AN: This'll be the end of the line for this story. At least for a while anyway. No, I would not intentionally leave you hanging but the laptop did its random shut down thing and the whole rest of it's completely gone. This story is so old I'm having trouble remembering how it went…In the meantime be sure and check out To Fall and Rise Again and enjoy this last installment (for now) of TST.

The Strangest Thing

Ch7- Revision of Self

"What, Where are we?" the question snapped the trio out of the awed daze that had momentarily been cast over them.

The saiya-jin prince switched to the navigational systems "I'm going to find out right now," he declared, "but it might take a while, you guys might as well use the time to look around."

Pan glanced at him momentarily she groaned, "I have a bad feeling we're gonna be here for a long time."

"Just like old times." Pan snorted at the comment. If only Goku were here instead of Ganch.

"Excuse me, could someone please explain all this," Jay spoke up, feeling quite out of place simply watching the planet, which hung peacefully in front of them.

"He's all yours Pan," he swiveled around in the chair to face the other two, "If that's ok with you. If you don't fe-"

"No it's alright come Jay, follow me. And no funny business."

The two men watched her as she left the room, watching the gentle curve of her hips sway Incitingly with each movement. Almost identically the dirty blonde and the lavender shook themselves out of their trance, and glared at the other for staring.

Mutely Trunks watched Jay follow Pan down the corridor. "So where are we?" he asked, turning back to the computer. "No data available on current position." the computer responded, Trunks ran a hand through his hair. OK, I just have to do this the hard way. He set to work retracing the path. It gave him some time to think about Pan, Jay, and Pan. Why her? Why now? This morning you start checking her out and now you can't stop sneaking peaks at her.

Gohan would throw a- Gohan?! Gohan would deep fry me with a kamehameha and have my head on a platter! Trunks mentally slapped himself, how could he forget? Gohan would have his head just for dragging his little girl out into to space. Again.

He couldn't blame him though, what father in their right mind would want their young, beautiful, charming, daughter in space without family supervision? Trunks put that train of thought on his 'thoughts to get back to list'. The computer flashed a small light signaling the end of its back track of the ships flight.

"Computer, bring up our coordinates on screen." The screen flashed a huge star chart. Unfortunately earth was in one corner and their current location in the complete opposite corner.

"Great! Just wonderful how'd we get so far away from earth?" he asked frustrated wringing his hair.

"A malfunction in the engines and the trajectory of the take of path allowed for the ship to gain moment by using earth's moon, Pluto and Jupiter gravity to throw the ship at high speeds."

"Like a giant sling shot, I see. Ok then how long will It take us to reach destination Earth?"

"There is insufficient fuel to complete the trip."

"We'll deal with that later."

"Estimated time...

"So let me get this straight" Jay sat in the window seat staring out in to space his emotion unreadable, "Your an alien?"

"One fourth actually" Pan nodded biting her lip, he might be her ex but his opinion still affected, her to some degree.

"Pan, be honest with me, is that the reason you broke up with me? That I wouldn't understand or love you an more because our different?"

Pan blinked taken aback, she hadn't been expecting that, shock or disbelief maybe. She looked down at her hands.

"Partly ye-" He turned back to her, jealous rage glinted in his stormy gray eyes, "Oh and Trunks can understand you better?"

Her headshot back up, her angry back again.

"That's another part of the reason. Jay, you are too possessive, and get too out of control when your let your emotions cloud your judgment. Not to mention you get jealous over the tiniest things."

"Since when?"

"What do you mean since when? Jay! You followed me over to my friend's house!"

"I think, it's good reason to get upset if your girlfriend happens to be heading over to another man's house." He said angrily

"First off I am not your girl friend anymore. As for your question yes he might understand me a little better, he and his sister are part saiya-jin as well. Secondly the Briefs and my family have known each other for years, I've know Trunks since the day I was born, his sister is my best friend, why can't understand we're only firends?" Pan felt ready to pull her hair out.

"Because I see the way he looks at you, and let me tell you those are anything but friendly he's practically head over heels for ya-

"Wha-" What's he talking about? Could Trunks really- no Jay's just on one of his jealous streaks again.

"He's not an idiot Pan, and neither am I," his voice lower, "a guy'd have to be one not to notice how wonderful you are."

She felt herself blushing, even though she didn't want to, but she had to end this and make her intention crystal clear to him.

"Look Jay you were, and still are sweet but you and I are over, as an couple. I have a feeling that well be stuck on the ship for a while, I don't want everybody at each other's throats; even though we might not be a couple any more could we still be friends?" she asked, hopefully, seeing his brokenhearted face.

Jay sighed, so that's it, they were done for good. He looked up at her hopeful face; funny he didn't feel all that upset about it as he thought he would. Only, it hurt. A lot. He took a deep breath and smile, his infamous thousand-watt smile.


"Wha?" She blinked and gave an odd look. "Your not mad or upset?"

"No, not really I thought I would be but I'm not." he lied

She grinned infectiously, giving him a friendly hug.

"Oh thank you! I thought for sure you blow up some more or something."

"One condition."


"Could you keep your 'friend' from ripping my head off? He nearly did a while ago, almost took my right arm with it," he muttered leaning back into the seat at the window, the inky blackness staring back.

Pan stood suddenly from her seat, "He what?"

They were sitting in a kitchen of sorts they had almost fully explored the ship, which consisted of two decks. The first, had the ship cockpit, a small lab,the engine room, a sizable gravity room and a rejuvenation tank room. (The last two had to be explained by Pan.) The lower deck contained several empty bedrooms, a kitchen and living room facility and a cargo hold.

They'd stopped here, in the kitchen as Pan had explained her lineage and up bringings. He taken it all very well better than she expected, but that last statement about Trunks had really surprised her she quickly got up a busied herself, looking around the kitchen, trying to find some food. Jay watched her with a smug look on his face. Was she blushing?

"Oh yes!" he continued, " He was very angry that I had upset you. Please warn me if you ever decide to date the guy, if he gets this worked up over his 'friend'...." he drawled. He was really enjoying flustering Pan, color of her face right now was worth every second of it, if only it was him she... It was best to stop that train of thought now. Look were it got him. He had the feeling this was going to be a very long trip. Might as well make peace…even if it hurt.

"I can't imagine what would happen to someone who harmed a hair on his girlfriend- oh that's right he doesn't have one! No one to take out for lunches, no one to invite over to have dinner with the family, no to get launched out into space with or-"


She couldn't believe what he was say, not minute ago he looked ready to murder Trunks if came within a ten foot radius of her. Now he was implying, that Trunks looked at her as more than a friend. Did he, really? Did she even want to know the answer to that? Jay kept going as if he'd read her mind, "Don't look at me that way, I'm fine, I'm just stating the facts." He got quiet for a moment; a devilish smile came to his face. She groaned he only got that one he was thinking about...less appropriate things. "Beside maybe somebody else can keep up with you."

"Jay!" her face was red beyond belief her eyes wide

"I'd die trying. It sure be a heck way to go, I could see it now, in the new: Man dies from insatiable lover."


Then she stopped and look past him at the doorway, her face went to a new never before seen shade of red, "Trunks!"

He was standing there with a priceless expression, his face didn't know what to show, anger, jealousy, amusement, interest…

Finally deciding Trunks settled on a shaky half smirk, as Pan tried to unsuccessfully hide her flaming cheeks.

"Well. You learn something new everyday." he stated a light blush staining his features. She groaned what could be more embarrassing?

Pan dared to ask, "How long were you standing there?"

He threw a wary glance from Pan to Jay. "Long enough." was the saiya-jin's slightly stoic response; his face suddenly becoming an emotionless mask. Pan wondered what he was thinking, but she couldn't tell now; he looked just like his father for a moment. Jay merely smiled back, no apparent mal-intent. Trunks nodded back; at least they wouldn't fight each the entire time.

"Well I've got some good new and some bad new. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Start with the bad then we'll have some good to look forward to." Jay suggested optimistically, he smile settling on his mouth. A fake. On the outside he appeared to be calm, happy even. On the inside it hurt like hell. He'd finally realized that Pan would never be his again; he'd merely been blinding himself, prolonging the inevitable by chasing after her.

'She doesn't love me...not like that. ' Even now she was watching him, biting her lip out of habit, seeing if he was alright. Just like any good friend would. A good friend. That stung.

Jay looked at the lavender haired alien in front of him. A good friend was what Trunk had said they were and yet...

"We are a LONG way from home very long. You can definitely rule out what ever plans you had for the next four months, a least."

Jay's mind went blank. Four months, at the very least?

"How'd we get out here in such a short amount of time?!" Pan demanded none to quietly, making her shipmates winces slightly though more from the tone of voice instead of the volume.

"Luck. Pure dumb luck," he explained simply before going into deeper explanation. He sat down at the nearby table making himself comfortable.

"OF all the 365 days in the year today, er yesterday, the earth's moon, Jupiter, and Pluto aliened in way that when we took off, we ricocheted off of them."

Silence of incomprehension.

"Like skipping stones. Or sling shot kinda... Somewhere between Jupiter and Pluto, my mother's prototype engines kick in and... POOF here we are, literally in the middle of nowhere a billion miles from home on a near finished ship with brunt out engines."

"And you say this is luck?" Jay asked, some luck well.

"Well if we hadn't bounced off the planet's atmosphere than we would have crashed seeing as no one was awake to steer the ship. Or we might have collided with a meteor, gotten pull in a star's gravity or just plain blown up while taking off. " Trunks delightfully elaborated with a smirk as Jay turned a greenish hue, "All the air could have suck out of the hatch and we would have imploded and been little frozen-

Pan glared at Trunks, silencing him from continuing, "Quit scaring him!" then two the both of them, "We are here now, I'm sure will get home just fine."

"Be care or we'll jinx it." He muttered, 'that's an even better thought.' As if the ship had read his mind, all the power started shutting off. Jay groaned getting a sinking feeling.

"What else could go wrong?" Pan asked.

"I'm not going to answer that. I might just come true. I'm going to head up to the bridge see if I can fix this." Jay watched the out line of Trunks glide out of the kitchen area.

He couldn't see much but for the feint outline of the kitchen's shapes, only, of course with the help of far off starlight.

"Aw, nuts. OW!" his head bumped the ceiling hard. Could the ceiling be just a little lowe- ceiling?

That sinking feeling wasn't his stomach; it was the lack of gravity! That thought made him feel even worse.

He felt a hand latch onto his arm in the darkness. "Are you OK? Jay?"

The tiniest jerk from Pan made him start to slowly spin.

"I think I'm going to be sick....