Alandra: here is a new fic of the Slayers.
Maliska: this time focussing on Zel and Amelia.
Air Jay: just wait to see who is the bad guy
Alandra: Shut up Air Jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ramon: And Slayers does not belong to us
Kiko: lets start our new story!
Chapter 1
Five years. It has been five long years since the last time Zel saw his friends. The ones he can call his real friends. He still remembers Lina's positive confidence, even in difficult situations, Gourrys purpose, Shylpiel compassion, Filias cares and Amelias sympathy. Amelia. He still remembers the day he first saw her, it was 4 years ago, he stayed a year in Seilune after the incident with the Dark star to try finding a cure for him, but it was a waste of time, she was upset about him leaving but she understood that he needed to find a cure. Amelia. The first time they meet it wasn't that fantastic, but after the years of knowing each other they have become close friends, he remembers one time she said to him that she didn't mind of him being a chimera, at that time Zelgadiss was so upset that he didn't pay much attention to her words. Funny, of all the persons of the group, Amelia was the one who stayed more time with him, even if he tried to make her leave, and the more she stayed with him the more he had fell for her, even if Zel didn't show it. It almost destroy him the night he when to Amelia's room to say that he was going to continue on searching his cure, the only thing he remembers was Amelia giving him her bracelet, him kissing her, and then…………..nothing, the rest was all blank, he didn't even remember how he left Seilune that night.
But now he returns Seilune, still cursed, on his mind on something else besides his cure.
In the gates of Seilune.
"Alt!!! Who goes there?" demanded one of the guards when he saw Zelgadiss.
"My name is Zelgadiss! I wish to speak with the princess of Seilune!"
"Speak to the princess? What is your business with her?"
"I'm one of her friends; we travelled together for 3 years. My business is with her only!"
"Wait a minute!" said another guard walking to Zelgadiss "Say your full name!"
"Zelgadiss Greywords!" repeated Zel, a little impatient.
"Come with me, I shall take you to the gardens of Seilune castle, then I shall inform his majesty of your arrival."
Zel looked at the guard strangely, only after he learn his full name has he let him entered. But why?
In the gardens.
Zel was sited in one of the chair of the garden, waiting for Amelia, even he doesn't look like it but he is very nervous. 4 years since they saw each other, how will she react?
Zel was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even saw the ball that hit him on the face "OUCH!!!!!!"
"Ops, sorry sir!" apologised a red head little boy with the age of 4.
"Just watch where you play with these things you brat!" growled Zel as he passed the ball to the kid.
"Maia, where are you?" called a male voice, it is probably the kids dad.
"Here!" shouted the red hear boy as he ran to the man.
Zel looked at the man, and he was stunned, he knows that man, it is……"Gourry? Is it you?"
"Huh?" said Gourry as he finally saw his friend. "Zel! You're back!"
"Hey Gourry, what's wrong?" said a female voice. Zel could not believe it as well, it Lina inverse!
"Zel old buddy! Welcome back!" Lina greeted when she saw Zelgadiss
"It has been a long time since I saw you guys. Still together, I see. So who is the kid? Don't tell me you took a job in babysitting."
Lina and Gourry booth laughed and Zel could see that they are blushing ass well.
"The kid," started Lina. "It's my son. Mine and Gourry's."
"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" Zel shouted in shock. He always got used to see Lina and Gourry together, but for them to have a son that means that..."so you two are finally married?" They just showed their fingers and Zel saw their rings.
"His name is Maia Inverse Gabrieve." Introduced Gourry. "Say hello to Zelgadiss, Maia!"
"Hello Zelgadiss!" bowed respectfully little Maia. Zel couldn't stop but smile at little Maia. He has her mother's hair and his father's eyes. And unlike his mother he is polite.
"This is a huge surprise" Zel said. "I never thought that I would see the day that Lina Inverse would finally settle down and stop travelling."
"Yeah, isn't that funny!" laughed Lina, them she grabbed a chair and hits Zel with it. "Now you listen to me buster! Just because I got married and have a son does not mean that I'm going to stop travelling! I am Lina Inverse Gabrieve! The world most powerful sorceress and nobody's going to stop me!"
"I see you haven't change a bit!" Zel Said, rubbing his head. Just then Zel felt that some one has hit him with a stick. It was Maia.
"Don't talk to mi Mama like that!"
"Hey, take it easy little one!"
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE?!?!?" Maia was about to hit Zel again if Gourry didn't grab his son.
"Man I take that back about him being polite." Thought Zel , he was amazed that the kid was not frightened of his freaky looks "He really is his mother's son."
"So Zel, what brings you to Seilune? Trying to find your cure?" asked Lina with some venom in her voice, and Gourry was looking seriously at Zel.
But Zel didn't notice that. "This might surprise you two. But I didn't come to Seilune to try finding a cure. I came to see Amelia.
"What!?!?!" booth Lina and Gourry landed on the ground, anime style.
"Hey knock that of, I'm alright!" protested Zel when Lina and Gourry putted their hands on Zels forehead.
"You must be sick Zel" said Gourry.
"Yeah, to come all this way to Seilune and not to find a cure." said Lina.
"Very funny. Ha Ha Ha!"
"So, you have return!" another voice said. It's Prince Phil.
"Greetings Prince Phil, long time no see" Zel lifted his hand to shake hands with him, but Phil didn't shake hands with Zel. By the look on his face he could tell that Phill's angry at Zel. But why?
"Why did you come back? If you came to hurt my daughter again I'll……"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Hello……..Zelgadiss…….long time no see!" said a new voice. It's her. Amelia.
"Amelia….." said Zel, almost in a whisper. She has changed, a lot. Her hair is longer, her face is all women, but………..she's not smiling. Where that smile that it was always is stuck on Amelia's face?
"Alright! Let's let these two alone, they have a lot to talk about!" said Lina as she dragged Gourry and Prince Phill with her, with Maia following her mother.
"Thank you Miss Lina!" said Amelia very softly. Then she turn to Zel.
"So………how are ya?" asked Zel. Oh nice one stupid, after all these years that is all you can say to her? Zel thought to himself. But one thing mystified him. Amelia didn't call him Mr Zelgadiss, she never called him Zelgadiss before. What could be troubling her?
"Fine, thank you………..so you still didn't found your cure?"
"As you can see……….."
"So I imagine that you came to Seilune to find a cure……….." Zel could tell that by the way Amelia is talking to him, that she is very nervous, but as well very sad. He wonders what happened to her these past five years.
"No Amelia, as surprising as it might seem, I came for something else." Zel was about to get something from his pocket, when all of a sudden, out of no where came a little girl with dark purple hair running to Amelia and hugging her by the legs. She was probably no more than 4, like Maia. Amelia gave the child a soft smile.
"What is it sweetie?
"Mommy, Aunt Lina and Uncle Gourry are eating everything on the kitchen again!"
"Mommy?" asked Zel in a shaky voice. Amelia is a mother now? Then that means that she is married? These thoughts made Zel legs weak as he looked at the child. He was too late.
The little girl finally looked at Zel, and shyly hides behind her mother.
"I'll be right there sweetie. Could you tell ant Lina and Uncle Gourry to stop eating?"
"Yes mommy!" with that the little girl left in direction to the kitchen, leaving Zel and Amelia alone.
"Amelia…who……who is that little girl?" Zel is too afraid to know the true. But he must know.
Amelia took a deep breath. "Her name is Sylvia, she is my daughter……..or better name it she is our daughter!"
"OUR DAUHTER!?!? As in yours and MINE!?!?!?!"
"Yes……… she is your daughter as well, Zelgadiss!" Amelia said very softly.
"I………I………I have a daughter?" Zel said in disbelieve then fainted to the floor.
To be continued……
Sunny: this is our new fic! And it is an A/Z fic. And you better believe it!
Alandra. And you got that right, Zel has a daughter! We have read a lot of fics about the relation ship about Vegeta and his daughter Bra, so we imagined, how would it be if Zel had a daughter? Well you are all going to find out here by reading this fic.