Some Simple Conversation Mistress of Darkness Began: July 5, 2004 Finished: Revised/Updated:

Legend and all characters that appeared in that timeless movie do not belong to me; I write these fictions based on those characters without permission and without payment (unless you count the pleasure I get out of writing...()

This fiction is an alternate of sorts; it takes place in the great hall with Lily and Darkness, when he asks her to sit and talk with him...I think the following would have been a much more...interesting dialogue between the two. Enjoy!

The Lord of darkness gazed into the fireplace, staring at the flickering flames held back only by the sculptures of demons surrounding it. His thoughts, yet again, were on the human girl captured by his goblins mere hours ago. From the moment he had watched them bring her though the gates of his dark palace, he knew he must have her! This was the girl, he knew, who had touched—and thus trapped—the unicorns. Because of her, his kingdom would rise again.
Because of her, he felt ancient stirrings he believed long dead.
She was beautiful; her skin flawless, her lips full, her slender curves could not but attract longing gazes.
And she was so pure...
Pure enough to touch unicorns!
She was his captive to do with as he wished...but... What was he to do now? Finally he spoke out to the flames. "Father! I hold the world in my grasp. And yet...this...girl...distracts me. It has been an eternity since I felt such...desire... What am I to do?"
A voice, his father's, immediately answered, cold but soft, only a whisper. "She fascinates you because her soul is pure."
Darkness' eyes narrowed. "I'll take her then!" "Fool! You must woo her! She remembers the world as it was... So... Tempt her! Win her! Make her one of us!" Darkness gave a thoughtful frown. "Why bother? I could have her as I please." His father's voice answered with a cackle. "As could any human man. Would it not be a greater victory to convert her? Would it not be a greater pleasure to seduce her, to feel her innocence enveloped by your black embrace? Let her come to you, for how can she resist?" Darkness smiled. Indeed, what his father said made sense. Besides, many a maiden had he taken, seduced, beguiled. But they had all fallen to his spell; he wanted a true companion... He wanted the girl's love. He rose from his seat. He must begin leading her to him at once. The challenge would be a welcome one...a hunt worthy of him. He left the room with a sweep of his great cape and a smile. He had work to do.

He could stand no more. The girl was driving him absolutely mad with desire as she danced before the mirror that hid his watchful gaze. He reached through the glass, feeling it turn to water as he touched it.

Lily gasped, seeing a strong, large blood-red hand reaching out to her through the mirror in front of her. She stepped back and watched in fascinated horror as another clawed hand reached out, the arms seemingly trying to embrace her. Lily felt consciousness slip and was barely aware of falling to the floor...

Darkness, now completely through the mirror, gazed down at his new bride. She had fainted at the sight of him... What would she do then, he thought wickedly, when I touch her? Slowly, he knelt down over her... He felt his pulse quicken as his face came closer to hers... So easy, he easy to take her... So tempting. Suddenly her eyes open...he smiled down at her, but she was startled and frightened, and quickly scurried out from under him with a silent scream...

There's chapter one! Enjoy the next one!