Lightning-Dono: I got bored. And I really got inspiration. And then I started to write this. (I know I'm not even done with my other fanfics, but I need things to write when I'm bored and I'm having some kind of...uh...story block with the other fics! .)

Beware of the weird internet faces! =D


Seto: "Oh, Mokuba, I seriously canNOT go to the mall today with you!"

Mokuba: "'Niisama! Onegai!??!!??"

Seto: "No!"

Mokuba: "Then I'll go with Jounouchi! He'll listen!"

Seto: "NOT WITH THAT INU!" ((loud banging sound on desk)) "Fine, I'll take you! Argh...." =(

Mokuba: . "I knew I could make you take me!" ((prances around)) "We're going to the ma-all, we're going to the ma-all!"

Seto: "Get inside our BEWD ship. We'll fly there."

((Mokuba and Seto are sitting on the BEWD ship, hovering over the mall))

Mokuba: "Where are we going to land?"

Seto: "You're the one who wanted to go to the mall!"

Mokuba: "You're the one who wanted to use the BEWD ship to get here!"

Seto: "Fine. We'll park on top of that mass of cars."

Mokuba: "Those poor innocent people!" TTTT

Seto: "Either that, or no mall!"

Mokuba: "Fiiinnnneeee."

((Seto and Mokuba get out of BEWD ship))

Everyone that sees them: ((gasp)) ((worship))

Seto: oO; "Pathetic mortals."

Mokuba: "Aren't we mortals, too?"

Seto: "Oh, yeah."

Mokuba: "You're so funny, 'Niisama."

Seto: "Yeah. Sure."

((Seto and Mokuba enter the mall))

Seto: "Please do not bow."

Everyone who hears him: ;; "Yes, Almighty Seto."

Seto: "Oh my Ra."

Mokuba: "Hurry up!"

Seto: "What are you? Meeting a girl?"

Mokuba: 0.0 "Of course not, 'Niisama!"


Mokuba: "Yuugi's grandfather just opened a new shop here! I can't wait to see what we can get in there! Their game shops are famous, you know. And don't say that word." ((does 'shame shame' sign))

Seto: "...Fine. Yeesh."

Mokuba: "What?"

Seto: "Nothing."

((At the Turtle Game Shop in the mall)) (A/N: I forgot Yuugi's grandpa's Japanese name...Help?)

Yuugi's Grandpa: "Why, hello there, Mokie!"

((Mokuba beams up at YG))

Mokuba: "May I purchase a few Yuugiou booster packs?"

YG: "Anything that pleases you, my little boy! They're on the back shelf!"

Mokuba: "Come in, 'Niisama! Help me pick out the best ones!"

((Seto walks in, scowling))

YG: "Why, you'd think the head of Kaiba Corp. would be sitting in his pretty little office tending to business!"

Seto: "Shut up, old man."

YG: "That's no way to talk to your elders!" ((steam comes out of ears))

Seto: "I can talk any way I want to!"

YG: "Suits me. As long as I don't get yelled at by the richest young man in the world..."

((Over at the back shelf))

Mokuba: "Look at all of 'em!" !!

Seto: "I thought I'd bought you everything you've wanted." --

Mokuba: "But look at all of these!" ((grabs 10 booster packs off the shelf and spreads them on the counter)) "I'd like to buy all of these! 'Niisama, I hope you brought your wallet."

Seto: "I bring it with me everywhere." ((growl))

Mokuba: "Yay! So you'll buy me these?" =D

Seto: "Whatever..." ((takes out wallet and puts money on counter))

YG: "This is the most anyone's bought here today!"

Seto: "You're lucky anyone buys anything from here at all." ((evil smirk))

((Seto and Mokuba are leaving the mall)) Seto: "Mokuba, I have much to say."

Mokuba: "Spill it all out."

Seto: ((fist)) "I will build a shop that rivals that of Yuugi's grandfather! Then we'll see whose better at business!" ((another evil smirk))