A/n: we're finally here. The last chapter. Enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu yasha character or the story itself. That honor goes to Alice Borchardt. I only rewrote it with Inu yasha characters.

The Silver Wolf

By Panthera1984

To all things comes an end.

Tonight. The wedding would be tonight. It was the first thing Kagome had thought about when she woke up this morning. Her heart had been beating twice as fast and her stomach had been upset too. Now at breakfast she felt slightly sick and Kikyo's constant staring wasn't helping at all.

Shoving her food around and pretending to take a bite every now and then Kagome tried to put her mind at ease. Not that it was working, every time she felt the stress lift another small thing brought it back again. A object or a lingering thought was enough to send a whole new wave of pressure running through her body. And at the moment she whished it was already over and done with.

A slight turmoil brought Kagome out of her thoughts and she looked up just in time to see Kikyo motion a maid to go away. In her hand was a small scroll sealed with red wax. From where she was sitting Kagome couldn't tell which seal was pressed in the wax. And without that knowledge she couldn't tell from whom the scroll was. Bending her head again Kagome resumed her mindless moving around of food, but kept one eye on Kikyo.

The elder woman carefully examined the wax and its seal. Then stood up and left the room. As soon as he left the room Kagome pushed her plate with food away. With a new evoked interest she started to watch the door through which Kikyo had disappeared. What could possibly be important enough for Kikyo to leave her breakfast. Soft sounds told Kagome that breakfast was being taken away by the maids.

Somewhere in the back of her mind Kagome was thankful for that. At least now she didn't need to force herself to eat any more. It really was difficult to eat when you didn't feel like it. Shaking her head to lose the last stray thoughts about food she focused on the room Kikyo had disappeared into. Maybe if she focused enough she could hear what was going on.

After some trying Kagome had to admit defeat. Although she had gotten a lot stronger now that she could room around as wolf more often. She still could not call her other part forward on will. She was getting there though. Just a little while longer and she might not need moonlight anymore to transform. And maybe, with a lot of time she would be able to transform during the day. Kagome smiled, that would be something to look forward too. Then her mood fell, it would also be something to fear. If her husband would find out.

Swallowing hard Kagome tried to stop the tears gathering in her eyes. Life just wasn't fair. Why did she have to live with this curse. Why couldn't she enjoy the gift she had been given at birth. Instead she was forced to go from church to church at young age, listen to her mother begging mercy. And now she would need to hide her secret more than ever. For were her uncle needed her and would likely not put her through to much because it could lower her price, surely her husband would not think twice. She would be killed horribly in the blink if an eye.

While she was thinking about her future and how to make it as enjoyable as it could get, Kikyo came back into the room. "Ah, you finished your breakfast" Kikyo walked to her seat and settled down. From the servant entrance a maid came in with a plate on which stood several cups and pots. Kikyo motioned her to place it before her and waited for the maid to file her cup with steaming tea. " Well, I have arranged for you to be dressed in the finest. I even had Madame Guall come here to finish her work herself." At all this Kagome just nodded. And while Kikyo went on and threw in big names every once and while Kagome looked at the soft red that still lingered in Kikyo's eyes and the tiny trails that told of tears. In the meantime the maid had filled her a cup of tea too and Kagome was glad for it this time. The fragrance of the tea soothed her stomach and at the end of the lecture Kagome was even able to consume some of the cookies that came with the tea.

All that time Kikyo explained in great detail how the wedding was going to be. She told of the draperies and the foods. Of the people that would be coming and what was expected from her as hostess. At the mention of that Kagome's cringed but pushed it aside and decided to live for the moment. She could worry about all the other stuff when is was time too. Now she would just drink her tea and think about how she saved Inu yasha.

By the time Kagome was left with Madame Guall, it was well into the morning and lunch could arrive at any moment. Sadly enough that thought only made Kagome's stomach rebel even more and while she was being dressed Kagome was thinking of ways to dump her meal.


By noon Kagome was sure the message Kikyo had gotten was bad news. The woman was lost in thoughts on several occasions even going as far as to ask Kagome what she wanted to do tonight. Kagome pretended not to notice but she did wonder. What could have upset Kikyo so badly. As far as she could figure the only things that really got to Kikyo were her children and Sesshoumaru.

Most of the time spend with Madame Guall was mostly spend with turning around ( Just a bit more dear. No, no the other way dear.) Kagome had ample time to think about her life. After some time she realized that thinking this much was a waste of time and only served to make her feel more stressed. With a sad sigh she looked outside over the bowed form of Madame Guall and found some form of peace from the flowers in the garden.

"Could you turn around a bit more dear, I need to take in the hem a bit more right there." Kagome turned dutifully and found herself facing a painting on the wall. Right away she knew it was Inu yasha's work, the life and beauty the painting held could only be his. Letting herself zoone out she took in the rainbow of happy colours and a picture of a half dressed woman lazily laying on a patch of grass looking at a beautiful crystal clear blue lake. Behind her an equally half dressed man.

Shifting her sight Kagome took the man in more seriously. At first glance one would thing he didn't belong in the painting but after careful examination she noticed that he had a somewhat protective posture. His body slightly shielding that of the woman one arm placed behind her back, ready to pull her in his arms if need be. His head was slightly bowed towards her as if he was or had been listening to something she said. It was a nice painting Kagome decided.

" Turn back a bit dear, yes like that. Almost finished." Kagome felt a surge of joy at that and the rest of the fitting was finished soon after. The Toga like creation she wore was of the thickest silk and quite heavy. The colour was a brilliant yellow lined with spider-like black lace. A simple ribbon was tied just beneath her breast in a small bow. The gown fell to the ground in heavy waves and rustle heavenly when she moved, she looked graceful in it. A single tear appeared in her eyes when she looked at herself in the silver mirror, never before had she been pretty.

Madame Guall left in a bustle giving congratulations to the bride, the maids who had come with her were left to clean the room and carefully sort out the fabrics lying around the room. While Kagome set down to wait for Kikyo she watched them work. What she wouldn't give to have their life, a simple life with nothing to worry about but your job and shelter.

Feeling her mood shift Kagome quickly looked back at the painting and let herself enjoy the array of bright happy colours. Soon she felt herself calm down and as the hours past by the wolf grew more clearer. Then just like that it was time to go, Kikyo came in looking perfect and gorgeous. And while the woman made their way to Kikyo's carriage Kagome couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong. And then out of the blue she realized that she had not heard from her beloved uncle Naraku in ages. Her stomach made a full turn and Kagome felt like she wanted to throw up. How could she have forgotten about Naraku and Onigumo.

The ride was spend in silence neither woman wanted to break, both to lost in their own thoughts.


slowly the room prepared for the wedding feast filled. Most of the occupants seemed to belong to her soon to be husband though. Half of the room was filled with strange people who had one thing in common. All of them had a certain wildness to them, a brisk scent of fresh air spiced with lingering traces of grass and wood.

Woman with beautiful dresses started to mingle followed closely by their husbands or in some cases concerned mothers. Soon the room was filled to the brim and quite hot. From her seat Kagome could oversee them all and for a moment she wondered why Inu yasha was not there. How would he be doing right about now, probably enjoying his life now that he was once more a healthy young man.

In the back Kagome saw Kikyo talking to a woman in red. One of the wild ones, her dress and facial make up might be impeccable but she still looked quite fiers. Her hair was pilled up in a silk knot with ringlet dancing around her face. She looked great. For a moment Kagome picket up her own hair and gave it a wistful look. She was wearing it lose today to show her status as a royal virgin.

When the last guest arrived Kouga joined the room. Kagome knew immediately, the air become more intense and the people stopped their buzzing to turn their heads to the new arrival. Many of the woman looked at him from lowered eyes cheeks blushing as they checked him out.

On her seat Kagome held in her breath as she was once again exposed to Kouga. He was great, really, really great. A slight shiver run through her body and with a soft gasp she remembered to breath. Inside her the wolf woke up lazily and eyed the male. Her eyes turned to tiny slits while she yawned and eyed the soon to be husband. With a jolt Kagome realized the she wolf approved of him, lust came rolling of her body and threatened to wash away Kagome. Desperate she clung onto humanity and managed to subdue the wolf.

Slowly Kouga made his way through the sea of humans every now and then stopping to exchange a word with one of his own people. Then a black haired female walked to him and started to shoe people away so he could make his way over to Kagome quicker. And then he was sitting next to her and the whole room was watching them. Nerves Kagome bowed her head and played with a strand of hair.

Next to her Kouga bended over and his finger traced her neckline scoped down and pulled at the necklace. "I see that you are wearing it." Hot breath caressed her ear and made her shiver again. "You look beautiful my little bride."

Completely numb for a moment she missed the sign Kouga gave to let the cooks bring in the food. Soon the room was washed over by smells that made every mouth water including Kagome who was still feeling slightly sick from the tension. But when platters of meat arrived she could make herself forget her situation long enough to enjoy the well cooked perfection that was beef.

The platter were first brought to Kouga for inspection, he hen took the best pieces and placed them on the plate he and Kagome shared. Their was chicken breast, beef, fresh fruit and even some vegetables. Cutting everything in tiny pieces Kouga picked up a small piece of meet and brought it to Kagome's mouth.

Shocked she eyed him and saw the warm smile not only on his lips, but also in his eyes. Hesitating she slowly opened her mouth and let Kouga place the flesh in it. Carefully chewing she nodded her head to show her approval and opened her mouth when he presented her another piece of flesh.

Only then did the servants move towards the guest with the platters of food distributing it among them. Course after course was brought in the one even more splendid then the other. Some of the foods had never been seen before and Kagome wondered how much it al must have coasted. And still the food came. At one point musicians entered and a pleasant conversation was struck between Kagome and Kouga, although the black haired man was doing most of the talking.

As the evening turned into the night Kagome found herself being lifted form her seat and taken back into a bedroom far away form he guest and servants. It was a simple room, only a big bed and a closet occupied it. All at once the pressure and angst came rolling back to Kagome. Scared and uncertain she eyed the bed and tried to slowly and unsuspiciously shuffle around Kouga and get away.

He didn't want any of that though. "O no little wife, the ritual must be completed. You do know that they will check if you and I have bonded our relationship the proper way." He threw a look at the bed before looking back at his young wife who looked scared. She reminded him of a small baby cub who was in a new environment for the first time.

"No worry little one, I will be very gentle with you." He whispered taking her trembling hand and leading her towards the bed.

With slow gentle moments Kagome felt how her dress was lifted from her body. Knowing she had to make a choice she lingered on line to give into the warm seductive feeling or to break down and cry. The wolf inside her took that decision from her.

Suddenly the night looked brighter and Kagome felt herself become less human and more animal. And the animal part of herself enjoyed this far to much to even consider anything else but give in. with a soft sigh Kagome opened her mouth when she felt a warm silken tongue press against her mouth. Slowly she adjusted to the feel of Kouga's tongue swirling into her mouth coxing her to play with him.

By now the wolf part of Kagome had a firm ground and it was delighted by everything Kouga did, it even helped as much as she could. From the back of her mind Kagome was first horrified at her behaviour but soon the feelings Kouga made her feel effected her too. Soon Kagome found herself together with the would enjoying Kouga's wondering hands and wicket mouth. At one point Kagome felt a stab of pain surging through her body, and with a gasp she regained her mind for but a few moments before bliss took her away again.

When she finally started to come fully conscious again Kagome first couldn't understand why she felt the need to growl. Frightened and scared she opened her eyes and looked past Kouga into the room and sucked I her breath. Creeping up towards them holding what looked like a knife was man. The intentions of the intruder were all to clear, and from what Kagome could tell Kouga had not noticed a thing.

As in slow-motion she saw him getting closer and lift the hand with the weapon. Without thinking Kagome reached out and managed to wrap her hand around the wrist, stopping it just before it would have pierced Kouga. With inhuman strength she twisted the arm backwards.

With horror Kagome watched as the killer whimpered, the knife falling from his now broken useless hand. The pain was making his eyes roll and he tried to twist away from her. Kouga who had felt the commotion now reacted with lightning speed and swiped a long sharp clawed hand backwards, the imposer was dead in a heartbeat.

While the killer fell on the ground blood decorating the new couple en their room Sango came running in. the older female looked fazed and slightly out of breath. Her eyes wondered from the blood that richly coated the floor now to the dead body to the couple against the wall.

"There is an army standing outside, they demand Kagome's presence." She said. Kouga narrowed his eyes and cocked his head questionably. He could here the black wolf sigh. For a moment she didn't answer and busied herself with the dead body, going to the rumpled bed to pull of the sheets and using those to cover the dead man.

"There is a slight problem, she will be put on trial. The captain recommended that her new family came along." Still unsatisfied but knowing this was al that Sango had to offer Kouga rearranged his clothing and helped Kagome after that. Both left the room looking only slightly rumpled. Behind them Sango checked the broken arm and frowned.


the trip to the hall of justice was neither long nor interesting. Of course no one in the couch would particular care what was going on outside or take notice of how much time was going by. In the back sitting next to Kouga Kagome shifted uncomfortably. She felt it, she felt it in her bones, her uncle was part of this. It was very unlikely that she would be coming out of this one alive.

A few seats away from her Kikyo sat like a stone statue. Her face whiter than death and her eyes stared of into the distance her lips moved but no sound came from them. Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong. Without thinking Kagome curled up against Kouga to seek warmth and protection. The dark haired male wrapped his arm around her and hugged her to his body.

"Do not worry little wife, I take care of mine own." He whispered. Kagome looked away and wanted to cry, not even he would want to protect a monster. If he found out what she was he would probably be the first in line to want to get rid if her. A single tear fell from her eye and traced a path down her cheek and mouth before falling onto her dress.

Her beautiful dress in which she had looked so pretty, it was ruined now. Blood from the killer was sprayed richly across it. Suddenly Kagome felt like crying her eyes out and even more for death. For it all to be just over, she couldn't take it any more. No more, it was enough. Suddenly Kikyo snapped out of her daze and looked straight at her, in those eyes Kagome read strength of will and a hunger, a hunger to overcome anything and everything done to her. The she wolf inside her roared a battle cry.


justice it seemed would be given by a group of twelve elderly bishops. Each of them held a wooden cain in his withering hands. They sat on a wooden stage in nice velvet covered chairs decorated with golden ornaments, it was enough to make anyone sick. In the middle of the hall stood Inu yasha who was apparently holding a speech of sort.

While Kagome walked in she wondered what he was saying as they were still to far to hear anything but a loud bustle of a large group of people who were witnessing. In the far back stood Sesshoumaru, his eyes half closed a smirk of distaste on his lips. Beside her Kagome could see Kikyo and him exchange looks. She wondered what the couple had shared for suddenly Kikyo smiled and she fell in her roll as a powerful Lady with her own fortune to back her up.

The room fell silent when Kagome and a few of her husbands man entered. Inu yasha turned around, his golden eyes twinkled when he saw Kagome but he went serious far to fast. Once again Kagome felt that something bad was going to happen. That was when she saw Naraku.

Kouga leaded her up next to Inu yasha and stopped their holding her against his side, his hand making soothing circling motions on her hip. The rest of Kouga's man settled down in the wooden benches. Kagome didn't notice any of this, all she could see was her uncle and her nephew.

Both of them were clothed in regal robes covered lavishly with golden wire. Next to Oniguma stood Silve, also clothed in silk and velvet finery. The three of them wore smug expressions and Kagome felt her stomach sink. Next to her Inu yasha grabbed her hand and gave her as small squeeze for comfort. Next to her, her new husband bristled and grabbed Kagome's hand pulling it from Inu yasha's grip.

Before them the twelve man knocked their wooden staffs in the floor to demand attention and to hush the loud crowd who had come to watch the trials.

"Silence!" one of the man roared. Most of the people shut up then, if only out of shock that something so small could produce such a sheer volume of sound.

"We are gathered here to prosecute Kagome." At hearing her name Kagome shrunk into herself and unconsciously held onto Kouga for support.

"the offended and witnesses will come forward and state her crimes." The last was followed by a whisper among the towns folk and Naraku, Oniguma and Silve stepped forward. They kept walking until they were standing next to Kagome, Inu yasha and Kouga. A shudder of disgust run down Kagome's spine.

Behind her Kikyo bristled and smoothed her gown, she was looking straight forwards as if entranced with what folded out before her, in truth she looked at Sesshoumaru from the corners of her eyes. The two held a short conversation that existed out of small gestures and small movement of eyes and brows. Satisfied she finally turned her full attention towards the gruesome threesome. Onigumo stepped back apparently just finished his part. Next came Silve.

"I saw her talking to the air and she even send hundreds of bees after me to kill me. And I saw her eyes change." She whispered. "they had slits in them. She wants to kill me, she hates me and she thought it would be a good opportunity to get rid of me. And I never did a single thing in my life to deserve such treatment." She finished her statement. The whole piece was said in a fake sobbing voice and her ugly face was twisted into something that was supposed to be despair. She only looked more disgusting.

The twelve man looked serious and some of them looked outright affronted. "changes into a wolf they say, controls animals, she must be a witch, burn her, kill it." Many whispers passed between them until the short man knocked his staff on the floor once again.

"We will continue with the last person. The uncle of the girl. If you please." He said after his companions stopped their whispering.

Naraku looking positively delighted stepped forward, but not after giving Kagome a bone chilling smile. "What my son and his wife say is true. The girl changes into a wolf and manages to talk with ghosts. When she was little her mother kept her by her side, and only because of the love I have for my dearly departed sister did I let her keep the beast. Now that she is dead, however, I see it as my personal quest to make sure she is properly dealt with. I also want to request to be forgiven for my sins for harboring her for so long, I want to use to my defense that is only did so because she was born from the blood of my sister who I truly cared much for."

Kagome was rapidly becoming more and more sick. Here in front of everyone and especially holly man her uncle spilled her secret. Surely she wouldn't live much longer. She was brought out of her thoughts by a monk who pulled her away from Inu yasha and Kouga. Panicking she wanted to latch onto her husband but then thought better of it. What if he believed them. Desperate she looked at Inu yasha.

The white haired male smiled at her and nodded his head gesturing that she should follow the monk. Only a small bit relieved she let herself be taken away. Just before she left the room she heard the small man speak again.

"It is decided. The witch will be burned. The next three hours she will spend at the inner sanctum to ask god for whatever mercy she wants. Case dismissed."

Some of the last sound Kagome heard before the door was closed was a roar of outrage from a few of Kouga's followers. And while tears slowly fell down her cheeks and onto her wedding dress Kagome knew that this would be the last three hours o her life.

The monk took her to a place Kagome recognized from her many wonderings with her mother. It was a holy place used by Christians to pray to god. Heavy perfume wafted in her face and made her sneeze, the monk next to her gave a disapproving stare and mumbled something along the line of devils spawn.


with no idea how long she had been in confinement Kagome believed three hour had passed when the door opened. She was however mistaken and her husband walked in together with Kikyo.

Kouga walked towards his little wife and gave her a heartwarming smile, Kikyo too was looking rather pleased. From the too however Kouga was the first to speak.

"Don't worry little one, I reminded the bishops of my right to defend my wife in a fight. If I win you will not be burned to death and all accusations will be declared false." He said softly.

A rush of hope immediately followed by despair ran through Kagome's body. It was now or never.

"But… what if the rumors are true?" behind Kouga Kikyo twitched. Kouga however calmly watched his wife with twinkling blue eyes.

"you mean to tell me that you change into a black cat or mist." Kagome frowned. She was serious not joking and her was her husband making fun of her honesty.

"Of course not I mean…"

Kikyo made a hushing notion. "Is it not wonderful how walls sometimes seems to have ears." The message was quite clear. Guards were standing outside listening at their every word.

"Well." Kouga said. "In that case I must insist that you sleep elsewhere when you start to shed your coat. I do enjoy a fresh clean fur free bed."

Kagome made a chocking noise but before anything else could be said the monk appeared again. Apparently it was time.

The time it took for Kagome to get out of the charge seemed ages and mere seconds at the same time. Kouga and Kikyo followed behind her. Once outside the first thing Kagome noticed was the poll with bushed of wood laid neatly around it. Swallowing hard she let the monk lead her to it and tie her to the poll. A huge man with a black mask stood beside her holding a already burning torch.

Before her Kouga was taking his tunic off and took a sword a black haired male handed to him weighing it in his hands before shaking his head and giving it back. Suddenly from the crowd came a black haired female Kagome remembered having seen in the bedroom. She gave Kouga a long slightly curved double bladed sword. With a nod Kouga excepted and walked towards the middle o the now forming human ring.

From opposite a huge male came forward carrying what had to be the biggest sword ever. It had nicks in it and was scratched, it had clearly been used many times. It matched the look of its wielder perfectly. Behind the man she could see Bassilius smiling at her form his horse, beside him stood Naraku and Onigumo. Silve was nowhere near in sight. Their was no way Kouga could win from this man.

The small man came forward and called the fighters towards him. "The winner of duel decides the fait of the woman. May god decide what fait is worthy of her." With that he stepped back and made a small bow towards the man.

The giant immediately slashed in on Kouga nipping him at the right shoulder. With a quick motion Kouga changed his sword to his left hand a pivoted to block the next blow. Kagome closed her eyes not wanting to see her husband being hacked to pieces because of her.

After a while she opened her eyes again and watched with horrid fascination what happened. The two man were slowly going round and round, the audience making room for them when needed and the ring slightly shifted to the right. As she watched she noticed that Kouga was elegantly avoiding the blows directed at him while nipping the giant in the site and arms, even his legs when he could afford it.

Time passed by and the sun slowly sunk behind the horizon. As the hours dragged on both man became tired. Both of them made at trial of blood and Kouga was unable to avoid most of the blows by now. With pain in her heart Kagome watched as he was taken down piece by piece.

The wolf inside her let out a long morning howl and when it ended the sun was gong and all that gave light now were the torches people carried. Even now most of the audience had not left although Kagome had noticed her uncle disappearing some time ago together with his son.

Suddenly she heard a roar. Shocked Kagome turned her head to watch Kouga jump up and planting his sword straight down the giants neck. Letting go of the sword the smaller man jumped away from his opponent to watch. At first all the big man did was stare dazedly forwards but then his eyes glazed over and he fell down with a great thud. Kouga had won.

It took Kagome a moment to understand what had just happened and just when happiness flooded her heart Bassilius kicked his horse and moved towards her. With neck breaking speed he went for Kagome ripping a torch from someone along the way. In passing he dumped the torch in the dry bushes. The next moment Kagome found herself in a burning inferno.

A cry from next to her alerted the other people and most of them moved away from the fire. Fumes rose from the wood and Kagome felt her eyes and nose burn. It became harder and harder to breath and she felt her the skin on her legs throb painfully. Tears ran down her face unchecked and she felt herself submit to the obnoxious fumes and faint.


The room was filled with strange people of who Kagome only recognized two. By now she also knew their names, Sango and Miroku. Her husband Kouga was sitting next to her taking care of her food. Since their last feast was interrupted Kouga had decided that they would do it over again.

This time they would celebrate only with his people though. Not that Kagome minded. It was fun and it felt great. For some reason she felt right at home. Even though it was only one day ago that they had all saved her from the burning it felt like that had happened years ago. It felt good to be able to enjoy this feast that was held only for her.

This morning Inu yasha had come to her telling her that Bassilius was found dead, from Naraku and his son however, they had not found a trace. Silve was found floating in one the rivers face down, her dress torn apart and al the finery taken from her.

Pushing the thoughts away Kagome took her knife and brought a nice juicy peace of meat towards her mouth. She let the flesh surround her taste buds before chewing and swallowing. With a nod towards Kouga she took another piece. This was the sign for the rest of the man and woman to tuck in as well.

It was while dessert was being served that Kagome smelled something familiars. Before she could place it her uncle was already inside the room. He smiled wide at her and made a mock bow. The wolf inside Kagome took over.

With a sad smile at Kouga Kagome rose to her feet. "Remember what I said back in the room. I'm sorry." She whispered before climbing in the table. And while she jumped forward she changed in the silver wolf for the first time without the aid of the moon. Naraku only smiled wickedly before sidestepping the huge animal to reveal a iron cage.

Unable to change course Kagome dove head first into the cage which was closed behind her by Onigumo. Naraku stepped forward and addressed the stupefied audience.

"As you can clearly see my niece is a little monster. I will however take her away and take proper care of her. Of course I will do this for a nice price, like a lifelong amount for me and my son. This will of course include expenses for a house and clothing and the occasional party we wish to attend." Naraku's red eyes gleamed with triumph only to change to horror the next moment.

Kagome watched as her husband and his followers rose and one by one changed into wolfs. One after the other charged at her uncle who stood frozen. Her husband, the big grey, was there first. By now Naraku had turned and fled the building the wolfs followed, howling their pleasure at the hunt.

Kouga changed back to his human form and opened the cage helping Kagome who had also changed back out.

"As I told you love. No shedding fur in the bed." And with that he let her to their room.

The following morning a lot of wolfs could be found sleeping and Sango told Kagome that her uncle was dealt with. Apparently some of the wolfs would need something for their upset stomach when they awoke. Oniguma had met the same fait.

With that Kagome's new life began, free from everything and with a husband and friends who where her own kind.

The end

A/n: I know there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes but hey won't be cleaned up until I find someone. So until then I hope this was enjoyed all the same. Be sure to leave a message, all it takes is a few minutes.

Love you all and thanks for following this story and your patience.