It had been a couple of days since Peter's incident with Harry and he was healing quickly but was still in pain, even though he never admitted it. MJ and I walked into his apartment with some good news.

"Peter we have great news!" MJ said excitedly. "We found an apartment with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a BATHROOM, and a living room!"

"What about Eileen?"

"I've decided to sleep on a nice comfy couch in the living room," I said, "so your aunt won't be freaked out and you can both have your on room."

"Eileen! We can share a room. It's ok," MJ insisted.

"Ok then, I guess it's settled," Peter grinned.

"Wow Peter you've matured in a matter of days," I said looking at him.

He looked at me mockingly, "Well I guess it's your turn now Eileen." I just rolled my eyes. Is that the best he can do? He's Spider-Man. He usually always has good come backs. I guess I was right on this one.

"Now ladies if you excuse me I need to get to the Bulge and turn in some pictures to Jonah." He started to get up slowly. MJ looked at him like he was crazy.

"Excuse me? Now where are you going?" she said staring him down.

"To the Bulge, Jonah has been leaving me a million messages."

"What did Harris say?" she didn't give him time to answer, "That you shouldn't go out for a while because your ribs are not healed."

He started to squint as he stood up. "Your starting to loose your case buddy by that obvious squinting," I said while grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter.

"Eileen, stay out of this," he said looking annoyed, "MJ I have to go."

"Hey Peter catch!" I threw the apple above his head so he would have to reach. His hand went up and he caught it, but then he clenched his side.

"You're not going," MJ said staring at Peter. She started to walk away.

Then guilt set in, I decided it was best to find a compromise. Cause I still had to live with both of them. "MJ, how about we just go with him and make sure that he doesn't do any other strenuous activities."

She stopped walk and turned back to Peter, "I guess that will be ok."

So we set off to the Daily Bulge in a group. It was nice chatting and walking with Peter and MJ. It felt like I was home again walking and chatting with my friends. It's weird how you miss things that you never thought you'd miss. Just something simple as walking and talking to your friends can be missed so much. All of our laughing and talking was interrupted when reality caught up with us again. Harry was walking right toward us in suit and tie, smirking at us. Peter was the first to notice. His face quickly turned from joyous to solemn. Harry's cockiness and arrogance was so annoying.

"Why it's my old pal Peter Parker," Harry said with a grimace, "has he come to drop off some pictures?"

"Why are you doing this Harry?" MJ asked as she hooked her arm around Peter's arm.

"The question MJ is why I wouldn't I do this," he gazed at her and then turn to glare at me, "well Peter it seems we have a new member of the gang."

"Listen Harry, this chat has been nice but we really must be going now," I said glaring straight back at him. He scared me but there was no way I was going to let him know that. "Tell me Harry, did you use too much of the serum? Are you getting splitting headaches? Because you seemed a bit down when I sprayed you with that pepper spray; pretty pathetic for a super villain, but I bet Daddy knows you tired your best."

His face came no closer than an inch to mine. "You're going to wish for death when I get done with you sweetheart." I held my head high, staring at his devilish eyes and trying not to show my fear.

Peter got in between us and pushed Harry back. "You keep them out of this. Your grudge is against me alone."

"Sorry hero, war is on anyone who knows what you've done and has still stayed by your side. So far its three against one," he then looked at all of us, "and I think I still have the upper hand." Harry "patted" Peter on his injured shoulder as he walked away. Peter just closed his eyes letting the pain go away. When Harry was long gone Peter looked at me angrily and said, "You and me need to talk when we get home."

We walked silently to the Bulge and me and MJ sat in the lobby as Peter when up in the elevator. I sat down and MJ looked at me puzzled, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

"Yes," I said quickly looking at the floor.

"Is it about me and Peter?"

"I'm not hiding anything that you should know about your relationship."

"Why didn't you tell us that Harry was taking a serum?"

"I don't know. I didn't think it was best to interfere."

"You seem to interfere now."

"I don't know Mary Jane. It didn't even cross my mind to tell you guys until today. The last time I thought about it was the first day I was here."

It then became silent. It stayed silent until Peter came. I walked ahead of them so that they can talk. I knew that one of their topics would be me.

When we got back to Peter's apartment, he started on his long awaited "What the HELL Were You Thinking" speech.

"Eileen! Who do you think you are? Do you not think he could kill you in one second? I mean as far as I know, I'm the only one that posses super powers here!"

"I'm sorry. It's just a defense mechanism of mine. I try to act tougher than I really am. Sometimes it gets me out of trouble and sometimes it doesn't."

"Well I hate to tell you, but this isn't one of those times that it's going to work," Peter made his final hand gesture and then sat down. He plopped down so hard that the flimsy chair broke on impact. He fell on his butt and then looked up in the air as if he was going to find an answer on why this afternoon had turned so rotten.

Perfect time to change the subject I thought to myself, "Why do we always come back here, especially when MJ has good furniture?"

"Don't change the subject," he said as he got up, "what else do you know about Harry that I don't know."

"I thought you didn't want me to interfere as much as I could."

"Well I guess that plan is out of the window. You're involved now. Congratulations."

"All I know is that the serum is the same serum that Norman was exposed to, except Norman was exposed to it by a gas chamber."

"Why was he in a gas chamber?"

"He was afraid that his funding was going to get pulled and he had to test it on a human, even though there were tests showing it wasn't ready for human testing."

"What is this serum for?"

"I guess along with the glider and armor it was supposed to make super soldiers."

"So why does it seem that Harry is stronger than Norman was?"

"I don't know for sure, but my guess is that he drinks it straight from the test tub. He probably made no attempt to dilute it. Peter I don't think it is fully Harry's fault for becoming the Green Goblin and being totally crazy."

"What do you mean?"

"The serum seems to create this alter ego in there heads. That alter ego seems to talk to them and sooner or later it takes over them. The Green Goblin talked to Norman all the time. It told him that he was killing people for Norman. It even told Norman that he needed to attack you heart before attacking you. It makes you really sick Peter."

Peter just stared out into space, taking in the words I just said, finally putting all the pieces together.