Hey Again! As promised, I have totally and COMPLETELY gone over

"To Go, Please" and revamped it! I'm so excited about all the

changes. If you're wondering why I would go back and strip

down this fic it's mainly for self-gratification. I didn't

really believe I reached my full writing potential with each

chapter so I cut a BUNCH and added even more. The changes aren't

as significant in the first few chapters but as the story

progresses and the plot speeds up considerably, it'll be like

reading a whole new story. I really hope those that were

fans of the previous version will appreciate this more

mature and hopefully better written piece.

Thanks so much for EVERYONE'S support in keeping me working

on this. I really hope you enjoy it; this story has become

more a part of me than any other in the 2 years I've spent

working on it.

Peace in 2004,


Disclaimer: Don't own it, don't want it. I just write about it.

Fanfic: "To go, please."

Author: Adrial

Rating: PG

E-mail: adrial06yahoo.com


Beyond the transparent glass of the bay window,

rays of seeking sunshine passed into the room,

adding a glow to the desolate mood within the it as

shadows danced mournfully across the walls.

My azure eyes deceived me with their cheery

blue depths as I viewed my reflection in the

mirror, pleading with it to dissipate before me

so I could view some semblance of the tortured soul

hidden beneath my calm exterior.

I longed to extinguish the vibrant glow of

my hair so I rumpled it with my fingers leaving

it in a mass of tangles.

Partly satisfied, I ventured across the cool

wooden floor and reached for my robe, which lay

wrinkled on my timeless dresser. My hand brushed against

a smooth picture frame and longingly traced

the image it held. Angrily, my other hand swatted

its partner as if chastising a child and my gaze was

torn away from the object and on to the navy

fabric of my robe. I shouldn't dwell on the past.

Sighing bitterly, I shook my self of any

signs of remorse and placed on my trusty mask of coolness.

It was just another day as me. I couldn't help

but fantasize about waking up one day in the body

of another person...someone other than myself.

But let's not get into my daydreams. They couldn't

comfort me now, anyway.

Subconsciously, my hands felt for the

toothpaste and I scrubbed my pearly teeth.

After cleansing my face, my feet led me to my

closet where I picked out a simple outfit without much

deliberation and exited the room to eat a breakfast

I was sure I wouldn't taste.

My eyes wandered over my half-eaten bowl of cereal

and lingered over my mother's coffee pot, still warm from

previous use. She was gone, I knew. She always left

before I got up, but left a scribbled note with

instructions for dinner and apologies for working late

that night or the previous evening.

I rarely saw her. Part of myself resented

that, but the half that was relieved at not having

to explain my desolate moods rejoiced.

Softly shutting the apartment door, I entered

the elevator and mechanically pushed the ground

floor button. My mother and I had moved into the

extravagant apartment complex in central Tokyo 9

years before. It was 74 stories, the largest in

the city, and because of its close proximity to

Juuban University, where I now studied to follow

in my mother's medical footsteps, I chose to

live at home--at least until graduation.

The charming lobby glowed behind me as I

breezed through the twirling doors, nearly knocking

over a giggling little girl who was prancing in and

out of them, evading her exasperated mother. I smiled

absentmindedly, recognizing the couple as one of my

neighbors, and gave a polite wave.

Like a robot, I weaved through the

condensed morning traffic on foot and approached

the bus-stop. The biting chill that had frozen the

sidewalk over night creaped underneath my coat and

through my skin, sending shivers relentlessly through

my body. I hugged my bookbag closer to my shoulder

and slipped on gloves.

At the corner of Lenox Street where I usually

caught the 8:00 bus, I sighed with relief as the giant

vehicle rolled into the stop, right on time for the first

morning in weeks.

The dreary interior did little to asuage the

winter morning's wrath, and my teeth chattered incessantly

as I searched for a seat in the overcroweded aisle. A small lady

rose to allow me to sit beside her and I greatfully thanked her

and sat.

She eyed my strained smile curiously and quirked a

silver eyebrow as she returned to the novel she'd been

previously reading.

Five minutes later, when my fingers had thawed and

I had removed my hat and scarf, my mind drifted to the day

which lay before me. Classes from 10 to 2, swim-team

meeting at 2:30, a late lunch with Usagi afterwards, senshi

meeting at the temple following that, and then...another

night alone. Lovely.

Finally, after 4 hard years of studying in

high school, I barged through college's front doors

and hungrily devoured any scholastic opportunities

available. The challenges of college expectations

forced me to push myself to the limit and the feeling

of accomplishment I received after a hard day of

educational studies made it all worthwhile.

But even that feeling could not smother the

immense cloud of loneliness aching in my heart.

"Excuse me," I mumbled dully as a man shoved

rudely passed our seat. I picked up the book he had

so kindly ignored knocking out of my lap and dusted

off the cover.

The interruption reminded me to push all

depressing thoughts to the farthest corner of my mind,

lest I enter my first class, Biology 101, and receive a

full interrogation from my lab partner and long time friend,

Mamoru, who would then proceed to blab to Usagi, who would

undoubtedly become glued to my side until I poured my heart and soul

out to her in a moment of utter weakness. The thought

made my stomach lurch.

I exited the bus at my stop and trudged into my

first class.

Throughout the day my classes went as usual.

I stayed alert for any vital information, scribbled notes

as they came, humbly smiled at the compliments given to

me by my professors, and left completely satisfied.

But what was satisfaction without someone to

be satisfied with me other than myself? The papers didn't

hug me and tell me "Good job, Ami." No amount of wishful

thinking would achieve that impossibility.

Not to say that my fellow senshi were anything short

of supportive. They were my best friends, my sisters.

I loved them, yet that sisterly love just didn't quench my

thirst for more.

At the end of my final class, my anatomy professor

hoarsely informed us that we were free to depart and returned

to his desk to grade our tests. On his table-top sat pictures

of his wife and two children. Even he had a life. Sometimes

school could be so depressing.

About an hour later, as I mentally reviewed the

information my swim-team coach rattled off to our team

at our final meeting of the season, my senses notified

me of the presence of anther person.

I pasted on a cheery smile at the bubbly face of

Usagi. She looped her arm through mine and animatedly

rambled about her day. My thoughts trailed elsewhere

as she babbled, but her abrupt silence ceased their

travels. She'd stopped mid-sentence when she realized

I wasn't paying attention.

"Ames...You there? Hellooo..Moon to Mercury!"

Her high-pitched screech left my ears ringing, and as

I snapped back to reality I couldn't help but giggle

at her puffed out face and red cheeks from her outburst.

"Oh, sorry Usa, I'm...a little out of it today."

Releasing the hold on her inhaled air, her faced

deflated slowly as she grinned sympathetically. "I'll say.

What's up? You've been really down lately. Anything

I can do?"

Her sincerity dented the wall of sadness that barred my

heart and my lips curved reluctantly into a genuine grin

to pacify her.

"Maybe we can talk later, Usagi-chan. Right now, I'm


Her mouth moved to protest but after seeing my pleading

eyes, she relented and opted to give me a sisterly hug and

assured me that it would be OK. My mention of food didn't

go unnoticed either.

"Fooood..." She sighed and tugged me harder into the

direction of a string of restaurants clustered conveniently

beside the campus green.

I sighed as well, though not out of anticipation.

I was slightly irked at myself for drowning in my own self

pity all day long. It wasn't like me to be so melancholy

for such a long time, but each time I tried to forget,

tried to push memories away, they came tumbling over their

lid with a vengance.

Usagi began relaying a story of about her father

doing something awful to embarass her at the market one

day, and I sucked in a breath as if I'd been abruptly

stung by something.

She instantly paused, taking her arm out of mine

and placing a hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide, and

I stared at them for a moment, stealing a few seconds from

the world to relive a moment one week ago. The moment when

my father came back.

His shadow fell on the threshold of my apartment that night out

of God-knows-where begging to talk to me. He left my mother and

me when I was 10, and 9 years of pain attacked my soul with a

vengeance at the sight of his long-forgotten face. Letting my

emotions do the talking for me, I basically informed him that neither

I, nor my mother needed any more emotional trouble from him in our

hectic lives.

My eyes did not fail to see the look of sorrow flash in his

shimmering gray orbs and in that brief moment my body screamed at

my heart to let it jump at him and lash him to pieces for the pain

he caused, but my heart did not relent.

After he eventually left, my mother arrived home to find my

broken body racked with sobs and lying crinkled on the doorstep. She

rushed to my side and immediately asked what happened to me.

Through tears and a throbbing heart, I told her of my father's visit

and she comforted me with hugs and dry kisses against my head.

I felt quite content at that moment. That was until she decided

to drop the bomb.

"Ami-chan, what else has been troubling you lately?

You never talk to me anymore...I feel like you're avoiding me.

I miss you, sweetie," She cast her eyes downwards, "You know...

you keep going off all the time, and I worry about you."

I stared into her eyes at that moment and wished so badly

to tell her of the turbulent whirlpool of emotions that clouded

my mind--to tell her how much I longed for someone to love me--how much

I wished I could be normal with no responsibilities. I almost did.

And that scares me. But, it made me realize that I would never be

able to tell her about all my troubles because my identity as a

senshi could not be revealed.

I wanted to mend the broken bond between us, but all I could

do was let out a painful sob and flee to my bedroom...away from her

pain-stricken face.

I know she cried. I cried. I cried for my mother whom I had

lost my bond with, my father whom I never knew and probably never

would know...and my eyes left pools of moisture on my red face for

the image in the picture frame--he left me, too--and as much as

I'm ashamed to admit it, I cried for me.

I never asked for any of this. It was chosen for me before

in a life that I can hardly remember. I am the pretty sailor suited

soldier, Mercury, destined to protect Princess Serenity. I know it

sounds horrible, but sometimes I wish I never found that black feline

that fateful day. Ever since, I've been battling malicious youmas and

evil witches knowing that they'd never cease in their thirst for


But, if my wish did come true and I was stripped of Mercury's

power, who would I be? After all the smoke lifted and I was able to

inhale the sweet air of peacefulness knowing that I wouldn't have to

become Sailor Mercury again, what else would be left? Without

Mercury I'd be nothing but plain old book-worm Ami. I wanted more

than that! I wanted to be more than that.

Part of me screamed to be set free from this prison of

predictability. I wanted to have someone who was able to unleash

the sweet, affectionate, spontaneous side of me. In truth...

I wanted what Usagi and Mamoru have.

Well, who doesn't? Wouldn't you? Imagine...a love you didn't

even have to work to get? It just popped up like a rabbit out of a

hat and you were blissfully happy together.

Oh, but who am I kidding here? Of COURSE they worked for it.

They died countless times for each other and waited a millennia to be

rejoined. I am happy for them--it's just...God, I envy their love

so much. At least the others are dating. I can't even get a second

glance from most guys--probably because I don't stay around long

enough to see if I will.

Forced to release my thoughts into the crowded space in

my mind, I watched Usagi pull open a set of glass doors and

allowed the strong aroma of hazelnut and vanilla to waft into

my nostrils. A few students sat at various tables throughout

the room sipping mocha chinos while reading books or chatting

sociably with friends.

When the newly constructed Starbucks opened, Usagi

practically dragged us all into it, stating that on her visit

to America to see family, the mochas and cafe lattés had hooked her.

Needless to say, she saw little of her family that summer and a lot

more of the inside of a steaming cup of vanilla flavored caffeine.

It didn't take long for Rei and Minako and fall in love with

their hazelnut mochas or Makoto to order five vanilla frappachinos,

and so began our daily Starbucks ritual.

I eyed the menu while Usagi rattled off the orders of our friends.

Momentarily distracted from the menu by the yelp of laughter sounding

from a nearby table, my eyes ventured over the counter at our waiter

for the first time and pulled to an abrupt halt. As his full lips

stretched into a polite smile towards Usagi as she tried to sort out

the orders, my heart sped up wildly, beating as if I were running a

50-mile marathon.

Now keep in mind, I never give men a good looking-over, but...

this man was...amazing.

His honey-blonde hair fell sexily across his forehead to

accentuate his sea-green eyes. My spine tingled and I pleaded with

my eyes to stop their travel, but they would not oblige. His chiseled

chest could be seen under his uniform shirt and I almost began

fantasizing him without it on, but my thoughts were interrupted

by Usagi's voice, yet again.

"Ami, you spacing out again?"

I felt my cheeks flush crimson and I straightened myself

to look at her.

"Um..n-no, sorry. Just...trying to decide what I want."

That shouldn't be too hard...

My excuse seemed to satisfy her--at least for now--and

forcing my hungry eyes to gaze at something other than the

attractive male taking my order, I pretended to be reading the

menu over his head and mumbled my order of a vanilla espresso.

His rather inviting lips curved into another smile.

"Will that be for here, or to go, miss?"

"For here." The words left my mouth before I could put a

leash on them and restrain them and I quickly squashed the urge

to sit at a table and just watch him work all afternoon.

"I-I mean, t-to go." I managed to stretch my lips into some

semblance of a smile and retrieved my cup from his hands.

I could not ignore the sensation of total bliss that soared through

my veins as his long fingers brushed my own.

Did he just call me 'Miss'? The first male I'm attracted to

in forever and he thinks I'm OLD.

I shook the thought off and, turning abruptly,

walked briskly to the door snatching up a few napkins as I went.

"Hey, Ames! Wait for me!" Poor Usagi was carrying a

crowded tray of four beverages, and I stopped to help her

out before she and the drinks both toppled over.

I didn't know what came over me. I had seen attractive

men all over campus...why was I suddenly acting like a little

school girl? I almost wanted to giggle and skip down the

sidewalk and would have if it had not been for that blasted

voice again, interrupting my thoughts.

I think I'm going insane.

"So, Ami-chan. You wanna explain what just happened

in there?" Her sapphire orbs searched my own and she had

the look of knowingness that I soon came to fear.

"Usagi-chan? What do you mean?" I played innocent

and sipped my espresso.

"You know what I mean! The customers in there were

about to whip out their row boats so they wouldn't drown

in your sea of drool! Not to mention the babbling and

intense blushing. If I was crazy, I'd say you just got bit

but the LuuUUUUv Bug." She laughed at the look of pure

stupor that appeared on my face.

"You are crazy, for one. And for two, I did not

get bitten by any "Luv Bug" as you call it. There is no

such thing. I just...couldn't decide what I wanted," The creamy

liquid in my cup seemed much more inviting then her smug

smirks at the moment.

I reached up to tuck some hair behind my ears like I

always do in awkward situations.

"Uh huuh...reeeaalllly..." She placed an arm around my

shoulder,"Don't worry about it!" She wriggled her eyebrows

and leaned closer towards my ear, "His eyes were doing a

little 'wandering' of their own, too."

With that she took off giggling madly and managed to

almost run over a pedestrian. I stood stupefied for a few

seconds before chasing after her.

"Usagi! What do you mean, 'wandering'?! Come back here!


Well? How'd you like so far? I really am enjoying writing it

and if you have any comments PLEASE e-mail me! I really want

to hear from you! Flames or compliments... all are welcome!


