Disclaimer: Do you really think by now that I own it? If you do, you are incredibly STUPID!
A/N: KENZIE! Dude, hey! How's Serge? –winks evilly— Guess what you little cool peoples? (my reviewers r the cool people, you know?) I got CONTACTS! Even though most of you don't know me and really don't care……I did and I'm special! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Thanks 4 reviewing y'all!
Chapter Eighteen—Snogs and Dates
"Hermione?" Draco asked, irritable.
"What?" She glanced over a large book that was propped up on a newly-created 'book-rest'.
"I'm bored," he was still irritable.
"I can't help you with that, Draco," Hermione said, this time not looking up.
"Oh, yes, you can," he was sly now. In a matter of instants he had walked from the couch to a cushy chair where Hermione was sitting. She glanced up at him again and rolled her eyes.
After going back to her book, she spoke with an annoyed tone, "Just because we're dating doesn't mean that I can help with your boredom in the way that you expect. I can advise you to read this book, however. It's very intriguing."
"Oh, lighten up, Hermione. I didn't mean it that way—"
"And neither did I—" she cut in.
"I just wanted a kiss." He finished, ignoring her comment. He leaned in toward her and she swatted his face away. He touched his nose gingerly, as it had taken most of the blow.
"I'm reading," she said simply and wriggled around in the chair to give the impression of 'settling in.' She then smiled evilly behind the book.
Draco was not dissuaded, however. He moved the book and restaway and was a centimeter away from her mouth when she hit him upside the head with said book. He fell forward into her lap and she supported the book on his head and continued to read. "Oh, ouch," came a muffled voice from her skirt.
"Deal with it. I told you I was reading," Hermione said with Draco's signature smirk playing about her lips.
"I know you're smirking," he said accusingly.
"And does that bother you? Because I can always push this book into your head harder. Then you won't have to be taunted with the fact that I am smirking at you."
"How would I not know?"
"Because I would have knocked you out."
"That's a lovely thought."
"I know. And I will lift up the book for five seconds to let you get out of my lap. It's rather…awkward," She finished with raised eyebrows.
Now Draco used his smirk, "Oh, but I'm comfortable right here."
Hermione raised her eyebrows higher, "You will get off of me." The book pressed harder.
"Fine!" Draco said in indignant pain. He pushed the book off his head with a few grunts of pain and fell backward onto the floor. Hermione shut her book and looked down at him with a critical eye. Maybe she had hurt him a little too much. Nestling the book in between the armrest and the cushion of the chair, she stood up and knelt beside Draco. He glared at her and groaned softly.
"Draco Malfoy, don't you dare make me feel guilty!" Hermione was suddenly on her feet, speaking shrilly.
He grinned, "But it's so fun…"
She gave an annoyed 'harrumph,' picked up her book, and moved to the couch, spreading out over its entire length.
"Hey, Hermione," Draco said from the floor.
"What?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Do you want to go somewhere?"
"Like…on a date?" her eyes widened as he smiled, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "What kind of date?" She asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes again, though further this time.
"Just dinner…or something." Draco answered, still sitting on the floor, a thoughtful expression displayed on his features.
"What would 'or something' mean?" Hermione asked, her voice in a dangerous almost-whisper.
"I don't want to tell you," Draco childishly responded, crossing his arms over his chest.
Hermione went back to her book, "Then don't expect me to come."
"Fine," he said, for the second time in five minutes. "I'll make you a deal. I take you to dinner and then I get to take you somewhere else. A surprise."
Hermione considered it, then rolled her eyes, "Oh, alright, I guess. I've never been to dinner with a boy before."
"And I doubt you've ever done what else I have in mind," Draco spoke to himself, grinning mischievously.
Hermione was busy marking her place in her book and she didn't hear him. When she had finished, she stood up and asked, "So, what should I wear? And, where are we going?"
"Something casual. We're going right here. I'm redecorating the place."
Hermione grinned, "Sounds…slightly dangerous, to say the least." She disappeared into the joined room and began to get dressed.
First, she pulled a red shirt on. It was cut rather low and had three-quarter length sleeves that draped in graceful folds. Then, to dull the very fancy effect—Draco had said casual—she pulled on khaki pants and swept her hair into a messy but still nice looking ponytail.
"Can I come out yet?" she asked timidly, unaware of what to expect.
"No," Draco answered simply, almost finished with the decorations. He had created an outdoorsy effect, putting a lattice terrace over the entire room with fake vines draped across it. He darkened the ceiling—it was nighttime after all—and added fake stars and constellations to make it more real. The furnishings vanished, to be replaced by a single wooden table with plain chairs, lit by glimmering candles. He added a fountain beside them, and a few plant sculptures; which framed the table beautifully. He then created the menus, which would give the diners food at their command. Finally, he said, "Ready! But let me escort you."
He was dressed in black pants—not too fancy—and a white short-sleeved shirt that complimented the pants well. He had done nothing to his hair except straighten itup a bit. He then took the steps to the Lioness door and entered. Hermione sat on the bed, a false scowl on her lips, "What took you so long?" She asked jokingly.
"I had to make it as beautiful as you," Draco answered simply, and she shut up immediately. (A/N: I know, I know, I know! It's cheesy. Forgive me, I beg of you!)
He took her arm and escorted her to the table, simply soaking in her praise of the decoration. But before he let her actually see the seating arrangement, he said, "Oh, wait!" and covered her eyes. "I forgot something." He waved his wand and a vase appeared, holding a single red rose. He took his hand off her face.
"Kind of fancy for a first date, don't you think?" she asked skeptically.
"I only do it this well when I know it will be a success," He answered, smiling slightly.
She grinned, "You're rather cocky, no?"
He ignored her comment and pulled out her chair, "Do sit," He said formally, beckoning with his arm.
Still smiling, she took the seat and scooted herself in. As he took his seat, she said—continuing the formalities, "So, Mr. Malfoy. What do you plan on ordering?"
"Oh, I'm not sure. Perhaps the…spaghetti with meatballs." He smiled as well.
"Yes," Hermione went on. "I was considering that, but I think I've decided on the meat loaf. How do we order?"
"Just ask," He responded, and gave a demonstration. "Spaghetti with meatballs!" He said clearly and the food appeared with a small pop.
"Meat loaf." Hermione told her plate and it appeared as well, along with utensils and a small glass of water.
"Now, now. Don't talk to the plates, Hermione." Draco chided, and gave her a motherly look.
"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry mother!" Hermione played along, a giggle rising in her throat. They both laughed and began to eat, dinner in the Great Hall obviously forgotten.
After they had finished, Draco waved his wand and it all disappeared. He grinned mischievously again and said, "Time for your surprise, Hermione."
"Oh, joy," She said dully, but she was grinning all the same. "What is it?"
"I'm taking you…" he paused. "Flying."
"No, no, no," she paled and the grin slid off her face. "Anything but flying. I hate it, hate it, hate it!"
"But you agreed." He persisted, frowning slightly.
"But not to flying! I don't think you understand. I don't like flying."
"I can see that."
"But, but, no! Please, Draco?" She puppy-eyed him, but was out of luck.
"You're not getting out of it, Hermione. Let's go. Just hold on and you'll be fine, I promise."
"Is it a good thing that I'm trusting you?" She asked warily, glaring slightly.
"So you'll come? Great! And yes, it's a good thing." He added at her look.
"Accio broom." He said gleefully and it soared toward him. He caught it and swung a leg over. "We'll fly out the window. Get on."
Hermione tentatively sat on it and wrapped her arms around Draco's waist like she was going to die if she let go. He pushed off the ground, magically opened the window, and they soared out into the moonlight.
Hermione began muttering to herself things like, "Oh dear. No, no, no. Don't fall off. It's only a couple hundred feet…you'll only suffer major injuries."
Draco took a hand off the broom and squeezed hers, which were clasped tightly around his middle. Bad idea. "DON'T YOU DARE LET GO OF THAT BROOM, DRACO MALFOY." Hermione yelled, though it came out rather high-pitched and squeaky.
"I can hold on with one hand," he said grumpily, but he put both hands on the broom again, just to make her happy. He flew low around the perimeter of the grounds and then steered the broom back near the head's window, Hermione quietbutvery pale the whole way."Do you want to go back now?" He asked her, turning around slightly.
Hermione had lessened her hold around him, "Please, can we?" she asked. "But it was fun." She added, before he got offended. He turned back around, smiled and flew them inside.
They got ready for bed quickly and Hermione gave Draco a goodnight kiss before he asked, "Can I snog you yet?"
"No." she answered curtly, her demeanor going from to calm to hard in a few instants.
"But why not? We're dating, and you still won't let me snog you? I can't believe this." He said in mock confusion, scratching his head.
"If I snogged you, would that be all that you wanted? If I gave you what you wanted, would that be all that you asked for? For now, I'm sure yes. But later on, you'll ask for more, expecting me to always give in. I think it should happen naturally, not because you or I want it to. In other words, I want it to be love and not lust."
She turned out the light with a wave of her wand, placed the object on her dresser, and climbed into the bed, Draco following her. He didn't say a word. He didn't need to. He knew she was right. Wasn't she always? But…what she had said. He knew they had only had one date, but hey, things can happen fast…did it mean she loved him?
A/N: HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHAHAHAhAhAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA! I am EVIL! Such a lovely cliffy, no? But a longer chapter, nevertheless. So you should be satisfied, correct? Good. REVIEW! Yes, REVIEW! Or else…….well, nothing will really happen to you. But you know you want to review, right?