand. "Crucio!!"

With the power emancipating from his wand the spell rushed to Voldemort with such speed it caught both he and Voldemort in surprise. Voldemort continued to stand but Draco noticed his snakelike face grimacing with the pain.

Draco didn't expect to feel what came at him. Pains were coming from all over. Somehow, Voldemort had reversed the spell and it was now hitting him. Then he saw Alexa by him also hitting him with the same curse. Draco's eyes rolled behind his head as a struggled to keep standing. His hands we're curled into a fist with such force he could feel his nails ripping his skin open.

Draco could feel his body shake and his nose began to bleed. He felt very relieved when Dumbledore shot a spell at both Alexa and Voldemort causing them to break the spell. He then gripped his wand and pointed it at Voldemort once more.

"Crucio!!" Draco saw the red jet of light shoot at Voldemort. Draco looked back and saw Hermione pointing her wand at Voldemort. Her cheek and arms had deep gashes but she looked like she wasn't in any pain.

Voldemort blockedher spell but couldn't block it when Draco shot it again. Soon Dumbledore also had the curse on him and everyone who wasn't fighting a Death Eater or dementor had their wands pointed to the Dark Lord.

Voldemort's screams were horrifying. His screams expressed both anger and pain and resulted in a loud roar that bounced off the walls. As members of the Light kept their wands on Voldemort, Harry became back in sight.

Blood were on Harry's hands and shirt. His eyes had the darkest emerald color to them. His expression was so angry that even Draco felt his hair on the back of his neck stick up again. Harry watched Voldemort scream with disgust, yet looked pleased at this.

"You worked for seventeen years," Harry growled at the grimacing Lord. "Seventeen years to kill me and rule this world. Seventeen years forming an even bigger army. Yet look at you, suffering in the midst of powerful magic of others. Magic of the Muggle-born, Halfblood and Pureblood.

"How does it feel now? How does it feel to be the weak one? The one who can't defend himself. The one who sees death in his eyes. I know it stings and it burns, but you asked for it. You asked for this war. It came and now you're losing. Not only that, you're dying too.

"Such revenge I want for the death of so many people that you killed, including my own parents. Heh, you don't even want to know what I can to you for doing that. So I'll be nice. I won't make them take off these curses while I talk to you. I won't make the Ministry arrest you and make you receive the kiss of the dementor. No no no, I won't let that happen. I have to do what I was born to do. My own destiny and fate.

"For the second time today I will be killing someone. And the second victim is no other than you. So enough chit-chat," Harry waved to everyone to stop the curses from flowing. He then pointed the wand at Voldemort's chest.

"See you in Hell," Harry muttered then yelled "Avada Kedavra!!!"

Draco felt the room shake when Harry screamed this. The power that came from Harry was stronger than ever. Possibly, even stronger than Dumbledore. This made Draco have respect for Harry. Draco then heard screams, not of Voldemort but of Hermione. He looked over at her then back at Voldemort who had now become sprawled ashes on the floor.

Draco then saw Alexa and the next thing he heard was an explosion. The explosion blocked his hearing and he felt that familiar tug on his body. But the tug didn't feel right. It felt cold, very cold. Draco then saw the world fade from his eyes. He felt the breathing inside him stop. His heartbeat came very slow and darkness consumed him instantly.

Hermione stayed close with Draco but began to feel angry at what was happening around her. People were dying and suffering. No one deserved that. No one deserved it at all. As she walked back out to the dark halls she had a sick feeling in her. She knew something bad was going to happen.

She just had to wait and see for when it did happen or whom it would happen to. The silence made her ears pound and only made her feel worse. She was angry with everyone. She knew she shouldn't be but she couldn't help it.

"Lumos," Hermione heard Harry say and saw him walk along with she and Draco. The silence just continued as the soft light from Harry's wand lit the halls up slightly. Hermione had to let her anger come off her chest.

"So," Hermione said quietly letting her thoughts come into play. "You're taking us to him."

"It's more like I'm taking myself," Draco muttered. "Then why am I here?" she thought angrily.

"And you decided to bring me along for the trip?" Hermione asked not feeling any better.

"There are many reasons why you're here. You should know what they are," Hermione knew that tone of voice. He didn't want to talk about it, that she knew.

"I should know, but sorry Draco, I don't. I faint one minute with Harry and Ron, then the next I wake up in a damn room not knowing where I was nor what happened to me. Then Snape comes and gets me out and this huge snake comes at us."

She could feel eyes on her but she continued to drain her feelings out.

"Snape then wants me to leave but I didn't want to leave him. So when I finally did...I, I think it attacked him." Hermione said now feeling sad with what she had just said.

"Nagini," Draco growled and his eyes darkened.

"What?" Hermione asked looking at him not understanding what he meant.

"That's Voldemort's snakes name," Harry said and Hermione frowned.

"Oh," Hermione frowned and decided now was a good time to stay quiet. She heard Draco breathe a sigh of relief as they continued to walk.

Hermione saw how Harry and Draco reacted when they got closer to the door ahead of them. Their expressions were dark and angry. She began to almost jog when Harry sped up in front of them. She now knew what they were feeling. It was very dark power. So dark she felt like turning back.

She watched as Harry opened the door slowly, yells of curses then hit her ears once more. She walked in seeing Dumbledore and Voldemort dueling with force that was stronger than ever. She could see holes in the walls due to the missed hexes.

Hermione eyes widened as she watched Bellatrix enter the room quietly. She smiled as she saw Bellatrix's shirt covered with blood from her nose. She felt proud of herself for that short moment. She glanced over at Harry and saw him staring at her with complete fury in his eyes. Her moment of pride sank immediately.

"You," Harry growled with hate. Bellatrix turned and gave him a dark bloody smile. Harry began to run towards her and Hermione knew exactly what he wanted to do.

"Harry no!" Hermione yelled out to Harry and began to go after him. She then felt Draco pull her back as a jet of light almost hit her. She was glad Draco helped her but now he was going to Voldemort. The way the battle looked between Dumbledore and Voldemort looked too dangerous for anyone to step in the line of fire.

"Draco you could get killed! Stop!!" Hermione pleaded by pulling on his arm but he paid no attention to her.

"Please Draco!! Turn back!! Dra-ahhhh," She screamed in pain as a powerful hex hit her. She felt her skin ripping on her arms and let out a sharp cry of pain. Her right cheek then became a gash and she winced to the pain.

She heard Ron yell a curse and he helped her up. He wiped the blood from her cheek carefully and she noticed that he too had a deep cut on his cheek. She gave him a nod showing that she was okay and Ron went on to fight another Death Eater.

Hermione then turned back to Draco. She saw that he was being hexed by both Alexa and Voldemort. Fear rose up inside her as she watched him suffer. Anger rose up seeing Alexa hex him as if she didn't have a care in the world. She was glad Dumbledore had a watchful eye on Draco and helped him when he needed it.

She could see Draco shaking from the charms but he pointed his wand at Voldemort as if nothing happened to him. She did the exact same as him and felt the pain leave her. She never used the Cruciatus Curse but she gave it a try anyway.

"Crucio!!" She yelled with her wand pointing at the Dark Lord.

She saw Voldemort block the curse instantly and saw Draco give a look of surprise at her. She then watched Voldemort in pain as Draco's curse had a very strong effect. She noticed that Alexa was no longer in sight and frowned at this.

As Draco continued to hex the evil leader she saw everyone hex him at once also. She too was now in the action. Her eyes then became fixed on Harry and his appearance. Her insides squirmed. He had killed Bellatrix Lestrange. It was evident by the blood on his clothes and his rugged look.

He looked so angry as he walked up to Voldemort. She hoped that she'd never see this side of him again. The words he spoke to Voldemort gave her chills down her spine because what he said was true. She knew right away what was to come on Voldemorts behalf.

When Harry yelled the death curse she watched as Voldemort had gone up in flames and disappeared into another world. A world she hoped was empty. Her eyes went to Draco and Alexa. Alexa looked furious and had her wand pointing at Draco.

Hermione screamed as Alexa yelled the killing curse and saw the ceiling begin to fall where both he and Alexa stood. She saw Draco turn to look at her and Alexa grab him roughly. She then saw the piece of the ceiling in the spot where the both stood.

Hermione stood stunned in the spot she was. She had just watched Draco possibly get killed by the hand of Alexa. Her eyes filled with tears and the room grew totally silent. The war was over and the Light had won. She felt arms wrap around her and Harry's face came into sight.

His eyes looked at her sadly and she began to sob. Draco couldn't be dead. He had to be with her after Voldemort, he had to hold her and fight her fears away, and he was everything she needed to live on. Now he was gone…and she was lost.

Harry pulled her into a hug as she continued to weep. He rubbed her back softly as she whispered Draco's name over and over.

"He's ok, everything's going to be all right," Harry said quietly and Hermione cried even harder.

"No he's not!! What about the baby? Oh gods the baby," Hermione cried as Harry walked her over to Dumbledore.

"I'm sorry Miss Granger," Dumbledore said sadly and said a charm that put her to sleep.

Hermione opened her eyes slowly to see the moonlight's silver gleam through the window. She instanly looked at her surroundings. Beds were lined up along the room, only one had hangings around it. She sighed deeply knowing where she was...the Hospital Wing.

She slowly sat up trying not to make noise and muttered a curse as her bed gave a big squeak. Her back ached and so did her head. Her arms were bandaged and throbbed feeling as though her skin were mending back in place. She was about to rub the sleep from her eyes when she felt two little bandages on her cheek.

Hermione knew exactly why she was in the Wing. She knew exactly why she was bandaged up and felt like Hell. She knew exactly why she felt the gaping hole in her heart get even bigger. Fortunately, she was a survivor of the war. She knew it was nothing to be cherished or even looked up to for.

She saw the bodies of the killed wizards. She heard their brave cries, sounding as if they knew it was their time to die, yet sounded proud to die for fighting in such a war. She couldn't forget the battles between Voldemort and Dumbledore. It was so strong and powerful it freightened her.

Not the freightened of being scared of them. But freightened of what they could do with that power to get what they wanted. The words Harry spoke kept replaying in her head like a broken record. Then her head switched to that last moment she saw. Draco standing infront of her one minute and gone the next.

The hole in her heart felt as though it grew even deeper. Tears now clouded her vision. The silver gleam darkened as a cloud covered the moon. She didn't want to think of it anymore. She didn't want to think of him. It had to be only hours she were asleep. Or at least she felt that way.

She could remember his scent of vanilla and his strong arms as he held her waist. Like a protector, her shield for the dangers in life. She inhaled in a deep breath of air, feeling the pain within her rise. Why did she have to go through this? Why did she have to suffer?

She didn't bother to fight the tears and felt her cheeks burn to salty water. She cried as she watched the moon come back into site, reminding her of the times she and Draco made love. How the moonlight glowed on them as they connected as one, how the moonlight made Draco her angel.

Her soft cries began to rise to a sob. She gripped the blanked in her hands so tight, never wanting to let go. She shut her eyes as her sobs continued. She didn't want to see, hear, touch, or smell anything. She didn't want to think, she didn't want to breathe. She wanted to die. To be with the others who helped fight so their world be where it was now.

She wished Lucius had killed her. She didn't deserve the life she had to deal with now. She didn't deserve it at all. Her hands moved and began to rub her stomach. Her eyes snapped open as she realised what she was doing.

"My baby," Hermione said in a very quiet whisper.

She knew she wasn't hit much in the chest or stomach enough to lose the baby. She felt her body relax as though the thoughts of her child relaxed her, subsiding her mourning sobs to sniffles. She continued to rub her belly until her eyes shut and she fully fell asleep, just missing the shilouette of a bird in the moonlight's gleam.

After awhile later, Hermione woke up hearing the voices of her best friends.

"You think he's going to die?"

"No, Dumbledore just said he should be out of the wing in a few days."

"Oh the horror."

"Get over it would you? At least you won't be hearing his lectures anymore."

"And for that I'm very grateful."

"Stop talking so loud. I think you've woken her."

"Me wake her? No you did that. You're the one sitting right next to her."

Hermione stirred a little but stopped immediately as she heard what the conversation had turned to.

"You think Malfoy's dead?"


"And why not?"

"Because, if he did we would've known."

"But we don't. Anyway, you think he really loved her?"

"It's hard to say, but I know he does."

"Yeah. I get what you're saying…You think 'Mione would be okay?"

"What do you think?"

"I think she will."

"I do too, but it'll be a long time before she does."

"What do you mean?"

"She's been through so much. Her brain must feel like it wants to pop. Stress is going to take over her and she won't want to see nor hear anybody for awhile."

"You think she would do all of that?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I know I feel like that though."

"Well that helps the situation."

"At least I answered your question."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm really glad nothing happened to…to the baby."

"Me too."

"Do you…do you think its mine?"

"You know I can't answer that."

"I don't know what I would do if it were mine."

"You put yourself in that problem by spiking her drink, idiot."

"No name calling. If it's his, do you think it would look like him?"

"Most likely."

"Would you help her?"


"How can you if you're going to be an auror?"

"Why the hell are you asking so many damn questions?"

"I need to know these things."

"Fine, I love her Ron, so I would do my best of taking care of her during these hard times. You should know that by now."

"Oh shut up."

"You asked. I answered."

Hermione grew tired of their arguing and opened her eyes slowly. The morning sunlight blinded her vision.

"What the hell?" Hermione said raising her arm to block the bright gleam.

"Sorry 'Mione," Ron said closing the curtains blocking the light out quickly. She notcied that he too had small bandages on his cheek.

"How long have I been here?" Hermione's voice was as scratchy as ever.

"Five days," Harry said frowning.

"Five days?!?" Hermione exclaimed.

"And we're free people now, 'Mione. No longer the slaves to school," Ron grinned and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're no longer the slave to school but you will be a slave for work," Harry muttered and Ron's ears tinted the shade of pink.

"Must you ruin everything?" Ron asked angrily.

"It's what I do best Ron," Harry sighed and looked at Hermione.

"Congratulations about being an auror Harry," Hermione gave a small smile.

"Thanks," Harry smiled back and his emerald eyes lit up.

For a second Hermione felt the wave of protection hit her as she watched Harry's eyes. She knew if anything were to happen, Harry would always be there for her…and he always was there. She grabbed his hand and gave a small squeeze. He gave a squeeze back and Ron sighed loudly, breaking the silent connection between them.

"So 'Mione, how you feeling?" Ron asked a little uneasy watching she and Harry.

"I'm not feeling all that better Ron. I doubt that I ever will," Hermione frowned and shut her eyes.

"You will because Harry and I will always be around to help you," Ron said now leaning on the wall by her bed.

"That's great Ron," Hermione muttered.

"Well," Harry said changing the subject. "Snape's asleep in the bed in front of you."

"Snape?" Hermione opened her eyes quickly. "He's ok?"

"Yeah, he's said to be up and at it again pretty soon," Harry replied.

"That's very good to hear. At least he's ok," Hermione said now staring at the ceiling.

"Ah, Miss Granger its nice to have you back with us," Dumbledore said walking into the room.

Hermione gave a small smile towards her former Headmaster.

"Harry and Ron, can you step outside for just a minute? There's something I need to discuss with Hermione," Dumbledore said seriously. Harry and Ron nodded and left the room. Dumbledore then sat in the seat Harry was in.

"I heard how you were feeling," Dumbledore said looking at her sadly.

"I can't stop thinking of it," Hermione said quietly.

"What I am here to talk to you about is the Ministy. They think Draco had helped Voldemort with this war," Dumbledore said now looking a little angry.

"He had nothing to do with it," Hermione growled.

"I know that, which is why I'm fighting against this," Dumbledore said and Hermione looked at him. "I'm not sure of the Minister taking this away now that Voldemort is gone, but I will most definitely try my best."

Hermione nodded.

"As for Draco and Alexa missing. I have high hopes that they're still alive and around," Dumbledore said now getting up.

"I'll always have high hopes," Hermione muttered.

"I know and I'm glad you do," Dumbledore nodded at her. "If you ever need anything, I'm here."

"Thank you," Hermione smiled at Dumbledore.

"Get as much rest as you can," Dumbledore said as he walked out of the room.

Hermione's stomach growled and she sighed. She soon saw Harry and Ron enter the room and she began to observe her bandages. Truthfully she didn't want to see anyone at the moment. Harry was right with what he told Ron. She wanted to isolate herself from the world and knew she couldn't. She then realised that the next few months were going to be the hardest moments of her life.

8 Months Later…

Hermione was just finishing up her breakfast in 12 Grimmauld Place. After the war Harry had received a will from Sirius and the house was now his. He let her live there so he could help take care of her and she didn't mind.

She liked this house. It reminded her of both good and bad times. But it mostly kept her mind off of Draco. Or at least she thought so. She heard the window tap and stood up to open it. She then gave the owl which stood there a Knut and threw the Daily Prophet on the table not paying attention to it.

She sighed at the silence in the house. Harry had just gone off to work and she just took off for vacation from office duties at the Ministry. She didn't like the job, but Ron and Harry were always there to cheer her up.

She turned back to the table and grabbed the bowl. The Prophet caught her eyes immediately. The headline was large and she saw the picture of the man she loved.

Draco Malfoy Announced Dead After Missing For Eight Months
From War

She dropped the bowl and heard the glass shatter into many pieces but paid it no mind. She grabbed the paper and read it slowly.

After his disappearance during the war with You-Know-Who, Draco
Malfoy has been considered dead along with other former Death Eaters. The Ministry of Magic will continue their search for the former follower of the Dark Lord. The Ministry also earlier announced today that if Malfoy is found and is alive, he is said to be sent toAzkaban prison and receive the dementor's kiss immediately.

Hermione furiously blinked at the paper. She felt very upset with the Ministry. They knew he had fought against Voldemort from the witnesses who were at the war. They knew yet they still fought against him whether he were dead or alive and this always made her blood boil. She sought it was time to have a big meeting with Harry and Dumbledore about this new article.

Hermione then began to feel stressed and then felt water drip down her leg. She blinked a few times before realising what happened. Her water had broke......


A/N: There's the end of this story. The next should pick up right from where it ended. I would give you the title to the sequel, but I'm not even sure what it's going to be. I apologize for the very long wait but I wrote about 6 other endings before picking this one. Now I want to thank all the readers who read, enjoyed and reviewed my story. Without you all I wouldn't have written this far or even this much. SO THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! And there's one more thing I want to let you all know. Can I get a drum roll please? Lol, ok…Alexa is based on a real person. She is my best friend. She wanted me to put her in the story so I did. Good thing is she's not bad at all like this story Alexa is. She also thanks you all for the loving words you said about her character. ;-) Hehe, so there was my news to you. Keep an eye out for the sequel, which I will start working on after I post this. Once again thanks and love you!!