Disclaimer: see chapter 11
XIII. The Confession
Sango was getting better, but she was still too weak to walk by herself. After two days she got out of bed and walked outside.
It was late afternoon, and Kagome was cooking dinner for them. Sango smiled as she inhaled the fresh air and the aroma of cooking fish.
She walked down a hill towards the edge of the river when she tripped and lost her balance. She almost fell, but someone caught her. It was Miroku.
"Thanks," she blushed.
"You shouldn't be walking by yourself yet," he gently scolded her.
"I'm fine." She continued walking, and Miroku followed her.
"Are you sure?"
Sango nodded. She was about to show Miroku how well she could walk when her weak knees almost gave out again. Miroku caught her and chuckled.
"You are not fine."
"I, I just need some fresh air, and I need to test out my legs before I forget how to walk," she protested, then gave out a small yelp when Miroku scooped her up, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back.
"So, where do you want to go?" his breath was so close, and Sango felt her cheeks flush.
"The, the river," she managed to mumble.
As Miroku walked, she tried to focus her thoughts on the river and the steady rhythm of his steps instead of how close he was and how fast her heart was beating.
"There." Miroku gently set Sango down, who, to his disappointment, quickly left him for the bank of the river. He trotted after her, hoping to get close to her again.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Sango asked when he was close enough to hear her, gesturing at the sunset reflected on the winding river.
"Yeah…" he sighed.
Sango jumped when she found that when he spoke, he was looking at her, not the scenery. A blush crept its way to her cheeks again.
"Houshi-sama, what are you…"
Miroku moved closer to her and cupped her cheek in his hand. He tilted her head up so their eyes met and whispered: "You are more beautiful than the sun Sango."
Her heart was thumping like crazy in her chest. She wanted to look away, but couldn't break the gaze. His violet eyes were so mesmerizing.
"I'm sorry I let you get hurt." He gently put a finger to her lips when she was about to protest. "I was so afraid, afraid to lose you. I don't know what I'd do if that happened."
Sango gasped in answer, but he wasn't finished. He moved closer, their noses were almost touching.
"I want to tell you something. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I just wanted to tell you that," he looked down, took a deep breath, and looked back into her eyes again. "I want to tell you that I'm in love with you."
Sango didn't have time to react. As soon as the words left his lips, he brought her closer and gently kissed her cherry lips.
Her eyes went wide with shock and her cheeks were as red as Inuyasha's haori. But a second later, she got over that shock and closed her eyes in acceptance. Shyly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
"I love you too Houshi-sama," she whispered when they broke their kiss, her cheeks still flaming. "You're always so kind to me, even when I almost got you killed twice."
Miroku stroked her cheek softly. "It's alright, everyone makes mistakes. I really admire you for being so strong through tough situations." (AN: that quote is from Scorpio Serpent as written in the review, thanks!)
Sango smiled shyly. "I suppose you want me to call you Miroku, don't you."
Miroku grinned ear-to-ear and shook his head. "I dunno, I kinda like 'Houshi-sama'. It's like your special nickname for me."
Sango smiled. "Alright Houshi-sama."
Miroku wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her again. Sango relaxed and enjoyed the kiss.
Hmm…not bad…I can get used to this.
Then, without warning, she felt a familiar feeling on her butt. She felt herself getting angry in that familiar way and…
The sound of palm against cheek resonated through the forest.
THE ENDMR: sniff it's over!! wahhh!!
IY (elated): woohoo, it's over! finally, we are free to go!
Kagome: Inuyasha! can't you see MR is sad, so stop being insensitive in her moment of grief.
IY: feh, who cares about her?
Kagome: Sit!
Miroku (disappointed): aww, it's over? just when I was getting started on smooching. and why did it have to end like that? (rubbing bump on head)
Sango (smug): thanks MR, I love the ending!
thanks SOOO much to everyone who read and/or reviewed my story!!!! as my show of appreciation, you can take the IY character of your choice home until... Well, since I'm done with them for now, you can keep him/her until someone in a suit comes knocking on your door demanding for you to return the character and sue you if you don't; or until the character decides to escape.
IY: What!! you are giving us away? I thought we are free to go. NOOO! I don't wanna! (hoard of fans come to take him away) Kagome, help!
I just updated my other Sango/Miroku story "Hard to let go" for those who are interested.
Thank you also for your suggestions on plot/name ideas on the weird pairing story. Look for it sometime in the future.