1. Mudblood

Draco Malfoy thudded down the long hallway of the Hogwarts Express, searching for a compartment away from the large, bungling crowd of apprehensive students, ready to start a new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was Draco's sixth year, and he couldn't wait until he was finished with his seventh. He hated the school, mostly because the Headmaster admitted filthy mudbloods. After several minutes of fervent searching, he finally found a compartment void of anyone's presence. He shoved his trunk into the space and plopped down onto one of the plush seats. He immediately began sulking, simply because he was on his way to school.

"Another year of putting up with the Dream Team." He huffed, and then averted his attention to the fogged window to his right.

The countryside passed him with unmatched speed, quickly changing to deep lush forest, as opposed to the barren plains he had observed only moments ago. Small fragments of rain smattered against the window, then preceded to form small rivulets that streaked downwards. Draco's mood became increasingly worse as the rain became increasingly heavier. Suddenly his morbid thoughts were dragged away as his hearing picked up the shouts of laughter and enjoyment from across the hallway. Allowing his curiosity to get the best of him, he slid his compartment's door open and stepped out into the hallway. He swiftly opened the door in front of him and looked into the faces of Weasley, Potter, and Granger, who had obviously found something exceedingly funny as their faces were flushed with laughter.

" What do you want Malfoy?" Ron said bitterly, with venom dripping on his every word.

" I wanted to see who was making complete idiots of themselves; honestly you three can be heard all the way to Hogwarts." Draco drawled, attempting to find their actions distasteful. He so wanted to have friends like that, to be included with the fun. He could never let that show; especially to the three people he despised the most.

"At least we're only idiots when we speak." Hermione spat.

These words stung Draco especially hard. What business did that Mudblood think she had insulting him?

"You'll pay for that, Granger."

With that, Draco stormed out of the compartment toward the safety of his own. Unintentionally, tears formed in his hard, steely blue eyes, mimicking the antics of the rain running down the windowpane. He was so tired of feeling alone.

Draco wiped his moist eyes with his robes and made his way toward the horseless carriages as soon as the train arrived at Hogwarts. He chose a carriage that was empty and settled in. When the carriage jolted forward, Draco could no longer hold it. Silent tears streamed down his pallid face as his chest heaved with emotion. It hurt his lungs with every slight gasp he took; like a fire was building within him. Muffled sobs escaped his thin mouth. With every tear that left him, he remembered why he cried in despair…


" Where the hell are you Draco!?" Lucuis Malfoy yelled. His shout echoed through the large mansion, and when the boy huddled in the corner heard it, he pushed himself farther into the corner, as though he could really hide. Lucius stormed through the mansion, flinging doors open at random, until he finally came upon the library. He opened the door to find Draco sobbing in the corner. With a new fury, he threw himself forward and yanked Draco away from his sanctuary.

" What do you think you're doing boy? I told you to answer me when I call you!"

"F-Father I-"

But he was cut off by a harsh slap across his tear stained face. This was followed by a swift kick in the ribs, which left Draco heaving with pain on the floor.


Lucius spat on Draco's face and exited the room.

End of Flashback

Draco snapped back to the present and craned his neck to see the castle.

"At least here I'm away from him." he thought bitterly.


"I can't wait to see the Head Girl's room!" Hermione enthused happily.

Hermione had just been appointed Head Girl, and could never have been happier.

"Hermione! Enough already! You've mentioned that so many times you'd think you were appointed the Queen of England!" Ron moaned, out of his mind with boredom.

"Well, Ron, it happens to be a very prestigious-"

"Honestly! Just stop, please!"

Hermione settled against the seat with a grin plastered across her face. There was nothing she liked better than irritating Ron. She chanced glance at Harry and was surprised to see him flashing her a small grin.

Hermione was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Being the Head Girl was what she had always wanted. Now she just wanted to know who the Head Boy was.

As Hermione, Harry, and Ron made their way through the entrance hall, Hermione's almond shaped eyes wandered over to Draco Malfoy. Expecting to see his usual smirk of distaste, she was caught by surprise when she saw a look of deep sadness across his usually proud face. She could have sworn she saw a single tear float down his unnaturally blotchy face, but her attention was jerked away when Ron bellowed in her ear.

"Oi! The feast is beginning!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. You don't have to shout."

She completely forgot the sad boy in the Slytherin robes.

Hermione felt especially content after her meal of lamb chops, boiled potatoes, fresh greens, and Yorkshire pudding, knowing that she would soon be in her new dormitory.

"I would like it to be known that the Astronomy Classes will temporarily be off limits due to the need to renovate the room. Classes will take place on the grounds by greenhouse one until further notice…" rambled Professor Dumbledore. Hermione was secretly scolding herself for not paying attention, but wanted to see the Head girl's room so badly. At last Dumbledore was finished with his notices, and Hermione picked up her pace, intent on getting to the dormitory. As she neared the door, she ran straight into none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Watch where you're going mudblood."

"Well if you weren't so clumsy…" muttered Hermione, trailing off when she opened the door to the Head Boy and Girl Common Room. It was astounding. There were golden curtains hanging from stained glass windows. There was an elaborate fireplace with enormous plush armchairs and a long, wide plush couch. In the corner a mahogany desk was situated in front of a carefully carved chair. Next to that was a large, sturdy bookcase to hold all of her books.

"This is heaven." she thought. Hermione was so wrapped up in her plans that she did not see the new Head Boy enter the room.

"Oh my god. Surely you're not the Head Girl." said a voice only too familiar.

"Malfoy? What the hell do you think you're doing in here?! This is only for Head-"

" I am aware of that Granger. I am Head Boy."

Hermione suddenly lost it. How could this happen? How could she have to live with Malfoy for her entire year at Hogwarts?

"Fine. But let's make something perfectly clear. You are not to come anywhere near me or my belongings."

" Like I wanted to."

Hermione sighed and made her way toward the living quarters. She huffed at the thought of having to live in the same room as Malfoy. She shrugged off that fact and arranged her belongings on her shelf and put her trunk at the edge of her bed. She was about to undress when Draco strutted into the room.

"Get out Malfoy. I'm trying to get ready for bed."

"Hey, this is my room too, and I will come and go as I please."

Hermione sighed.

"Just turn around or something."

Draco obliged and quickly turned around. Hermione unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it into her laundry hamper. She strode over to her nightstand and picked up her brush and began to smooth and untangle her wavy dark hair. Draco couldn't help but peek over his shoulder. His breath caught in his chest as he studied her carefully structured body. His eyes drank in her smooth, creamy white skin; only wishing there was more in his sight. He quickly turned around and pulled his bed hangings across and closed his eyes.

"Intolerable Mudblood. She doesn't even know she's beautiful."

It was one of those feelings of love and hatred all at the same time. In a part of him he loathed her for being what she was…not of pure blood. She was everything his father despised, and would never allow him to be with her on a more personal level. But in another part, he wanted her. Wanted to be with her, wanted to talk to her, wanted to be able to gaze at her without the look of disdain he saved for Gryffindors.

"She's a mudblood. You shouldn't even associate yourself with her." he thought to himself, then turned over, away from her presence. After what seemed to be hours, he became lost in a deep sleep with a single tear caught in his lashes.

Hermione finished changing and plopped down onto her goose feather bed, more than ready for a long sleep. It was Friday--she had the weekend before term started, and she wasn't going to waste any of it. She wrapped herself in her thoughts and drifted off to sleep, with the sound of Malfoy's somewhat choked breathing in the back of her mind.

End of Chapter One

A/N: I'm really sorry if my formats and things aren't up to scratch; this is my first fanfiction, and I'm still learning my way around! Flames and other comments welcomed if you feel the need to review…which I would appreciate very much. I do not own Harry Potter, only the plot...so on and so forth.