Chapter Three: Return of the Dark Lord and Visitor's

Soon enough they returned to the village, but Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned to Hogwarts.  Raziel entered the Three Broomsticks and saw his brothers in one corner with Kain.  He pushed his way through and halfway there ran into Rita Skeeter.

"So the infamous Rita Skeeter, we meet at last," said Raziel.

"Ah, I see I have the pleasure of meeting the famous Harry Potter's cousin.  Please join me at my table for an interview," insisted Rita Skeeter.

Raziel nodded and followed her to a table and ordered two butterbeers.

"So what is it like to be Harry Potter's cousin?" she asked.

"It is good enough, I could care less what everyone else thinks about me being his cousin," said Raziel.

"I see, so who are your parents?" she asked him.

"I don't know my mother, but my father is the Defense Against the Dark Arts assistant.  May I say something off the record?" asked Raziel.

She nodded and Raziel said, "Twist a single word around and you will not only feel my wrath, but that of my family's as well.  We are not to be fooled with and do not take kindly insults, we also do not make idle threats.  If I find this in an article in any way then I will make life for you a living hell," said Raziel.

"Now on the record, do you have any siblings?"

"Five of them, all younger than I am," said Raziel.

"So, what are their names, what year are they in, and what house?"

"Turel is the second eldest, he's in the fourth year as well, but in the Ravenclaw house.  Dumah is the third eldest, he's in the fourth year as well, and is in the Ravenclaw house as well.  Rahab is the third youngest, he's in the fourth year as well, and is in the Slytherin house.  Zephon is the second youngest, he's also in the fourth year as well, and is also in the Slytherin house.  Melchiah is the youngest of us all, he's in the fourth year as well, and in the Gryffindor house, along with myself," said Raziel.

"Rumor has it that you weren't here at Hogwarts for the first two years, can you shed some light on this little mystery?"

"I was a transfer student, from an extremely private school that is not very known.  Since I took my first two years there, they have us swear not to reveal the name of the school," said Raziel.

"Alright, every school as its secrets, but can you shed light on the accusations of other students saying that you have been practicing magic outside of school?"

"Then they lie, I cannot do magic outside of school without the Ministry of Magic knowing.  It is a common fact that if one violates the law, then one is punished for it," said Raziel.

"True enough, now I have heard from students who wish to remain unnamed that you are only half human, is this true?"

"I hold no shame in what I am, yes I am half human as you say, I am also half vampire.  There are only a few people who know this as a fact, I'm leaving them unnamed for reasons that are my own," said Raziel sternly.

"Alright that is fair enough, you have your rights.  But can you explain the sudden disappearances of yourself into a green mist?"

"That would be apart of the secrets that I have sworn to keep," said Raziel warningly.

She nodded and said, "Being the cousin to Harry Potter, do you receive any publicity as well?"

"Not many know I am his cousin, until this little interview that is.  I can also state that there is nothing for me to receive publicity about.  I do not wish for it, nor have I ever wished for it," said Raziel.

"Can you tell me anything about your parents?"

"My parents, which ones, the ones that I have lived with for the past two years that are my adoptive uncle and aunt?  My biological parents, that I have never known, or perhaps the one who raised me and my brethren?" asked Raziel.

"No offense, but nobody really wishes to hear about the affairs of a muggle family, also since your biological parents are unknown to you, then perhaps you can tell us a little about the one you consider your father."

"My father, what can be said about him, except that he is a nobleman.  He has raised me and my brethren for as long as I can remember.  He has never had a wife and he is like me a vampire, we, as in my brethren and I, have taken hold of his family tradition, to take our fathers name and use it as our surname, just as he used his fathers name as his surname.  However to help honor their name and not insult them, we add either an em, im, am, or an um onto the end of the name.  Depending on the name we may even replace a couple of the ending letters with these two letters," said Raziel.

"One last question, rumor has it that you are an Animagus with four different forms.  Is this true, if it is, can you give us a description of these four forms?  If it isn't true, than could you speculate as to where these rumors started from?"

"It is true that I am a highly unusual Animagus, mainly do to the forms themselves.  I researched these four forms and discovered what they are called.  The first form is known as the Reaver of Souls, the second form is known as the Guardian of Souls, the third is known as the Reaper of Souls, and the last is known as the Hunter of Souls.  I have nicknamed them after certain creatures I have seen, the first I have called a Man-Bat, because it resembles both a human and a bat, the second is a Giant Man-Bat, the third I believe is known as a Patronus, yet it resembles a Dementor, and the last a Ravenous, because of the huge black raven-like wings," said Raziel.

"Thank you so much for your cooperation Mr. Kainem.  Now if you excuse me I must be going," she said as she slid through the crowd.

Raziel paid for his butterbeer and flew to Hogwarts, where when he landed Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson were waiting for him wands ready.

"Look Pansy it's the freak, shall we give him a present?" asked Malfoy.

The other three nodded and they aimed their wands and all called out the same curse.  Raziel let them hit him and he noticed the effects they were having on him.  He was changing to his human form and he glared at the four of them.

"Well it looks like the anti-Animagus curses worked after all.  Shall we do it to him again, just to make sure?" asked Pansy.

Raziel's eyes were glowing pure white with rage and he was very tempted to summon the Soul Reaver from the spectral realm.  Instead he grabbed Malfoy and changed into his Reaper form and glared at Malfoy.  He let go of him while the others aimed their wands at him, but he pulled back his hood and glared at each one of them.  He only locked eye contact with Malfoy, as he showed him the horrors he would face if he tried the curse again.  When he heard foot steps echoing from the hall he pulled his hood back on and walked towards McGonagall's office.  He reached her office door and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said McGonagall.

Raziel entered into her office and she could tell by his posture and by the way he walked he was in a very foul mood.

"What has happened Mr. Kainem?" asked McGonagall calmly.

"Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle, is what happened Professor.  They used a spell on me called an anti-Animagus curse.  The last I knew they were in the courtyard, where I left them unharmed, though I admit I was and still am very tempted to make them quite miserable," said Raziel, "I was able to control my temper, as to let you know first and in hopes that there might be a way to break this retched curse on me, preventing me from using my Ravenous form."

McGonagall nodded and had Raziel follow her done into the dungeons to Snape's office.  She knocked on his door and he called them in.

"Professor McGonagall, what can I do for you and Mr. Kainem?" asked Snape.

"Mr. Kainem here was attacked by four students from your house.  Specifically Mr. Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe, and Miss Parkinson, they have used an anti-Animagus curse on Mr. Kainem here.  I thought I would let you know, before I speak with the headmaster about this incident," said McGonagall.

Snape nodded and assured them that he would deal with them.  So McGonagall and Raziel made their way to Dumbledore's office.  They knocked on the door and waited for Dumbledore to give them permission to enter.

"Minerva, Mr. Kainem, is there something I can help you with?" asked Dumbledore from behind them as he opened the door into his office for them.

"I'm afraid so, Professor Dumbledore, it seems that Mr. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Miss Parkinson have performed an anti-Animagus curse on Mr. Kainem here," said McGonagall.

"I see, now Mr. Kainem, would you please explain to me how this happened?" asked Dumbledore.

"I had just come back from the Hogsmeade Village, using my Ravenous form to fly from there to here, when I landed Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson seemed to be waiting for me.  They had their wands out and Malfoy had called me a freak and mentioned something about a present.  That's when all four of them performed the anti-Animagus curse on me.  I faded back to human form and they mentioned something about doing it a second time to be sure.  I had changed into my Patronus form, since Dementors see to fear it.  I grabbed Malfoy, but did not harm him in anyway, I pulled my hood back and from previous experiences it is not a welcome sight.  I locked eyes with him and glared at him and showed him possibilities of what might happen if they did it again and I lost my temper.  I showed him something that I rarely show anyone that puts me into a foul mood, I showed him how I would torture him, if he tried the curse again.  It wouldn't have been anything sever, just showing him a few experiences from my, how shall I say, past.  It was all I could do not to summon something that would very likely kill anything the blade cuts," said Raziel.

"I see, well then Mr. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Miss Parkinson have two weeks worth of detention and they loose fifty points each for each curse they used on you today.  Now for whom they will serve detention with I shall let Professor Snape know.  As for you Mr. Kainem, I suggest you take your frustrations out on stone instead of a student.  However I am most curious as to these Animagus forms of yours, may I see them?" asked Dumbledore.

"Of course Professor, however the last I won't be able to because of the curse.  The first one is officially known as the Reaver of Souls, but I call it a Man-Bat," said Raziel as he changed into his Reaver form, which happened to be what he looked like before the abyss.

"My second form is officially known as the Guardian of Souls, but I call it a Giant Man-Bat.  I may change it to dragon-like later on," said Raziel as he changed into a huge version of his reaver from, except he had spikes on his shoulders, arms, knees, back, and round the top of his head.  He also had scales over most of his skin and wings.

"My third form, looks much like a Dementor, it is officially called the Reaper of Souls, often connected with the Grim Reaper.  I call it a Patronus though, since most Dementors flee from the mere presence of me, this my most effective form against Dementors, I injured one last year," said Raziel, "I won't remove my hood though, the last few who have seen my face beneath it and locked eyes with me, still have nightmares, and that was three years ago."

Dumbledore nodded his understanding and the same with McGonagall.

"My fourth form, is a bit of a cross between the first three, as soon as this curse wears off I can show you what it looks like.  You might also want to refrain from mentioning any of this from Kain or my brethren, they would do something very rash and dangerous, especially Kain," warned Raziel.

After the brief meeting with Dumbledore, Raziel left his office and went straight into the Gryffindor Tower, where he vanished into the Spectral Realm to rest.  The next few weeks were some of his worse, as he was having to deal with Malfoy and his gang almost everyday.  He had to deal with criticism from Snape, loads of homework from Trelawney, and to top it all off Rita Skeeter had altered and twisted his words around very much.

Raziel Kainem: Harry Potter's Deranged Cousin or Not?

In a private interview with Mr. Raziel Kainem, the adoptive cousin of Harry Potter, I have learned that he is quite mentally unstable.  As I asked about his family, he firmly stated that he doesn't know who his real parents are, being adopted by the Muggle relatives of Harry Potter, he has surprisingly not made a name for himself.  He has also stated that his previous schooling, before transferring to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has sworn him into secrecy about a number of many things he learned there.  In an interview with a fellow student, one of a most respected Wizard Family, Mr. Draco Malfoy, has informed me that the previous year he discovered that Raziel is not entirely human, but a vampire as well and one with a short temper.  When the named student asked Raziel about this, he was slammed against the wall and his life threatened.  The previously named student as also made it clear that the only reason he was able to come back a second year, was because his father is also a vampire and teaching at Hogwarts.  When I asked Raziel about this he shrugged it off as if it was nothing important and made quite clear that his family does not appreciate any type of insult, even if it is just a harmless joke.

When I attempted to interview Raziel's father, Professor Mortanium, about this he told me to go away.  Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, however when I mentioned his son, he had threatened to harm me in the worst possible way he could imagine.  With this done it has occurred that Raziel is suffering quite a bit of physical harm when he visits his father.  When I asked Raziel about this he said his fathers name as if it were You-Know-Who's name.  When I attempted to ask about his mother, he cut me off and told me simply that he didn't have a mother and aside from the one that gave birth to him, that he never had a mother while growing up.  His eyes were on the verge of tears as he spoke of how, his father had driven off one that he had been close to.  It would seem that he is not truly mentally unstable only ignored and crying out for help and understanding, because of his hard life.

Raziel crushed the paper and threw it into the common room fire.  He was in a definite rage and he was going to make sure that Kain knew of it.  He walked down to Kain's office and blasted the door off its hinges and Kain stood off to the side, looking at where is desk once stood.

"Raziel, was it necessary to blast the door off its hinges and into my desk?" asked Kain.

"Have you read the Daily Prophet Kain, the damned woman as insulted me and you!  She ridicules you especially since you do not have a wife nor did you when you raised me and my brethren!  She insults me by calling me deranged and crying out for help.  She says you drove Kayura away from me and that you did it intentionally.  What do you propose to do about this?" demanded Raziel.

"Nothing at all Raziel, since we are not in our homeland I cannot simply enforce the law upon the person.  She never attempted to interview me, she used information from Malfoy and his little friends, whom Dumbledore was kind enough to give to me for their detention a few weeks ago," said Kain smiling cruelly.

"Damn you Kain, this may not be our homeland, but you can't let her get away with this!" yelled Raziel.

"Oh, but she will not get away with it, Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon, and Melchiah have seen to that.  They have decided to send her a spell that will bring one vampire from our homeland here, one that hasn't started devolving yet and that is, Vorador.  Yes he lives, he is quite the clever one, upon my last visit to his mansion I discovered that he had gained a dark gift that allowed him to create copies of himself from his children.  I awoke him from his coma and explained everything to him, he has been keeping everything in check while I have been here.  However he has his human decedent taking care of everything in the homeland.  Your brothers have arranged an interview with this Rita Skeeter and Vorador Audron, he as taking up Janos's surname in respect for his father," said Kain.

Moments later Vorador himself walked into the room and looked at the desk and door, then at Raziel and Kain.

"I suppose by the way the desk is, that Raziel did that?" asked Vorador.

"Yes, Raziel blasted the door with an extremely powerful force projectile," said Kain.

Raziel left the room and headed for the Quidditch Field, where the finals would be taking place at any moment.  When he arrived it had already started and Harry was already halfway through the maze.  He entered the Spectral Realm and leapt into the center of the maze and came out of it just as he and Cedric Diggory grabbed the cup, he felt something wrong and grabbed the back of their robes and was pulled along with them.  When he came to he saw that Harry was in danger as a man in dark robes stood above Harry, who had a look of pure terror upon his face.

'So this is the mighty Voldemort, let him come after me and feel what I can do to him,' thought Raziel.

He carefully slipped into his Reaper form and made his way towards Voldemort.  He watched Voldemort caress his new body and look around the graveyard at the flowing of robes around him.  He spoke with them, harmed one, and told them his tale of how he returned to power, but first of how he was able to survive.  Then when he finished he turned to Harry and blasted him with an unforgivable curse.  Raziel advanced closer to Voldemort, close enough that he would catch his attention long enough for Harry's torment to stop.

"Ah, a Dementor already, you see my servants, I am already regaining what was taken from me thirteen years ago," said Voldemort.

"I would be careful of what you say Voldemort, I am no Dementor.  I am what a Dementor fears more than a Patronus.  Wormtail can tell you that I am not to be taken lightly, now leave Harry Potter alone now!" roared Raziel.

"You are no Dementor then, yet you are no Death Eater.  Why then do you wear the robes of one?" demanded Voldemort.

"I am Raziel, the Reaper of Souls, the predecessor to death itself.  You Voldemort are nothing compared to what I have seen and fought," said Raziel.

"So you are the predecessor to the death, I cheated death once and I can do it again.  I am Lord Voldemort, the most feared wizard in the world!  My knowledge and power with the dark Arts is second to none!" declared Voldemort as he aimed his wand at Raziel.

"Then you are a fool, you may have cheated death, but I have died twice already Voldemort.  I know death, my grandfather himself was a conjurer of death.  If he were here today then he would show you who is a powerful wizard.  However since he is not and neither is my father Kain, Lord of Nosgoth, the one man who knew magic that could kill a hundred men with a single spell.  I too know spells that make your unforgivable curses pale in comparison, however you are too lowly a mortal to use them upon," sneered Raziel.

Voldemort then said, "Avada Kedavra!"

The spell struck Raziel head on and he collapsed unto the ground and disappeared into a green mist.  When he returned to the Material Realm he and Harry were dueling with each other.  He saw the spirits of Voldemort's victims appear and taunt him.

"Remember one thing Voldemort if you ever cross paths with me again, there are things much worse than death.  There are places that would make you wish you were dead, and there are beings that make you wish you were dead and I am one of those beings," said Raziel as he summoned the light glyph and released its power upon those who were looking at him and Harry.

They all yelled from being blinded by the incredibly bright light.  Raziel grabbed Harry and Cedric's body and ran to the Triwizard Tournament Cup.  He grabbed it exactly when the curse hit him and forced him into the Spectral Realm once they arrived back at the Quidditch Field.  Everyone saw his eyes roll into the back of his head and disappear into a green mist, but not before dropping Harry and Cedric's body.  An hour later Raziel awoke in the Spectral Realm and he devoured the souls wandering around there, he found a planar portal and shifted back into the Material Realm.  He saw Dumbledore waiting for him there, with Kain and Vorador.

"I see you were right Professor Mortanium, Raziel is very much alive even after being struck by the Avada Kedavra curse.  Raziel I must ask where it is you went to after being struck by the Avada Kedavra curse," said Dumbledore.

"The Spectral Realm, where the spirits of the dead await passage into the underworld.  It's a place I am forced into when I become to weak to sustain my body in the Physical Realm.  While there a replenish my health with ancient symbols rarely seen in this realm.  A yellow or golden glow surrounds it and when I step into it, I am fully healed and able to return to the this plane," explained Raziel.

"So is this also apart of your alleged family curse Raziel?" asked Dumbledore with a smile.

"Yes it is Professor Dumbledore, you can explain that to everyone who saw me hit with the curse.  Hermione Granger, the Ron and Ginny Weasley, and Harry already know of the Spectral Realm.  With proper training of our language most anybody could do it, Hermione already knows how to enter and exit the Spectral Realm.  On an account of blackmail I trained her in the magic I use in my homeland sir," said Raziel.

"Very well, but why did you enter the maze in the first place?" asked Dumbledore.

"Moebiun, a type of Divination wizard showed me the future of Harry if I had not come.  He would have been quite miserable living with the pathetic Dursley family.  I originally came here because of my curiosity of other magic.  I was only able to come here after I helped bring justice to our corrupt Ministry Council, so I was banished from the homeland.  So I came to England and got myself adopted by the Dursley family," explained Raziel.

"I see so before your Ministry was brought out of power they banished you from your homeland," said Dumbledore.

"Something like that," said Raziel.  (Quote from Connor MacLeod in Highlander 2: The Quickening.)

Raziel returned to the castle and made his way to the Hospital Wing to see Harry.  He carefully stood in the shadows as he watched Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Sirius Black (in Animagus form) watch over Harry to make sure he got his rest.  Soon enough though a loud yelling came from behind the door and came into the room.  Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic was arguing with Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, mainly McGonagall.  Soon enough Dumbledore came and was displeased with them and him and the Minister got into an argument.

"You-Know-Who . . . returned?  Preposterous.  Come now Dumbledore . . ."

He continued to listen to them argue until his own temper, having been kept in check snapped and he took on his Reaper form and a very loud screech was heard, echoing off the walls of the castle as the Dementor left the castle grounds.  Raziel turned to the Minister and strode towards him his eyes glowing a blood red and his mist flowing from beneath him.  He pointed a single clawed hand at the Minister and said, "Tell me Minister, I'm quite sure you have seen what Voldemort looks like from descriptions of surviving witnesses, do I remind you of anything?"

"Whoever you are, you remind me of a Dementor or one of the Death Eater's locked away in the Azkaban Prison.  I have personally never seen Voldemort, so I would not know!  Now tell me who you are now!" demanded Fudge.

Raziel took on his human form again and looked at Fudge with an all to obvious scowl on his face.  He pointed one of his fingers at him and did a very muggle gesture.  Hermione gasped at what she saw Raziel do and giggled a bit, as Fudge looked confused.

"You may remember me from the Leaky Cauldron, Minister.  If you don't then, I am Raziel Kainem, cousin to Harry Potter, son of Kain Mortanium, and you Minister are nothing more than a scuttling coward.  If you were half the wizard you were made out to be, then you wouldn't have had the need to bring a Dementor, with a castle full of wizards who could subdue the man if need be.  Of course these are my personal opinions of you now Minister," said Raziel.

Kain appeared behind Snape and laughed at what Raziel had done, insulting the Minister of Magic.  He gave his okay to continue if he wished to and Fudge turned to Kain, with his wand out.  However Kain didn't bring his wand out, he glared down at the little man who dared confront him.

"I suppose you are the assistant teacher for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year?" asked Fudge.

"And last year as well, I am hoping that I will have the pleasure and honor of teaching here again next year, Minister.  I wish to point one thing out that what Raziel said holds no meaning to me," said Kain.

"At least someone here, believes that I have every right to summon a Dementor for protection if I so wish and that what happened to the culprit does not mean I am a coward," said Fudge.

"Minister, perhaps you misunderstood, I said what Raziel said holds no meaning to me.  In a clearer meaning for you, I believe you to be a man who wishes to be certain that he has protection when he wants it.  In my homeland such a terminology would mean you are a spineless and gutless coward," said Kain with a smirk upon his face, "Of course we are not in my homeland so it does not mean that in England, if you will excuse me Minister, Headmaster."

Raziel looked at Fudge with a sly smile upon his face as he gave Harry his winnings and then left the Hospital Wing.  He watched as Dumbledore had Madam Pomfrey go check on a house elf, then he shut the door and the black dog (Sirius) transformed back into his human self at Dumbledore's request.  Before Dumbledore could speak again Raziel spoke, "Professor it was the last wish of Moebiun, that you be told that Kain would not be a good selection for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, nor would Vorador.  Both are extremely dangerous when they wish to be and are very easily angered, and they would both very willingly do something extremely rash."

Dumbledore nodded his thanks and explained everything that needed to be done, though Snape was just a question and an answer, then he was gone.  Sirius was also gone and Raziel had the distinct feeling that his late uncle, Mortonius, was urging him to tell his story again, only an edited version would suffice.  Once only the two Weasley children, Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, Harry, and Dumbledore remained he told them he was going to tell them something that required an oath of the utmost discretion.  They agreed to keep it secret until either they were forced to or until he gave permission to tell.

"Kain is deified, the clans tell tales of him; few know the truth he was mortal once, as were we all.  However his contempt for humanity drove him to create me and my brethren.  I am Raziel, first born of his lieutenants, I stood with Kain and my brethren at the dawn of the empire, I have served him a millennia.  Over time we became less human and more.... divine.  Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift, some years after the master our evolution would follow, until I had the honor of surpassing my lord.  For my transgressions I earned a new sense of reward.... agony.  There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation.  I Raziel, was to suffer the fate of weaklings and traitors, to be cast into the Lake of the Dead.  Tumbling, burning with white-hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss, unspeakable pain, relentless agony, time ceased to exist, only this torture and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell.  An eternity passed and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness, the decent had destroyed me, and yet I lived," explained Raziel.

Mrs. Weasley looked shocked at the statement and she said, "So your over a thousand years old?"

"Actually, I am over seven thousand years old, a millennium had passed since my execution and resurrection, then my journey through the Chronoplast Chamber to five thousand years in the future, however this changes nothing, as I have the human form of a teenager.  I have decided for what you see me as now to be my natural form.  If you wish to here a more edited version please tell me, it will help clear some things up," said Raziel.

Mrs. Weasley and the others nodded and Raziel thought of the edited version, but with details.

Raziel then said, "A millennium has passed since Lord Kain set his capital in the ruins of the Pillars of Nosgoth and began his conquest of the world.  His first act was to recruit a cadre.  Dipping into the underworld, Kain snared six souls and thus birthed his lieutenants of which I, Raziel, was one.  We, in turn prowled the twilight of purgatory building six legions of vampires to pillage Nosgoth.

The destruction of the major human Kingdoms was inevitable.  Within a hundred ears, humanity had been thoroughly domesticated.  To be sure, there remained some feral humans scattered across the hinterlands, clinging to their hopeless holy war to rid Nosgoth of 'the vampire scourge'.  They were tolerated.  They made existence for the fledglings more challenging.

After the taming of the humans, our real work began; shaping Nosgoth to our will.  Around the Pillars, slaves constructed a shrine worthy of our new renaissance.  Huge furnaces were built to belch smoke into the sky, shielding the land from the poisonous effects of the sun.  Never had the world known such a beauty.  However we grew bored.

We allowed the remains of the legion, the lesser vampires, to have their intrigues, they provided amusement and spice to an increasingly uninspired court.  As faction fell against faction we bet upon an outcome.  We helped and foiled plots at our whim.  We were the Council and Lord Kain, our only master.

The humans think it is a poison of the blood that makes us what we are.  Fools, the blood only feeds the bodies we live in.  To create a vampire, one must steal a soul from the abyss to reanimate the corpse.  It is the body that demands the blood sacrifice; our souls gain their advantage from the power of the underworld.  As we matured, our earthly bodies evolved into a higher form.  We assumed the powers and nobility of the Dark Gods.  With each change the trivial affairs of vampire and man held less interest.  Always, it was that would change first.

After the master had experienced a new gift, one of us would follow in a decade or so.  That is, until I had the audacity to evolve before me master.

I was gifted with wings.  And for my impertinence I was damned."

"You were quite the character then Raziel, from what you just told us.  I take it that since your resurrection and whatever happened afterward has mellowed you out and you regained your humanity, for the most part," said Ginny.

Raziel smiled and nodded, then he proceeded to tell his tale in full, but he knew words would take to long so he used his gift from Noprapter and showed them everything after his resurrection from the abyss.  When he finished showing them he noticed how pale Mrs. Weasley was and thought she could very well be a vampire.  Dumbledore left to take care of some business and the rest of them stayed behind to watch after Harry.  Soon enough Mrs. Weasley left and the only time they left was to go to class and take the tests for that term.  When Harry returned from the Hospital Wing, Dumbledore explained to the entire school what had happened to Cedric Diggory and who did it to him in the first place.  Days later the term had ended and Raziel watched Harry give the Weasley twins his winnings.  Raziel smiled and boarded the train, where he was confronted by Malfoy and his friends.

"Next year Kainem you won't be so lucky.  You got lucky, Voldemort is going to make sure you don't live to see your seventh year or age eighteen," sneered Malfoy.

Raziel grabbed him and lifted him effortlessly and said, "Then Voldemort is too late on the age part Malfoy, you can tell this to your father.  There is one student who is older, wiser, and stronger than Voldemort or any of his followers combined together.  Tell your father that Raziel Death Kainem is over seven thousand years old.  However if he tells the Ministry then he will live to regret it and if any others he tells speaks to the ministry than they will also regret it.  I do not make idle threats Malfoy, Goyle, Crabbe, Parkinson," threatened Raziel.

He continued pass them and went into the compartment that the Weasley twins were in.  He pulled out two gold bricks and walked right over to them and dropped it on their laps.

"Keep them as a present for your family, it should help you get by for a while.  Tell your mother not to worry about it, I have plenty more," said Raziel.

"Um exactly how many more of these bricks do you have?" asked Fred.

"I have about three hundred times the amount of Gringotts.  I told you I am very rich and tell your parents to expect to find more money in their account every Christmas.  One of those brick's 250 Galleon's, 200 Sickle's, and 150 Knut's," said Raziel as he left the compartment.

Soon enough he found Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione in a compartment.  He took his seat across from Ron and quietly snuck a gold brick into the bag and smiled at Ginny who had been watching his every movement since he walked into the compartment.

"Strange normally Malfoy and his friends would be harassing us right now," muttered Ron.

"They won't be bothering you until next year.  I set them out straight with a very nasty threat on their families and friends of their families.  I'm quite sure Kain would be proud of me right now.  Now Hermione is it to my understanding that you have mastered the glyph spells I taught you?" asked Raziel.

She replied, "Yes Raziel, I mastered them, all of the ones you gave me."

"Good you now have more to do then, master the Light, Earth, Thunder, Air, and Dark glyphs by next year and I will have Kain teach you his magic.  Oh and Ginny are you still afraid of me or have you overcome your fear of me for another?" asked Raziel.

"The second, you don't seem so bad, having to face You-Know-Who would be worse," said Ginny.

"Trust me, I have lived far longer than Voldemort and if my soul was still split in two, then I could very well do things worse than Voldemort.  Besides I've earned a new respect for the Unforgivable Curses, they hurt and sting like mad.  Especially the killing curse Avada Kedavra, getting hit by it once was bad enough, but twice in a short amount of time is worse.  Even Kain blasting me with his lightning would have been better than the Avada Kedavra curse," said Raziel holding his head.

"You were hit by the killing curse twice and yet here you are quite alive.  I guess your immune to it then, right?" asked Ron.

"No, the blasted curse destroyed my physical body, forcing my return into the Spectral Realm.  Where I must either feed upon the wandering souls or find a healing conduit.  Most of the time I must feed upon the souls and help send them onto the underworld.  Remind me to send Snape a nasty howler next year as revenge for him poisoning me," said Raziel.

So it was they talked and joked around about minor things.  Ginny would constantly ask Raziel about Nosgoth and Raziel would comply with mental images about Nosgoth.  She would be sad by the desolated Nosgoth, but she would brighten up at its past glory returned to it thanks to the guardians who were now dead.  She was growing on Raziel more and more, he knew that Ron and the others were very protective of her so he made sure that he never did anything to offend her or them.  Soon enough they arrived at the station and disembarked with their belongings.  Raziel saw his brethren walking one way, but they stopped as if waiting for him.

"Go on ahead without me, I have to stay with a my human family this summer.  Be sure to have Kain stop by and visit though, he knows where it is," said Raziel.

(I'm going to put two or four weeks of summer break in the last bit of this chapter.)

When he and Harry saw the Dursley's they both let out a groan and followed them.  They drove the two of them home and Raziel quickly took his and Harry's things into his room and put them in the Spectral Realm.  They were told right away that they were not to do any magic or speak of it.  The two of them were put to work, while Dudley got to boss them around for the first two weeks.  They had to mow the lawn, pull weeds, cook, wax the van, clean the windows, dust, vacuum, wash the clothing, and many other things.  Raziel was personally on the verge of staying in the Spectral Realm the whole summer.  However salvation came upon the third week of the summer, when the Dursley's received a surprise visit.

"Can I help you sir?" asked Mr. Dursley neutrally.

"I certainly hope so, I'm looking for number four Privet Drive," said the man.

"This is the said location, what can I help you with?" asked Mr. Dursley,

"I am told that a Raziel Kainem lives here, is he around?" asked the man.

"Yes he is my adopted nephew, boy get down here now!" yelled Mr. Dursley.

Harry and Raziel came running to Mr. Dursley and waited to be spoken to.

"What may I ask is this all about sir?" asked Mr. Dursley.

"Nothing much, except I'm checking up on my son Mr. Dursley.  I am Kain Mortanium, Raziel's father and I would like to come in," said Kain.

Mr. Dursley looked at Kain and his clothing, he was dressed very nicely, like he was of noble blood.  He let Kain pass into the house and five others followed him in.

"These are Raziel's younger brothers Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon, and Melchiah.  I have come to check up on Raziel, to see how he is doing away from our home," said Kain irritably.

"He's been helping Harry clean up Mr. Mortanium, his room is upstairs, though he doesn't keep anything in open view or in easily to find places," said Mr. Dursley.

"I know all about Raziel's habit of keeping many things hidden, unless he wants you to find them.  Now make sure all windows and doors are shut tight and draw the curtains over any type of window.  You wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea now would you?" stated Kain.

Mr. Dursley nodded and closed all the windows and doors, then pulled the curtains to keep people from listening in or looking in.  He returned to the living room to see Harry and Raziel smirking at him, Dudley, and Mrs. Dursley as they appeared behind him.

"Boy where is your father and brothers at?" demanded Mr. Dursley.

"Right behind you and they don't look to pleased," replied Raziel.

Mr. Dursley turned around and saw his wife and son cowering in a corner and he came face to face with one very angry master vampire.  He locked eyes with Kain and started to quiver but held his place glaring back at Kain.  He turned to Raziel and Harry and grabbed them by the wrists hard enough to bruise them and hard enough for Kain to grab Mr. Dursley and lift him into the air.

"Touch either of them like that again and I will do worse things than you can ever imagine.  Remember this face for it will be the last one you ever see if I find out you hurt those two again, and believe me I will know if you hurt them again.  I will send somebody who is more than qualified to take care of you!  Next summer Harry will be staying with me after he has returned here for one and a half months," snarled Kain.

Kain dropped Mr. Dursley to the floor and placed his symbol upon Mr. Dursley's arm.  It would be invisible to all except, Squib's, Wizard's, Witches, Vampire's, and all magical creatures.  He took on his guise again and he left with Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon, and Melchiah.  Mr. Dursley looked at Raziel and Harry smirking as Kain left and as soon as Kain was gone, he grabbed the two of them and started to crush their wrists.  Raziel decided that he had enough of Mr. Dursley harming him, so he lifted him into the just as easily as Kain and his eyes glowed white.

"Remember one thing Uncle Dursley, I have inherited my fathers strength and many other qualities as well, such as his patience for fools.  Remember he said he would send someone more than qualified to take care of you," reminded Raziel.

It was the beginning of a very long summer and the following year would be one neither Harry nor Raziel would soon forget.

(I have compiled a list of stories I am either going to write soon or already have written below.  Areas that have been strikethrough are entirely complete, for the most part anyway.)

AU = Alternate Universe          X-Over = Short for Crossover  P.o.C. = Possibility of Creation

/  /  /  Season 1  /  /  /

{} = Possibility of creation      [] = AU Possibility of creation = Complete

/  /  /  Season 1  /  /  /

{{}} = Season 2 P.o.C.         [[]] = Season 2 AU P.o.C.     = Season 2 Complete

{{{}}} = Season 3 P.o.C.     [[[]]] = Season 3 AU P.o.C.   = Season 3 Complete

-{{-{{{Element Reaver - Sailor Moon/Legacy of Kain Crossover:  E.R.}}}-}}-

-{{-{{{Poke Reaver - Pokemon/Legacy of Kain Crossover:  P.R.}}}-}}-

X-[[-[[[Digital Reaver - Digimon (S1&S2)/Legacy of Kain Crossover:  D.R.]]]-]]-X

X-{{-{{{Dragon Reaver - Dragon Ball Z/Legacy of Kain Crossover: DBR/DBZ-R}}}-}}-X

{-{{Holy Reaver - Ronin Warriors/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.R.}}-}

{Millennium Reaver - Yu-Gi-Oh!/Legacy of Kain Crossover: M.R.}

{-{{Tenchi Reaver - Tenchi Muyo (Universe)/Legacy of Kain Crossover: T.R.}}-}

[-[[-[[[Demon Spirit Reaver - Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho/Legacy of Kain X-Over: D.S.R.]]]-]]-]

-{{-{{{Demon Reaver (D-Reaver) - Inuyasha/Legacy of Kain Crossover: D-R}}}-}}-

X-X-{{{Spirit Reaver - Yu Yu Hakusho/Legacy of Kain Crossover: S.R.}}}-X-X

{-{{-{{{Vampire Reaver - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/Legacy of Kain X-over: V.R.}}}-}}-}

[Mutant Reaver - X-Men: Evolution/Legacy of Kain Crossover: X-M.R.]

[Star Reaver - Star Wars: New Jedi Order/Legacy of Kain: S.W.-N.J.O.-R.]

[Magic Reaver - Card Captors (Card Captor Sakura)/Legacy of Kain Crossover: CCS-R]

[[Magic Reaver 2 - Harry Potter #3/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.P.R.]]

Magic Reaver 3 - Harry Potter #4/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.P.R.2

[[[[Magic Reaver 4 - Harry Potter #5/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.P.R.3]]]]

[[[[[Magic Reaver 5 - Harry Potter #6/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.P.R.4]]]]]

[[[[[[Magic Reaver 6 - Harry Potter #7/Legacy of Kain Crossover: H.P.R.5]]]]]]