Chapter 13

Rosa felt herself fly at top speed around the area. She needed to find her sister before she got hurt. She had a terrible feeling something was going to happen if she didn't find her sister soon. Her lungs started to hurt after a while. She shouldn't be testing her body like this after what happened. But she had no choice. If her sister got hurt, she would blame herself.

That's when she saw her sister sitting down near a park. Thinking quickly, Rosa dove to the ground a ways from her sister. Then landed and changed back into Rosa Sector. Then she ran to her sister.

"Ruby! Ruby what did you-"She gasped as she saw Skulker and Vlad come out of nowhere. Skulker had a plasma gun to Ruby's head.

"Let her go!" Rosa said forcibly.

"Oh we will. But not you." With that, Vlad threw a net. Rosa barely missed it. She sighed in relief and again faced her enemy.

"No! Let her go or I will.."

"What? Call on Danny Phantom?" Vlad sneered. Ruby looked very confused. Rosa didn't want to turn into her ghost self in front of her sister. But if she didn't than she would be captured. She only hoped Danny would come.

Vlad threw the net again. This time it didn't miss. Rosa cried out, trapped in the net. Still refusing to let her sister find out, she struggled through the net.

"Ruby Run!"

"No! Rosa!" Ruby cried, struggling from her captors, she ran towards the net, only to be thrown to the ground by an electric shock. Ruby was out cold. With anger in Rosa's eye, she transformed into Rosa Specter. She opened her pink eye and narrowed it at Vlad and Skulker.

"You are going to pay for that!" She tore out of the net, and started to fight.


Danny Phantom was flying faster than he ever had before. With Sam and Tucker looking on the ground, he knew he had to take to the skies. He flew higher and faster than he ever had before. He knew he had to find Rosa and her sister before something happened to them both. When he finally found them, it was already too late, Rosa was in combat with Skulker and...Vlad?!?! Didn't they throw him into the Thermos? Of course! Danny realized, they had left the thermos there accidentally. He bit his lip and then flew down towards Rosa. Who obviously was no match for these two. He kicked Skulker in the head. Then landed safely nearly Rosa.

"Danny?!" Rosa blinked

"Get your sister out of here. I will handle Skulker and Vlad." Danny said.

"But Danny.."

"Go on." He smiled. "I will be fine."

Hesitantly, Rosa grabbed her sister Ruby and flew them both back to their house. When there she told her parents that she found her sister alone and asleep on a bench. Also that a couple of friends helped her carry her sister back to the house. Then Rosa's friends left. Her parents bought the story, and let Rosa back out to be with her friends. In the instant she was out, she turned into Specter and flew off to meet Danny again. When she landed, Vlad and Skulker had captured Danny and he was knocked out in a net. Rosa, quite mad now, inadvertently formed a ball of pink plasma in her hand and threw it at Skulker. Both caught off guard, the blast made Skulker let go of Danny. Rosa quickly ran over to Danny and helped him up. By this time he was awake and alert. Both faced off against Vlad and Skulker.

"So ill take the big Dummy and you get Mr. Red eyed halfa?" Rosa asked Danny.

Danny nodded. "Yup."

Both attacked.

Skulker had many times to trap Rosa. But she dodged each attack as it came. Then threw plasma blasts at Skulker. It did little damage but she knew at least this kept Skulker from Danny.

Vlad and Danny were battling it out. Vlad smirked.

"Listen Daniel, you don't need to do this."

"Yes I do! I wont go with you! My mom won't either!"

"We will see." Vlad felt himself smile wide.

Danny scowled at him. "The answer will be forever no!"

With that, Danny charged at Vlad, holding a large blast of plasma in one had. With all his might he threw it at Vlad. It hit its mark. Amazingly, Vlad looked down in shock as he realized he was hurt. The child was getting better. His shock turned into delight.

"Well, you are getting better." He smiled and tilted his head. Then he slowly floated backwards. "Skulker!" Skulker stopped and ran behind Vlad.

"You will see son, that you will be mine someday." With that, the two disappeared.

Rosa felt herself fall to her knees. Danny walked over to her, out of breath. He wiped his brow and then offered her a hand. She smiled and took it. Both stood up and changed back into their human selves.

They made their way home. Also they ran into Tucker and Sam on the way. The two helped them get back each in one piece. Obviously after this fight, they slept very late the next day.

All four met up at the Nasty Burger later that day. Rosa and Danny clearly looked still wiped. But they were doing much better.

"Man, Vlad is really determined to get you Danny." Tucker said, shoving a burger into his mouth.

"Yeah, I'm only worried though since he knows you Rosa." Danny hadn't eaten anything on his plate yet.

"Danny, don't worry. I can take care of myself." Rosa told him. "Now go on, eat up. You will need your strength for when we meet Vlad next."

"Call me crazy, but I think he is leaving you alone for a while." Sam replied. "Probably to come up with a more insane plan I imagine."

"Great." Danny moaned and banged his head against the table.

"Danny, uh... you do know that kills brain cells.." Rosa looked at him worriedly.

"Thanks for the info Rosa." His voice seemed as sour as milk months past its expiration date.

"I was only trying to help." Rosa huffed.

"Now c'mon guys, don't fight. That's my and Tucker's job." Sam looked at Tucker.

"Right!" he seemed to then realize what she said. "Hey!"

Sam elbowed him.

"Erm, I mean, Hey Look! They have half off a double beefy patty!" With one fluid motion, Tucker escaped into the line to the register.

The three others blinked once, then resumed their lunch.

Rosa's eyes were downcast. She hated the feeling when Danny was mad at her. She looked up, then her eye met Danny's. He made a shy apologetic smile. She smiled in return. That was all they needed to do. As soon as Tucker returned, Sam made a disgusted face.

"What is that?"

"Why this is a double meaty beefy patty!" Tucker exclaimed with glee.

Sam looked about to hurl. "How can you eat that stuff?"

"Simple, I take a bite like so.." he does take a bite. "Then swallow.." he does that too.

Soon, the two were in heated debate about meat.

Danny and Rosa looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Then they both burst out laughing at the same time.

Both Sam and Tucker stopped and glanced at the two laughing insanely.

"Uh.." Sam raised an eyebrow this time.

"Don't look at me." Tucker said.


"So, the halfa has a friend now." Vlad smirked. "Well, even she cannot stop what I have planned."

"Which is?" Skulker asked.

Vlad's smiled widened. "You will see, you will see.."

The End!

That's the end for this fanfic, stay tuned though for the next fanfic! I thank everyone for reviewing. It isn't the greatest ending, but I had to keep Vlad alive. Hehe you will see why in the next story!