I don’t own Harvest Moon.


She was beautiful,
The day they put her in the ground,
Her red hair gone white,
Her smile still bright,
The love of his life.
Her children wept at the pyre,
Crying, sobbing, they did not tire,
She never said never, but encouraged them,
to be their best, to reach the sky.
Heaven wept as she died,
Rain fell and fell, down and down,
Till the drops hit the ground,
The ground, she was buried in that ground.
He reminiscences, about their life,
It had been a happy one,
With no pain or strife.
He cried as he remembered their son's birth,
And how their daughter was born.
He cried as he remembered their wedding, so beautiful and true.
He remembered the promise they had made, even the part he wished wasn't true,
Till death do us part, the basic truth.
The children comforted him as they left the ocean side,
The place she loved, besides home.
She had been disabled, those last few months,
But when the time came, she hobbled around town, saying goodbye.
He remembered the day her father died,
How he'd comforted her, and the way she cried.
He lay in bed, thinking of the youth they had shared,
And how unselfish she had been when he was sick.
He had kissed her for the last time when she said goodbye.
He smiled as he remembered how she had told him not to cry,
He smiled, and the sunshine came out from behind the clouds.
His angel, Ann,
The woman he loved,
Jack knew she made the sun show it's face.
He knew she was happy, with her dad and mother.
As he fell asleep,
He could've sworn he'd hear her say,
'Goodnight, Jack. I will always love you.' once more.

Pretty sad, huh? I just wrote this on the spur of the moment. I hope you think it's good.