Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin . . . Good! The torture is over!

Here's my story! Reviews would be appreciated!


My thoughts as I walked with Sano towards the gambling house were certainly NOT on that. In fact, it was more on my secret love Kaoru Kamiya. Now, I can't tell you that Kaoru and I have been in a relationship. Well, actually we are, but not as an 'item' as what Megumi would call it.

Our relationship is more along the lines of friendship. Oh, who am I kidding! I'm in love with her and that's all there is to it! I told myself. But who am I to claim her as my own? She's her own woman and marking her as mine? No, this one could certainly not do that.

My thoughts were broken as Sano hit me over the head with his fist. "Hey, you okay Kenshin?"

I rubbed my head, thinking evil thoughts. True enough, I am the ex- hitokiri Himura Battousai but my true identity is Himura Kenshin . . . well, actually, it's Himura Shinta to be specific but I won't go into details with it.

If you all have been watching me for the past 2 years, since I've stayed with Kaoru at her dojo, then you must think I'm a gentle kind of person. And in actuality, it's true. To a certain extent, anyway.

Why my exterior rurouni side has been shown to many, my hitokiri side is nothing to be in front of. I will slice your head wide open. Luckily for you though, I have learned to control my inner beast! But that doesn't mean we don't still talk.

I may be nice on the outside but if something is done to hurt my loved ones or me, I suggest that you prepare yourself. My mind goes absolutely berserk. No, seriously, it does. I think bad and even throw in a few curse words while I'm at it.

"Sanosuke, you really shouldn't hit so hard!" I stumbled over a rock in the road and muttered evil things to myself. Just because he has the strength of a gorilla doesn't mean he has to TEST it! I thought to myself.

"Actually, I do, we've just arrived to the gambling house." Sano punched his knuckles together, causing gruesome noises to come about.

"Is it all right for me to day dream before you knock my rurouni eyeballs out of their sockets?" I said, a little annoyed.

Sano raised an eyebrow. "What's with you, Kenshin? I hit you once and you go ballistic!"

I quickly slapped on a fake smile to hide my true thoughts. "I'm sorry, Sanosuke. I've just been up all night . . ."

Sano wasn't even paying attention. He was already inside shaking the die in his hand. I sighed a small oro although I was thinking more than just that.

And that's true. I don't just say oro to just be saying it. Sometimes it's just there as a comfort object. Er, um, comfort word. Oh, you know what I mean!

Anyway, I slowly sunk to my feet and knelt next to my young friend. Seeing us next to each other, you probably would've thought that I was the 21 year-old man and Sano was 30 instead of vice versa.

30 . . . Kami, I feel like a geezer!

"All right, Kenshin! Do your stuff!" Sano said smacking me on my back. I reached for my cup of tea that had been prepared especially for me. It had become sort of a tradition. I come over with Sano, I win Sano money, they give me my tea instead of that sake, and then we go home. Welcome to the Cycle of Misery.

I put the cup down slowly and closed my eyes after getting a good look at the way the dice were held in Tomo's hand. I don't exactly predict when they fall, just image how they should fall. I've only lost 24 times and that was the first time I came to the house. And that was only because I wasn't paying attention.

"Odds, 5 and 6," I said, sipping some more. He tossed the dice into the bowl and they rolled to stop.

"ODDS! 5 AND 6!" Sano yelled happily. Tomo frowned.

"He's not aloud to come anymore!" he exclaimed with a crooked smile slung across his face.

Sano simply laughed. "Aww! You're just upset because we beat you 438 times in a row!" Tomo stuck his tongue out.

"Aw, cheese it you guys," Tomo's partner, Michio, spoke. "You shouldn't be to bent on losing today!"

I looked at him funny. "Why?"

He held up a calendar that looked like it Kaoru's cooking accidentally got into its system. Tomo shrugged it off without worry.

"So what? All that useless piece of tree says is that next Friday's July 7th!" Tomo spat.

Sano nodded. "Yeah, what's the big deal Michio?" He rolled up the paper, bits and pieces of it falling to the ground.

"Tanabata Night guys!" he exclaimed. We all just looked at him.

"So?" I piped up.

He looked at me as like I died and came back to life. "So? So! TANABATA NIGHT! You know! Festivals, hanging paper on bamboo . . . dancing women . . ." Everyone, including Sano snickered. I was disgusted.

"Hey, maybe your woman could dance, Himura!" one guy who had been watching us from the corner said, nudging my in the side with 'dirty' intentions.

I restrained myself, my eyes getting specks of amber. "What do you mean? I have no woman!" I replied, trying to keep myself calm, cool, and collective.

Another man who had been sitting next to Tomo laughed. "Yeah right! I've seen you two together at the market!" He put his hand on my shoulder. Don't you touch me! I thought with annoyance.

"You got a hottie, Himura!" he told me. Yes I do! Then I shook my head, reminding myself over and over that she wasn't mind. "I wouldn't mind seeing her 'shake a little somethin' if ya know what I mean.

I gritted my teeth, my eyes flashing amber. If Sano hadn't cut in when he did, then someone would be without a head at this moment.

"Jou-chan isn't really Kenshin's, you know," he stepped in, "their just really good friends."

"Really? Then . . . can I get a shot at her?"

That was when I stood up abruptly, knocking over the tray that held my teacup. "I don't recall any women dancing inappropriately at this festival."

I left as soon as the words left my lips. Sano hurried after me with a bag containing 14 yen.

"Wow, Kenshin. You seemed a little protective of Kaoru." I didn't say a thing to him. I was angry enough at the way that had referred to Kaoru. I need to learn how to control my emotions for her.

I knew that already but when something concerning Kaoru, good or bad, I turn into Battousai immediately. We walked the rest of the way home in total silence.


Good? Well, I don't care what you think cause I LIKE IT! And I would like to apologize to you again anna-neko for the way my so-called FRIEND tried to ruin my account by mixing two of your stories together. You're an excellent writer and that should not have happened. And to all of you bother to read this, YOU MUST CHECK OUT HER STORIES! THEY ARE EXCELLENT! Especially Mind Of A Woman. Go and red that. That story right there is what I call fanfiction! Ayosen!