This is the second, final part. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: Meg Cabot owns all characters.
Mia and Michael looked at the now closed door, then back to each other.
"Now what do we do?" Mia asked him, suddenly aware that they were alone in a romantically decorated room.
"Well, the camera's still rolling, I say we just continue. Besides, I'm not finished eating and this lasagne is surprisingly good."
"Ok." Mia went back to eating and tried not to think of Michael as the boy she was in love with. Instead, she concentrated on him being Ted, a blind date she didn't really know.
Michael was nervous now too. They'd been on this 'date' for quite some time and their meals were almost finished. Now that Lilly wasn't here, what were they supposed to do? Continue their fake date? Or call it off as soon as they were done eating?
And if they continued, was he expected to kiss her? He wanted to, that was for sure, but would she want him to? Fake date or not?
Unsure, Michael ate his meal slowly, dragging the process out so he could think it over some more.
But eventually the meals wore down to only a few pieces of lettuce and Mia and Michael just looked at each other. "What now?" Mia whispered through gritted teeth.
"I don't know. I guess we say goodbye, get up and leave?"
"Ok," Mia replied, then she resumed her Joan persona. "Thanks for dinner, Ted. I had a really good time."
"No problem," Michael replied, standing up and stepping to the side of the small table. Mia stood up too. "We should do it again sometime."
Michael hesitated for a second, then he made up his mind. If he kissed her and she kissed back, then great! But if she didn't kiss back, he could just say he was just doing what Ted would do at the end of a date. Either way he still got to kiss her, and his ass was covered.
"Well goodnight," he said, leaning in.
Mia nearly started hyperventilating when she saw Michael leaning in. But she supposed he was still acting as Ted so she kissed him back. Half because she was acting, and half because she really, really wanted to.
Michael pulled back slightly from the lingering kiss, his heart pounding against his chest and his face still inches from hers, "Mia, I..."
"Joan," she interrupted, opening her eyes to gaze directly into Michael's brown ones.
"I'm supposed to be Joan," Mia whispered to him.
Michael's heart sank. She'd had only kissed him back because she was Joan and he was Ted. Not because she was Mia and he was Michael.
"Uh, right." Michael stepped back, embarrassed. "I'll give you a call sometime then, Joan." Then he turned and walked out of the room, shaking his head.
Lilly had heard Michael's footsteps in the hall and came out of the kitchen just in time to see him disappearing into his bedroom. She found it hard to believe that that could be a good sign.
Mia came out a minute later and announced she was going to bed.
"What happened?" Lilly asked.
"Nothing," Mia replied, grabbing her pyjamas and heading to the bathroom.
"Yeah right nothing happened," Lilly thought to herself, walking into the dining room to see for herself on the video camera.
Playing ignorant to the information she'd gotten from the video camera the night before, Lilly asked Mia about it at breakfast again the next morning while Michael was still asleep.
"So what happened after I left last night?"
"Nothing," Mia said quickly. "Why would you think anything happened? What could have possibly have happened?"
"Whoa, calm down. I'm not accusing you of a crime or anything, Mia. I just want to know what you guys did. Did you finish the date?"
"Oh. Yeah we did."
"And? How was it?" Lilly pushed.
"Ok, I guess."
"So Michael didn't try to hit on you or anything"
"Ha! Yeah right, Lil."
"No goodnight kiss then?"
Mia blushed deep red and didn't answer.
"I knew it! Michael kissed you!"
"No… But Ted kissed Joan," she admitted shyly, expecting Lilly to blow up at the through that her best friend and brother locked lips, even if it was only acting.
"Excuse me?"
"Well you said that Michael kissed me, and he didn't. We were acting, that's all it was."
"Are you sure?" Lilly doubted that Michael had been acting, and she'd seen the tape.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, are you sure Michael was acting when he kissed you?"
"Of course." Mia's response was automatic, but afterwards she couldn't help thinking about what Lilly had suggested.
Michael HAD called her Mia after, not Joan. And he had walked off quickly. But it's absurd to think that Michael would have wanted to kiss her, wasn't it?
Lilly recognised Mia's confused expression and knew exactly what her slow friend was thinking.
"Not so sure anymore are you?" she asked her.
"No, no that's preposterous... I was Joan... He was Ted... That's all it was..." Mia didn't sound confident in what she was sputtering out, and she didn't feel it either.
"Whatever you say." Lilly picked up her bowl and put it in the dishwasher. Then she left Mia to stew over her cereal.
Out in the hallway Lilly ran into Michael himself, who was just coming out of the bathroom.
"Hey, stud," Lilly joked.
Michael only grunted in reply.
"I left you something in the kitchen."
"What's that?"
"Go and see for yourself. Enjoy!"
Lilly skipped off into her room and Michael walked into the kitchen to find what Lilly had supposedly left for him.
But when he walked in, nothing look out of place in the tidy kitchen. Except Mia; she was sitting at the table looking puzzled.
"Hey," Michael greeted her, opening the pantry to find his breakfast.
"Oh, hi, Michael... Did you sleep well?"
"Uh huh. Do you know if Lilly left anything here for me?"
"Um, not that I know of. I didn't see her leave anything."
"Oh, it's probably nothing."
Michael put his bowl on the table and opposite Mia.
"Michael?" Mia said quietly, not even sure of what she wanted to say.
"Last night... When you kissed me..."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I just thought that that's what Ted would have done. You know, at the end of the date." Michael could feel his face getting hot as he said it.
"Oh, so it was just Ted kissing Joan then. Ok."
Michael's ears pricked up. "What? Did you think it was me kissing you, Thermopolis?"
"What? No of course not! I just... Oh, I don't know.
"Thermopolis, what would you have done if I had kissed you?"
"Michael, you did kiss me."
"No. I mean if I, Michael, had kissed you, Mia. Not Ted. Not Joan. Just you and me." Michael held his breath.
"I... uh... I would... um..." Mia stuttered and stumbled over her words, not knowing what to say.
"Forget I asked, Thermopolis," Michael said, his tone a little harsh.
After a minute of pained silence, Mia spoke up. "Michael, would you even have wanted to kiss me?" She had no idea where the courage to ask that was, but somehow it just slipped out.
Michael turned to face her. "I already did."
"That wasn't Ted last night, Mia. I was hoping it wasn't Joan either, but obviously I was wrong." Michael stood up and picked up his now empty bowl.
Shocked at what she'd just heard, Mia stood up too. "Wait," she said as Michael made his way to the sink. "That wasn't Joan. Well, it was, but I covered myself over because I didn't want you to know the truth."
"The truth?"
"Yeah." Mia looked at the ground, not believing what she'd just told Michael, and not believing what she knew she was about to tell him.
"And what is this truth?"
"Well, I kind of like you, Michael..."
Michael was flabbergasted. He stepped towards her and put his bowl on the bench. "So if I were to kiss you right now, it wouldn't be Joan kissing back?"
Mia gulped and shook her head.
"Then I won't be Ted either," Michael told her as he stepped closer and closed the gap between them completely.
"So does this mean you like me too?" Mia asked a minute later.
"You could say that," Michael grinned at her.
"Hallelujah!" Lilly cried, walking back into the kitchen and clapping her hands dramatically. "It took you guys long enough. I thought you were never going to get it together!"
"Lilly, did you set all of this up?" Michael asked, uncertain as to be angry or glad for his sister's interference.
"Of course!"
"And are you really going to use that footage on your show?"
"Oh, God no. You guys were BORING."
"Thanks, Lil," Mia joked. "So what are you going to do for your show then?"
"Oh, well, I've been filming Michael sleeping for weeks now. The male subconscious is absolutely fascinating."
There it is, only two parts. I hope you liked it, now review!