Readers: This is beyond anything you have ever read before. It's a different concept than that which is most commonly used. I hope you enjoy and if you have any suggestions then please give them. I could always use other's input.

Four men were walking through Fangorn forest. Well really only one of them was a man the other were an elf, a dwarf, and a wizard.

"Tell me again, Gandalf, why are we going deeper into the forest?" the dwarf, Gimli, asked.

"We're going to have to go to see an old friend of mine. I must ask for his help in this matter," the wizard answered.

"Where exactly is this place Gandalf?" Aragorn the man asked.

"In another plane of existence. My friend is the headmaster of a school there, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ahh Hello friend tree." The others of the fellowship heard a groan. as if in response to the wizard. "Do you mind if I use you to open a doorway?" There was another groan. "Why I'm Gandalf the white. I need to get to earth." Groan. "Thank you friend tree. He said we could use his tree as a doorway." Gandalf said. He stood back and said the incantation to open the portal. Once he was finished you could see another forest through the doorway' "Who will go first?" he asked.

"I will go first," the elf, Legolas said, as he stepped up to the door' after he went through it the others followed. They were in a forest extremely different from the one they had just left.

"The school is this way," Gandalf said pointing east. After an hour of walking they saw the enormous castle. "Welcome to Hogwarts my friends."

"This is the school? It's almost as big as Minas Tirith." Aragorn said.

"Yes. In this world there are many buildings that are bigger than this. Now we must find Albus." Gandalf said. As they walked across the field they saw a boy running with a girl chasing him.

"Harry James Potter. Give me that book." The girl yelled running after him.

"I don't think so. You need to have more fun. You need to fly." he yelled and ran towards the four. "Excuse me." He said running past them.

"Potter if you don't stop right now I'm going to hex you into a tutu during the next qudditch match," The girl said stopping.

"Fine fine fine Hermione. Here's your book. Just don't hex me." Harry said.

"Thank you. Can I help you?" She asked the four.

"Yes. Could you please give us directions to the headmasters office?"

"Sure. I'll do one better, I'll take you there. You'd get lost and I need to go and give him some papers. I'm Hermione Snape." She said.

"Thank you Ms. Snape. I'm Gandalf the White. This is Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas."

"Really let me guess Aragorn of Gondor and Legolas of Mirkwood. Father has told me much about you two especially. Follow me."

"Mione wait up."

"I'm not talking to you right now Potter."

"Ohh come on a little fun. A little joke."

"I'm going to go tell my father after I take these four to the headmaster."

"NO Please don't tell Professor Snape. I'll make it up to you." At that she stopped.

"Make your proposition."

"I'll carry all of your books to class from now on."


"Are you Severus' daughter?" Gandalf asked.

"Of course. How else would I know where you four are from? Now come on."

"Gandalf who is she?" Aragorn asked in a low voice.

"I am Arwens niece. I can tell by the fact that you have her necklace who you are."

"What How Who HUH?" The king of men said.

"Explanations later. I'm suppose to take you to the headmasters right." I said walking towards the building.

"She's right. We'll explain later. Lets just follow." Gandalf said following, with the other three following. They followed the girl up winding stair cases, past walking talking portraits, suits of armor that moved. The three not exactly use to things like this had their weapons ready in case they were attacked.

"Put your weapons up. Nothing can exactly hurt you here. If something does, you can't block it with a sword or send it off course with an arrow." I said not looking back.

"Hey Snape!! Wait up!!" We heard from behind. The headboy came running up from behind us. "I'll walk with you up to the headmasters office. Hello Draco Malfoy." He said holding out his hand for the other four to take, not all at the same time though. Gandalf, some what familiar with the culture here, took his hand in a fair handshake.

"Hello I'm Gandalf, these are my companions Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas." He said introducing everyone.

"Nice to meet you. Ohh your dad wants to talk to you, when you have the time,"

"Thank you my messenger. Come on then I want to take this stuff to Dumbledore so I can talk to Papa." I said before walking off.

"What brings you four to Hogwarts?" Draco asked the others.

"We come to ask help from Albus." The wizard answered, short and to the point.

"I see. Here we are. Lemon Drops." Draco allowed me to go first, "Ohhh So Knight in shining armor Draco." I said.

"All the better to see your ass love," he said smirking.

"Ruin a good thing here why don't you." I knocked on the door. After we granted entry I opened the door. "We've got visitors sir. Draco and I've also brought those papers you wanted sir."

"My old friend. How are you? Thank you Hermione, for showing them to the office. I'll take those papers so the two of you can go your own way."

"Thank you sir. Here you go. Come on Draco. Places to be, Things to do, People to see. Good after noon Sirs." I said handing him my papers then after Draco handed in his I grabbed his hand pulling him away.

"Bye sir," he called out before being pulled out of the door by me. "thanks for pulling me out. I think I still have my arm."

"Cut the sarcasm. I need to go see my dad," I said walking away.

"Talk to you later, Minnie." I smiled at the use of my old nick-name. After a nice ten minute walk to my dads office, I knocked on the door.

"Come in, Hey baby, how's your day been?"

"Breakfast was ok, read some, then harry stole my book, I threatened him then we ran into a few people who you know quite well, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas."

"Their here? Why?"

"Don't look to me for answers, They're talking to Dumbledore right now. Let me guess, Aragorn doesn't know you or that Arwen has a niece namely me."

"I left home when he was still a small child. He wouldn't remember me. Plus I've changed my last name. But I do remember Legolas. He was a friend of mine. And he is also prince of Mirkwood so our fathers know each other quiet well. Gandalf, is a wizard. Ohh yes Gandalf the gray, I remember him quiet well. And I know of Gimli. The dwarfs aren't exactly friends of the elves." My father explained.

"Well he's Gandalf the white now father. Why would Aragorn have aunt Arwens necklace?" I asked.

"He has her necklace. That can only mean one thing. She's giving up her immortality to live with him. I knew that she'd do this I just didn't want to believe it." He said starring off.

"What did you want to tell me in the first place papa?" I asked wanting him to snap out of his trance.

"Ohhh yeah. Nevermind. I'll tell you later. Let's go up to the headmasters office. I'm going to have to talk to Aragorn. Plus I want to see Legolas." He said standing up. Then he picked me up and through me over his shoulder.

"Papa I can walk you know. They are called legs. I have two. Thus I can walk."

"I know but this is faster and funnier." He said hurrying up stairs.

"I don't understand how you do this all the time. I'm to heavy."

"Nonsense You weight about a hundred and ten pounds. That's nothing."

"Thank you for noticing my weight papa." I said when we stopped. We were outside the headmasters office.

"Lemon Drops." Papa said stepping up onto the first step and going up. Once the stairs stopped papa knocked.

"Come in Severus." the headmaster said and papa entered.

"I knew Hermione was going to tell you and I see that you've brought her with you." the headmaster said laughing.

"Yes well I haven't seen Aragorn since he was five and I haven't seen Legolas in eighty two years. How are you?"

"Not bad Sev. So this is your daughter. We though we'd never see you again. You just disappeared one day." Legolas said stepping up to my father and taking his hand in a friendly manor.

"Yes yes yes. I'm his daughter. I'm also getting extremely light headed. Ohhhh papa what a nice ass you have. Can I sleep with Draco tonight?" I said wanted him to put me down.

"Really I always thought my ass was on the small side myself. And Draco can come and sleep in our quarters. I know that he's gay oh daughter of mine. Wait no you need to stay away from him. Your getting his sarcasm." He said putting me down. When he did I started falling towards the floor. Legolas caught me.

"Ohhh my knight in shining armor. You have very pretty eyes," I sat down on one of the headmasters very comfortable chairs.

"Your welcome my lady and thank you for your compliment," he said bowing.

"No my ladies you hear I don't like it. Be called that makes me feel a thousand. I'm only 18. So now can Draco come over tonight. I got my sarcasm from you he's just helping a bit."

"First off what are the two of you going to do?"

"Well we're going to talk about our crushes, fashion, sex, fashion, then we're going to London to get matching tattoo's and piercing."

"Fine WHAT London I don't think so."

"OK. SO he can come over?"


"Yay. I love you I love you I love you. Nice to meet you four. I'll talk to you later. I must go and find Draco." I said running out of the office. Then it hit me those four are still like it he middle ages compared to the world that I live in today, oh well papa will smooth it over. I wonder where Draco is now. I decided to go and check to see if he was in the slytherin common room. And there he was, surrounded by a ton of people, some girls just don't get the picture, he's gay. But they are still hoping that he'll change his mind. I on the other hand love my best friend being a gay male. Of course hey have a great fashion since and you can talk to them about your crushes and the whole world wouldn't know about it the next day. I walked down to the common room and found Draco about to runaway in fear from the girls surrounding him. "Draco come on. We must go and get the room ready. Father is with the headmaster and we can well have fun." I say very cryptically and we ran out leaving several girls contemplating the meaning of my words. You'd think they'd just had their hearts broken. We were in the living room of my dad's quarters when he walked in with our guest.

"Then I said I already had plans to have sex with Ian that night and he was all like, I though you were different,' and he stormed out of the common room," Draco said. I just started cracking up because it was a lie to see the reactions of the four who had just walked in. Dad also knew that Draco was kidding but the other four were standing there with their mouths wide open. "Sorry it was a joke. I just wanted to see your faces," he explained laughing as hard as I was.