Hey! Third story. No big if you review but I would appreciate it if you did. No pressure. Just read and enjoy....Ok. Here's the deal with this story. I guess it's based off a movie. I made up something and comes out that the same thing happens in the movie. But you see, I generally based it off the game from the movie that my friend told me about.

Dedicated to Amanda Nguyen

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN CCS. I REPEAT, I DO NOT OWN CCS. THIS IS FOR THE WHOLE STORY. The wonderful people of CLAMP do.

( ) me "..." talking .: ... :. thoughts

Love 4rm A Game

This is gonna be kinda short cuz I just wanna get the characters into their parts.

Chapter 1

Enter, Model Dude

Driving in the streets of Tomoeda is Kinomoto Sakura, a regular teenage model, heading for school. She is wearing- wait, let me ask you a question. Most models, especially ones with great features, would be wearing tight or more fitting clothes, at least. Am I correct? Picture what you think Sakura would be wearing now in her red and silver convertible.....Done? Whatever you thought, here is what she is really wearing.

She is wearing baggy, dark blue jeans and a black short sleeve shirt, a bit too big for her, top that said, ' I hate people who read my clothes' in silver letters, with her hair tied neatly in a high ponytail. Sunglasses hid her eyes.

As she pulled into the student parking lot, a figure turned and called to her,

" Sakura! On time, are we?" said the voice, with good-humor.

" Yeah," Sakura laughed. " I had to wake up Touya today. He had a tiring night," she said, as she parked. " If you know what I mean," she added.

" I know exactly what you mean," said the figure as she ran towards the car. This figure was Daidouji Tomoyo, owner of Daidouji Fashions Inc. and best friend and manager to Sakura. Tomoyo had waist length, ebony black hair that was pulled into a low ponytail. She was wearing black fitted jeans and a periwinkle halter top.

Sakura was leaning against her car, talking to Tomoyo, when some girls ran over to them. One was wearing a red tube top with tight faded blue jeans. She was called Katie. Another was wearing a pink miniskirt with a white off-the-shoulder top. Her name was Susan. The last girl was wearing a black miniskirt with a pink spaghetti strapped top and her name was Kaitlyn. ( I'm not really good with outfits)

Tomoyo turned around when she heard footsteps coming. Katie, who was the leader of the group, said in a disgusted voice, " Tomoyo, why are you hanging around with her??" while looking Sakura up and down.

" Yeah, it's totally gonna trash your reputation as the most popular girl in school to be seen with a girl like her," said Susan.

.: Preps, what a waste of breath :. Sakura thought, as the group of girls rambled on about the consequences of being seen with her. Her thoughts soon trailed off to .: I wonder if I should tra :. A sentence broke her thoughts.

" Well, it just so happens that Sakura is a- mmph," Tomoyo was cut off when Sakura, from behind, covered her mouth. The three girls look at her in awe.

" How dare you do that to the most popular in school!" they say in unison.

" Tom, remember our secret. No telling about the occupation or no you-know-what," she whispered, her hand still covering Tomoyo's mouth. She nodded, knowing Sakura would carry out her threat. Susan heard Sakura call Tomoyo 'Tom' and said, " Her name is sooo not Tom. That is totally undignified for a girl!" She scrunched up her face at the thought of calling a girl Tom.

" Well, well. Congratulations. Your first big word for the day. With a few more years, you can have the vocabulary worthy of a high school student," Sakura said, putting up one finger. She thought most preps were...how should I put it? Dumb. Though she thought some were ok...just not this particular group. " Well, it was nice chattin' with ya, But I gotta get goin'." Sakura grabbed her bag out of her car. " Later, Tom," she said, emphasizing Tom, just to get on their nerves.

" Hey wait, Sakura!" called Tomoyo, running towards her.

" Yeah?" Sakura said, turning her head to side, with her bag over her shoulder.

When she caught up to Sakura, she said, " Let's go. We don't wanna be late for class, now do we?" she smiled. Tomoyo could smile anytime, anywhere.

" Sure, Tom. Sure," Sakura smiled back with smile just as bright.

They walked to class in silence until Tomoyo started on a topic. " Kura, Mr. Suzuke said we have a long term trip coming up. Where do you think we're going to go? Maybe to Arabia or something. Malaysia."

" I don't know. Maybe to a pla-oof!" She didn't get to finish her sentence because apparently, she was run into. ( Horrible ain't it? ) She landed with a plop, dropping her school bag. A thought of death started to form in her mind. .: When I get my hands on whoever ran into me... :.

" Watch where you're going, nerd. I have no time for you. I am Li Syaoran. Model extraordinaire. Please no au...ahhhh!" Sakura had gotten up and while he was blabbing off about himself and was now choking him. Had her sunglasses been off, you would have seen an intense fire in her eyes.

" How dare you call me a nerd you stuck up little freak!!!Grrrr!!" Sakura yelled, shaking him violently. She didn't really care who he was. Anyone who dared her nerd or anything of the sort, realized their error and got ready for a choking by her.

" Oh no! Kura, c'mon. Quit. You are going to be accused of murder. Kura!" Tomoyo was shaking her friend's arm, in an attempt to stop Sakura from literally killing the young model. Sakura! Sakura! SAKURA!!!!"

" Nani! What!" she yelled back.

" Drop him," Tomoyo demanded, and so Sakura did. She dropped the blue face boy and fully turned to a red faced Tomoyo. " Do you want to be convicted of murder?? And he's a model too.Do you know how much you could be sued?? You don't have that kind of money." And so Tomoyo rambled on as to what would have happened, had Sakura actually killed the guy.

" Sakura just stared at her for awhile and then said, " Okay Tomoyo. I gotta get to class. Later," she said cooly. She grabbed her bag, which, as I have said, had fallen with her, turned around and entered the school building.

Tomoyo knelt down, for he was still on the ground. " Gomen Nasai for my friend's actions. She's a little touchy with names like that. She has changed from those names. Onegai. Don't remind her or else, be prepared for another attack. Heed my warning and please, think about what you say. For one day, when you find the truth, your words will haunt you..."With that, Tomoyo stood up, and walked into the building.

After Tomoyo left, a girl came over. She was wearing a white minikirt and red tube top. Her hair was black. A real shiny black. Her hair went down to her rear and she wore a red headband. " Oh Syao-kun! I saw what that horrid girl did to you and I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I'm surprised she didn't kill you," said the girl, soon pulling him in to a strong squeeze.

" She didn't kill me but you will. Let go of me. I can't breath!!" he said in between breaths and since he was turning purple, she decided it would be best to listen.

" Let's go," he said, turning with great royalty. Let me describe him real quick. With intense amber eyes, he has messy, chestnut colored hair and a strong handsome well-built body. He is a total heartthrob, but he's also a playboy. His most popular trade mark...is his smirk. You will always see him with his smirk or just a smile that makes you melt. That's how he gets his girls. Oh and you will always see him in the hall with at least two girls on his arms. Let's move on.

Inside the class room

" Kura. You have to admit, he was a total heartthrob. I mean, seriously, could you ask for a more gorgeous guy?"

" Tom, if you think he's such a 'total heartthrob', then go out with him or something. It's not like anybody else will. And if they do, I hope things go wrong. That would be nice. Yes..." said Sakura, getting a thoughtful look on her face. Thoughts of one of those girls going out with Syaoran came into her mind. " They would be at a restaurant and the waiter tripped and fell, spilling red wine over her white blouse. Then Li would try to help the waiter up but slipped and fell in the wine. Their humiliation would be my pleasure," Sakura smiled

" Oh. My. Gosh. Have you seen him? He is soo cute. He talked to me in the hall way," said a girl, loudly talking to her friends. " That's nothing. He touched my face," said another. They all squealed.

" Who are they talking about. They haven't talked this much about a guy since Eriol transferred here and he has a thing for.." Sakura realized she was going to blow Eriol's secret, so she covered it up.

" A thing for who?" Tomoyo asked anxiously.

" For someone. I'm not sure who, yet," she lied. It made her feel horrible to lie to her best friend, but it was for the sake of her best guy friend.

" Oh."

" So who are they talking about?"

" Isn't it obvious? They're talking about that new model guy...Now back to our conversation. Could you ask for a more gorgeous guy?"Tomoyo asked again.

" Tomoyo, you know looks aren't everything. I, of all people, should know. He needs manners. And maybe a brain. He's too...I don't know..full of himself." She looked up and saw from a distance. " Hey ya'll. Chill out. Sensei's comin."

Everybody quieted down as Sensei Kimiyama came in. " Good morning class. Today, we have two new students. Please welcome them into our school. Enter Li Syaoran and Li Mei Lin." Two students walked through the door on their cue. They were the same two from outside. " Please introduce yourselves." The teacher stepped aside.

" I am Li Syaoran. I come from Hong Kong and am a model for Wolves Inc. I am free and available, ladies," he said with a smile. " I love beautiful, sensitive and wonderful ladies and from which I can see, there are many of you with that quality." At this remark, some of the girls swooned and some fainted.

.: Goodness. How much more annoying can he get?? This is a school, not a dating service. He is wasting my valuable time :. Sakura thought, laying her head down in her arms. And oddly enough, what Sakura thought is what the teacher said.

" Syaoran, this is a school, not a dating service. Please wait until after school for that," Kimiyamasan said, rolling eyes slightly and shaking her head. " Mei Lin, what about you?"

" I'm Mei Lin. I Come from Hong Kong and anybody who touches me in the wrong way has to face Syaoran." She turned towards Kimiyama-san and smiled. "I'm done."

" Ok. Well now. Syaoran, why don't you sit in the seat across from Eriol. Eriol, please raise your hand. And Mei lin, sit behind Tomoyo. Tomoyo, raise your hand please." The four did as they were told. " Now turn to page 210."

Throughout the period, Syaoran kept winking and flirting with the other girls and kept on getting hit by Mei Lin until arm became numb then he stopped. But when his arm reagined its feeling, he began again.


" Let's get outta here, Tom."

" Coming. Just let me get my books. I can't believe they fell out," she sighed.

" As Tomoyo was picking up her books and papers, a certain blue haired boy walked up to her. " Let me help you with those books, Tomoyo."

" Huh?" she looked up. " Arigatou. You're a great friend Eriol-kun," she said lightly blushing. She concentrated on getting her books into her bag.

" Are you two love birds through talking?" Sakura asked, tapping her foot in good humor. She loved to make fun of the couple-to-be.

" Umm. Hold up Sakura. I would like to talk to you. Don't worry about being late. I'll give you a pass," said Kimiyama-sensei.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asked.

" Oh no. Of course not. I just need to ask you a favor."

" Alright then. Tomoyo, go ahead to class. I don't wanna get you into trouble," Sakura said.

" Sakura. I see that you probably don't like Syaoran."

" Am I that obvious?" she asked sarcastically.

"You were the only one, beside Tomoyo, not swooning over him while he made his presenting himself," Kimiyama-san said lowly.

" Modest, isn't he," she said, once again sarcastically. Students were knocking on the door. The bell was gonna ring in 2 minutes and they didn't want to get in trouble. " If it's the usual favor of showing Li around the school, then no problem," she said while waving it off. " But. If you want me want to babysit a stuck up snob like him, it's gonna cost ya, sensei," said Sakura, putting her hand out.

" How much? 5? 10? 15?" She was about to go on until Sakura stopped her, sweatdropping.

" Whoa. How about 5 bucks? Deal."Sakura held her hand out, waiting for the shake.

" Deal. I'll give you the money after school," she said, sealing the deal with a hand shake. " Let me write you a pass." She grabbed a pass and a pen, scribbled some stuff on it, and gave it to Sakura. Sakura took it and was out the door before she could be trampled by the incoming students.


Well.........What did you think? Did it suck? Stink? Was it good?Ok? Tell me. I need to know for your benefit. Review plz. Thank you =)
