Whee! My first serious fic! My first one got deleted, so I'm continuing this one.

Never Look Back
Chapter I
Catching up and marriage

Sonic sighed as he laid in the middle of the field next to Tails' workshop, himself right beside him. "Eleven o' clock." It was sevens after the ARK incident, Sonic was 23, Tails was 15, Cream was 13, Amy was 20, and Knuckles was 22. (A/N: I have no idea how old Rouge would be, 'cause I don't know how old she is in the games) Knuckles and Rouge got married 4 years ago. Sonic didn't look very impressed at the wedding, although he was happy for their decision. About six or seven months after they were married, Rouge was pregnant with their first baby. Sonic was surprised at Knuckles at first, but then he grew a big grin and said, "I'm happy for you guys. Take care!" Sonic sighed again. Him and Amy were going out, actually she was his fiancée. He remembered when he proposed to her. They were at Twinkle Park...

Sonic had a little box hidden in his quills, containing a ring. That night was the most enjoyable. After they got off the Ferris wheel, seeing the big, beautiful park, Sonic and Amy were walking in a big open area, a lot of people standing around. Sonic didn't want to make a scene, but he thought 'Now or never!' "Hey Amy?" he asked. Amy was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yes Sonic?"

I have a question I've been needing to ask you for a while."

"What's that?" Amy replied, removing her head from his shoulder. Sonic stopped and took a deep breath, then turned towards Amy.

"Amy?" he said.

'Oh no.' she thought. 'He isn't!' She covered her mouth as Sonic got down on one knee. She turned her head. 'He is! Oh my gosh, he is!'

"Amy?" Sonic questioned, and then pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?" Her voice was muffled from where he was standing, since her hands were over her mouth. "What?" Amy took a deep breath and yelled, "YES!" as she leaped into his arms. Sonic and Amy rolled upon the ground in laughter. They stopped and gazed at each other for a while. "Oops! Forgot something!" Sonic took out the ring and put it on her ring finger.

"Oh, no, the ring goes on the left finger, not the right!"

"Oh..." Sonic blushed. He took the ring off her right ring finger and put it on her left. After he put in on, they giggled a little, and gave each other a little kiss, after which, everybody was clapping and cheering on their new engagement. Sonic and Amy sat up, Amy giggled a bit and looked around her at the huge crowd, while Sonic, a bit embarrassed, stared at the ground. "What's wrong honey?" Sonic looked up at her with a pouty look on his face. "Everybody's happy for us! See?" Sonic looked at the big crowd, who continued to cheer. "Honey?" Amy was a bit worried. Sonic turned around with a big grin. "Let's go." He swept her off her feet and took off out of the park at hypersonic speed.

Sonic sighed. It was a couple weeks later since that day. They were getting married tomorrow. He sat up and stared a few more seconds into the sky. "Well, I'll see ya at the wedding little buddy."

"See ya Sonic." Tails yelled as he sat up, watching his hero and best friend disappear into the tunnel of the train tracks. "Good luck." He whispered. He got up and walked toward his workshop, and continued to work on another invention.

At Sonic's (and now Amy's) house...

Sonic walked into the house and saw Amy sitting there, watching the news. "Hey, Honey!"

"Hey Sonic!" Sonic plopped onto the couch and gave her a quick kiss. "So what did you do this whole time?"

"Oh, I just went over to visit Tails, and he and I talked a while, then I stared into the sky, thinking about the day I proposed to you. What have you been doing?"

"I just sat around, made a cup of coffee and watched some of the news."

"Aww, you didn't think about me?"

"Oh, of course I did! That face of yours is too handsome to forget."

"Baby, you're the sexiest thing on this planet!" Sonic said, going in for another kiss. This time, they were makin' out, not just any kiss.

After they were giving each other kisses all over the face, Amy asked, "Hey! Do you wanna see my wedding dress?"

"No, let's wait till tomorrow."

"Aww, come on." Amy was giving him her pouty face, the face that you can't say no to.

"(sigh) Alright, you can show me."

"Yay!" Amy went into the bathroom, not coming out for another five minutes. She finally came out of the bathroom, covered in make-up. "Well? How do I look?"

Sonic could've sworn that his jaw dropped to the floor. "Holy crap! You're beautiful!" Sonic had a smile growing on his face.

"Why thank you!" She said, taking a bow. Sonic got up off the couch and walked over to her. "Ya know, you'd look a lot sexier without that make- up."

"You think?"

"Yeah! I don't understand why you'd wanna hide your natural beauty behind all that lipstick and eye shadow."

"Aww, that's so sweet! You're right. I'll take it off." Amy tore from Sonic's grip and ran toward the bathroom, washing off all the make-up. She came out in a minute. "How about now?"

"Oh, you look sexier than ever before!" He whispered as he put his hands on her hips. They slowly went into a slow dance, forgetting that the t.v. is still on. After a while, they broke the dance and shut off the t.v. "Well, what do you want to do? The wedding's tomorrow, but I'm bored..."

"Why don't we go out to eat?"

"Man, that sounds good."

"Let me get out of this dress first."

"Okay." 'I'll just close my eyes for a minute... and... just...' Sonic has fallen asleep on the couch.

"Hey Son-..." Amy ran into the room with her normal, pink, dress on. She was about to tell Sonic that she was ready to go, but she didn't want to wake him up. 'He looks so cute when he's sleeping...' Sonic turned over and mumbled a bit. Amy decided that this would be a good time to call everyone up, and she did so. "Hello, Tails? Hey. I called to remind you about the wedding. Yeah. He has huh? Well, I was gonna call up everyone else and remind them. Ok. Sonic? He's sleeping right now. I don't wanna wake him up. Yeah. Ok, see ya tomorrow." She hung up and dialed Knuckles and Rouge's number. "Hello? Knuckles? I called to remind you about our wedding... Oh, you are huh? Well, can I speak to Rouge for a minute please? Ok, thanks. Bye... Hello, Rouge? Yeah, it's me, Amy..." She continued to dial up everyone else's number. A few minutes after she called everyone up, Sonic woke up.

"(yawn) What time is it? (end yawn) Oh crap! Amy! I forgot all about our date!"

"I'm right here Sonic!"

"Oh, good. I thought you left."

"No, I've been here the whole time."

"Okay. Hey! Ya ready for our date?"

"Yeah!" Amy jumped off the chair, then she and Sonic headed out the door, for a night on the town.

The next day...

It was wedding day. Sonic and Amy were really nervous. Sonic was in a dressing room with Knuckles. "There! Perfect!"

"Are ya sure? It's kinda tight..."

"That's what I thought when I had mine on, but you get used to it after a while."

"Okay... (sigh) I'm goin' in!"

"Keep your head up Sonic! Be proud!" Sonic walked out the door. Knuckles looked at his little girl, Samantha. "Hey, sweety! Ya ready to be Sonic and Amy's flower girl?"

"Yup!" The little girl stated, holding her head up proud.


"Are you ready Amy?"

"Sure am!"

"Now you go out there, and be proud!"

"We just gotta wait for Samantha to get here." At which point she came into the room.

"Hey sweety! Is mommy's girl ready for her big role? Yes she is!" Amy giggled as Rouge was baby talking Sammy. "Are you ready Amy? This is your big entrance."

"Ok... (sigh) I'm going."

"Alright honey. Now follow Amy, and throw the flowers like this, ok?" Rouge gently took Sammy's hand and displayed how to toss the flowers. "Now you go out there and make mommy proud!"

Sonic and Knuckles left the room they were in, Knuckles quickly taking his seat, as Sonic walked up the isle and up to the alter. After a few minutes, Amy, Rouge, and her daughter left the room they were in, Rouge taking her seat, as her daughter tossed the flowers like she showed her how. When Amy got up to the alter, Rouge called Sammy back to their seat.

Skip the long stuff...

'Wow... she's even prettier than she was at the apartment! I didn't think that was possible...'

'Wow... he looks so handsome with that Tux on. I bet he doesn't like it. Man, he's so hot!'

After the wedding was almost over...

"...I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sonic and Amy went into a deep, passionate, kiss, taking minutes. Knuckles finally walked up to Sonic. "Why don't you two get a room? Even Rouge and I didn't kiss that long!" Sonic broke the kiss.

"Let us be to our own business." Sonic continued the kiss.

"Dude, I hope you don't do it up here!"

"(stop) Well, I don't want to hear about your fantasy night, so spare me the details." Sonic and Amy finally ended the kiss and went on to the Wedding Reception.

At a table, was the whole Sonic gang, including Cream's mother. "A toast! To the newly weds!" Knuckles cheered. Everyone followed along, doing the toast. After a while, Sonic and Amy cut the cake. Sonic accidentally smeared a bit on Amy's face, trying to get it in her mouth. "Oops!" Sonic laughed a bit. Amy smeared the cake all over his face. "Hey!" Sonic took some of the cake and threw it at her, as did Amy. "FOOD FIGHT!" Knuckles yelled. Everyone joined the food fight, throwing it every which way. After it was over, Sonic and Amy were laying in the middle of the big room, laughing a bit. They turned to face each other. Amy took some of the cake off his face and licked her finger. "This cake is good!"

"Let me try!" He took some off her face and licked his finger. "This IS good! Too bad it was a waste, huh?"

"Yeah, but I had fun today!"

"Me too!" They decided to go home and wash off. They both rinsed off in the shower and cleaned off in the tub. Sonic got his towel and put it on the rack, and jumped in the tub. Amy got her own towel and jumped in with him. "Hey Amy."

"Hey Sonic."

Sonic couldn't help but stare. Amy noticed and Sonic turned blushing. "What's the matter?"

"Am I supposed to-"

"What does it matter now? We're married!"

"Are you sure?"

"Why do you think I jumped in with you?"

"... Ok..." Sonic turned around, meeting face-to-face with his wife. "Waaah!" Amy accidentally scared him. "What? Do I scare you?"

"No, I wasn't expecting that."

"Hey Sonic?"

"Yes Amy?"

Amy turned over. "Could you massage my back?"

"Ok." Sonic started with her shoulders. "Dang! You're shoulders are tense!"

"What do you expect? I have to bench press 70 pounds to be able to swing that Piko Piko hammer!"

"Wow!" Sonic massaged her shoulder and her back, relaxing her muscles. After he was done, he put his hands around her chest and pulled her close. (Not yet, you perverts out there! That comes later! Besides, I'm not gonna explain every detail!) "So, is Superwoman gonna keep Superman safe from the bad guys?"

"No! That's your job!" She giggled.

Sonic put his head on her shoulder. "Ya know what?" he whispered.

"What?" she whispered back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Ya know what else?" Sonic moved his hands to her sides.


Sonic slowly moved his hands up her side (Not yet, perverts) "You're also ticklish!"

"Ahh! Hee hee! No stop! Hee hee!" She squealed. She tried to escape, but he pulled her close again. After a while, he quit, and this time, they washed off. They got out and dried themselves with 'the' towels. "Ya know, I brought that towel in here for me to use, but I guess you can take it."

"What?" Sonic stopped and looked at the towel, which was a 'Hello kitty' towel. "Hey! No! I want mine back!" he laughed. After a while, they finally dried themselves off, and Sonic headed for bed, as did Amy. She crawled under the covers with him. "Hey Sonic?"

"Yes Amy?"

"Where are we gonna go on our honeymoon?"

"...Hmm... The only place I can think of is Emerald Coast."

"Okay then. Emerald Coast it is!" she went into Sonic's arms (not yet) and fell asleep.