I don't own yu-gi-oh…

It was a day like any other, except its… MOTHERS DAY!

Drusilla was making tired and couldn't think of anything to give her mother. Her mother had told Drusilla she didn't want anything, but Drusilla still wanted to give something to her. Drusilla thought and thought, but never thought of something.

Drusilla was in the kitchen making lists upon lists of what she could get her mother, but nothing seemed quit right. Seto walked into the kitchen and shook his head when he saw Drusilla repeatedly hit her head into the table.

"She said she didn't want anything, so don't." Seto said like it was no big deal. Drusilla looked up at him with a death glare.

"I have to get her something, it's mothers day?" Drusilla stood up pacing, "you have to get your mother a gift on Mother Day! It would be able normal if I didn't! I mean come on, what was the last thing you got your mother?" As soon as she had said this, she wanted to take it back. "I didn't mean that. I really, really didn't mean to say that."

"You know, that's the sad thing. I don't even remember the last thing I gave my mother." Seto leaned agents the counter. "I can't even remember the word that my father use to say, over, and over, and over again."

"I'm sorry." Looking down, Mokuba came into the kitchen.

"Is this bad timing?" Mokuba asked.

"No, we were just talking."

"Right… Seto?"


"Are we going to see mom and dad today?" Mokuba asked with pleading eyes.

"I don't think so." Seto said walking to the coffee machine.

"But Seto, you didn't go last year. Or the year before that. And the year before that too! You need to come with me some time."

"Mokuba, I'm busy. Very busy, I can't go today. Maybe next week."

"Next week?" Mokuba said shocked. "Next week! Seto that's what you say every time I bring up going to see mom and dad you freak! You always say you have something to do, I'm really tired of it!"

"And I'm tired of you bugging me about it!" Seto turned to look at Drusilla hoping that she would help. Drusilla just shook her head.

"You're just scared!'

"I'm not scared of anything, Mokuba. Now I'm going to the office to work, bye."

"Why are you so afraid, Seto? Why?" But he had already walked away.

Drusilla walked over to Mokuba who was about in tears. "I'll come with you." Mokuba looked up at Drusilla stunned.

"Y- you will?"

"Yeah, I want to meet your mother and father. When shall we leave?"

"As soon as possible, it looks like it's about to rain." Mokuba said with a smile on his face.

"Well, then let me go grab my jacket and we'll go."

"Ok, I'll meet you out in the car. I'm going to pick some flowers from the garden."

At the graveyard

It was a long silent drive from the Kaiba house, to the graveyard. By the time they got there, it was almost dawn. Mokuba was grinning ear to ear as they walked up to the gravestones.

"Hi mom, hi dad, how are you?" Mokuba set down the flowers.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Nuse, it's very nice to meet you."

"Happy Mothers Day, mom." Mokuba said running his hand down the gravestone. "Seto didn't come again, I think he's still hurt about you guys dieing. I wish he would come here though. He hasn't been here since, well, since your funeral."

"Hold on a second Mokuba, I need to make a call real quick."

"Ok." Mokuba said turning back to the graves. Drusilla walked back to the limo and leaned agents it.

Dialing Seto's office number, no one picked up. Then, Drusilla sighed and called his cell phone. "Pick up, pick up."

"What?" Came Seto's voice.

"Don't sound so happy to hear from me."

"What do you want?"

"Why don't you come on down here?"

"I have work to do, I don't have time to play around."

"Yeah, like seeing your parents graves is really playing around."


"Cold hearted bastard!" Click.

30 min's later

"Well mom and dad, I think we better go. It's dark and starting to rain now. I love you both, good-bye for now." Walking back to the car, Drusilla saw a red car. Even Drusilla could see the cold face of Seto Kaiba, even through the rain.

"I'll go home with your brother, okay?"

"Okay… Wait, what?" Mokuba look shocked to see Seto.

"Mokuba, I'll stay here with your brother. You go home and get some rest."

"Okay, tell Seto I said 'thank you'."

"Okay." And with that, Mokuba got in the limo and went on his way home. As soon as Seto couldn't see the limo anymore, he got out of his car.

"You do this every year? Wait until your little brothers gone so you don't embarrass yourself?"

"Shut the fuck up, Drusilla. This is the first time I've seen these graves since I was little."

"Then, say hi."

Seto looked Drusilla strait in the eyes as he wiped away a long strand on wet hair from her face. He leaned down and kissed Drusilla on the lips. When they broke apart, Seto walked up to the grave and looked down.

"Hello mother and father, sorry I haven't come to see you both for a while." Seto looked over his shoulder at Drusilla and smiled. "Mom, dad, this is Drusilla, the women I love." Drusilla's heart stopped as Seto walked back over to her. "When you called my cell phone, I was just picking this up." Bringing out a ring box, Seto got on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

Drusilla didn't even look at the ring as she said, "Yes". Seto slipped the ring on to Drusilla's finger and stood up. And not once did her eyes ever leave his. "I love you."

Chapter 22:

"Drusilla let me in, please. You need help." Seto said outside the door.

"Go away Seto!"

"Do you think she would want you to lock yourself in your room just because she died?"

"Just go away…" Drusilla fell down on the floor and curled into a ball.

"Fine, you want to do this, FINE!" Seto walked away from the locked door.

"Why did she have to die? What did she ever do to anyone?" Drusilla screamed to no one.