Thank you all for the reviews!





Miranda G. Potter- Hahaha...Guys are mind readers? Hmm....that would make things 10 times easier....but who said life was easy...The guys are know comment...Thanks for the review!

LiliMarlene2004- Thank you so much! You don't know how much it means to me that you're going to support me with all my stories. I'll definitely put your suggestion of a sequel into consideration! Hope you like this chapter

Dampilleta- Yeah, school can be a real pain in the ass, least you have your health! Thank you again for your kind review! I luff your story, and you must continue ASAP!'ll find out in this chapter! Thanks for the review

Krystallia- Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter, I hope you're still alive....thanks for the review!


Maiden-of-hope- (Bails out of jail) Sorry it took be so long...the prison food must have been horrible! Thanks for the review!

Midnight Frostz- Awwwe...thanks...but I'm afraid What Are You Waiting For? has come to an end...I really hope you like this chapter!

hpfantic-Hey! Hope you're having a good weekend. It's great here. Update your story soon and thanks for the review! See you on Monday...wait...that's not a good the awful debate....

Panting Slightly- (Buys Ice Cream) Yeah, I'm a evil genius. And the website is Mugglenet. com...I don't know why it didn't show up. Thanks for the review!



Tywyn- Yeah, I don't know why the website didn't show up...but it was Mugglenet. com...great site...Thanks for the review!



trinakim- "Usher sucks you stupid ass" Hmm...let me take out my long list of what wrong with you...Oh wait...that would take way to long...let me just ask you one does that have to do with anything?... .

Smiley99- I'm not sure why the address didn't show up...but it's Mugglenet. com. Thanks for your review!

Chapter Seventeen: What Are You Waiting For?

"Where is she?!" Ron paced back and forth, biting the remainder of his fingernails. "She should have been here hours ago!" Ron didn't know what to do. The wedding was just a couple hours away.

"She'll be here!" he told himself. "She'll be here...I just gotta relax..." He slowly sat down the couch, but then quickly got up again, when he heard the phone ring. "Hermione?!" he said into the phone.

"No..." It was Mrs. Weasley, "Ron...what's going on? Why are you shouting out Hermione's name? Is something wrong?"

"Erm..." Ron stuttered. ", mum...everything's snazzy!"

"Okay..." Mrs. Weasley said slowly, "I just called to remind you that everyone's going to be arriving at two."

Ron cheeked his watch. It was 8:56. "Okay, mum...thanks—"

"And how happy I little Ronnikins is all grown up. It feels like it was only yesterday while I was changing your little diapers filled with—"

"Mum!" Ron said, "I got to go!"

"Oh, right, of course..." Mrs. Weasley said. "I love you."

"You too..." Ron put the phone down. "Where are you, Hermione?"

Harry and Hermione flew swiftly along the bright skies. It was a brilliant scene. Just Harry and Hermione, and no one else. They were alone, and nothing could ruin this moment...

"Harry?" Hermione said quietly.


"You know, I didn't mean what I said," she said slowly, "I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you." Harry almost fell off the broom. "I mean, I do love you."

Harry hesitated. "But in the friendship kind of why, right?"

No answer.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, "Hermione, what's—" Harry turned his head to see Hermione's white face, then he saw a dozen Dementors gliding past him. Harry's heart stopped. He accelerated forward in great speed. Hermione clutched to him for dear life, muttering: "Oh God! Oh God! Just shoot me now!"

The Dementors swept in front of them, causing Harry to stop. The deep happy memories were sucking out of him. Harry was left with horrific images.

Sirius's dead body lying on the ground. Lupin telling Harry that he was gone. Dead.

Hermione gasped harder into her tears. "Y-you can't, Harry!" she cried. "You can't love me! And I c-can't l-love you! It can't be!"

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He had conjured an Unforgivable Curse.

Harry could feel himself losing control of the Firebolt. "Herm-Hermione..." he said breathing heavily. "We have to stop." Hermione nodded against Harry's back.

With ample effort, Harry and Hermione reached the bottom. The Dementors would not give up. The glided towards them, sucking out every moment of happiness within them. Hermione clung to him, whimpering. Harry searched inside his robes and found his wand. He hastily took it out, gripping it tightly.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry said feebly. He staggered backwards. "Expecto Patronum!"

A small flicker of blinding white light came out of his wand. The Dementors were too powerful. He heard Hermione screaming, and then faint. Harry and Hermione feel onto their knees.

Harry looked at Hermione. This was it. She was it. The memory of Hermione.

Hermione battled Harry's hands trying to get to his pillow. But he was quicker. He reached over and a tickled her.

"Harry! Harry Potter!" Hermione feel over on the bed, laughing like crazy. "You better stop, Potter!" she said trying to push Harry's hands away.

He watched her sleeping. Her breathing was so peaceful and even. Harry moved her hair out of her face, and bent down and slowly brushed his lips to hers.

"I guess I need you, baby."

They looked into each other's eyes for God knows how long, until they finally came back to the real world. The bid each other goodnight and walked into their rooms.

"You know, I didn't mean what I said," she said slowly, "I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you. I mean, I do love you."

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry bellowed. The blinding white light appeared again, but this time creating a strong stag.

The Patronum created a wide guard that protected the two of them. The Dementors slid away. Harry stood wide-eyed, his mind blank. Dementors? Where had they come from? Who had they come from? His heart stopped. What was him? Hermione had buried her chest into Harry's. "It's okay, Hermione," he said, "They're gone."

"Harry! Why?" Hermione asked, "Why are they after you?" Harry looked at her. This was a sign...he knew it. What was he thinking these last few months? He even had said that he would find a way back.

It hit him. He couldn't run around with Hermione. The event that had first created the fight three years ago, was back to haunt him. He couldn't let her be in danger, just because he liked her.

"Er...I dunno," he said, "Lets' just go. We're late." They rode with top speed along the skies.

— — —

Ron pulled up his tie, staring into the mirror. He had changed his tie fourteen times and still no Hermione or Harry. Mrs. Weasley came strutting in. "Oh Ronnie! Something terrible has happened!" Ron gluped.

"Um...really?" he said.

"Yes!" Mrs. Weasley cried, "They got the peach napkins instead of the pink ones!" Ron stared at his mother. "And Hermione's missing!" Mrs. Weasley broke into tears. "What are we going to do!? The guests...they'll want to leave!"

"Mum, mum...calm down," Ron said, "Er..I'm sure she'll just stall the guests."

"Right...right," Mrs. Weasley said, "Stall, yes." She left the room. Ron feel onto the chair. "Dammit! Where are they! I have no best man or bride!" He groaned.

Ginny Weasley came running into the room. "Oh Ron!" she cried, as she barged in. "I can't believe it!" She walked over to him. "How could Hermione do this to you?" Ron didn't answer. "I mean, what could be more important than you?!"

Obviously, Harry. Ron thought. He sighed. "Come on, Ginny, let's go." Ron took his place in front, while the guests sat restlessly. He grinned nervously. The music started and everyone's head turned towards the door. Ron felt like a needle had just stabbed him painfully in the back ten times.

Everyone in the room started murmuring loudly. Allie came running into the room. "Hermione's not here!" The room gasped. "Whoops...did I say that out loud?"

— — —

Harry soared down, with a perfect landing. He took Hermione's hand and ran towards the church. Hermione stopped in front of the doors. "Hermione, C'mon!" Harry called.

She stared at him. "Harry—"

"No...I don't wanna hear it!" Harry snapped, "Just get inside!" He pulled on her hand.

"Harry! Listen!" Hermione pulled back. "What if...what if I'm not ready for this?"

"What?" Harry asked, "Not ready? Hermione, you were the one that said you wanted to get married."

"I know! I know!" she said, "It just doesn't feel right anymore!"

"Hermione, please!" Harry said "You have to go. Don't stay out here for me..." She looked at him, and then back to the wooden doors. She took Harry's hand and took a deep breath. She pushed the big brown doors open, and heard a great intake of breath.

The room was pin-drop silent. They all gazed upon the bride, in torn jeans and wet hair, and the best man, with messy hair and a cheesy grin. Both of them, just standing there, holding hands. Harry cleared his throat, and they hastily let go of each others' hands.

Harry walked up to the front, and cleared his throat again. "Well, erm...she's can have the wedding after all." The group stared. Hermione looked around the room, from the Weasleys to the Grangers, each one of them staring at her in disbelief. She slowly walked to the front, facing Ron. Her father right next to her. She couldn't look at Ron directly in the eye.

The priest cleared his throat. "Well...okay, right then. Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony..." Hermione's eyes wandered towards Harry, who was looking down at his feet, his hands shaking. She looked back at Ron. "Wilt thou have this Woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?

Ron looked into Hermione's eyes. "I do."

"Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so

long as ye both shall live?" The Priest said to her.

She gulped. This was it. She tried to open her mouth, but it wouldn't budge. She could feel all eyes on her. She tried hard not to look at Harry, but couldn't resist. He just stood there, waiting for her to go on.

Hermione, please, hurry up! Get it over with! Harry closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to hear those two words.

"I...I..." Hermione said, "I-I.." She gluped. Ron stared at her, and the guests went crazy whispering. All Hermione could say was "I."

The Priest cleared his throat. "Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?" She looked at him. Ron turned around, his fist tightened, as he looked at Harry.

Harry backed away, thinking Ron was going to get violent on him. Ron approached him and just stood there, staring into his face. For 3 dreaded minutes neither of them said a word. Ron broke the silence.

"Well," Ron said, "What are you waiting for?"

Harry shook his head. "W-what are you taking about?"

"It doesn't take a genius to see, my friend," Ron said quietly, "You love her, and she definitely loves you." He smiled. "Its never too late when it comes to love. Love is timeless and precious."

Harry shook his head again. "No, Ron, I can't! Can't you see?! I'll put her in danger! I'll put whoever I love in danger! It could never be! You two are going to have the perfect life together. I know it."

Ron turned his head to look at Hermione, who was weeping quietly. "It's sure for a fact that she doesn't care if she's in danger. Just as long she's with you. I can see it in her eyes." He then took Harry's hand and placed it on top of Hermione's. " Don't wait any longer."

What if I told you

It was all meant to be

Would you believe me,

Would you agree

It's almost that feelin'

That we've met before

So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy

When I tell you love has come and now...

Harry looked away from Ron and to Hermione, who looked up. Ron cleared his throat. "Hermione Granger," he said. "Do you take Harry Potter to be your wedded husband?" Hermione looked at Ron. He nodded. Hermione slowly opened her mouth. "I-I do."

Ron smiled. "And do you Harry Potter take Hermione Granger to be your wedded wife?" Harry felt a sensation that he had never felt in his life. It was the sensation of hope. For long seconds there was complete silence. "I do," he said quietly.

"You may now kiss the bride," Ron said, grinning.

Harry faced Hermione, his knees felt numb. They grew closer, there noses almost touching. What Harry and Hermione were waiting for, was about to come true. Their lips locked. Harry felt his heart skip a few beats. His knees gave out, as the kiss depended. The emotion and passion swept past him so quickly, that he felt lightheaded.

Hermione couldn't believe what was happening. Just a few minutes ago, she was going to be Mrs. Hermione Weasley, but now, it was the opposite. She was kissing Harry Potter, her husband. As the kiss deepened she felt as if she would drop dead by Harry's wonderful charm and wonder.

A moment like this

Some people wait a lifetime,

For a moment like this

Some people search forever,

For that one special kiss

Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me

Some people wait a lifetime,

For a moment like this

Ron grinned at his two best friends. She was happy, and that's all that mattered. The family and friends sat with their mouths dropped, staring a the newly wed couple who were lost in their own world. Ron clapped his hands. Mrs. Weasley stood up and started clapping too. Mr. and Mrs. Granger stood up and joined Ron and Mrs. Weasley, and soon, the whole church was clapping, and blowing whistles at the kissing couple.

Harry and Hermione broke apart lost in each other's eyes. They smiled at the clapping guests, who didn't have a damn clue as to what was going on. They looked at Ron who grinned and gave them a thumbs up. "Happy Birthday, Harry!" Ron called. Harry looked down at Hermione, once again.

"What were we waiting for?"

Well, that's it. What Are You Waiting For? is now come to an end...Well...there still is a sequel. I don't think I did a very good job on this chapter. After I read it over, I was like... "Eh..what the hell?"

I'm so sorry that I didn't update I insert good excuse here

I had a buttload of homework, and the chatroom at Mugglenet. com is so addicting, it's scary. guys think I should write sequel to this, eh? happen...but it wouldn't be too long. Plus I've already got a story swirling in my head.

The excitement of the release date of HBP (July 16th) has also gotten in the way and making me forget what I'm supposed to be doing!

If you didn't notice already, some of the scenes were from Spiderman 2...I just loved the end of that movie.

Well, keep the reviews coming! I'll update more often, if Mugglenet doesn't come in the way!

Luff you all!
