Title: At The End Of The Road
Author: Em0tions
Rating PG-13 for male relationships.
Chapter 2: Leeca
Summary: Ren leaves HoroHoro heartbroken and returns to China. What happens while he's gone? And more importantly, what happens when he comes back?
I dedicate this to the best beta reader in the world, Kyrie-Sanctus! She's the best one in the world. Plus she had a fit when she didn't beta read the first chapter. So this one is for her! Go Kyrie!
Disclaimers: I don't own Shaman King or any of the characters from the show. They belong to the wonderful Hiroyuki Takei. And I didn't write the song either. That's by the JPop singer in the world, Gackt! Oh, this story is gonna have yaoi in it, so if you have a problem with that, I suggest you just stop reading now. Don't read then flame later because you didn't like the yaoi. You were prepared.
He just kept walking, to where, he didn't know. He wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Away from his pain.
Why did Ren break up with him? They had always been so happy when they were together. Tears fell from his eyes.
In the rays of sunlight, you were smiling
The puppy sleeping on your knee also looked peaceful...
He stopped walking and cried out. "WHY?! Why REN?! TELL ME!" But no one heard him. Somehow, he had made his way to the graveyard, Yoh's favorite place.
He threw himself on to the ground and he allowed himself to cry some more.
The sun set and the stars came out, and still HoroHoro sat there. He looked up at the sky, smiling bitterly to himself, memories flooding back to him. His and Ren's first kiss. Their first date. The first time they made love. Not that any of them mattered now. Ren didn't want him anymore, and no memories would change that.
A little book was spread in the palm of your hand
And you softly traced the words with a pretty finger
He sluggishly got off the ground and made his way to the Asakura residence. He didn't want to go home to Pilikia. He didn't want her to see him like this. She'd go and try to kill Ren.
I thought that with that smile, anything could be saved
He knocked on the front door and Yoh answered with his normal characteristic grin.
"Boro-Boro!" He stopped and looked at him. "What's wrong?"
He walked into the house. "I'd rather not talk about it right now."
Yoh nodded and they walked to the kitchen.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" He offered.
"No, I'm fine." But his stomach betrayed him and grumbled.
The brunette chuckled. "It's no problem. We have plenty of leftovers since it's just me and Anna now."
Underneath the limited sky, it vanished
The memory of you at that time
Inside of the dream I made, I saw it That sky was, already...
Horo nodded and he ate what Yoh gave him in silence.
"It's Ren, isn't it?" The brown-eyed shaman asked when he had finished.
Horo nodded.
"What happened? I've never seen you this shaken up before."
"He broke up with me." He put simply.
"Why?" Yoh asked in a sympathetic voice.
"I couldn't tell you. We were supposed to go to the movies and dinner tonight but when I met up with him, he told me he couldn't see me anymore and that I should just forget about what we had."
In the transparent wind, though in vain, I held you close
Even now I can't let go of you As you look back at me
"That's sounds so cold. Even for Ren's standards," he sympathized.
"Don't say that. Ren wasn't cold. He was one of the most caring and compassionate people I've ever known." Tears came to his eyes.
Underneath the limited sky
I repeat softly whispered words
Inside of my closed off heart
Even now, you're smiling as you were at that time
"Sorry. I didn't mean it that way. Why do you think he did it?"
Horo looked up at Yoh, his vision blurring. "I don't know!" He shut his eyes, and the tears slid along his cheeks.
The brunette moved to the other side of the table and wrapped his arms around him, but Horo tried to push him off. However, he collapsed into his embrace and cried harder.
With the voices of children echoing in the twilight
Your smile slowly vanishes away
Yoh put him to bed in one of the extra rooms in the house and went back to Anna.
"What was that about?" She asked, only sounding slightly concerned.
"It's not my place to say. Ask Horo in the morning and he'll tell you if he feels it's alright."
She nodded. She was surprised that he would respect HoroHoro that much to not go around telling his business.
"Hey Anna, will Tamao be around tomorrow?" He asked, as he laid down next to her.
She nodded again.
"Okay. Thanks." He kissed her on the cheek, and laid on his side to go to sleep.
"Good night, Yoh."
"Night, Anna."
Questions? Comments? Flames? Anything? Please reveiw this. I want to know what peolpe think of it. And if you see any errors in it, it's Kyrie's fault. lol PLEASE REVIEW!