Alc: Hello all! (bows) I'm truly sorry that this fic hasn't been updated since 2004, to tell you all the truth, I've been busy trying to graduate high school and now I'm going to have to worry about college so updates will come even worse than they used to (which was like, every month or so depending on how busy I was). I know I probably have no fans left but, if there are any, please forgive my absence! On another note, what do you all think of the new Bionicle arc that we're in? I like the Toa/Toa Nuva and Toa Metru, but I'm slightly confused about the Toa Inika but that's probably because I haven't read the novels. I get the comics for free (because I'm in the Lego Club) and suddenly Jaller, Kongu, and the other well known Matoran show up and their TOA? Jaller keeps mentioning that the Toa Nuva failed at getting the Mask of Life, so what exactly happened to the Toa Nuva? Hopefully they'll explain as we get more comics. I still miss the Toa Nuva though, they'll always be my favorite…perhaps we'll journey back and meet them all again, who knows?
Lewa: Didn't we all ready know this brother?
Pohatu: Well, I suppose that we did…
Alc: Anyways, here's chapter 5 of Journey to a New World!
Before Areia could do anything an explosion sounded on the TV and the news crew ran away from the destruction that the Rahi were causing.
Lewa spoke, "We better quick-run if we want to stop those Rahi and make sure that people don't get hurt!" Pohatu agreed and before Areia knew it she was picked up by the Toa of Stone and was racing off to fight Rahi.
Blurs were all that she could see. Green, brown, black, blue, the only thing that didn't seem like a blur was herself, Pohatu, and Lewa. All too soon Pohatu screeched to a halt and Lewa landed next to them on the deserted, crumbling street.
"Oh man, I hope no one got attacked by the Rahi. Speaking of Rahi, where are they?" Areia asked. Lewa held his swords at the ready and looked from right to left.
"They must have quick-escaped from the scene. Wait a second…" Lewa's head cocked a little to the side. Areia then heard a crackling sound. Almost like something burning.
Pohatu's body grew tense. "I believe we've found the Rahi. Brother, let's go take care of this mess before anyone sees us! Areia, you see if you can find any people who may be hurt, get them to safety if you can!" Areia nodded her head in understanding and watched the two Toa head off towards the source of the noise.
"Be safe guys." Was all Areia thought as she turned around and started walking towards a group of apartments that looked a little worse for wear.
Lewa Nuva and Pohatu Nuva dodged another attack as the Rahi they were fighting spewed fire at them. Lewa launched up into the air as Pohatu ran around behind the two Rahi. Lewa flew around in circles creating a whirlwind, while Pohatu ran around in the opposite direction. Both of their air currents collided and created a huge tornado of force, which ripped the Rahi they were fighting to pieces.
"Well," Lewa said as he landed on the ground. "That about does it for our Rahi foes. Why don't we go check up on Areia?" Pohatu agreed and the two raced off to find Areia.
Areia, meanwhile, was having some troubles as well.
"Stupid, STUPID RAHI! WHAT, DO I HAVE A 'PLEASE CHASE ME, I TASTE GOOD!' SIGN STUCK TO MY BACK?" Areia yelled as she ran away from the Rahi that was chasing her.
Areia skidded to a stop in front of a broken down brick wall. "Oh great, just my luck!" She heard a crashing noise as the Rahi that had been chasing her rounded the corner and tripped over it's own two feet.
Areia would have laughed, if the Rahi hadn't of been chasing her. The Rahi struggled to try and pick itself up off the ground. Areia looked around to see if there was anything around that she could use to defend herself. She growled as she noticed that there wasn't anything better than a flimsy plank of wood. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a pole sticking out of a mound of rubble.
"This looks like my only hope!" She thought to herself as she jogged over to the pole and pulled it out of the rubble. She turned around when she heard the Rahi growl and snort. The Rahi slowly took steps towards her as it bared its fangs and claws.
Areia took a firm hold of the pole and held it in front of her like a sword. "I don't even have any sort of sword training! I can only fight with my fists…I'm going to get myself KILLED!" She thought to herself as the Rahi charged.
Areia barely dodged a swipe of the Rahi's claws as she rolled to safety. She quickly rose to her feet, so as to be ready if the Rahi decided to attack again, and hit the Rahi on the arm.
The Rahi growled as he looked at what had hit his arm. Areia took a few steps back.
"Heh heh…oh crap." She said as the Rahi prepared to charge at her. Areia swallowed the lump in her throat and got ready to charge. "This is probably the last chance I'll have to attack. I better make it count!"
As the Rahi started to run at her Areia charged forward towards it, ready to knock off it's mask with her pole.
Pohatu and Lewa Nuva heard the noise from a few blocks away. They had defeated all of the Rahi in the area.
Pohatu Nuva looked at Lewa Nuva with worry. "I hope that that Rahi isn't attacking Areia. We better go stop it brother!" Lewa Nuva nodded in agreement and the two sped off towards the fight that was taking place.
Areia stood there, blood dripping down her left arm where the Rahi's claws had raked across her upper arm. The Rahi had fallen with a well-placed knock to the head that had jarred its mask loose. The Rahi now lay in a heap behind Areia, a few sparks jumping from its neck.
Areia's head turned when she heard two noises. Afraid that it was more Rahi she held her pole at the ready. But lowered it slightly when she noticed that it was Pohatu Nuva and Lewa Nuva.
Pohatu Nuva and Lewa Nuva looked in shock at the fallen Rahi next to Areia's feet. Areia dropped the pole to the ground and it clattered on the cracked and broken concrete. She looked at the two Toa and smiled a little.
"You know, I could've been seriously hurt, where were you guys?" she said jokingly. Pohatu shrugged while Lewa said.
"Um, beating up Rahi-monsters?"
Areia finished cleaning the cuts she had gotten from the Rahi and bandaged them up. She then walked into the living room where Pohatu and Lewa were sitting on her couch. Areia had found out that that seemed to be hers and the Toa's "hang out" spot when they weren't outside.
Pohatu turned to look at her as she stood next to the couch. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked as she looked at him and Lewa. Both of them had been extremely worried about her, especially when they had heard the commotion that led them to find her in the first place.
Areia nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just got a few scratches, they'll heal up in a few days." Suddenly the ringing of the phone interrupted their discussion.
"Hold on, I'll get it. Hello? Hi, so when are you guys coming back?" Pohatu and Lewa looked at each other as she talked on the phone.
"What? Um, okay, can't wait to see you. Bye." Areia hung up the phone and looked at the two Toa. "We've got a problem…mom and dad will be back tomorrow."
Lewa nearly choked. "What? How in Mata Nui's name are we supposed to hide with them here?" Areia shook her head.
"Well, you could stay in my room and pretend your really big models. I'll just tell mom and dad that I won a Lego contest and you guys were the prize. They only know about the little models, they'd probably believe me if I told them I got a couple of big ones as a prize in a contest."
Pohatu looked at her oddly. "What will we have to do?"
"Well, just try not to move or talk while my parents are in my room, and you'll be just fine. Other than that, just try not to be seen moving around by them, huh?" Pohatu and Lewa nodded in agreement and understanding.
Meanwhile, in the forest nearby…
Onua Nuva's eyes glowed to life.
"…Where am I? The last thing I remember was Gali and I investigating that portal."
Alc: Well, are you all happy that I updated? I hope so, like I said, I'll try to remember to update, but with me starting college in two weeks, I don't think that'll happen anytime soon. Ooh, Onua's been dragged into the real world now huh? And what about Gali you ask? Well you'll just have to read the next chapter to find out.
With Onua finally finding the location of his missing brothers he starts to wonder where the now missing Gali is. As the three Toa Nuva try to find a way to go home, one of Areia's friends finds that he has a strange visitor at his house. A visitor that he recognizes from Areia's, as he calls them 'worshipping fits', a visitor that looks strangely like a blue robot.
Portals are continuing to open all over the real world and on Mata Nui. Will the Toa Nuva ever get back home, or will they all become stuck in a world where they are nothing more than a dream, a creation…a toy?