How about we all just disregard the statement in the first manga of the series that says that Kyo gets sleepy when it rains. Cause in this fic it's just a little bit different. Ok, it's a lot bit different. But that's alright!
Title: When It Rains, It Pours
By: BluX
Rating: R
Warnings: THIS IS YAOI! YOU NO LIKE, THEN YOU NO READ!! If you don't even know what "YAOI" means then that basically says to me that you shouldn't read this...
Pairing: Kyo x Yuki
Summary: Storms have adverse effects on animals. What will happen to the Yuki when the Kyo goes emotional during a severe storm? How will Yuki react to the Cat's unconscious confessions?
I wrote this after reading the 1st and 2nd Furuba manga's (which I own! w00ties!) and after reading some fanfics. So, I don't really have a solid grip on the happenings in the rest of the series so don't blame me if it's a little off of the plot of Furuba Universe. Instead blame the consequences against me getting the Furuba DVD's and learning the rest of the plot of Furuba. Enough babbling though, on to the horrible but necessary disclaimer!
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own any of the Furuba characters. Even though I would like to borrow one of those boys for a night along with a pair of handcuffs and.....err...I mean! Oh, I'll just get on with the fic already...
When It Rains, It Pours Chapter 1
The wind had subsided for today and low rumbles of thunder sounded far in the distance while rain fell outside. It soaked the ground and glistened on almost every surface. The raindrops landing upon the leaves of the forest just outside sounded somewhat like and audience applauding a perfect performance. Dark rain clouds hid the sun from view, making it seem a little gloomy out. The air was thick and humid with moisture. An amused smile threatened to pull at the corners of his lips.
Kyo loved the rain.
It was about time, he decided, to introduce himself to the cool droplets calling him from outside.
Deep violet eyes observed the gloom that had settled over the city from inside his living room. Rain had come today and everything was sticky from the moisture that hung, hot, in the air. Yuki couldn't say that he hated rain for that would be a terrible lie. But when there was no one else to watch it with other than that annoying Cat, then what once was beautiful and lovely became much lonelier when experienced by oneself.
Tohru was off to a friend's house for the weekend and Shigure was out "researching" for his new and upcoming book and wouldn't be back for a few days, which left the Rat and Cat with a house all to themselves. Tohru had prepared a few meals for the two and left a note applying to each of them. Shigure had kindly left a crudely-written note beside Tohru's reading, "Try and not completely destroy my house while I'm gone. Thanks, Shigure."
Immediately following reading the note, Yuki had tossed it to Kyo saying flatly, "That all depends on if you want to be a nagging fool and try to start something inside the house." Kyo had then fumed and tried to start a fight with Yuki that ended with a hole where the rice paper door had once been and Kyo sprawled on the lawn.
But that had been last night. The Cat had been in his room ever since and only reappeared to eat some supper and retreat back to his room mumbling something obscene. There was no woman around to use as an excuse to smack Kyo across the head for misbehaving so Yuki ignored it for the time being.
So it was a Saturday afternoon, but looking like Saturday evening from the slight gloom outside. Yuki could easily tell because of the absence of the paper door that had been broken out as of last night. At least watching the rain was more amusing than watching the television.
Kyo jumped out his window, slid down the slick roof, and landed on the wet ground below. Rain immediately sinking through his clothes to bare skin beneath. It felt so much better in contrast to his hot, humid room. Kyo's hair began to stick to his face as the rain touch across his face.
The Cat let out a deep sign and lifted his head up toward the falling rain, closing his eyes with hands down at his sides. Relaxed under the falling rain, just breathing.
Yuki was relaxing in his seat, watching the rain outside through the broken doorframe when something landed in the yard. Yuki observed the figure straighten and then just stand still, completely unmoving. The Rat then became curious, such as the Cat does occasionally, and stood to see more clearly. Stepping through the broken door onto the porch, Yuki recognized exactly whom the mysterious figure was and almost mentally kicked himself for not knowing who it was at first sight.
It was Kyo, only there was something different about him. There was an air of something completely unlike the usual attitude that the Cat carried. He was completely relaxed as the falling rain trailed down his skin. The boy was soaked to the bone, his trademark baggy orange bondage pants were stained dark from the rain and his black shirt that rode up his stomach was sticking to every inch of the boys body. Orange hair was wet and sticking to skin, eyes were closed as Kyo's face was tilted up to the sky. His tanned, slender body completely still, just standing.
"Baka neko..." Yuki whispered to himself.
Water dripped off of every surface of the beautiful boy in front of him. This was the one moment for the Cat to be vulnerable and so beautiful, and he was making the most stunning sight of it. Fiery hair, eyes closed softly, face tilted up to the rain. The little rivulets of water running down his cheeks, looking as if the Cat were crying thousands of tears per minute. Yuki took a few steps forward, leant against one of the support beams of the porch and crossed his arms. "He's so obliviously attractive..."
"I thought cat's didn't like water!" Yuki said loudly enough to be heard over the low roar of the thunder and rain. Kyo made no sign that he had heard Yuki's statement. Still calmly standing in the rain ignoring Yuki altogether, relishing in the sensations that the rain brought. That wasn't like Kyo at all, usually the Cat would jump at any chance to start a fight with the Rat. But now wasn't the case. The Cat was letting the Rat seem the fool, just a part of the air that radiated from the Cat today that just wasn't the same as before.
Then suddenly Kyo moved. His hands slowly traveled up to smooth the water off of his face and the hair that had plastered to his face from the rain. Lowering his face from the rain and breathing out one long soft breath. Fresh raindrops glanced off of Kyo's skin and with a slight shake of the head, the Cat's orange hair was back in its usual place. It took a lot of self-control to keep Yuki from gasping aloud at the stunning sight that Kyo had just produced on accident.
Kyo then turned his head slightly toward Yuki, nice and dry on the porch, and slowly opened his flame-colored eyes to look at the Rat from the corner of his eye. Kyo spoke without talking, his eyes conveyed a clear message to Yuki as clear as a bell.
"You care to repeat that, Rat? Cause you'll regret disturbing me right now."
"I said I thought cats didn't like water!" Yuki replied. Kyo sighed and mumbled something, seemingly to himself. Yuki acted like the Cat would and became curious.
"What was that?" Yuki asked.
"You ever wondered-" Kyo looked Yuki in the eyes.
"-what a-"Orange flames met Violet depths, something licking at the edges of Kyo's eyes. Something Yuki later realized was humor.
"-wet RAT looks like?!" Before Yuki knew what was going on, there was a flash of orange, a hand was on his wrist and then coolness on his face.
Rain soaked Yuki right to the bone as he looked up to see the Cat grinning like a banshee at him a few feet away. Yuki just stood there in the most humiliating pose as if someone had just thrown an ice-cold bucket of water over his head.
Needless to say, the Rat was fuming.
"Kyo..." Yuki warned. Kyo smiled again, something very different for Kyo to do in Yuki's presence.
"C'mon Rat, lighten up a little." Kyo lunged forward while Yuki was still defenseless, standing oddly in the rain. A hand on his wrist again and a whirling sensations in Yuki's stomach as he was spun around. An arm snaked around his waist and Kyo's face appeared only inches away from Yuki's.
The Cat was having such fun. He was laughing, genuinely laughing, and most likely at the face Yuki was making. An expression of surprise, eyes wide, lips slightly parted, dull silver hair sticking to his face as the rain soaked through everything he was wearing.
"Kyo...?" Yuki whispered in his surprise. This was a little more than odd for the Rat. The Cat's eyes so bright, as if they were actually on fire, his smile so radiant as well, those arms around the mouse almost protectively. The completely soaked bodies of the two boys pressed together in the rain, spinning in circles. It was almost an odd sort of dream where the Rat and Cat were careless and in, no. Not in love...
'So obliviously attractive...'
The dream stopped almost as soon as it started. Kyo halted his spinning and his face was immediately serious. Orange eyes burned with a flame of something unrecognizable by Yuki, that arm that had been wrapped loosely around the Rat was now tense and pulling the other close so as not to escape. The rain poured around them. Both boys' cheeks were flushed for some reason or another.
Yuki wasn't sure what to do. His mind was racing to find an answer to so many questions all proposed at once as even more questions were piled on top. He wasn't sure of his feelings for the Cat. He wasn't even sure of what had just happened. Yuki didn't know if any of this was real. There were so many things to think about and no time to think because at about that time Kyo decided to move.
Kyo's hand came up to brush a little of Yuki's silver hair out of the boy's eyes. Then Kyo slowly closed his orange eyes and began to lean forward.
Yuki's mind raced, his eyes widened. This wasn't going to happen was it? His first kiss wasn't going to be lost to this Cat! His proposed enemy! But as his mind screamed at him, Kyo's finger brushed the intensely sensitive area behind Yuki's ear and everything went completely blank other than the other screaming in his head that was saying, 'So close, just shut your eyes. So close...' And who was Yuki to refuse.
Dark violet eyes closed and Yuki involuntarily relaxed as that touch returned to the back of his ear. Yuki could feel Kyo's soft breathing as the rain drown out all sounds. Then their lips just began to brush, just the top and bottom lip barely touching. So close...
'CRACK-BOOM!' There was a bolt of lightning so close that it shook the ground they both stood upon. Their lips still almost touching but still not completely.
It was almost as if Kyo started awake from a dream. His eyes shot open in surprise and every muscle in his body froze. Yuki opened his eyes lazily, hazy from want, slowly revealing slightly unfocused eyes. Eyes met and just stared, extremely wide and scared orange eyes staring into deep and foggy pools of need both their lips still sharing a ghost of a touch.
"Kyo..." Yuki said in a whisper, a deep sound but so soft to the ears, making their already touching lips slide together. If possible every hair on Kyo stood on end, his hair turning into spikes as he tensed and his eyes grew even larger.
And they stood like that for a few moments before the arms supporting Yuki disappeared and the Rat fell to the wet grass quite ungracefully. Kyo stared down at the stunned Yuki. Each almost mimicking the others total and complete shock.
Then the Cat just turned tail and fled into the house, presumably up to his room where he locked the door, leaving the extremely flustered and shocked Yuki sprawled on the lawn in the pouring rain.
"What just happened?" Yuki whispered to the falling rain, his eyes still focused on where the retreating back of the Cat had disappeared into the house.
"What just happened?!" Kyo yelled, clutching his head as he flung himself onto his bed, trying to drown out the sounds of the falling rain outside.
Don't get mad at me for spelling and grammatical errors. It's the best I can do with me as my own Beta reader... Please Review, it makes me happy!