Author's note: First I want to thank everyone who read this story and DarkGarudamon. I had real fun writing them, and I wish they could go on forever, but you know what they say. "All good things.." Please, I really want to hear your reviews for this! Tell me what you think of the speech at the end, I try to end my stories on a philosophical note! Well, without further ado, I present the conclusion to Digi-Force!
Tai opened his eyes. Digi-Force was in a giant cavern filled with giant stalagmites forming huge pedestals. "Where are we?" Tai asked.
"I'll have an answer for you in just a minute!" Izzy said, typing on his computer. "I've got it! We're in the Digi-underworld!"
"Where?" the humans asked.
"The Digi-underworld," Tentomon began,"Is a place under the Digiworld where evil Digimon go where they die! All the evil Digimon we ever faced are here! Devimon, Myotismon, and The Dark Masters!"
"And somehow, Metaletemon got control of it, huh?" Tai asked. "We have to find my son!"
"And find him you shall, a huh huh!" a voice said from behind them..
"Its you!" Sora said. "Thats right!" Metaletemon said,"Its me!"
He had appeared on a monitor screen on one of the stalagmites.. "Where's my son?" Tai screamed.
"Your boy currently is my prisoner!" he said, gleefully. "And with him, my servant, Lord Demonmon will be able to permanently open the portal and your world will be mine!"
"Not while we can help it!" Matt said. "Try to find me!" he said, "If you do, it will already be too late! You have twenty minuets before the spell is complete! But before you find me you must deal with my army! I'll be waiting for you!" He disappeared.
Doors suddenly opened in the cavern walls. Armies of Demonmons, Gargoylemons, and Dark Tyrannamons flowed in.
"Take care of this guys!" Tai said as he started to run off.
"What about you?" Mimi asked.
"I'm going to find Metaletemon! Tai growled,"And I'M GOING TO MAKE HIM PAY!"
"Agumon warp digivolve to Wargreymon!"
"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"
"Kabuterimon digivolve to Megakabuterimon!"
"Ikkakumon digivolve to Zudomon!"
"Togemon digivolve to Lillymon!"
They started to battle the army as Tai and Wargreymon ran off. "Metal Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurumon yelled, blasting away a squadron of Demonmons.
"Birdramon!" Lillymon yelled,"Digivolve!"
"I..can't!" she said,"I never came in contact with the Crest of Love! It was my clone, remember?"
"Sora has it now!" Izzy said,"Miya had it, then she passed it on!"
"Its worth a shot!" Sora said.
"Birdramon digivolve to Garudamon!"
"Wing Blaze!" she yelled, destroying a horde of Gargolyemon.
"Great!" Sora cheered, outside. Inside, she could care less about the battle. She was worried about Tai.
"Where is he?" Tai screamed, running down the cavern. "WHERE IS HE?"
Tai and Wargreymon reached a throne room made entirely out of crystal. "You came lookin' and now you've found me, baby!" Metaletemon said, appearing behind them.
"Where is my son?"
"The youth is on the alter behind me, but I'm afraid he's a little under the weather!"
Tai ran over to the ice alter. He found his son lying there, the entire right half of his body was a mess of black wires. "What have you done to him?"
"Instead of merely killing him quickly to complete the sacrifice, I thought it would be more dramatic if I killed him slowly! I've infected him with my Dark Network Virus! It will slowly change all of his organs into a living computer system! Sure, it might not have been you, but I still got pleasure from taking something away from my greatest enemy! I'm so evil, a huh huh, a huh huh!"
"Cure him!" Tai yelled, "Cure him!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that!" Metaletemon smirked, "Because, you see, there is no cure!"
"Then we have no reason for you!" Tai said, rapping his son in his shirt. "Wargreymon!"
Tai heard Metaletemon scream in pain as Wargreymon started to attack him.
"Metal Fist!"
"Mega Claw!"
Their two fists met each other and clashed with a blinding light. "Banana Slip!" Metaletemon yelled.
"Terra Force!" Wargreymon yelled, shooting his ball of energy at Metaletemon.
Metaletemon felt the pain slowly encase him. He didn't even have time for a scream before his digital information was totally scattered across reality.
"What do we do now?" Koromon asked, hopping up to Tai.
"Maybe Izzy can help!" Tai said.
"Help with what?" Izzy asked.
Tai and Koromon turned to see Digi-Force standing at the entrance to the throne room. "You did it!" Yokomon said moving up to Koromon. "You beat Metaletemon! And with him gone, his army and Lord Demonmon are gone too!
"What's wrong Tai?" Sora asked." Oh no!" she said when she saw his son.
"Izzy," Tai said, holding up Sashi, "Can you help him?"
"It's the Dark Network virus, isn't it?" Tentomon asked sadly.
"Why?" Tai asked.
"At this point in time, there is no cure!" Tentomon said,"Your son will die soon. I'm sorry." "There's...nothing we can do?" "I'm afraid not."
"No!" Tai said, clutching his son.
As Digi-Force was mourning, a circle of light appeared them.
"What's that?" Joe asked.
"Greetings!" a figure said, steeping out of the circle. "I am Sistermon! I am here on behalf of the MotherSistermon!"
As the Digimon stepped out of the circle, they could see she was dressed as a nun. "Why are you here?" Matt asked.
"I offer the one called Tai a choice!"
"What?" Tai asked.
"Your son, infected with the Dark Network virus, if he remains here he will surely die! However if he comes with me, to the Hidden Church of the Sistermon he may live, but no one must know of its location so you would never see your son again!"
Tai looked down at the child in his arms. "To save him, I'll have to give him up forever? What choice do I have? Are you sure you can save him?"
Sistermon nodded.
Tai held back tears as he said,"Okay, you can have him!"
Tai handed over his child to Sistermon and the baby started to cry. "Daaaaaaaa!" it wailed.
Mimi started to cry on Joe's shoulder, Sora was wailing, Izzy had tears running down his face. Matt tried to hide it, but he was crying too. The digimon were all comforting one another. "Goodbye, Sashi," Tai said, with tears rolling down his face.
Sistermon cradled the child in her arms and said. "One more thing, before I go! I can send you back to Earth! Do you wish to go?"
"Yes," they all managed to say between their sobs.
Sistermon held up her hand. "Go now!" They all saw light dance around their eyes. When it disappeared they found they where back on Earth, right at the base of the tower, the sky clear and the city saved.
"Great job!" Daisuke said, running up them. "What is it?"
"My son.."Tai said, whipping the tears away from his face,"He's gone!"
"What?" Kari said.
"He was..." Tai began, but was cut off when a horde of reporters ran up to them.
"There!" one of them screamed. "Those Digi-humans! They're the ones responsible for the attack on the city!"
"No!" another one yelled, "I saw them attacking the demons!"
"You're wrong!" yet another one yelled,"Those Digi-humans were responsible!"
"Enough!" Tai said,"We defeated the aggressor, but I guess it doesn't matter to you, does it? Just because we're Digi-humans, we're responsible! That is the greatest load of b.s. I've ever heard!"
Tai wanted to stop, wanted to grieve for his son, but was on a roll. The reporters had touched a cord within him. "Human, Digi-Human, Man, Woman, Hispanic, Jew, Black, Asian, White, Native American, Homosexual. Words, words, that's all they are! Words that separate, words that push away! It doesn't matter 'what' you are, you are a human! We are all humans! Just because we're 'different' doesn't mean we're bad!"
Everyone across the world was watching Tai's speech. They had all turned on their television sets to see live pictures of the demonic invasion of Tokyo. Now, everyone, young and old, rich and poor, were watching it.
"Bigotry and prejudice, hatredge and distrust, as long as we allow these feelings to control our thinking, we will turn this world from a battlefield, into a graveyard! As long as these feelings cloud our hearts and souls, we turn away from the light, and run headlong into the darkness!"