Hey people!!! This is my first fic so PLEASE NO FLAMES!!!! It's probably REALLY crappy but that's ok right? Please review and I'll love you forever! lol!!! Oh and sorry in advance because I can't spell and I can only use Word Pad.... which doesn't have a spell check feature.... sigh I'm so deprived...well on with the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha.... pouts
Chapter 1
Hi there! My name is Kagome Higurashi. I've just recently graduated from my highschool : Shikon no Tama High. Which means the Jewel of Four Souls. If you were to tell me that i would fall in love in my senior year of highschool i'd probably say something like "IN YOUR DREAMS!" or "YA RIGHT!!" but... well I'll just tell you.
Narrator's POV
Kagome Higurashi drove up to Shikon no Tama High and sighed as she realised that this would be her last year at her school. Suddenly she heard a cry from somwhere behind her.
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!! God where the hell were you! I had to wander around this place all by myself for the past 20 minutes!!!"
"Sorry Sango! I woke up late... ugh my days not going so well." she said as she brushed off a piece of dirt that flew in her face.
"Well did you get your scheduele(sp?) yet? We better have at least one class together or I'm gunna be pissed...."
Kagome took out her scheduele and unfolded it. (A/N in this story the school year is gunna be semsetered so they get 4 classes for half the year and the other 4 in the other half of the year)
"We've got English, Math, and Geography. The only class we dont have together is 3rd period. I've got Music and you've got.... what?"
"Art. sigh"
"Oh come on! You love art!"
"Ya but I wanted to get Science this semester.... don't ask why please!"
"WHY!!!! Science is horrible!"
"I actually find it kinda easy..."
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!" came a voice from down the hall.
"Hojo!! HI! I haven't seen you in like a week! How's life?" Kagome asked her 2 month boyfriend.
"Hmm not bad.... been missing you though." he attempts to kiss her but she turns away so he gets her cheek. Hojo gets a look on his face that clearly says "WTF!!!'' and Kagome starts walking down the hall with Sango. Suddenly there's an announcement on the P.A. system.
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba please report to the main office. That's Kagome Higurashi and Sango Taishiba to the main office."
The two girls exchange looks and ask at the same time "WTF?" and walk towards the office. Leaving poor Hojo standing all alone in the hallway.
"Well don't I feel loved?" Hojo asks the empty hallway and he walks off to his 1st period class in a bad mood.
In the Main Office
The secretary is fumbling with a bunch of papers all over her desk when she sees Kagome and Sango walk in.
"GIRLS! Over here please!" They hurry over to her desk and she leads them into the principal's office. "Don't worry ladies you didn't do anything wrong" she says as they exchange worried looks. The girls are obviously comforted by this and walk confidently into the office where the principal is sitting talking on the phone. She made a motion with her hand that indicated the girls to sit down. So they did.
"Yes they are. In fact they are sitting directly infront of me..." Kagome raised an eyebrow at Sango and mouthed "us?" and Sango shrugged. The principal noticed and said
"They are rather confused actually.... yes. we just called them down to the office... of course.... yes 6:00pm tomorrow... yes Good bye!" She hung up the phone and looked at the girls as a mother would her child. "Well ladies are you confused yet?" when they nodded she laughed at a sharp pitch and the girls tried not to wince.
"Well now to the point of this little meeting. How would you ladies like to represent our school at the Teen Survivor Challenge?" The girls stared at her in surprise.
"US?" Kagome asked.
"Yes you. Don't tell me you didn't know that you both have the highest marks and athletic ability this school has ever seen don't you?"
"Well ya but... representing the school?" said Sango sceptically
"WE'LL DO IT!" shouted both the girls at the same time. The principal smiled and said
"Great!!! Well i advise you both to start packing your bags, you leave tomorrow at 6:00 pm." she handed them their airplane tickets and smiled.
"TOMORROW!!!!" exclaimed Kagome.
"We'll never be ready by then!!!" shouted Sango.
"We've already informed your parents and they are fine with the entire situation and they requested that we send you home as soon as the news was delivered. tomorrow morning you will recience the basic rules to the game and then you'll be on your way! Good luck girls!" she said excitedly as she pushed them out the door and to the exit. The girls sighed and went home. On the way they talked about what they were going to bring and how excited they were... even though it was a school related thing. Who really cared if it was for school? They checked their tickets and they were going to Hawaii! (A/N I know it's like way lame and everything but i like Hawaii! it's GREAT! lol!)
When they reached their respective houses (A/N they're neighbors.... lame i know but oh well!) they ran up to their rooms and immediatly started to pack. Neither caring that their parents had left them notes on the fridge....
2 hours later
Sango came running over to Kagome's house screaming. She was waving something around her head too...
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MI GOD!!!!!!!!!!"
Kagome came rushing out of her house "What is it Sango?!?!"
Sango stopped right before plowing Kagome over in her mad rampage to tell her this new piece of information she recieved.
"ok i was coming down the stairs carrying my HUGE bag down here so i would't have to tomorrow and i found THIS pinned on the fridge!!!!" she exlaimed waving the paper in Kagome's face. Kagome snatched the paper away from her and started reading. The paper basically explained the rules of this 'game' they were going to tomorrow. apparently it was like a 'teen version of survivor' except they would be living in a 5 star hotel and there was no eating bugs and rice all the time. They would be paired with someone of the opposite sex and their pairs would be living with them. two pairs would live in one suite of the hotel. Each pair would be on a team with their room mates. The teams would then compete for points in a challenge that would take place every 4 days. The team with the lowest amount of points at the end of 2 weeks would then be eliminated and sent home. The last remaining team would win a scholership to any college of their choice, and $50, 000!!! After reading this Kagome screamed louder than Sango was! She continued reading to the bottom of the page where it said who their partners were. Sango's was a boy named Miroku Houshi. It didnt say who Kagome was paired with though so Kagome left Sango standing on her porch while she ran to her fridge and found a piece of paper pinned to it. She screeched and ran back out to Sango who was looking deflated because she was just ditched.
"SANGO!!! GUESS WAT!!! i got one too! my partner is some guy named Inu Yasha Testaiga. hmm. wonder wat he looks like? oh! and he's from the same school as ur partner....... uhh Miroku rite?"
"mmhmm. I CANT WAIT!!!!! this is going to be so fun! Seriously! HAWAII!!!!! omg i've always wanted to go there! Well im gunna go finish packing and do some other junk... SEE YA!!!" Sango waved good-bye as she walked away. Kagome sighed and went back inside to continue packing.
The Next Day (A/N about noonish)
Sango came running up the steps to the Higurashi shrine really excitedly and knocked REALLY LOUDLY on the door. Kagome's mom answered the door.
"Good afternoon Sango-chan. I'm guessing u'd like to see Kagome huh?"
"Yes Mrs. Higurashi." Sango said very politely.
"Just go rite upstairs i think she mite still be asleep but i dont think shes up yet.... u can wake her up if u want! Saves me from doing it!" Mrs. Higurashi said lightly
Sango smiled and ran upstairs to Kagome's baby blue room, where Kagome was lying sprawled all over her bed. Her head was on the wrong end of the bed too! Sango got a devilish look on her face.... and then....
"ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed as Sango pounced on her and started tickling her profusly. "SANGO! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!! GET OFFA ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. In the meantime, Sango was sitting there laughing her head off.... unti Kagome pushed her off and she landed on the ground in a heap.
"HEY!" Sango exclaimed as she fell.
"That's wat u get for waking me up!" Kagome looks at her clock and shreiks "WHY DIDN'T SOME ONE WAKE ME UP EARLIER! IT'S NOON ALREADY!! OMG!" Kagome started running around her room in a frenzy, trying to find something to wear that she hadnt already packed. which didnt work out too well. All she had left was her track suits that she said looked horrible on her. She wore a blue track suit with white stripes down the sides and a hot pink shirt that said 'Angel to Devil in 15 seconds'. She just wore a pair of simple sneakers on her feet. She had done up her hair in a high pony tail and left a few strands hanging down to frame her face. Sango sighed and grabbed her arm and dragged her out the door. They then went to go to the mall for some last minute shopping.
Kagome and Sango run through the airport trying to find their gateway. When the FINALLY find it they get on the plane and wait for it to take off. After the boreing flight attendant demonstration of wat to do in case of an emergency the two girls chattered away the entire flight to HAWAII!! When they arrived Kagome freaked out because she was scared of the landing and Sango sat there and laughed her head off. While walking out of the airport the two stopped to stare in awe at the sight that was displayed before them. It was the most beautiful scenery they'd ever seen. Greenery every where, flowers, and trees....
"WOW." was the only thing both girls could say, until a hula chick came up to them and gave them both leis welcoming them to Hawaii.
"Welcome to Hawaii my dear friends" she said and both Sango and Kagome smiled
brightly and accepted the leis happily. Suddenly a limo drove up in front of them and a man in his mid-forties came out to escort them into the vehicle. The girls gasped as they got inside and sprawled over the spacious interior. They sat there chatting and occasionally openning the separation barrier between the driver and them. Until the driver sort of yelled at them for talking too much and distracting him and locked it. The girls chatted the rest of the way to the hotel. When they arrived they stared in awe at the size of it. The bellhop took their things up to their room while they got their key. At the desk the clerk gave them trouble though.
"I'm sorry but that room has already been resereved for the participants in the Teen Survivor Challenge." She said in a fakely happy voice
"We're a part of that group!" Sango shreiked
"Let me get my manager and we can fix this problem." the clerk said and dissappeared behind a door. Kagome sighed and ran her fingers through her hair in exasperation. Sango decided that her feet hurt and sat down on the floor in the middle of the lobby (A/N: i do it all the time it's not THAT weird! although i've never been in a hotle i would sit on the floor if i could!) and Kagome looked at her funny. She only shrugged. The clerk came back with an older woman in tow. The older woman looked down at Sango in confusion and she automatically stood up, brushing herself off in the process. The manager took out the reservations book and opened it.
"Good afternoon ladies. What is the problem here?" she asked politely
"We're a part of the Teen Survivor Challenge and we're supposed to be in room 16B and your clerk siad that two men already took that room." Kagome explained as calmly as she could considering she was losing it already.
"Well those two men are supposed to be there. There are reservations under Inu Yasha, and Miroku. Do you know them?" The manager asked
"THOSE ARE OUR PARTNERS!!!!" Sango said excitedly.
"I'd like to verify that before i give you the keys if you dont mind. This will take but a minute." The manager said as she picked up the phone pressed a number and waited for the person to answer. When they did she said:
"Yes Mr. Tesaiga? I'm sorry to bother you but there are two women here claiming that they are you and your friend's partners for the Teen Survivor Challenge........ Yes just a moment" the manager put her hand over the reciever "He would like to know your names." she asked
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba" said Kagome
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba sir........ That's them? Ok i'm going to give them a key and send them up...... Sorry to bother you sir..... Yes Good Bye." she said as she hung up the phone.
"You may go up. Room 16B here's your key. Enjoy you stay and I'm sorry for the inconvienience. Good Bye" she said as she gave Sango the keys to the room.
"BYE!" both girls shouted at the same time as they ran to the elevator. Sango pressed the 2nd floor button and they rode up. When they go to the room Sango unlocked the door and peered inside.
"hellllooooo?" Sango called out
"And who might you be?" a man with shoulder length black hair tied back into a low pony tail at the bottom of his neck. He wore a light blue T-shirt and black jeans. His eyes were a penatrating violet and Sango felt as though she was drowning in them.
"I'm Sango Taishiba, and this is Kagome Higurashi. Who are you?" she said dazedly as she pulled Kagome into the room.
"Miroku Houshi. So you two beautiful creatures are our partners for this challenge huh?" he asked
Sango blushed and Kagome rolled her eyes.
"So where's my partner? Inu Yasha Tetsiaga or something like that." Kagome asked as another man walked in
"That's me hun." siad the man that walked in. He had waist length silver hair, and gorgeous amber eyes that Kagome couldn't help but stare at. He wore a red muscle shirt and dark blue, almost black jeans with chains hanging at the side. He stared at her just as much as she did him. He took in her beautiful raven hair and pale face that didn't need make up to look gorgeous. Sango and Miroku stood there trying not to laugh at them... it wasn't working out to well. Sango burst first and Miroku couldn't hold on much longer after that. They both started laughing uncontrollably. Sango collapsed into Miroku's arms and slapped at his chest while still laughing and Miroku's hand 'some how' found it's way to her butt. She immediatly stopped laughing and strightened like a board. She narrowed her eyes and raised her hand and slapped Miroku across the face, leaving a big red hand mark on his face.
"HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she scremed at the top of her lungs.
Miroku kind of went unconcious but before he hit the ground and fell completely unconcious he murmured
"It was TOTALLY worth it..."
This crazy display of perverted mischief caused Inu Yasha and Kagome to come out of their reverie. They both exchanged glances with each other and Kagome looked at Sango for an explination.
"He'll never learn!" Inu Yasha mumbled knowing that the girls heard him.
"HUH?" both girls asked at the same time.
"He's really perverted. His entire family is full of lechers... I'm used to this by now. I swear he gets knocked out at least 5 times a day. Be careful, if he thinks you're hot enough he'll ask you to bear his child. It's not a plesant thing to witness. He got pretty beat up the last time he asked a girl to do that. It was sad, i had to cary him home and everything." Inu Yasha explained.
"So you guys have been friends for a long time?" Kagome asked
"Oh ya! We've been friends since we were like 2! Ya we go WAY back!" Inu Yasha said "Well how 'bout we show you ladies around this humble home of ours... if only temporary" siad a voice from behind them.... apparently Miroku had woken up. He took each of the girls arms in his own and lead them into the suite they would be sharing. Inu Yasha tagged behind until Kagome looked behind her and let go of Miroku to take Inu Yasha's arm. He looked surprised as she kind of settled her head on his shoulder, looking perfectly content. The boys lead the girls through the suite untill they ended up at the bedrooms. Miroku opened the door to the boys room. There were two identical double beds with orange sheets and pillow cases, and a red comforter each. The walls were a pale orange, with white base boards around the room. There were 2 big windows with long deep red curtains on them, the blinds were red and were currently pulled half way down. The curtains were tied back with red ropes with tassels on them. The floor was a dark hard wood with a deep orange circular rug on it. There were two identical dressers in either side of the room beside two closets., they were black and had brass handles, all the drawers were open and there were clothes hanging out. The closets were both overflowing with clothes too and Inu Yasha covered Kagome's eyes so she wouldn't see the mess. Sango had burried her face in Miroku's chest to shield her eyes from the mess. The boys both turned their respective partners around and lead them outta the room and into the other bedroom. The girls gasped when they saw it. It had sunshine yellow walls with white baseboards. There were 2 windows in this room too. They both had blue blinds with blue curtains with daisys scattered across them. The curtains were tied back with blue ropes with tassels. There was 2 identical double beds with white sheets with the same flowers on them as the curtains. The pillow cases were the same and each bed had a daisy shaped pillow on them. The comforters were blue with the daisys on them too. There were 2 identical, white bedside tables with daisy shapped handles, the dressers were the same. Sango walked over to her closet and opened the door. She gasped as she peered inside. IT WAS HUGE!!!! And there was a door at the back. She opened it and she found herself underneath a bunch of clothes and junk. Miroku leaped over to her and dug her out.
"Sorry lady Sango but my closet isn't the cleanest thing you'll ever see." Miroku apoligized
"I can see that." Sango said edgely as Miroku helped her up. Kagome giggled because she had a sock in her hair. Sango picked up the sock as if it was a revolting piece of garbage and dropped it on the ground. She and Miroku walked out of the closet after trying to no avail to close the second door. Inu Yasha lead Kagome out of the room and into the living room where they all sat down. Kagome was sitting next to Inu Yasha on the love seat while Sango and Miroku sat across from them on a big couch.
"So this concludes our tour around the suite. TA DA!" siad Miroku.
"I love this place!!!! It's so.... GREAT!!!" Kagome said as she laughed.
"So Kagome do you think the bellhops have our stuff up here yet?" asked Sango
"Let's go check." said Kagome as she stood up to walk to the door of the suite. At the door there were like 10 big suit cases.
"SANGO!!!! OUR STUFF IS HERE!!!!!" Kagome screamed as she picked up one of the smaller bags and took it to her room. Sango did the same thing, and after they had taken the smaller bags into their room they walked back into the living room and sat delicatly beside their respective partners batting their eyelashes.
"Inu Yasha......" Kagome said in her sweetest voice.
"Miroku......" Sango said in the same sugary voice. The boys rolled their eyes and said at the same time
"Can you carry our bags into our room please?" the girls asked in the same sweet vioce, batting their eye lashes and pouting their lips. The boys both sighed and got up to carry in their bags. Kagome kissed Inu Yasha on the cheek and Sango hugged Miroku. The guys both carried their stuff into their room, complaining the entire time mind you but no one needs to know that! AFter they finished Kagome kissed Inu Yasha again and Sango hugged Miroku again. Then the girls went to go to put their things away and go to bed. The guys just sat in the living room watching Van Helsing (A/N i know it's not out yet but i REALLY love that movie!!! if you have no clue what im talking about GO SEE VAN HELSING!!!!! lol!) until 2 in the morning and finally went to bed.
A/N: So what do ya think so far? Should I bother posting more? I have more written but I won't post it until someone reviews and is like "UPDATE NOW!!!!" Then I'll post more! lol! well TTFN!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha.... pouts
Chapter 1
Hi there! My name is Kagome Higurashi. I've just recently graduated from my highschool : Shikon no Tama High. Which means the Jewel of Four Souls. If you were to tell me that i would fall in love in my senior year of highschool i'd probably say something like "IN YOUR DREAMS!" or "YA RIGHT!!" but... well I'll just tell you.
Narrator's POV
Kagome Higurashi drove up to Shikon no Tama High and sighed as she realised that this would be her last year at her school. Suddenly she heard a cry from somwhere behind her.
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!! God where the hell were you! I had to wander around this place all by myself for the past 20 minutes!!!"
"Sorry Sango! I woke up late... ugh my days not going so well." she said as she brushed off a piece of dirt that flew in her face.
"Well did you get your scheduele(sp?) yet? We better have at least one class together or I'm gunna be pissed...."
Kagome took out her scheduele and unfolded it. (A/N in this story the school year is gunna be semsetered so they get 4 classes for half the year and the other 4 in the other half of the year)
"We've got English, Math, and Geography. The only class we dont have together is 3rd period. I've got Music and you've got.... what?"
"Art. sigh"
"Oh come on! You love art!"
"Ya but I wanted to get Science this semester.... don't ask why please!"
"WHY!!!! Science is horrible!"
"I actually find it kinda easy..."
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!" came a voice from down the hall.
"Hojo!! HI! I haven't seen you in like a week! How's life?" Kagome asked her 2 month boyfriend.
"Hmm not bad.... been missing you though." he attempts to kiss her but she turns away so he gets her cheek. Hojo gets a look on his face that clearly says "WTF!!!'' and Kagome starts walking down the hall with Sango. Suddenly there's an announcement on the P.A. system.
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba please report to the main office. That's Kagome Higurashi and Sango Taishiba to the main office."
The two girls exchange looks and ask at the same time "WTF?" and walk towards the office. Leaving poor Hojo standing all alone in the hallway.
"Well don't I feel loved?" Hojo asks the empty hallway and he walks off to his 1st period class in a bad mood.
In the Main Office
The secretary is fumbling with a bunch of papers all over her desk when she sees Kagome and Sango walk in.
"GIRLS! Over here please!" They hurry over to her desk and she leads them into the principal's office. "Don't worry ladies you didn't do anything wrong" she says as they exchange worried looks. The girls are obviously comforted by this and walk confidently into the office where the principal is sitting talking on the phone. She made a motion with her hand that indicated the girls to sit down. So they did.
"Yes they are. In fact they are sitting directly infront of me..." Kagome raised an eyebrow at Sango and mouthed "us?" and Sango shrugged. The principal noticed and said
"They are rather confused actually.... yes. we just called them down to the office... of course.... yes 6:00pm tomorrow... yes Good bye!" She hung up the phone and looked at the girls as a mother would her child. "Well ladies are you confused yet?" when they nodded she laughed at a sharp pitch and the girls tried not to wince.
"Well now to the point of this little meeting. How would you ladies like to represent our school at the Teen Survivor Challenge?" The girls stared at her in surprise.
"US?" Kagome asked.
"Yes you. Don't tell me you didn't know that you both have the highest marks and athletic ability this school has ever seen don't you?"
"Well ya but... representing the school?" said Sango sceptically
"WE'LL DO IT!" shouted both the girls at the same time. The principal smiled and said
"Great!!! Well i advise you both to start packing your bags, you leave tomorrow at 6:00 pm." she handed them their airplane tickets and smiled.
"TOMORROW!!!!" exclaimed Kagome.
"We'll never be ready by then!!!" shouted Sango.
"We've already informed your parents and they are fine with the entire situation and they requested that we send you home as soon as the news was delivered. tomorrow morning you will recience the basic rules to the game and then you'll be on your way! Good luck girls!" she said excitedly as she pushed them out the door and to the exit. The girls sighed and went home. On the way they talked about what they were going to bring and how excited they were... even though it was a school related thing. Who really cared if it was for school? They checked their tickets and they were going to Hawaii! (A/N I know it's like way lame and everything but i like Hawaii! it's GREAT! lol!)
When they reached their respective houses (A/N they're neighbors.... lame i know but oh well!) they ran up to their rooms and immediatly started to pack. Neither caring that their parents had left them notes on the fridge....
2 hours later
Sango came running over to Kagome's house screaming. She was waving something around her head too...
"KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MI GOD!!!!!!!!!!"
Kagome came rushing out of her house "What is it Sango?!?!"
Sango stopped right before plowing Kagome over in her mad rampage to tell her this new piece of information she recieved.
"ok i was coming down the stairs carrying my HUGE bag down here so i would't have to tomorrow and i found THIS pinned on the fridge!!!!" she exlaimed waving the paper in Kagome's face. Kagome snatched the paper away from her and started reading. The paper basically explained the rules of this 'game' they were going to tomorrow. apparently it was like a 'teen version of survivor' except they would be living in a 5 star hotel and there was no eating bugs and rice all the time. They would be paired with someone of the opposite sex and their pairs would be living with them. two pairs would live in one suite of the hotel. Each pair would be on a team with their room mates. The teams would then compete for points in a challenge that would take place every 4 days. The team with the lowest amount of points at the end of 2 weeks would then be eliminated and sent home. The last remaining team would win a scholership to any college of their choice, and $50, 000!!! After reading this Kagome screamed louder than Sango was! She continued reading to the bottom of the page where it said who their partners were. Sango's was a boy named Miroku Houshi. It didnt say who Kagome was paired with though so Kagome left Sango standing on her porch while she ran to her fridge and found a piece of paper pinned to it. She screeched and ran back out to Sango who was looking deflated because she was just ditched.
"SANGO!!! GUESS WAT!!! i got one too! my partner is some guy named Inu Yasha Testaiga. hmm. wonder wat he looks like? oh! and he's from the same school as ur partner....... uhh Miroku rite?"
"mmhmm. I CANT WAIT!!!!! this is going to be so fun! Seriously! HAWAII!!!!! omg i've always wanted to go there! Well im gunna go finish packing and do some other junk... SEE YA!!!" Sango waved good-bye as she walked away. Kagome sighed and went back inside to continue packing.
The Next Day (A/N about noonish)
Sango came running up the steps to the Higurashi shrine really excitedly and knocked REALLY LOUDLY on the door. Kagome's mom answered the door.
"Good afternoon Sango-chan. I'm guessing u'd like to see Kagome huh?"
"Yes Mrs. Higurashi." Sango said very politely.
"Just go rite upstairs i think she mite still be asleep but i dont think shes up yet.... u can wake her up if u want! Saves me from doing it!" Mrs. Higurashi said lightly
Sango smiled and ran upstairs to Kagome's baby blue room, where Kagome was lying sprawled all over her bed. Her head was on the wrong end of the bed too! Sango got a devilish look on her face.... and then....
"ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed as Sango pounced on her and started tickling her profusly. "SANGO! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!! GET OFFA ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. In the meantime, Sango was sitting there laughing her head off.... unti Kagome pushed her off and she landed on the ground in a heap.
"HEY!" Sango exclaimed as she fell.
"That's wat u get for waking me up!" Kagome looks at her clock and shreiks "WHY DIDN'T SOME ONE WAKE ME UP EARLIER! IT'S NOON ALREADY!! OMG!" Kagome started running around her room in a frenzy, trying to find something to wear that she hadnt already packed. which didnt work out too well. All she had left was her track suits that she said looked horrible on her. She wore a blue track suit with white stripes down the sides and a hot pink shirt that said 'Angel to Devil in 15 seconds'. She just wore a pair of simple sneakers on her feet. She had done up her hair in a high pony tail and left a few strands hanging down to frame her face. Sango sighed and grabbed her arm and dragged her out the door. They then went to go to the mall for some last minute shopping.
Kagome and Sango run through the airport trying to find their gateway. When the FINALLY find it they get on the plane and wait for it to take off. After the boreing flight attendant demonstration of wat to do in case of an emergency the two girls chattered away the entire flight to HAWAII!! When they arrived Kagome freaked out because she was scared of the landing and Sango sat there and laughed her head off. While walking out of the airport the two stopped to stare in awe at the sight that was displayed before them. It was the most beautiful scenery they'd ever seen. Greenery every where, flowers, and trees....
"WOW." was the only thing both girls could say, until a hula chick came up to them and gave them both leis welcoming them to Hawaii.
"Welcome to Hawaii my dear friends" she said and both Sango and Kagome smiled
brightly and accepted the leis happily. Suddenly a limo drove up in front of them and a man in his mid-forties came out to escort them into the vehicle. The girls gasped as they got inside and sprawled over the spacious interior. They sat there chatting and occasionally openning the separation barrier between the driver and them. Until the driver sort of yelled at them for talking too much and distracting him and locked it. The girls chatted the rest of the way to the hotel. When they arrived they stared in awe at the size of it. The bellhop took their things up to their room while they got their key. At the desk the clerk gave them trouble though.
"I'm sorry but that room has already been resereved for the participants in the Teen Survivor Challenge." She said in a fakely happy voice
"We're a part of that group!" Sango shreiked
"Let me get my manager and we can fix this problem." the clerk said and dissappeared behind a door. Kagome sighed and ran her fingers through her hair in exasperation. Sango decided that her feet hurt and sat down on the floor in the middle of the lobby (A/N: i do it all the time it's not THAT weird! although i've never been in a hotle i would sit on the floor if i could!) and Kagome looked at her funny. She only shrugged. The clerk came back with an older woman in tow. The older woman looked down at Sango in confusion and she automatically stood up, brushing herself off in the process. The manager took out the reservations book and opened it.
"Good afternoon ladies. What is the problem here?" she asked politely
"We're a part of the Teen Survivor Challenge and we're supposed to be in room 16B and your clerk siad that two men already took that room." Kagome explained as calmly as she could considering she was losing it already.
"Well those two men are supposed to be there. There are reservations under Inu Yasha, and Miroku. Do you know them?" The manager asked
"THOSE ARE OUR PARTNERS!!!!" Sango said excitedly.
"I'd like to verify that before i give you the keys if you dont mind. This will take but a minute." The manager said as she picked up the phone pressed a number and waited for the person to answer. When they did she said:
"Yes Mr. Tesaiga? I'm sorry to bother you but there are two women here claiming that they are you and your friend's partners for the Teen Survivor Challenge........ Yes just a moment" the manager put her hand over the reciever "He would like to know your names." she asked
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba" said Kagome
"Kagome Higurashi, and Sango Taishiba sir........ That's them? Ok i'm going to give them a key and send them up...... Sorry to bother you sir..... Yes Good Bye." she said as she hung up the phone.
"You may go up. Room 16B here's your key. Enjoy you stay and I'm sorry for the inconvienience. Good Bye" she said as she gave Sango the keys to the room.
"BYE!" both girls shouted at the same time as they ran to the elevator. Sango pressed the 2nd floor button and they rode up. When they go to the room Sango unlocked the door and peered inside.
"hellllooooo?" Sango called out
"And who might you be?" a man with shoulder length black hair tied back into a low pony tail at the bottom of his neck. He wore a light blue T-shirt and black jeans. His eyes were a penatrating violet and Sango felt as though she was drowning in them.
"I'm Sango Taishiba, and this is Kagome Higurashi. Who are you?" she said dazedly as she pulled Kagome into the room.
"Miroku Houshi. So you two beautiful creatures are our partners for this challenge huh?" he asked
Sango blushed and Kagome rolled her eyes.
"So where's my partner? Inu Yasha Tetsiaga or something like that." Kagome asked as another man walked in
"That's me hun." siad the man that walked in. He had waist length silver hair, and gorgeous amber eyes that Kagome couldn't help but stare at. He wore a red muscle shirt and dark blue, almost black jeans with chains hanging at the side. He stared at her just as much as she did him. He took in her beautiful raven hair and pale face that didn't need make up to look gorgeous. Sango and Miroku stood there trying not to laugh at them... it wasn't working out to well. Sango burst first and Miroku couldn't hold on much longer after that. They both started laughing uncontrollably. Sango collapsed into Miroku's arms and slapped at his chest while still laughing and Miroku's hand 'some how' found it's way to her butt. She immediatly stopped laughing and strightened like a board. She narrowed her eyes and raised her hand and slapped Miroku across the face, leaving a big red hand mark on his face.
"HENTAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she scremed at the top of her lungs.
Miroku kind of went unconcious but before he hit the ground and fell completely unconcious he murmured
"It was TOTALLY worth it..."
This crazy display of perverted mischief caused Inu Yasha and Kagome to come out of their reverie. They both exchanged glances with each other and Kagome looked at Sango for an explination.
"He'll never learn!" Inu Yasha mumbled knowing that the girls heard him.
"HUH?" both girls asked at the same time.
"He's really perverted. His entire family is full of lechers... I'm used to this by now. I swear he gets knocked out at least 5 times a day. Be careful, if he thinks you're hot enough he'll ask you to bear his child. It's not a plesant thing to witness. He got pretty beat up the last time he asked a girl to do that. It was sad, i had to cary him home and everything." Inu Yasha explained.
"So you guys have been friends for a long time?" Kagome asked
"Oh ya! We've been friends since we were like 2! Ya we go WAY back!" Inu Yasha said "Well how 'bout we show you ladies around this humble home of ours... if only temporary" siad a voice from behind them.... apparently Miroku had woken up. He took each of the girls arms in his own and lead them into the suite they would be sharing. Inu Yasha tagged behind until Kagome looked behind her and let go of Miroku to take Inu Yasha's arm. He looked surprised as she kind of settled her head on his shoulder, looking perfectly content. The boys lead the girls through the suite untill they ended up at the bedrooms. Miroku opened the door to the boys room. There were two identical double beds with orange sheets and pillow cases, and a red comforter each. The walls were a pale orange, with white base boards around the room. There were 2 big windows with long deep red curtains on them, the blinds were red and were currently pulled half way down. The curtains were tied back with red ropes with tassels on them. The floor was a dark hard wood with a deep orange circular rug on it. There were two identical dressers in either side of the room beside two closets., they were black and had brass handles, all the drawers were open and there were clothes hanging out. The closets were both overflowing with clothes too and Inu Yasha covered Kagome's eyes so she wouldn't see the mess. Sango had burried her face in Miroku's chest to shield her eyes from the mess. The boys both turned their respective partners around and lead them outta the room and into the other bedroom. The girls gasped when they saw it. It had sunshine yellow walls with white baseboards. There were 2 windows in this room too. They both had blue blinds with blue curtains with daisys scattered across them. The curtains were tied back with blue ropes with tassels. There was 2 identical double beds with white sheets with the same flowers on them as the curtains. The pillow cases were the same and each bed had a daisy shaped pillow on them. The comforters were blue with the daisys on them too. There were 2 identical, white bedside tables with daisy shapped handles, the dressers were the same. Sango walked over to her closet and opened the door. She gasped as she peered inside. IT WAS HUGE!!!! And there was a door at the back. She opened it and she found herself underneath a bunch of clothes and junk. Miroku leaped over to her and dug her out.
"Sorry lady Sango but my closet isn't the cleanest thing you'll ever see." Miroku apoligized
"I can see that." Sango said edgely as Miroku helped her up. Kagome giggled because she had a sock in her hair. Sango picked up the sock as if it was a revolting piece of garbage and dropped it on the ground. She and Miroku walked out of the closet after trying to no avail to close the second door. Inu Yasha lead Kagome out of the room and into the living room where they all sat down. Kagome was sitting next to Inu Yasha on the love seat while Sango and Miroku sat across from them on a big couch.
"So this concludes our tour around the suite. TA DA!" siad Miroku.
"I love this place!!!! It's so.... GREAT!!!" Kagome said as she laughed.
"So Kagome do you think the bellhops have our stuff up here yet?" asked Sango
"Let's go check." said Kagome as she stood up to walk to the door of the suite. At the door there were like 10 big suit cases.
"SANGO!!!! OUR STUFF IS HERE!!!!!" Kagome screamed as she picked up one of the smaller bags and took it to her room. Sango did the same thing, and after they had taken the smaller bags into their room they walked back into the living room and sat delicatly beside their respective partners batting their eyelashes.
"Inu Yasha......" Kagome said in her sweetest voice.
"Miroku......" Sango said in the same sugary voice. The boys rolled their eyes and said at the same time
"Can you carry our bags into our room please?" the girls asked in the same sweet vioce, batting their eye lashes and pouting their lips. The boys both sighed and got up to carry in their bags. Kagome kissed Inu Yasha on the cheek and Sango hugged Miroku. The guys both carried their stuff into their room, complaining the entire time mind you but no one needs to know that! AFter they finished Kagome kissed Inu Yasha again and Sango hugged Miroku again. Then the girls went to go to put their things away and go to bed. The guys just sat in the living room watching Van Helsing (A/N i know it's not out yet but i REALLY love that movie!!! if you have no clue what im talking about GO SEE VAN HELSING!!!!! lol!) until 2 in the morning and finally went to bed.
A/N: So what do ya think so far? Should I bother posting more? I have more written but I won't post it until someone reviews and is like "UPDATE NOW!!!!" Then I'll post more! lol! well TTFN!!!