Maternal Instinct II

By Greta Hundertmark

January 30, 2001

Maternal Instinct II

The last thing Princess Glimmer remembered was seeing her mother's face and telling her she loved her before just seemed to drift off to sleep. She opened her eyes, and saw that she was not in the Fright Zone anymore and her mother, Queen Angella, was nowhere to be seen. Glimmer could not see anything at all except for a bright light that seemed to be in the distance. The light was brighter than she had ever seen, more bright than what her and mother's magic could ever produce. Glimmer looked at herself. The huge wound that penetrated her abdomen was gone. She was free pf any pain. Glimmer thought she could still hear her mother crying. She looked straight at the light.

"Mother! Where are you? I'm all right", cried Glimmer.

There was no answer. She felt a chill run down her spine. She began to fear that she was dead, which is why she felt no pain and had no trace of injury. She started to cry when she realized how much her mother must be devastated.

"Mother! Mother!" cried Glimmer, hoping somebody would listen and send her back.

Glimmer looked ahead. It seemed like someone was beckoning her to walk toward the light, but she did not know what. She stepped forward. She could feel her body temperature rising as the light gave off quite a bit of heat. She kept walking toward the light until she saw a figure approaching her. She stopped and saw that the figure was a woman had huge angel wings like her mother.

"Are you an angel?" asked Glimmer, placing her hands over her eyes as the light became more blinding.

The woman came close and Glimmer couldn't help but notice that she looked quite a bit like her mother. She was even more surprised when she saw the woman had pink hair like herself.

Glimmer studied the woman and then asked, "Queen Isabella, is that you?"

The woman gently took her hand and touched the side of Glimmer's face. She looked smiled and said to her, "Yes, Glimmer, I am your grandmother".

"Grandmother, I have been wanting to meet you", said Glimmer.

"You were just a little baby when I left your world. You have grown up to be such a lovely young woman", said Isabella.

"Mother has told me so much about you. She misses you", said Glimmer, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I miss her too. I watch over her all the time. I have watched you grow up. You make your parents so proud", said Isabella, as she started to cry.

Glimmer looked up, the tears glistening in the light, and asked, "I've hurt my mother. I heard her cry before I left".

Isabella placed her hands on Glimmer's shoulders and said, "I love you so much, Glimmer. I lived long enough to see my first and only grandchild be born. I wish I didn't have to go, but I had to. It was my time, but I am not going to let them take you".

"But I am dead", said Glimmer.

"Not yet. Not officially. You have not passed through and I am not going to let you pass either. As much as I'd like to spend time with my granddaughter, I am not going to let you stay", said Isabella.

"How?" asked Glimmer.

"Just because I am a spirit doesn't mean I lost all my powers. I am as strong if not stronger than I was when I ruled Bright Moon along side your grandfather", said Isabella.

"Is that allowed?" asked Glimmer.

"Of course, He lets me make a few rules of my own up here. Just bear with me, Glim. You haven't seen your grandmother in action yet", Isabella said as she gave Glimmer a wink.

"Okay, what are you going to do?" asked Glimmer.

"First I am going to ask my beautiful granddaughter for a hug", said Isabella, with a smile.

Glimmer and Isabella embraced. Glimmer felt safe and secure. She had a feeling that her grandmother knew exactly what she was doing and she'd be reunited with her mother in no time.

At the Fright Zone, She-ra just stood a few feet away, not knowing what to say or do. She felt the tears burn her eyes as she watched Queen Angella cradle Glimmer's lifeless body in her arms. She loved Glimmer. Glimmer was her friend and ally. She was a sweet and caring rebel who would do anything to help her planet. She did not deserve to die, and Angella did not deserve to lose her child.

Angella, still not accepting her daughter's death, held Glimmer's hand and said to her, "Come on, Glimmer. You're strong. You have been through too much all ready to have to have it all end here".

The color started to drain from Glimmer's face. Angella touched the side of Glimmer's face and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Angella started to sing her a lullaby.

"Hush my darling, don't cry my darling, the lion sleeps tonight", Angella sang softly.

Then it just seemed to hit Angella like a brick wall. She broke down into sobs and wailed, "No, it can't be. My baby is gone".

She-ra walked over and kneeled down beside Angella, putting her arm around her. Through choking sobs, She-ra said, "I am so sorry, Angella. We'll all miss her".

Angella looked at She-ra, her eyes flooded with tears. "Leave me along, She-ra. Just let be alone with my daughter", she sobbed.

"Yes, my Queen, I understand", said She-ra, as she stood up and walked through the hole she had made to get into the dungeon area. She stayed just outside, watching to make sure no members of the Horde interfered.

Angella brushed away some of the pink hairs that had fallen in Glimmer's face and then gave her another kiss on the forehead. "I don't want to say goodbye, Sunshine. I love you so much. You were the joy of mine and your father's life", she whispered softly.

Angella felt a strange sense of warmth, as she realized the room seemed to get brighter. She looked up, still cradling Glimmer's head in her arms. A voice startled.

"You don't have to say goodbye, Angella", said the voice.

Angella recognized the voice. Before turning around, she called out, "Mother, is that you?"

Angella looked and saw her mother, Isabella, standing over. A soft light surrounded her. Angella felt relaxed and calm when Isabella placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Angella, my daughter, everything is going to be all right. I promise", said Isabella, with a smile on her face.

"Glimmer is dead. My only child is dead", Angella cried.

Isabella knelt down and said, "Like I said, Angella. Everything is going to be all right. I must go now, but please remember that I'll always be with you".

"I love you, Mother", said Angella.

Isabella placed her hand on the side of Angella's face and said, "I love you too, Angella. I watch over you, Hope, Glimmer, and Micah all the time. It is goodbye for now, but my spirit will always remain in Bright Moon".

Isabella kissed Angella on the forehead and then slowly faded away. "Mother, wait, come back", cried Angella.

Angella looked at Glimmer. She did not know why her mother had come to her and told her everything was all right. She held Glimmer close to her. She was startled by what sounded like a cough. Angella looked at Glimmer and saw that was still breathing.

"Glimmer! Glimmer! You're alive!" cried Angella, as tears of joy filled her eyes

Glimmer opened her eyes and said weakly, "Mother, what happened?"

"A miracle, Sunshine. A miracle just happened", exclaimed Angella.

"What?" asked Glimmer.

"Easy, Glimmer. You're still badly injured. We need to get you back to Bright Moon", said Angella.

"Ooh, Mother. I am in so much pain", said Glimmer.

"I know, sweetie", said Angella.

She-ra walked back into the dungeon area and was shocked to find that Glimmer was alive. She felt a wave of excitement flow through her body.

"This a miracle. I am so glad you're okay", said She-ra.

"I don't know what I would have done if I had lost my baby", said Angella, as she still held Glimmer close to her.

"We need to get you out of here, before the Horde finds us first", said She-ra.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of them. Angella remembered her mother's words about walking into the light.

"She-ra, this is our ride home", said Angella.

She-ra turned and let out a whistle. Swiftwind came flying in from outside. Angella was able to use some of magic to gently lift Glimmer up off the ground.

"I can help carry her, your majesty", said She-ra.

"This gate leads us to Bright Moon. I am sure I can carry her for a few feet. I carried her for nine months", said Angella, as she smiled at Glimmer.

"I understand. Let's get going", said She-ra.

Glimmer woke up the next morning in her own bed. She tried to move, but her whole body was still sore. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw her mother standing over her.

"Easy now, daughter. You need to take it easy for a few weeks", said Angella.

"I still don't know what happened. All I remembered was fighting that thing, and then waking up in the Fright Zone in your arms", said Glimmer, still sounding weak.

"We almost lost you. You took a deep stab wound to the stomach. You are going to be okay. You are one lucky girl", said Angella, smiling down at her mother.

"I was stabbed!" cried Glimmer.

Angella felt tears form in her eyes. It pained her to know that somebody had tried to kill her daughter. She felt more anger than she had ever felt before toward the Horde. They had held her husband, King Micah, prisoner for several years on Horde World. Now they almost successfully killed her child. A knock at the door startled Angella. She turned around and saw Micah standing in the doorway. Angella ran to him and embraced him.

"Oh, Micah, I am so glad you're here. We almost lost our daughter", cried Angella.

"I heard. I came as quickly as I could. The Horde will pay deeply for this", Micah said, his fists clenched.

"Daddy! Is that you?" asked Glimmer, weakly.

Micah walked over and kneeled down beside Glimmer's bed. He took Glimmer by the hand.

"Oh, Sunshine, I am so glad you're going to be okay. I am not going to leave until you are fully recovered and in tiptop shape", said Micah.

"I can't remember a thing, Daddy", said Glimmer.

"I can't believe I almost lost you, Sunshine. I won't leave your side until I know you're going to be okay", said Micah, with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I am so glad you're here. Please, don't take off this time", said Glimmer.

"I'll stay for a while until you're recovered, but the Horde is going to pay for trying to take you from your mother and me. Nobody hurts my little girl and gets away with it", said Micah.

"Be careful, Daddy. I don't want to lose you again", said Glimmer.

"I will, sweetheart. Get some rest and take it easy. You don't need any more stress", said Micah.

"I will", said Glimmer.

"Take care, Sunshine", said Micah, as he leaned toward Glimmer and gave a kiss on the forehead.

Micah got up and walked over to Angella who took him by the hand and led him into the hall. Angella collapsed in his arms.

"She had died, Micah. It was a miracle that saved her. For a few minutes, our little girl was gone", sobbed Angella.

"My god, Angella. It just makes me feel good though that somebody is watching over our daughter. I worry about her all the time", said Micah.

"Somebody is watching over her. She is very lucky", said Angella, as she looked up at Micah and smiled.

"I have a feeling the road is going to be rougher ahead of us. We have a tough battle to fight, Angella. I will not rest until the Horde is off this planet and away from my family. I missed out on watching my little girl grow up because of them", said Micah.

"We have to be careful, Micah. I am constantly worried sick over both you and Glimmer. I thought I had lost you, and then Glimmer", said Angella.

Micah gently touched Angella's face and said to her, "One day we will be able to all live in peace. I will fight to the end to make sure you and Glimmer are safe".

Micah leaned forward and kissed Angella on the lips. Together, the husband and wife kissed passionately in the hallway.

A few weeks later, Adora, Bow, Madam Razz, and Broom all arrived at Castle Bright Moon with flowers and gifts. Glimmer was able to sit up as her injury was beginning to heal quickly and normally. Some of the rebels decided to all stop by and cheer Glimmer up, since she was bedridden in Castle Bright Moon for months. Glimmer was excited that all her friends came to see her at once. Angella and Micah watched as Glimmer was smiling for the first time after her near death experience.

"I hate being cooped up in here all the time. I feel as though I should be out there helping you guys", said Glimmer.

"Now, Glimmer, you have to take it easy. Otherwise, you won't heal the right way and have more problems down the road", said Bow.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but I still hate it. It is so boring", said Glimmer.

"What? Hanging with both of your parents is boring?" asked Micah, starting to laugh.

"No, Father, I did not mean that. I have not been able to move very far from this bed for weeks", said Glimmer.

"I know it's hard, Glimmer, but it is for the best. We want to you to have a full recovery and return in full form to the Rebellion", said Adora.

"Yeah, we miss you around the camp", said Bow.

"There's no hurry, dearie. We just want to see you get better", said Madam Razz.

"I want to get better real soon", said Glimmer.

"We have to be even more careful now. This is the first time the Horde has ever intentionally tried to kill someone. Mostly they keep prisoners and torture them to make an example", said Adora.

"They are getting more desperate than ever to keep control over this planet. We should not underestimate them", said Micah.

"I have a feeling we may have our biggest challenge yet. Remember to stick by each other and fight for what we believe in", said Angella.

"Yes, we may have to deal with many things we may not want to face. It is my biggest fear that I'll lose one of you in this fight", said Adora.

"We must stay strong", said Angella.

"Yes, and for now we must make sure Glimmer here follows the doctor's orders and gets well", said Bow.

"I will, Bow", said Glimmer.

"You promise, Glimmer. We have a party planned for your return, but you must have clean bill of health from the doctor before you can come back. If not, I'll have to kick your butt", said Bow.

"I promise, Bow. I know better than to disobey a doctor", said Glimmer.

"Then it's a deal", said Bow as he extended his hand, and he and Glimmer shook on it.