His clear blue eyes always had some message behind them. An enticing mystery that always aroused the most peculiar emotions within me. When I gazed into those blue depths that became darker with the added time I spent looking at them, I felt him calling me. No physical words or touches were exchanged. I just knew that all he wanted was for me to embrace him with everything I had.
But I couldn't. He was still in danger, and as I slowly and painfully tore away from the deepening and soothing depths that had lately become a sort of refuge for me, I felt a kind of sadness radiate from him that worried me. It was a kind of grief that ripped at my heart and sent my emotions astray, unchecked and freely roaming. Morgan knew better than to interrupt me while I recollected my thoughts, although he did seem to have a twinkle playing around his eyes when one of my newly scattered thoughts strayed too far and hit him with a comforting nudge.
He knew what I truly felt. In that brief moment, he had once again become the endearing captain, and I the confused yet love struck Sira Morgan.
But I couldn't. He was still in danger, and as I slowly and painfully tore away from the deepening and soothing depths that had lately become a sort of refuge for me, I felt a kind of sadness radiate from him that worried me. It was a kind of grief that ripped at my heart and sent my emotions astray, unchecked and freely roaming. Morgan knew better than to interrupt me while I recollected my thoughts, although he did seem to have a twinkle playing around his eyes when one of my newly scattered thoughts strayed too far and hit him with a comforting nudge.
He knew what I truly felt. In that brief moment, he had once again become the endearing captain, and I the confused yet love struck Sira Morgan.