Chapter 8
Disclaimer: I don't own anything J.K. Rowling already does.
Rating: PG-13 for language, mature themes, and mild references to sex. (haha its going to take me a long time to get there!)
A/N: Please, please, please, PLEASE, forgive me for not updating! Only few people know how busy my life has been! I really haven't had any time to update and even know I should be doing homework! But I promise I will still write that is if anyone still reads this. Anyways I'll explain more at the end of this chapter, as for now I shouldn't keep you all from reading something you've been waiting months for!
Note: The A/N at the end of this chapter is very important; I would appreciate it if everyone would read it. Even if you don't care about what's written, please read it! Thank you!
"Do you think you could call me Hermione from now on?"
The question kept running through Draco's mind and he lay in his bed staring at his ceiling, and boy was he "thinking about it." In fact he had no clue what to think of it, did she want a friendship? Was she playing some sort of game with him? Did that mean she wanted to call him Draco? He sighed, he didn't know if he should call her Hermione, but more than that he needed to understand why she wanted it. Rolling over onto his stomach he closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but his mind was to awake to let him. Hastily he got up and put on a cloak on, walking to his door he decided to go somewhere where he could sort out his thoughts.
"I'll think about it."
As she sat in the common room Hermione tried to figure out what Draco's answer ment. What she wanted to know even more was why in the name of Merlin had she asked him to call her Hermione? Did she feel sorry for him because of the way he was brought up? Well yes, but that didn't mean she would want him to call her Hermione because of it, those two things meant nothing to each other. Or maybe they did, by asking him to call her by her first name, she was going against the way he had been brought up, however, there was something else, she was also making an attempt at a possible friendship.
"A very, very small attempt." She thought. The only problem was… would he accept it?
Draco entered the green house quietly, the smell of the exotic plants flooding his senses. As a child he had always loved plants, they were like silent friends to him, ones that never judged him because of his family's name and where he came from. They survived on their own just like he did, but under the love and care of someone they thrived, something he would never experience.
He walked through the rows and rows of plants and flowers each organized by their properties, until he came to the ones he was looking for. Daises had no magical properties but Professor Sprout kept them in the greenhouse of the purpose of making bouquets. He smiled as he bent his head down to smell one. They didn't have a distinct smell, but that was what he liked about them, they gave him a content feeling…
A six year old Draco lay on his back in a field of daisies twirling one between his fingers and looking in to the sky, a content smile playing on his lips.
"Draco!" he heard his father call but did not register with it.
"Draco, where are you? Come here this instant!" The demand was simple but he didn't obey, he wanted to stay with the daisies. There was suddenly a voice next to him.
"Draco, what are you doing here?"
"I'm playing with the daisies father." Draco replied innocently.
"Malfoys do not play with dasies, now come along; I don't want to see you here again." With that Draco was pulled roughly to his feet.
"Don't talk back to me boy." His father replied coldly.
end of flashback
Draco remembered how he had tried to return to the daisy field after that but could never find it. As he grew older he figured his father must have put some kind of spell on it so he could never return.
Sighing he plucked one from one of the pots and twirled it in his finger. Such simple flowers that represented so many things, Gentleness, Innocence, Loyalty and Romance. He found himself surprisingly thinking of Granger, she was very gentle and innocent and her loyalty was what made her a Gryffindor, as for romance he didn't really know about that trait, and he didn't want to.
Fiddling with the daisy for a few more moments, he sighed as his thoughts settled and got up to leave the greenhouse, however, before he did he took a pot of daisies with him.
The next morning Draco sat down at breakfast he noticed two things that were different (besides the fact that it was Tuesday). First that Granger wasn't sitting in her usual spot with Potter and the Weasel, instead she was with the youngest of the Weasels smiling and laughing as they conversed. What was strange was that Potter and his sidekick didn't even seem to notice or care that she was gone. The second thing that was different was in Draco's favor, there was no leech clinging to his arm calling him sickening pet names, Pansy was nowhere to be seen. There had been rumor that she had been crying up in her room since Saturday when she couldn't find Draco, and that none of the girls could get her to stop.
Draco snorted at the thought of Pansy all pug faced and teary eyes with mascara smudged down her cheeks. Today, he decided was going to be an ok day.
Hermione stifled a large yawn as she sat down beside Ginny at breakfast, there was no way she was going to be able to make it through the day! She hadn't fallen asleep until four in the morning last night; her thoughts had kept her awake.
"Good Morning Hermione!" Ginny said cheerfully
"Ugg…" was her reply.
"Didn't get a lot of sleep last night?" Ginny asked
"Uh huh." Hermione mumbled as she poured herself a large cup of coffee, even though she hated the drink, she knew she would need it.
"To busy snogging someone?"
"Yeah right." Hermione smiled at Ginny as she took a sip of the bitter liquid.
"So why are you sitting over here today, I mean not that I mind, but usually you sit with Harry and Ron." Ginny blushed as she asked Hermione.
"You didn't hear?" Hermione replied, almost everyone in the house knew what had happened with her and the boys.
"Oh," Ginny paused, "yeah I heard, I just didn't think it was that."
"It's that." Hermione said quietly.
"They're different, aren't they?" Ginny said, a sad look crossing her features.
"Yeah, I miss them."
"Me too."
There was a short pause when Ginny straightened up and said, "Look over there at Malfoy, he doesn't have Pansy hanging off his arm!"
"Maybe she dumped him…" Hermione guessed.
"Or maybe she got the point that Malfoy never liked her, and ran off with a dog, I'm sure a nice pug swept her off her feet."
"Yeah immange their puppies…" Hermione's face broke into a somewhat evil smile.
Ginny and Hermione laughed at their joke and Hermione thought to herself, "Maybe today is going to be an ok day."
It did indeed turn out to be an ok day for Hermione, she never once fell asleep in class and had finished all her homework by dinner time. She was once again sitting with Ginny for dinner and was rather enjoying herself as she chatted with her friends, maybe she didn't need Harry and Ron after all.
"Hey Hermione, want to play a game of exploding snaps when we're done?" Ginny asked Hermione as she ate her dessert.
"Sure!" Hermione replied instantly then paused, "wait no I can't I have a detention tonight, with Malfoy."
"Oh." Ginny said looking a little discouraged, "What for?"
"Well we made a mistake during potions, he's my assigned partner for the rest of the year," at that Ginny made a face, "and Snape decided to give us detention for three nights! Although you should have been there, Malfoy's hair turned pink!"
"Yeah pink, bright shocking hot pink!"
"How'd it look?" Ginny asked.
"Actually, rather good I think, it's quite his color!" Hermione laughed then looked down at her watch, "Darn its already five minutes till eight, I better go, I don't want to serve any more time then I have to!"
"Bye!" Ginny called as Hermione ran off.
She entered the potions room right at eight o'clock, only to find that Malfoy and Snape weren't there. She looked around catching her breath, as she turned toward the door Snape and Malfoy entered.
"Miss Granger," Snape started, "I do not have any work for you or Mr. Malfoy this evening so I expect you both to sit here and be quiet, and do not bicker." He said the last bit as a warning, "Unfortunatly I must leave again so I will leave you here by yourselves, and you are not to touch anything, understood?"
"Yes Professor." Hermione said quietly
"Mr. Malfoy?"
"I understand Professor." He replied.
"Good then." And with that Snape left the room robes flowing behind him.
There was a short silence as Hermione looked down at her shoes, when she looked up again she saw Malfoy hadn't moved.
All of the sudden, as if coming to an agreement with himself, Malfoy nodded his head in greating to her and said, "Evening, Hermione."
At first Hermione was shocked, he had decided to call her by her first name, but then she began to reply, "Good evening Mal…"
"Draco." Came his quiet request.
"Good evening, Draco." She smiled; it was going to be an interesting night.
A/N: Ok so it's not the longest I've written, but I wasn't sure what to write! Before I say anything you all should be thanking the reviewer that has been begging me to update, she or he, although I think she, has reminded me that people still read this, so phphh ( ), whoever you are, thank you! Anyways here's the news.
1. I need a beta, (can't you tell there are probably tons of mistakes in this story! But you have to forgive me for that since I don't know where she is!) or at least I think I need one, my current/old one, well I don't know where she is, or if she even remembers this story, so if anyone would like to help me out, please e-mail me at I would really appreciate it! If anyone else would like to e-mail me for the heck of it, you're welcome to.
2. I've written a new story, well I don't know if it will be a story or just a one-shot thingy. But I would love for someone to volunteer to read it and tell me what you think, I already have a really good friend reading it, but I could use another opinion before I decide to post it or not. So if you would like to read it, please e-mail me at the address above.
Ok that's all, at least I think so. I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll try and make it soon! Life is just busy ya know! Anyways PLEASE REVIEW! I need to know if anyone still reads this! Plus I love getting them!
Kisses and cookies