
"Keladry, you know why I have called you down to my office today right?" inquired Lord Wyldon.

"Yes, you have come to a decision about whether or not I get to finish my training to become a knight or not," Kel replied, her face not reveling any emotion.

"That is right I have come to my decision and it's that you should not go on and become a knight. I know that you think that this is unfair but it is my decision and it is final your escort back to Mindelan will be here in two days. I hope that gives enough time for a lady to pack and say goodbye to her friends. I know that women tend to get rather emotional at goodbyes so I thought to give you the extra time. You also might want to go to the dress shops and buy yourself something pretty you will be going to the Convent." Lord Wyldon told her while smirking.

Kel's face stayed the same and she bowed politely and asked, "Permission to speak freely sir?" When he nodded she went on, "I may be a girl but you will regret the day you turned me down sir. I know that you think that women are the weaker sex, that may be true but that is because women are treated differently, I am sure if women had the same chance to do things that men do I am sure that women could be stronger. If you don't believe me look at Shang both women and Men are allowed and their women are strong because they aren't treated like weak little children that could break if you touched them. I will prove you wrong once and for all sir. I will show you that women aren't weak and breakable I will prove that to the whole castle. Goodbye sir, next time you see me you will be proven wrong." With that Kel walked out of the room leaving a very speechless lord Wyldon.

Kel went to her rooms. The fist thing she did was write a letter to her parents and then to her friends saying that she was sorry for not saying goodbye to them in person and that she would be back someday but she didn't know when. Then she packed all of her supplies and weapons and went to the stables.

There she met the stables master and he saddled Peachblossom for her.

"Miss Keladry might I suggest you stay at the Dancing Dove tonight. Tell them that Stefan sent you. That will get you a room, a bath and some food." With that she left saying thank you to Stefan.

Kel who's hood was over her face and covering part of her eyes looked back when she reached the secret door she was leaving by whispered a good bye as two silent tears rolled down her face.

"Go Peachblossom! To the Dancing Dove." Kel left the castle not to return to her friends or family for a long time.