Hello my faithful readers lol. Sorry for taking so long with this chappie. I've been busy in school and looking at colleges. My head hurts lol but here's Chappie 12 regardless!

"Jennifer, I'm so confused." Lily said helplessly as she punched the pillow on her bed in the girl's dormitory.

"Well what did I tell you?" Jennifer replied slowly as she sat down next to Lily on the bed. "James Potter only has one thing on his mind."

"But why Kristen? I thought he didn't like her." Lily asked curiously as she turned to face Jennifer. "Do you think he's just using her?"

"That and more."

Lily sighed deeply and scratched her head. Something didn't add up. First her and Jennifer get into a fight, then she breaks up with James. All of a sudden Jennifer wants to be her friend and now Kristen and James seem to be an item. What happened to Lily's headstrong nature? Her life seemed to be falling apart and all over a guy she was determined to hate.

"Do you still want to go to the masquerade party tomorrow night?" Jennifer asked after an awkward moment of silence. "It would be a good chance for you to take your mind off of things."

Lily stared at Jennifer blankly. "Are you insane? I'm not going to that bloody party if James and Kristen are going to be there and obviously they will be there."

"Well I didn't say you had to talk to him or Kristen."

"I'm not going, okay?" Lily said firmly. "Can you just leave me alone for a while, Jennifer. I need to think."

Jennifer nodded and got to up to leave the dormitory. She smirked to herself as she closed the door behind her. Her plan seemed to going perfectly. The longer James and Lily were kept apart, the happier she was and she planned to make it permanent at the party the following evening.

"Hey James." Jennifer said happily as James passed her to get to the stairs.

"Shut up." James said angrily as he stormed up the staircase to the boys dormitory.

"What's his problem?" Jennifer said jokingly as she sat on the sofa next to Kristen. "Did you talk with him after Lily and I left?"

"Yeah." Kristen said quietly as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Well? What did you say?"

"I..." Kristen began slowly. "I told him the truth."

Jennifer chuckled to herself. "I'm sorry, what did you really tell him?"

"The truth."

Jennifer stared wide-eyed at Kristen. She had to be joking. Yes. That's what it was. A joke.

"Jen, I don't think it's cool to do what we're doing to James and Lily." Kristen said quietly. "I really like James and I don't want to see him unhappy."

"Well if you really want him to be happy, then you'll help me keep him away from Miss Perfect." Jennifer said smugly.

"Are you completely mental? How can you say that? Maybe you haven't noticed, but James can't get Lily out of his head. That's what he wants and if you don't think so then I don't know how else you can expect him to be happy."

Kristen sighed deeply after not getting a response from Jennifer and stood up and walked towards the portrait hole. She turned around and gave Jennifer one final look before exiting.


James stared at the door to the 6th year girls dormitory for a long time. Kristen had told him about Jennifer's scheme to keep him and Lily separated and he believed that maybe if he explained the situation to Lily, she might come to her senses and go back to being his girlfriend. James sighed heavily and raised his hand to knock on the door. He had barely touched the door, when it opened and he came face to face with Lily.

"Just hear me out, Lily." James said gently as he put his finger to Lily's lips to silence her.

"Fine." Lily said as she moved back to let James in.

James told Lily all about Kristen and Jennifer' plot to keep them apart, he told her about how he let Kristen seduce him unknowingly, and also how he couldn't get Lily out of his head.

"Look, Lily, it's not everyday that I admit I truly like someone, but I really do want to be with you." James said quietly as he sat down on Lily's trunk. "I'm really sorry if it seemed like I was leading you on, but Jennifer lied to you. I don't date girls just to get into bed with them. Well there are a select few, but generally it's because I like you. You don't have to go back to being my girlfriend if you hate me that much, but I can't go on knowing that you don't want to talk to me or even look at me. I'd be happy even if all you did was insult me, but at least I knew that you knew I existed."

"James," Lily began softly. "that's the sweetest apology I've ever heard."

Lily kneeled down in front of James and lifted his head.

"Do you want to give this relationship another shot?" Lily asked in barely a whisper.

James nodded and pulled Lily in for a kiss. Lily wrapped her arms around James' neck and pushed herself into him. She was glad to be back with James, that was all she wanted and now that she had him, everything seemed right within her world.


The next day came as a shock to the people who had decided that James and Lily would never get back together.

"Hey Moony, I bet you 10 galleons James and Lily break within the next five minutes and get back together in five seconds." Sirius said playfully to Remus who was reading the Daily Prophet.

"Do you realize how silly you sound?" Remus said bluntly without looking up from his paper. "Here comes your future girlfriend, Padfoot."

"Where?" Sirius asked excitedly as he spilled his pumpkin juice on his shirt. He had just ducked under the table when Miliani appeared behind Remus.

"Hey boys." Miliani said happily as she sat down next to Remus. "Where's Sirius? I just saw him."

"Here I am." Sirius said as he rose from under the table. "Just tying my shoe."

Remus coughed softly and cleared his throat as Sirius fixed his tie.

"So Miliani, are you still on for tonight?" Sirius said quietly, ignoring Remus' fake cough.

"Yeah." Miliani replied happily. "Athough, I have no idea where the Room of Requirement is?"

"Really?" Remus asked in a surprised tone. "Don't you ever go to one of our parties?"

"Not normally. I decided to relax this year and actually go to one. Can you show me where it is Remus?"

"Uh actually...I'll be late to the party but Sirius won't have a problem walking with you."

"Oh okay." Milani said with what sounded like sadness in her tone. "Well I'll see you later this evening Sirius and I hope to see you too Remus."

Miliani stood up and met her friends standing by the entrance to the Great Hall. As Remus watched her go, he felt slightly confused by what had just happened. Was it him or did Miliani attempt to hit on him? He wasn't sure and his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of bags shuffling and feet walking as all the students were leaving the Great Hall to go to their classes.

"Are you all right Moony?" Sirius asked curiously.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Remus replied assuringly. "Ready to go to Charms?"

Sirius nodded and followed Remus to Charms, along the way Remus couldn't keep his mind of Miliani.

Hey guys...I'm sorry this chapter is short but I am way too busy as I am a senior this year in high school and I have so much crap to do. So it may be a while between posts since I'm trying to balance this and do my schoolwork too. I love writing this fanfic and I want to keep doing it, but please don't expect quick posts. I don't have time to sit and write so it's usually in blocks, but I'm sure on my Christmas break there will be more rapid posts. Thank you.