Disclaimer: I own nothing… I like the think that I do have imagination but alas, it is not always the case. Don't sue!

Author's Note: Okay so this is my first ever Harry Potter fic and I'm still waiting to read OOTP, I'm cheap and I'll wait for the paperback if I have to. You'll find probably a lot of familiarity in here but I like to keep it that way, I believe in the past repeating itself. Anyway here we go! Please R&R if you want. PRE-OOTP!

bthe-power-of-love/b welcome! WOW!! A new reviewer!! Ah what happens next.... that my dear is all up to me.... but I should warn you this fic is 26 chapters long!!

bMoonJasmine/b my faithful reviewer.... hugs ah well damn that I didn't spot because am only just starting OOTP! I was cheap and waited for the paper-back but lets reach a compromise and say its Prof. Trelawney Snr! ;)

This chapter hasn't been beta'd, my apologises as said before my beta has gone off to Florida and my father glares deleted my beta'd file! So apologies for any spelling mistakes!!!


Chapter Five – Bangs, Bullies and Boggarts

"BANG!" James opened the door to the classroom and found his face full of blue smoke. As it cleared he saw one of his classmates dropping too much eye of newt into a bubbling cauldron and ducked again as there was another loud bang.

"Oh look it's Potter!" Malfoy's sneer echoed round the room.

"Get lost Malfoy, you're nothing but a Bully!" Malfoy smirked at James,

"Aw upset I hexed your precious mudblood Evans?" James reached for his wand,

"Don't Prongs, he's not worth it." Remus grabbed James's hand and dragged him to his seat.

"Aw can't help a defenceless mudblood, poor Potter's losing it." There was a loud snigger from the left side of the room.

"Shut it all of you!" Professor Remould stormed in silencing the argument. "And pay attention I won't put up with any mistakes from any of you, this is a dangerous potion we shall be brewing today and if I hear, see or smell any mistakes the person responsible will be in more trouble than they can ever imagine." James swallowed as Professor Remould pinned him with a dangerous look.

"Why is it always me who gets those looks?" James asked Remus as they started to prepare the ingredients for the potions.

"Because you're always in trouble."

"Oh thanks for your support mate."

"Always a pleasure to give."

"Smart arse."



"Prong-head!" Both boys laughed quietly as they threw in their ingredients.

Lily was late again for Potions; her bitterly annoyed mood was not improved by Melody's apparent disappointment and now loathing for Sirius. Lily gave a small sigh as she was again subjected to a seat in front of Potter and Black and next to Malfoy.

Nor was she impressed when Professor Remould had to leave the classroom to have a stern word with Alexander who had burnt a large hole in the floor and dripped potentially deadly potion onto Professor McGonagall's head.

"Malfoy!" There was a hiss across the room, "you filthy little weasel I want my cloak back."

Lily was too engrossed in trying to mix the correct potion she wasn't aware of anything that was occurring behind her.

"Sure Potter, what would I have your filthy cloak for?"

"I mean it Malfoy!"

"I mean it Malfoy!" Malfoy squeaked out an impression of James and had finished just as Professor Remould walked back into the room. "I told you Potter I don't have it."

"Malfoy, Potter, shut it both of you. Get back to your potions, now!" Remould stalked around the room for the rest of the class.

Lily barely noticed when he congratulated on producing the best potion of the class, she was still humiliated by that stunt last night and was on point ignoring everyone of Potter's little gang, even Remus was in her bad books.

"Lily?" Remus scooted up to her after potions as she was making her way to Defence of the Dark Arts. She ignored him and continued walking faster and faster her mind focussed on the test they were about to have. "Lily?"

Remus looked over at her as he caught up with her, she was amazingly fast for a small redheaded girl even his long legs had trouble catching up with her. "Lily?" She shook her head at him and walked into the classroom taking her usual place right at the front. James joined him a minute later,

"Hey Moony, what's up?" Remus nodded his head at Lily who was sitting at the front with her head down and her hands flicking quickly through the pages of her book. "She's not speaking to you huh?"

"Probably thinks I had something to do with it. It's not far Prongs, she's always had the rough end of it." James nodded. "Look at Malfoy, always calling her names and now hexing her behind her back."

"Okay books away people! This is a timed test, we'll be starting in two minutes." Professor Dunking announced his presence in the classroom and James looked at Remus with shock.

"We have a test today?!" Remus nodded. "Oh Merlin!" James's head hit the table with a sigh.

"Mr Potter, hurry yourself please! And-" the Professor paused as quills were lifted nervously from their ink pots. "GO!" There was the frantic noise of quills scribbling on parchments for the next hour.

"STOP!" James moaned as he placed his quill back in the inkpot and handed his paper to Professor Dunking.

"Oh I failed that for sure. Why didn't you tell me we had a test Moony?" Remus shrugged his shoulders as he watched Lily hurry from the classroom.

"Check-mate." Melody looked triumphantly over at Lily whose chess pieces were falling over in defeat. "Oh shall we play again?" Lily looked around the room and saw that they were the only ones left in the common room.

"I'm tired Mel, I'm going to go up to bed." Melody nodded and they both stood up gathering their pieces and started up the stairs. Reaching their room and changing into their flannel pyjamas they snuggled under the covers.

"Blinking Merlin it's cold tonight, oh Lily, Quidditch starts tomorrow doesn't it?" Lily nodded; Melody was always so excited about Quidditch. "Can't believe you're Seeker again!"

"Practice starts tomorrow and Mel I'm really tired."

"Okay sorry Lil, night."

"Goodnight Mel."

Both girls eventually slipped into a deep and welcome sleep.

James was halfway through a very intriguing dream regarding a real-life game of wizards' chess when loud screams echoed through his mind and forced him to open his eyes.

Remus was already awake and was looking around the room with Sirius. Peter was sitting on his bed whimpering in fear.

"MEL!" There was another loud scream and two figures came barging into the room causing Peter to shriek in fright. There was another loud scream as the two figures pushed the door shut and ran over towards the window.

"Oh Merlin! Do you think we'll be safe in here?" One of the figures tripped over and fell onto James's bed.

"Melody?" Sirius flicked his wand and turned on the lamps and the two girls screamed again, Lily jumping away in fright as she caught sight of James.

"Sirius? Oh Merlin Lily, we'd best go back out again." Melody ran towards the door began yanking it open with Lily when they caught sight of what was sitting outside both screamed again and slammed the door shut.

"What in Hogwarts sake is going on?" James yelled as both girls slumped onto the floor shaking with fear.

"Snake, in the corridor." Melody said as she and Lily clung to each other.

"A snake? In Hogwarts? That's a shocker." Sirius gave a small laugh and Melody held her head up in defence.

"It wasn't just a snake. It was a dirty giant cobra everyone saw it. Didn't they Lily?" Lily nodded, her eyes abnormally large with fear and watery from not blinking.

"So if I open this door they'll be a giant cobra on the other side." Sirius pushed the girls out of the way and pulled on the door, peering outside he gave a wail of fright and slammed the door again.

"See!" Melody snapped at them. Sirius shook his head,

"I didn't see any snake." Remus stood up and handed Lily and Melody a blanket each and then opened the door. He slammed it again almost instantly.

"Boggart!" Remus nodded wisely. James rolled his eyes, so they'd both run screaming from their dorm room to his and woken him up for something they covered in third year.

"It was a snake!" Melody whimpered as she stood up. Lily remained on the floor shaking violently,

"Alright, alright leave the men to deal with it." Sirius walked back to his bed and grabbed his wand. Motioning James to do the same.

"It was a snake and you're not opening this door!" Melody spread herself against the wooden door.

"Well if it is a snake it's not going to take long to get through a wooden door is it?" James shook his head at Melody who jumped in fright straight into Sirius, who dropped his wand as he caught her.

"What did you say that for Prongs?" Sirius pushed Melody away and sat her down on his bed. "It's okay we'll deal with it," he said a little too caringly before turning back to the door.

"Lily?" Remus was peering down at Lily whose eyes were glazed over with fear and she looked frozen with shock.

"Please don't open the door." Her voice was barely a whisper and she sounded as if she were about to burst into tears. James walked over to where Remus was crouching beside her.

"It's okay Lily it's just a Boggart. Nothing to be afraid of." Lily shook her head and turned her eyes to James.

"Please don't open the door. Please." A tear fell down her cheek and James looked at Remus who nodded.

"Okay no one is opening this door, for the next half an hour."

"Okay everyone prepared? Everyone remembers what Professor Dunking taught us about Boggarts?" There was a collective nod and Remus nodded at Sirius to open the door. Six wands stuck out into the corridor and six pairs of eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw nothing.

"Dirty tricking Slytherin idiots." Sirius spat as he spotted a shred of a green and silver tie and drag marks in the carpet. There was a loud cackling from the other end of the corridor,

"Scare you did we girlies?" Malfoy slinked up to the door and smirked evilly at the six students in front of him. His gaze eventually settling on Lily, "Nothing to be afraid of Evans, just a Boggart Evans." He gave another cackle, "Thought you'd seen the famed creature of the Chamber of Secrets the way you were terrified." He reached out for her wand, "poor little mudblood can't handle one Boggart, no wonder they-"

"Shut it Malfoy or we'll Boggart you!" Remus, Sirius and James stepped forward pushing Lucius back down the corridor and watched him saunter off towards the portrait hole.

"Bloody weasel. Wait till McGonagall hears about this!" Peter fumed; James and Sirius gave each other a quick smirk and then turned back around.

"Okay, now can you two manage to get back to your own room without an armed escort? Or do we have to become knights in shining armour?" Sirius earned himself a smack on the arm from Melody for that comment. "Ow I'll take that as a you can look after yourselves thump."

"I'm sure we can manage thank you." Melody grabbed hold of Lily's arm and dragged her down the stairs and out of site.

"Women!" Sirius rolled his eyes and went back to bed, his snores filling the room as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Malfoy's in for it big time for that prank." James muttered to Remus as they both went back to their beds.

Everyone had returned to their dorm rooms and fallen asleep. Everyone but James, who was lying staring at the ceiling his thoughts whizzing round in his head. He was curious about Lily's reaction, he thought back to third year when they had been taught about Boggarts.

His brow wrinkled as he tried to remember if she was in his class then, he could see a younger version of Sirius and Peter and Remus. He could even remember Melody sitting in front of him with her blonde hair, but the rest of the room was empty. He frowned harder why was it only now he seemed to have noticed her?

His mind was answering that question, you have known her longer than that. Who's the Seeker for your Quidditch team? Who helped you with your Transfiguration homework on your second day here? Who helped you to the hospital wing when you fell off your broomstick? Who was the only person who spoke to you until you met the others?

Every question had the same answer; Lily and James felt ashamed that he'd never even seemed to notice that she was in everything he did.