Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Chapter 1: The Dursley's

Harry Potter was once again alone. He sat on his bed at number 4 Privet Drive, thinking about the events that had unfolded over the last year. Events that had resorted the greatest dark wizard the world had ever seen. Voldermort had returned and now Harry knew why Voldermort had tried to kill him all those years ago. It was all down to a prophecy that his least favourite teacher (apart from Snape) had given before she had even met Harry. The prophecy read 'the one with the power to vanquish the dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the dark lord will mark him as an equal, but he will have powers the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.' Annoying though it was for professor Trelawney to be predicting Harry's death this time she needed to be taken seriously. This prophecy was true and what the future held for Harry.

It was late in the night and even thought it was his birthday tomorrow he wasn't excited... the last term at Hogwarts Harry had seen his godfather Sirius Black murdered by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange and then Dumbledore had told Harry that he was either to be murdered or he must become a murderer to stop Voldermort from taking over the Wizarding World. Harry lay on his bed trying to fall asleep and stop thinking about it... he tried to look at it from Hagrid's point of view ('what will come will come and we will face it when it does.') This made Harry feel slightly better knowing that he wouldn't have to fight alone and he would have the full support of the Order of The Phoenix. He heard a distant hoot and a now familiar owl flew through his open window, it was from his best friend Hermione Granger, although he and Hermione had become somewhat more then friends over the summer as Hermione had declared her true feelings for Harry in a letter in the first week of the holidays Harry still read and re- read the letter at least once a day, Harry lay back thinking about that day when Hermione's owl hooted lightly in his ear and Harry remembered that the owl was there and he took the letter of the owl which flew out the open window back to Hermione, he un rolled the parchment and read.

Dear Harry,
I hope that you are okay and are not worrying to much about your OWL results the results will be here soon and there is nothing you can do about them until they do. You're a great wizard Harry you really are. Anyway the reason I'm writing to you this late in the evening is I wondered if you would like to spend the rest of the summer here with me and we could then go to Sirius funeral together (I want to be there for you Harry I really do) and then mum and dad say that they can take us to Diagon ally and to get the Hogwarts express on September 1st write back soon. And we will pick you up at noon on Wednesday. I miss you lots Lots of love from Hermione xxx

Harry couldn't write back quicker and he wrote on a piece of parchment 'That would be fantastic see you Wednesday Love you too xxxx' he tied it to Hedwig's leg and watched her fly from the window. Harry lay back and went to sleep thinking that this time in two days he would be with his Hermione again.