Sorceress Vanessa: Hi everyone! :) I am back with another story! A short story, but I believe that you will all enjoy it!! I know because it was a joy to write this first chap!

And to let everyone know, all the YGO characters are the same age as they are in Battle City and this will take place after Battle City Tournament.

Vanessa: Here's the first chap of the story, hope you all like!


Crimson Betrayal

Chapter 1-

He's back


Ryou Bakura's Residence

August 16th, 2004


Ryou Bakura walked back to his house from the grocery market humming happily to another great day. It had been a few weeks after the Battle City Tournament and Ryou has been living the life ever since Yugi had taken his Millennium Ring away. He no longer has to put up with Bakura, his ex- Yami.

Ryou walked into his house and set down all the groceries in the kitchen, "I think that I'll put those away later."

For right now Ryou was tired, having a long day playing video games with Yugi and his friends having a grand old time with each other. Ever since Battle City had ended, things just seemed... perfect. Ryou walked up the stairs and up to his room, shutting the door quietly behind him, holding his hands up in the air and yawning.

"I guess I'll go to bed now, I'll just put the groceries away tomorrow." Ryou said sleepily as he walked over to his bed only to gasp and step back.

The Millennium Ring was on his bed, shining brightly. Suddenly Ryou saw his dark side, Bakura, come out and he was actually in his own body! Ryou stepped back a bit as Bakura laughed evilly.

"Well Ryou, long time no see?" Bakura chuckled as he came closer.

"Wha--... I thought that... that Yugi had the Millennium-..."

"Ring? Ha! Do you really think that you can get rid of me that easily my light? While I was over at that sniveling brats house I found a way to put myself in my own body, but only for a little while. So I gave myself my own body and came back here to get your body again."

Ryou felt himself smack right into the door as he lifted his hand towards the door knob, "Why do you need me?"

"Ryou, Ryou, Ryou... I finally came up with a plan that will let me have the Millennium Puzzle in my possesion but in order for me to have my plan to work I need a body that I can actually stay in for long periods of time." Bakura said smirking as he held up the Millennium Ring.

"You wont get me again!" Ryou yelled out in fright as he opened the door and ran off down the stairs but as he almost made it to the bottom he saw Bakura appear there with the Millennium Ring as he gave himself a body again.

"You're trapped Ryou, nothing can save you now." Bakura laughed as he appeared right behind Ryou and put the Millennium Ring over his neck.

"NO!!" Ryou yelled, but before he could take the Millennium Ring off Bakura had taken over his body.

Bakura cracked his neck from side to side and plastered a mischevious smirk on his face, narrowing his dark brown eyes, as his snowy white hair fell over his face, "It's time for my plan to take action."

He then laughed out loud like a maniac and walked out of the house towards Yugi's house, "I'm coming for you little Yugi and this time Pharoah, the Millennium Puzzle will be mine."


Sorceress Vanessa: So... how was the first chap? I know it was pretty short, but I can promise you that the next chap will be longer! :) You can have my word for it!!

Vanessa: OK, so now Bakura is back again -Shivers- and is now going to set his plan into motion... creepy. Anyway please review and my Yami will get back to you ASAP!!! Promise!

Preview of the next chap...

Yugi woke up with a start, sweat pourring down his face as he heard a noise that sounded like his door opening or closing, "Is anybody here?"

When he didnt get a reply he got up from his bed and reached over for the Millennium Puzzle, but before he could he felt someone grab his arm and twist it behind his back, "Ugh!"

"Hello little Yugi, remember me?"