
Author's note: Last chapter everybody. I hope you've enjoyed the ride. I don't especially like this chapter, but I needed to end the story. Sorry if this chapter isn't as interesting as the rest. (I'm also sorry if Cyborg is out of character. For some reason, his personality is really hard to write for)

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 6 – Kiss and Makeup

The rain was beginning to clear. The titans were beginning the suit up to go look for thier friend. Robin sent Starfire to retrieve Raven, but Starfire had come back saying that Raven wasn't there. Just before they were about to head out, Beast Boy and Raven came into the living room. "You are found!" Starfire squealed when she saw Beast Boy. "How ever did you find him Raven?" Starfire asked.
"He was in his room the whole time." Raven said. Beast Boy blushed slightly, knowing the explanation sounded stupid. "Um...guys, can I talk with Zanta a minute?" Beast Boy said, looking as his childhood friend. "I guess so..." Robin said, not entirely sure he should leave Zanta alone with someone that hated her. The rest of the titans filed out of the living room, leaving the two alone. Raven was the last to leave; only she didn't completely leave, she stood just out of sight, listening to the two talk.
"Jambo (hey)." Beast Boy said shyly.
"Sijambo (hi)." Zanta replied.
"Look, Zanta, I'm really sorry. I-I was mad at you for something that wasn't your fault. I should have never said those things to you."
"Its all right. I think I would have hated me too. I shouldn't have told them where you were."
"No, you did the right thing. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be living here now. I wouldn't have the wonderful friends I do. Asante (Thank you)." Beast Boy said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Zanta just smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you forgive me." For a moment they were quiet, and no one spoke. Raven on the other side of the door stiffened when she saw Beast Boy kiss her. Unexpectly, from inside the room she heard Beast Boy say "Raven, you can come out from behind the door now, oh, and can you tell the others to come back in too? Zanta and I want to go for pizza." Blushing a little at being discovered spying on them, Raven went and told the rest of the team. They all agreed that pizza sounded great after all the events of the day, and they all started out the door. Cyborg hung back a little bit though, and waited for Beast Boy to walk by. When he did, Cyborg grabbed him, and asked for a second. When the rest of the titans and Zanta had left, Cyborg confessed he had to ask him a question. "What is it Cy?" Beast Boy asked tentatively, a little afraid his friend was going to ask about his past. Cyborg looked at his feet for a moment and whispered, "BB...can you...uh, sorta...hook me up with Zanta, or...or do you and her got s-something going on?"
Beast Boy let out a small laugh and said, "She's been engaged since birth to this guy named Nirambo. I don't think you've got a chance." On the other side of the door, Raven sighed a little relieved, some how, liking Zanta was going to be a lot easier to handle than she thought. He started for the door, but Cyborg pulled him back once more. "I got just one more question for you...is your name really Garfield?"
Beast Boy blushed a little at the question, and nodded, "Yeah, it is."
"Dude, that's a really weird name." Cyborg said laughing out loud.