Disclaimer: I don't own FFIX.

A Place to Call Home

It was at dinner that night...everyone was so happy. Dagger...they said she was finally smiling again. Now that I was back, she told me that she felt complete again. Back in one whole. I was quiet that night. There had been a lot on my mind...what had happened when I was gone?

Dagger and I didnt get to talk that much. Either she was getting pulled away from me, or I was getting pulled away from her. So many people wanted to talk to the "Hero" that had saved there lives. Girls were throwing themselves all over each other to get to me.

Before this, before meeting Dagger, I probably would have been ecstatic at all this attention, but now, I look at their bright faces, hope shining in their eyes, and all I feel is a bone aching sort of weariness.

I think Dagger may be the best thing thats ever happened to me. Just looking at her gives me urges to sprout poetry about my undying love for her, and yet, at the same time, it was Dagger who was the catalyst of... well, everything. All the adventures, all this stuff thats changed me, have all revolved around her.

I looked at the face of one old noble who was currently trying to strike up a conversation with me.

"Young man..."

Here we go again…

"I would like to ask you..."

To join my knights...

"I will pay you..."

I will pay you very handsomely for your efforts...you will be part of the highest caliber of my guards...

"So...young man?"

I refused your offer...

How many refusals has it been? At least eight. They dont understand...like hell they dont understand. Im still a teenager. Im no adult...

I walked over to the refreshment stand trying to get away from everyone that would flock toward me. Just what the hell did they see in me? I'm just as human as the next person…I don't want any special treatment just because I saved the world. Dammit...I need something to cool down.

"Zidane!" I turned around and saw Eiko staring back at me. She had something of a child hood crush on me. She smiled at me. Eiko hasnt really changed much. She was only a kid when we started our adventures, and she doesnt take most of the hardships we faced to heart. Shes still the rebellious, rambunctious little girl we first met in Madian Sari…at times… I wish I were like that.

She motioned for Vivi to follow her. "Get over here!" She snapped at him. Vivi was still shy...always unsure of what to say at times. During our adventure...Vivi learned a lot about himself and the world that surrounded him. He would always think... about what were to happen to him if he "stopped" or a more commonly known term…died.

Vivi ambled over quietly, the crowd parting before him like it does all of us. I think our adventure has changed him the most. He now commands a sort of quiet respect, a self confidence he did not have before. I smiled briefly at both of them.

"Zidane! Weve been looking for you!" I looked at her and raised my eyebrows slightly.

"Er...you were?"

Vivi pulled his hat down over his head and kinda swayed. "Yes...but you have been so busy..."

I shook my head. "Stupid nobles..." I kneeled down slightly and then looked down at Eiko and Vivi. "So...whatd you two want to talk to me about?"

Eiko smiled slightly. "We just popped by to say hi!" She looked at Vivi who was still swaying slightly. "Right Vivi?"

"Y...yes..." Vivi said.

I smiled a bit and patted Eiko on the head, ruffling her hair a bit. "Thanks you two...hey, have you seen Dagger anywhere?"

Vivi turned around and pointed over to a corner. "Over there..." he said.

I patted Vivi on the head. "Ill see you two later."

Eiko struck a pose with her hands on her hips. "Good luck, Zidane!"

Looking around, I spotted Dagger looked bored to death, talking to some noble or the other. Grinning to myself for the first time since yesterday, I began to walk in her direction, intent on rescuing her from the clutches of the greedy noble.

However, after I take a few steps, another noble attaches herself to my arm. Sighing warily, I try to excuse myself politely, but it seems that once again, I have been spotted by the ravenous nobles, all clamoring to talk to their "Hero."

Soon, a mob of heavily perfumed nobles surround me, the stench of their greed and obvious fakery suffocating me.

"Oh! How nice you look tonight, Lord Zidane!"

"Is that a new suit you have, Lord Zidane?"

"How about joining my army, Lord Zidane?"

Their high pitched, giggling voices assault my ears, all their chubby hands grabbing at me... They all want a piece of the "Hero." Finally, a voice calls out, "A speech from the Hero! A speech!"
Soon, the entire mob takes up the chant, "Give a speech, Lord Zidane!"

The crowd around me parts expectantly, waiting for me to go onto the podium and make my gallant speech. But Ive said it all before, and I just cant take it any more!

"Leave me alone! Im not your stupid "Hero!" I'm not some pawn for you to use and push around, I am a person and I deserve to be left alone after everything thats happened." I pause for a moment to make sure it's quiet. "So…leave me the fuck alone."

Looking around, I take perverse pleasure in seeing their shocked face. Obviously, they didnt expect their perfect hero to curse.

Vaguely, in the back of my mind, I notice Steiner, Beatrix and Freya anxiously calming the agitated crowd. I know this must be causing trouble for them, but right now, I cant bring myself to care, all this pent up frustration is bursting free.

Perfect hero...

The perfect hero...am I the perfect hero? I walked up the stairs and past the dining rooms to the main hall where the royal chambers are. I can hear the cries of the nobles still.

They wont leave...

I crossed up the steps and into the hall. I felt myself being led to the one place no one would bother me...

Dagger's old room. She said that she wanted me to sleep in it that night…surely no one would come in and bother me…

I opened the door. All I wanted was to fall down on that bed and forget all of this. I stumbled over to the bed and fell right down into it. I closed my eyes. Over the past year I was gone…I…

The only thing that kept me going was to come home to Dagger. Now that I am home with her though…

There was a knock on the door.

"Zidane?" It was her…

I didn't say anything. She paused and then said. "I'm coming in okay?"

I didn't stop her. I felt her presence right next to me. She stopped moving and then her arms slipped around me into a hug.

"Zidane…" she began. I turned around and came face to face with my angel.

"We didn't get to talk…" She gave me a small smile.

I didn't want to talk…I just wanted to sleep. Sleep knowing that she was right next to me. I would never have to leave her side again.

"Zidane about downstairs…um…"

I shook my head. "Dagger…don't make up excuses for them."

"But Zidane…" she started. I stopped her, pushing her head onto my chest.

"Dagger...to them…I'm no more than a person…a hero that has saved them from certain doom…it has been a year nonetheless and yet they still cling to us like we are some prize to be won…" I paused. "Tell me…how have you been handling things while I wasn't here."

She shook her head. "There is no lie…I was not complete while you were not here with me…when I saw you. I could not believe my eyes. I thought it was some cruel joke that someone was playing upon me…and…"

I nodded. "Go on…"

She gave a sigh. "And there were so many emotions within me that I could not express…you saw how I flew to you…"

I gave her a small hug. "…go on…"

Her tears came. "I couldn't believe you were here…I thought you were dead. You were gone for a year. I fell into a deep depression and thought…if I were to kill myself. Maybe I would finally be happy…but you Zidane had taught me something. That I should go on living…no matter how bad things are…"

I tightened the hug. "Dagger…I'm here now…" I said.

She looked at me and I wiped away the tears. "Zidane…"

At that moment our lips locked. She mumbled my name before hand and I felt her arms slink there way across my back. It was a long kiss…something that made up for past years…if you catch my drift.

When all emotions had seemed to be stable, Dagger looked at me and blushed slightly. "Zidane…if you don't mind…I…"

I looked at her with concern. "Dagger…what is it…I'll do anything…"

Her face grew redder. "If it is of no bother…I would like to spend the night with you…"

I smiled slightly. I was feeling a little bit better. "No…it is of no bother, Your Majesty."

She gave me a small pout. "You come back for one day, and now you're teasing me…"

I gave her a small smile and lay on my back. "I haven't done it in awhile…"

She snuggled up next to me still in her dress minus her shoes and tiara and I slung and arm around her.

"I love you, Zidane…"

"I love you too…Sarah…"

She looked at me. "How did you…"

"It's for me to know…and for you to find out."

She smiled a bit and said. "Welcome home Zidane…"

I nodded. "Glad to be back…"
