AN: This is my first story. Feedback is more then welcome. I am not extremely familiar with The Angel series or with the details of later BtVS episodes so I will be taking some creative license with things. Feel free to help me though! Thanks to my beta Lisa-K!
Pairing: Willow / Severus, others unknown yet
Rating: Earlier Chapters will most likely be around PG, but it will evolve into a higher rating so I'm going to start with that right off the bat.
Disclaimer: This piece of fiction was created for sheer fun, no profit is being gained from it. The non original characters contained within belong to their respective owners.
'thoughts' --------- Changes of scene
Willow wrung her hands together as the group headed into Hogwarts. Rather then taking the train from London they had portkeyed to just outside of Hogsmead and were walking up. As she took in the castle her eyes went wide. "Goddess," she whispered her attention darted to the three others with her. "Is that... is that the school?"
Remus Lupin grinned warmly and nodded. "Beautiful isn't it?"
"Muggle schools for children just don't ... well they just aren't... wow.. I've never seen a school like it!" Willow was literally bouncing as she walked now with a huge grin on her face. She resembled something like a very hyper child. "It's so magical in a literal and non literal sense! And the children learn there? They actually teach in that castle? Oh goddess." She burst into an excited giggle a smile stuck to her face. Fear of meeting the headmaster totally forgotten in the awe of the castle.
"You should see it how the first years do. They come across the lake in boats. It's very impressive for them."
Slowly as the group moved their way towards the castle and the meeting Willow's nerves returned. She refused however to let her nerves ruin the sheer beauty of what was in front of her. The entire place hummed with magic the closer she got, the stronger it was. Her entire body tingled with warmth because of it. She spoke in a quiet awe filled voice. "So much magic," her hand held out in front of her as if she was touching the very magic herself. "I've never felt anything quiet like it. It's as if the entire building is infused with magic, right down to the stones that make it up." Willow closed her eyes and sent her senses out around her, she stumbled in her step slightly as the thickness of the magic in the air hit her. "Goddess," she breathed again.
"What are you on about Rosenberg-Lupin?" Snape exclaimed in frustration.
Willow looked at the others around her "You can't feel it? The air is thick with magic it's flowing everywhere all around us. It's... oh Goddess. It's like peace so warm and inviting and electric. How can you not feel it?" Willow looked at the others realization dawning on her face "You really can't feel it? A part of Wicca is learning to reach out with your magic to feel, to sense the magics around you. So you can drawn them in to you, push them out or shape them. You send yourself down towards the ground, nature to try and keep yourself stabilized and balanced. Every spell, every charm, every current of magic floating in the air, around us, I can feel it all as one great big mass. There is so much here it's overwhelming. There is no escape from it it's in the air, in the plants, in the ground, the buildings everything." Willow finished her speech by twirling with her arms spread out, feeling the air and magic pour over her skin.
"As entertaining as flittering about like a child is, I do believe the Headmaster is waiting to speak to you and you are keeping him waiting"
Willow pouted slightly and began to fidget nervously "Yes... he would be.. we should go inside then right?"
Remus sensed a full out nervous rant about to spill out of the poor girl and he grabbed his daughters arm. "Yes we should. Perhaps Albus will have some tea, I am parched"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Now Willow sat in a very eclectic office, looking at an even more eclectic appearing man. He seemed very quiet and very kind and waiting for her to start talking. All of them were. Each one looking at her. "Well.. I suppose... I'm not sure where to start really."
Albus Dumbledore smiled kindly at the little witch sitting across from him, her hands clenching her tea cup so tightly her knuckles were white. "I often find that starting something from the beginning often causes less confusion."
"Yes, but where is the beginning. I just. Could you just let me talk and please let me say everything?" Willow rushed out very quickly trying not to lose her nerve.
"Of course dear I am sure we can hold our questions until the end can we not?" Dumbledore looked at the others in the room "Would it be perhaps easier to talk about with just myself here?"
"No, I mean it's okay if they stay. What I have to say will impact them so I'm sure they deserve to hear it to. It's just." Willow took a deep breath and put her untouched tea up down, she stood from her seat and began to pace in a very Giles like manner. "You all know I have no proper training, I am pretty much self taught. There was no one to help me along or guide me really. Giles was there, but he didn't really follow me and magic much and at the time the ends justified the means or so we thought. What I am trying to say is that some of the magic I've done in the past has been less then white."
Willow barely even paused for a moment before she continued telling everyone in the room about her progression into Darker Magic, then to magic addiction, Darth Willow, Warren's death and her attempted destruction of the world. Everything. By the end she was crying softly as she spoke.
Then she explained the coven, how she went there. How they couldn't remove the absorbed magic. They could only teach her to try and learn how to control herself to keep herself grounded. How they had used their magic to connect her to everything on the planet. Despite that though the darkness had become a part of her.
Finally Willow explained about The First evil. Of her lighter magical side.
"I needed to speak to you because I needed you to know before letting me into the school that I could be a risk if I lose control of myself. Not that I don't think I can control myself, but just in case. It wasn't something I could expect you to risk with out knowing. The dark side and the light side are existing all at once inside me." Willow stopped speaking but kept her glance indirect.
"Is that all Miss Rosenberg? Lupin?" Dumbledore asked softly.
"I believe so," Willow fidgeted with her hands while she waited for Dumbledore's reaction.
"I'm honoured that you trusted us with your tale and it answered many questions I had, but honestly my girl how many powerful rouge witches do you think there are in North America with connections to half the Scourge of Europe and the Slayer?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled before he said. "Shall I warm up your tea before we figure out a schedule and a class system for you?"
Willow's eyes snapped up disbelievingly "You mean I am still welcome to attend school here?! But I thought..."
"Yes dear, but sometimes we think wrong. If you are interested in attending school at Hogwarts. Hogwarts, it seems, would more then welcome you here." Dumbledore smiled at the young girl and popped a sweetie into his mouth. "Maybe you -"
Willow flew out of her chair and ran around the desk hugging the older wizard tightly. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! You wont regret this! I will do everything I can to make sure everyone here is proud of my success! Oh goddess!" Willow let go of the more then amused head master and threw herself at Lupin giggling. "I'm going to Hogwarts! Just like my parents did!" She burst into laughter and hugged the werewolf tighter. "Oh goddess and I get to learn and use magic and study. It's going to brilliant!"
"Now then my dear I do believe we have to work out some system for you to learn in. Minerva believes you would be able to read work for the most part independently. I do believe that during the school year it might be beneficially for you to also sit in some potions and DADA classes with some of the other students. Possibly herbology as well. So you have a chance to learn from a class room setting. However your schedule will be less strict then most of the students. Do you have any objections starting over the summer?"
"I'd have to get home and pick up my supplies and let Angel and Spike and the others know and then pick up some wizarding things, but as soon as that's done we can start. Would you rather I work from here, or work from the Hotel over the summer or..." Willow suddenly found herself on unsure territory.
Dumbledore chuckled at the girls energy. "My dear as the last surviving family member able to inherit from your mother, your uncle and your grandmother you have no worry about accommodation in the wizarding world. There is a house where you can stay that technically when you take possession of it legally, will be yours. I do have a favour to ask."
Willow thought for a moment before replying, "and the favor is?"
Dumbledore smiled at her caution. "There are a group of wizard's fighting this Dark Lord who use the home as a meeting place, they would like to continue to do so. But we would be very thankful if you would allow it to be used. It might inconvenience you as people cannot randomly visit you while you are there. The location of the home has been hidden."
"Is that all? Of course you can! Continue to use the house for your group to meet at. It will give me a chance to meet other wizards and witches!" Willow smiled warmly at Dumbledore.
He returned her smile and continued on. "Also, there is a young man one Harry Potter who was your uncles godson. I would like to request that you allow him to visit and stay in the home for a portion of his summer vacations... his extended family are..."
"Also fine, really Mr. Dumbledore I don't mind. After all you and your group didn't have to tell me about the home just yet and if I am willing to let an entire group of strangers parade though the house, I very much doubt that I am going to mind a teenage boy who was close to my family." Willow reassured quickly.
"Don't worry Miss Rosenberg or would you prefer Lupin?"
"Rosenberg-Lupin, that is if Remus doesn't mind me using his last name," Willow answered simply.
Snape's head snapped up, hearing his condescending name for the little witch being offered as her preferred name.
"However Sir, my name is Willow." the young witch crossed her arms her resolve face appearing.
Lupin laughed softly. "You may as well give up now Albus, nothing you say or do shall sway her mind from being called Willow rather then Miss Rosenberg-Lupin. You have just had your first run in with the resolve face"
"Very well then Miss Willow, it is almost dinner and I am sure that Severus and Minverva have things they would like to complete before hand. I would like to speak to Remus though so feel free to tour the school grounds before joining us in the great hall. Minerva I have a recommended book list for September for Miss Willow Rosenberg-Lupin to start with. I would like your opinion on it." Dumbledore smiled and those around him stood up except for Remus Lupin.
Willow stood and subdued walked out of the room. She wasn't entirely sure where to go or what to see just yet. It was all overwhelming. So much was new, so much was different. She couldn't process it all. So Willow went for safe and familiar ground. She headed towards the library.
Willow slipped though the library doors and waved hello to the witch behind the counter before moving to an out of the way area of the library, sat down and cried her heart out quietly. This was something she hadn't done since high school, but she just couldn't hold it in anymore. There was so many emotions running through her,a she needed to get them out some how and she wasn't sure how meditation here would work.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Dumbledore straightened in his seat. "Remus I'm afraid the order has two missions for you."
Remus nodded gravely. Internally he was a upset to be sent away so soon after meeting his cub and not getting enough of a chance to bond with her, but he knew that The Order business must be important.
"First, I need you to deliver a letter in person, it is to risky for owls and the floo networks are not as reliable as I would hope." Dumbledore requested.
Remus looked confused letters were usually encrypted and sent by owl rather than by a messenger. "A letter Albus? To where?"
The old wizard smiled his eyes twinkling "6 Privet Drive. I will not be repeating the mistakes of last year. I would like to let Harry Potter know that he is still welcomed at the Black home, at the end of the summer. I am sure he would rather hear the news that you have a daughter better coming from you then as a surprise." Dumbledore sobered a bit. "I'm also concerned with how he is reacting to losing Sirus. It has not been long and I hope it will do the boy good to see you." Suddenly the elderly wizard's mood shifted again. "The second request involves employment."
"Albus, we have this conversation every year, I can't accept any job positions as soon as my condition becomes common knowledge I would be run out of the job and the Ministry for the Control of Dangerous Beasts would be after me. I don't have a work permit," Remus had managed to avoid the conflict between the Ministry sub branch and the Order ever since he'd been run out of Hogwarts. Instead of solid permanent work he freelanced as a contact for the Order with other Magical Beasts. Even though the Ministry had acknowledged Voldamort's existence finally they were unwilling to work with sentient magical creatures or some of the darker beasts. Not all of which wanted to ally themselves with Voldamort. So Remus would travel, make contact, recruit and act as a channel back to the order itself. Remus was suited to the position. His personality set others at ease and his back ground in magic gave him a protective edge. His condition made other creatures more willing to trust him.
"Remus, the job is from me and I have your permit. You will be supervising the studies of an exchange student and assisting her when required in DADA. Though the Ministry was unsure about granting you a permit for this position I passed on the message that the girl's father was rather insistent that you would be the best man for the position and that your lycanthrope would not impact the teaching of an adult witch," Dumbledore smiled. "You might want to meet with Minerva to go over the book list." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Minerva Mcgonagall made her way to her office deep in thought. She was unsure of what to think of the younger witch. She could be a powerful dark witch , the younger woman had committed evil acts during her life. At the same time the young witch had saved the world time and time again. At first with no mystical strength of her own. She would have to speak to the headmaster though about ways to ensure the students were protected just in case the girl's control over her Darker self slipped.
For Minerva Mcgonagall it was an interesting experience to have an adult witch to teach. Often in classes she was far to often faced with bored children who were taking their education for granted. Willow however, seemed to want to absorb all the information she could. She asked to the point relevant questions and was quick to correct her errors. As a student the young woman would be a delight to teach.
Her ease at accepting the younger witch might have been helped by the fact the witch featured so many Gryffindor qualities. The young witch was brave, braver then most. When she had been no more than a child she had faced living on a mouth to hell. She had made the choice to help fight evil with the slayer even though she had no mystical talents of her own. She was loyal, she stuck by her friends. She did everything she possibly could to help them in any situation. She was courageous, she after all found the courage to tell a room full of people about her less then impeccable history. She was fair, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to accept some of the darker people she had come across as people. She would have seen Angel and Spike as vampires first and not given them a chance, Remus as werewolf. Perhaps it was the girl's intelligence along side characters of her own house that left the head of Gryffindor warming to her.
Liking the child though made Professor Mcgonagall ill at ease. Willow would not be at Hogwarts if she would pose a threat to the students. Still it was hard for Mcgonagall to align the stories of a dark witch, with the young woman who would be learning from her.
Drawing herself from her thoughts Mcgonagall sat at her desk looking over the projected summer reading / learning list for the young Miss Willow Rosenberg-Lupin:
· Arthimancy OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at any point
· Books: Introduction to The Magical Art of Numbers and Equations
for Beginner's, The Magical Art of Numbers and Equations Intermediate
· Care of Magical Creatures REQUIRED
· Books: Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, Students Guide to the
Creatures of the Magical World
· Books: Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter – Actions,
Defensive Magical Theory, Basic Hexes
· Divination, Muggle Studies – EXEMPT O.W.L.s in these subjects
may still be written, however I doubt that she will benifit from
O.W.L. Level classes in either subject.
· Herbology REQUIRED
· Books: Herbology: Plants, Care and Properties an Introduction,
Properties of Plants, Understanding the use of Magical Plants
· History of Magic REQUIRED
· Book: History of Magic - Bathilda Bagshot
· Potions REQUIRED
· Books: Magical Drafts and Potions, Ingredients: A wizard's guide
to potions ingredients and their properties
· Transfiguration REQUIRED Books: A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration – Emeric Switch
· Astronomy OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at any point Books: Watching the Heavens
· Charms REQUIRED Books: Standard Book Of Spells 1-2,
· Ancient Runes OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at her convince. Books: Ancient Runes Made Easy, Rune Work
Book recommended that may be of interest: Magical Hyroglyps and Logograhms, History of the Wizzarding World and the Muggle World: Parallels and relationships.
The young witch would have a heavy work load, like most of the students she was required to do quite a variety of classes. Unlike most Minerva would be surprised if it took Willow longer then the year to get her first O.W.L. With a quick wave of her wand she had made a copy of the list for Remus Lupin. She put together a list of the usual supplies that a student would need to practice witchcraft. Now all she needed was a list of potions ingredients from Severus and she would have the girl's shopping list for Diagon Ally all ready.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Willow's tears slowly began to slow and she began to focus again on the Library around her. Sniffling she stood from her seat and set out on a mission to clean herself up. Before leaving her hide away she dried her face and eyes as best as she could with her sleeve and then approached the witch behind the counter. "Excuse me, Ma'am. Would you be able to point me in the direction of some washrooms and the great hall?" Willow looked sheepish and slightly embarrassed to have been found out by someone as obviously having had a good cry behind stacks of books.
The lady behind the counter looked up "Oh my! You haven't been crying on any of the books have you child?"
Willow burst into laughter thinking of Giles and his appreciation of big thick dusty books. "So my acting attempts fall flat! Not one single tear so much as touched any pages of any of your books ma'am. Girl Guides honor," Willow held up three fingers like she was about to give the Girl Guide speal.
The witch behind the counter looked somewhat confused she did however pick up her wand and murmur an incantation. Willow found her face was clean and dry and decided she needed to know how to do that one for future reference. The witch nodded and went back to her scrolls speaking, as she moved, in a distracted hushed voice. "If you give me just a moment you can walk to dinner with me..." The woman marked off a few things on the scroll and put it down.
The two witches entered the great hall and Willow's eyes went wide. Something just above her caught and drew her eyes towards the ceiling. She just stood there staring above her. "Goddess," she breathed in amazement taking in the charmed ceiling.
"For Merlin's sake you simpleton stop gaping at the ceiling and move some of us would like to eat dinner at some point today." Severus Snape demanded impatiently from behind. This caused Willow to jump and turn around only to be faced with the man who owned that acidic voice.
"I'm sorry," she got out before turning bright red and making her way to a seat next to Remus Lupin berating herself for stopping in a doorway and glaring heavily at the potions professor.
Lupin and Mcgonagall looked slightly confused. The young woman who had reamed the Potions Master had disappeared only to be replaced with a shy, quiet, easily embarrassed little girl who refused to meet their eyes.
AN: This is my first story. Feedback is more then welcome. I am not extremely familiar with The Angel series or with the details of later BtVS episodes so I will be taking some creative license with things. Feel free to help me though! Thanks to my beta Lisa-K!
Pairing: Willow / Severus, others unknown yet
Rating: Earlier Chapters will most likely be around PG, but it will evolve into a higher rating so I'm going to start with that right off the bat.
Disclaimer: This piece of fiction was created for sheer fun, no profit is being gained from it. The non original characters contained within belong to their respective owners.
'thoughts' --------- Changes of scene
Willow wrung her hands together as the group headed into Hogwarts. Rather then taking the train from London they had portkeyed to just outside of Hogsmead and were walking up. As she took in the castle her eyes went wide. "Goddess," she whispered her attention darted to the three others with her. "Is that... is that the school?"
Remus Lupin grinned warmly and nodded. "Beautiful isn't it?"
"Muggle schools for children just don't ... well they just aren't... wow.. I've never seen a school like it!" Willow was literally bouncing as she walked now with a huge grin on her face. She resembled something like a very hyper child. "It's so magical in a literal and non literal sense! And the children learn there? They actually teach in that castle? Oh goddess." She burst into an excited giggle a smile stuck to her face. Fear of meeting the headmaster totally forgotten in the awe of the castle.
"You should see it how the first years do. They come across the lake in boats. It's very impressive for them."
Slowly as the group moved their way towards the castle and the meeting Willow's nerves returned. She refused however to let her nerves ruin the sheer beauty of what was in front of her. The entire place hummed with magic the closer she got, the stronger it was. Her entire body tingled with warmth because of it. She spoke in a quiet awe filled voice. "So much magic," her hand held out in front of her as if she was touching the very magic herself. "I've never felt anything quiet like it. It's as if the entire building is infused with magic, right down to the stones that make it up." Willow closed her eyes and sent her senses out around her, she stumbled in her step slightly as the thickness of the magic in the air hit her. "Goddess," she breathed again.
"What are you on about Rosenberg-Lupin?" Snape exclaimed in frustration.
Willow looked at the others around her "You can't feel it? The air is thick with magic it's flowing everywhere all around us. It's... oh Goddess. It's like peace so warm and inviting and electric. How can you not feel it?" Willow looked at the others realization dawning on her face "You really can't feel it? A part of Wicca is learning to reach out with your magic to feel, to sense the magics around you. So you can drawn them in to you, push them out or shape them. You send yourself down towards the ground, nature to try and keep yourself stabilized and balanced. Every spell, every charm, every current of magic floating in the air, around us, I can feel it all as one great big mass. There is so much here it's overwhelming. There is no escape from it it's in the air, in the plants, in the ground, the buildings everything." Willow finished her speech by twirling with her arms spread out, feeling the air and magic pour over her skin.
"As entertaining as flittering about like a child is, I do believe the Headmaster is waiting to speak to you and you are keeping him waiting"
Willow pouted slightly and began to fidget nervously "Yes... he would be.. we should go inside then right?"
Remus sensed a full out nervous rant about to spill out of the poor girl and he grabbed his daughters arm. "Yes we should. Perhaps Albus will have some tea, I am parched"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Now Willow sat in a very eclectic office, looking at an even more eclectic appearing man. He seemed very quiet and very kind and waiting for her to start talking. All of them were. Each one looking at her. "Well.. I suppose... I'm not sure where to start really."
Albus Dumbledore smiled kindly at the little witch sitting across from him, her hands clenching her tea cup so tightly her knuckles were white. "I often find that starting something from the beginning often causes less confusion."
"Yes, but where is the beginning. I just. Could you just let me talk and please let me say everything?" Willow rushed out very quickly trying not to lose her nerve.
"Of course dear I am sure we can hold our questions until the end can we not?" Dumbledore looked at the others in the room "Would it be perhaps easier to talk about with just myself here?"
"No, I mean it's okay if they stay. What I have to say will impact them so I'm sure they deserve to hear it to. It's just." Willow took a deep breath and put her untouched tea up down, she stood from her seat and began to pace in a very Giles like manner. "You all know I have no proper training, I am pretty much self taught. There was no one to help me along or guide me really. Giles was there, but he didn't really follow me and magic much and at the time the ends justified the means or so we thought. What I am trying to say is that some of the magic I've done in the past has been less then white."
Willow barely even paused for a moment before she continued telling everyone in the room about her progression into Darker Magic, then to magic addiction, Darth Willow, Warren's death and her attempted destruction of the world. Everything. By the end she was crying softly as she spoke.
Then she explained the coven, how she went there. How they couldn't remove the absorbed magic. They could only teach her to try and learn how to control herself to keep herself grounded. How they had used their magic to connect her to everything on the planet. Despite that though the darkness had become a part of her.
Finally Willow explained about The First evil. Of her lighter magical side.
"I needed to speak to you because I needed you to know before letting me into the school that I could be a risk if I lose control of myself. Not that I don't think I can control myself, but just in case. It wasn't something I could expect you to risk with out knowing. The dark side and the light side are existing all at once inside me." Willow stopped speaking but kept her glance indirect.
"Is that all Miss Rosenberg? Lupin?" Dumbledore asked softly.
"I believe so," Willow fidgeted with her hands while she waited for Dumbledore's reaction.
"I'm honoured that you trusted us with your tale and it answered many questions I had, but honestly my girl how many powerful rouge witches do you think there are in North America with connections to half the Scourge of Europe and the Slayer?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled before he said. "Shall I warm up your tea before we figure out a schedule and a class system for you?"
Willow's eyes snapped up disbelievingly "You mean I am still welcome to attend school here?! But I thought..."
"Yes dear, but sometimes we think wrong. If you are interested in attending school at Hogwarts. Hogwarts, it seems, would more then welcome you here." Dumbledore smiled at the young girl and popped a sweetie into his mouth. "Maybe you -"
Willow flew out of her chair and ran around the desk hugging the older wizard tightly. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! You wont regret this! I will do everything I can to make sure everyone here is proud of my success! Oh goddess!" Willow let go of the more then amused head master and threw herself at Lupin giggling. "I'm going to Hogwarts! Just like my parents did!" She burst into laughter and hugged the werewolf tighter. "Oh goddess and I get to learn and use magic and study. It's going to brilliant!"
"Now then my dear I do believe we have to work out some system for you to learn in. Minerva believes you would be able to read work for the most part independently. I do believe that during the school year it might be beneficially for you to also sit in some potions and DADA classes with some of the other students. Possibly herbology as well. So you have a chance to learn from a class room setting. However your schedule will be less strict then most of the students. Do you have any objections starting over the summer?"
"I'd have to get home and pick up my supplies and let Angel and Spike and the others know and then pick up some wizarding things, but as soon as that's done we can start. Would you rather I work from here, or work from the Hotel over the summer or..." Willow suddenly found herself on unsure territory.
Dumbledore chuckled at the girls energy. "My dear as the last surviving family member able to inherit from your mother, your uncle and your grandmother you have no worry about accommodation in the wizarding world. There is a house where you can stay that technically when you take possession of it legally, will be yours. I do have a favour to ask."
Willow thought for a moment before replying, "and the favor is?"
Dumbledore smiled at her caution. "There are a group of wizard's fighting this Dark Lord who use the home as a meeting place, they would like to continue to do so. But we would be very thankful if you would allow it to be used. It might inconvenience you as people cannot randomly visit you while you are there. The location of the home has been hidden."
"Is that all? Of course you can! Continue to use the house for your group to meet at. It will give me a chance to meet other wizards and witches!" Willow smiled warmly at Dumbledore.
He returned her smile and continued on. "Also, there is a young man one Harry Potter who was your uncles godson. I would like to request that you allow him to visit and stay in the home for a portion of his summer vacations... his extended family are..."
"Also fine, really Mr. Dumbledore I don't mind. After all you and your group didn't have to tell me about the home just yet and if I am willing to let an entire group of strangers parade though the house, I very much doubt that I am going to mind a teenage boy who was close to my family." Willow reassured quickly.
"Don't worry Miss Rosenberg or would you prefer Lupin?"
"Rosenberg-Lupin, that is if Remus doesn't mind me using his last name," Willow answered simply.
Snape's head snapped up, hearing his condescending name for the little witch being offered as her preferred name.
"However Sir, my name is Willow." the young witch crossed her arms her resolve face appearing.
Lupin laughed softly. "You may as well give up now Albus, nothing you say or do shall sway her mind from being called Willow rather then Miss Rosenberg-Lupin. You have just had your first run in with the resolve face"
"Very well then Miss Willow, it is almost dinner and I am sure that Severus and Minverva have things they would like to complete before hand. I would like to speak to Remus though so feel free to tour the school grounds before joining us in the great hall. Minerva I have a recommended book list for September for Miss Willow Rosenberg-Lupin to start with. I would like your opinion on it." Dumbledore smiled and those around him stood up except for Remus Lupin.
Willow stood and subdued walked out of the room. She wasn't entirely sure where to go or what to see just yet. It was all overwhelming. So much was new, so much was different. She couldn't process it all. So Willow went for safe and familiar ground. She headed towards the library.
Willow slipped though the library doors and waved hello to the witch behind the counter before moving to an out of the way area of the library, sat down and cried her heart out quietly. This was something she hadn't done since high school, but she just couldn't hold it in anymore. There was so many emotions running through her,a she needed to get them out some how and she wasn't sure how meditation here would work.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Dumbledore straightened in his seat. "Remus I'm afraid the order has two missions for you."
Remus nodded gravely. Internally he was a upset to be sent away so soon after meeting his cub and not getting enough of a chance to bond with her, but he knew that The Order business must be important.
"First, I need you to deliver a letter in person, it is to risky for owls and the floo networks are not as reliable as I would hope." Dumbledore requested.
Remus looked confused letters were usually encrypted and sent by owl rather than by a messenger. "A letter Albus? To where?"
The old wizard smiled his eyes twinkling "6 Privet Drive. I will not be repeating the mistakes of last year. I would like to let Harry Potter know that he is still welcomed at the Black home, at the end of the summer. I am sure he would rather hear the news that you have a daughter better coming from you then as a surprise." Dumbledore sobered a bit. "I'm also concerned with how he is reacting to losing Sirus. It has not been long and I hope it will do the boy good to see you." Suddenly the elderly wizard's mood shifted again. "The second request involves employment."
"Albus, we have this conversation every year, I can't accept any job positions as soon as my condition becomes common knowledge I would be run out of the job and the Ministry for the Control of Dangerous Beasts would be after me. I don't have a work permit," Remus had managed to avoid the conflict between the Ministry sub branch and the Order ever since he'd been run out of Hogwarts. Instead of solid permanent work he freelanced as a contact for the Order with other Magical Beasts. Even though the Ministry had acknowledged Voldamort's existence finally they were unwilling to work with sentient magical creatures or some of the darker beasts. Not all of which wanted to ally themselves with Voldamort. So Remus would travel, make contact, recruit and act as a channel back to the order itself. Remus was suited to the position. His personality set others at ease and his back ground in magic gave him a protective edge. His condition made other creatures more willing to trust him.
"Remus, the job is from me and I have your permit. You will be supervising the studies of an exchange student and assisting her when required in DADA. Though the Ministry was unsure about granting you a permit for this position I passed on the message that the girl's father was rather insistent that you would be the best man for the position and that your lycanthrope would not impact the teaching of an adult witch," Dumbledore smiled. "You might want to meet with Minerva to go over the book list." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Minerva Mcgonagall made her way to her office deep in thought. She was unsure of what to think of the younger witch. She could be a powerful dark witch , the younger woman had committed evil acts during her life. At the same time the young witch had saved the world time and time again. At first with no mystical strength of her own. She would have to speak to the headmaster though about ways to ensure the students were protected just in case the girl's control over her Darker self slipped.
For Minerva Mcgonagall it was an interesting experience to have an adult witch to teach. Often in classes she was far to often faced with bored children who were taking their education for granted. Willow however, seemed to want to absorb all the information she could. She asked to the point relevant questions and was quick to correct her errors. As a student the young woman would be a delight to teach.
Her ease at accepting the younger witch might have been helped by the fact the witch featured so many Gryffindor qualities. The young witch was brave, braver then most. When she had been no more than a child she had faced living on a mouth to hell. She had made the choice to help fight evil with the slayer even though she had no mystical talents of her own. She was loyal, she stuck by her friends. She did everything she possibly could to help them in any situation. She was courageous, she after all found the courage to tell a room full of people about her less then impeccable history. She was fair, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to accept some of the darker people she had come across as people. She would have seen Angel and Spike as vampires first and not given them a chance, Remus as werewolf. Perhaps it was the girl's intelligence along side characters of her own house that left the head of Gryffindor warming to her.
Liking the child though made Professor Mcgonagall ill at ease. Willow would not be at Hogwarts if she would pose a threat to the students. Still it was hard for Mcgonagall to align the stories of a dark witch, with the young woman who would be learning from her.
Drawing herself from her thoughts Mcgonagall sat at her desk looking over the projected summer reading / learning list for the young Miss Willow Rosenberg-Lupin:
· Arthimancy OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at any point
· Books: Introduction to The Magical Art of Numbers and Equations
for Beginner's, The Magical Art of Numbers and Equations Intermediate
· Care of Magical Creatures REQUIRED
· Books: Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, Students Guide to the
Creatures of the Magical World
· Books: Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter – Actions,
Defensive Magical Theory, Basic Hexes
· Divination, Muggle Studies – EXEMPT O.W.L.s in these subjects
may still be written, however I doubt that she will benifit from
O.W.L. Level classes in either subject.
· Herbology REQUIRED
· Books: Herbology: Plants, Care and Properties an Introduction,
Properties of Plants, Understanding the use of Magical Plants
· History of Magic REQUIRED
· Book: History of Magic - Bathilda Bagshot
· Potions REQUIRED
· Books: Magical Drafts and Potions, Ingredients: A wizard's guide
to potions ingredients and their properties
· Transfiguration REQUIRED Books: A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration – Emeric Switch
· Astronomy OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at any point Books: Watching the Heavens
· Charms REQUIRED Books: Standard Book Of Spells 1-2,
· Ancient Runes OPTIONAL O.W.L. May be written at her convince. Books: Ancient Runes Made Easy, Rune Work
Book recommended that may be of interest: Magical Hyroglyps and Logograhms, History of the Wizzarding World and the Muggle World: Parallels and relationships.
The young witch would have a heavy work load, like most of the students she was required to do quite a variety of classes. Unlike most Minerva would be surprised if it took Willow longer then the year to get her first O.W.L. With a quick wave of her wand she had made a copy of the list for Remus Lupin. She put together a list of the usual supplies that a student would need to practice witchcraft. Now all she needed was a list of potions ingredients from Severus and she would have the girl's shopping list for Diagon Ally all ready.
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Willow's tears slowly began to slow and she began to focus again on the Library around her. Sniffling she stood from her seat and set out on a mission to clean herself up. Before leaving her hide away she dried her face and eyes as best as she could with her sleeve and then approached the witch behind the counter. "Excuse me, Ma'am. Would you be able to point me in the direction of some washrooms and the great hall?" Willow looked sheepish and slightly embarrassed to have been found out by someone as obviously having had a good cry behind stacks of books.
The lady behind the counter looked up "Oh my! You haven't been crying on any of the books have you child?"
Willow burst into laughter thinking of Giles and his appreciation of big thick dusty books. "So my acting attempts fall flat! Not one single tear so much as touched any pages of any of your books ma'am. Girl Guides honor," Willow held up three fingers like she was about to give the Girl Guide speal.
The witch behind the counter looked somewhat confused she did however pick up her wand and murmur an incantation. Willow found her face was clean and dry and decided she needed to know how to do that one for future reference. The witch nodded and went back to her scrolls speaking, as she moved, in a distracted hushed voice. "If you give me just a moment you can walk to dinner with me..." The woman marked off a few things on the scroll and put it down.
The two witches entered the great hall and Willow's eyes went wide. Something just above her caught and drew her eyes towards the ceiling. She just stood there staring above her. "Goddess," she breathed in amazement taking in the charmed ceiling.
"For Merlin's sake you simpleton stop gaping at the ceiling and move some of us would like to eat dinner at some point today." Severus Snape demanded impatiently from behind. This caused Willow to jump and turn around only to be faced with the man who owned that acidic voice.
"I'm sorry," she got out before turning bright red and making her way to a seat next to Remus Lupin berating herself for stopping in a doorway and glaring heavily at the potions professor.
Lupin and Mcgonagall looked slightly confused. The young woman who had reamed the Potions Master had disappeared only to be replaced with a shy, quiet, easily embarrassed little girl who refused to meet their eyes.