Alright this is a revision of 'The least of our worries'. I've been thinking about doing this for a long time now, and I finally got my lazy butt to go and start typing. So here goes. Now for all who don't know, in this story Yukina knows that Hiei is her brother and both Hiei and Kurama have already ascended as Demon Lords.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter. Comprende. Good.
"KOENMA," screamed a certain fire youkai. All of the different ogres who worked in that department turned their heads to look wide-eyed at the intruder. The spiky haired hothead was obviously upset, with random things combusting spontanteously. He stomped through the aisles and made his way to the elevator at the other end of the room. He jabbed the button to take him up to the floor and his eye twitched when that too caught on fire. A few seconds later he barged into the Koenma's office. "What is this, some sick joke?" Asked the jaganshi. His face obviously showed annoyance.
"Calm down Hiei, when the others get here I'll explain everything," answered the toddler with his pacifier in place as usual.
Sure enough a few minutes later, the door opened and the rest of the Renkai Tentai minus Kuwabara emerged into the room. "Alright pacifier breath what's going on," yelled the spirit detective. By the look on his face he was just as annoyed as Hiei was. It was puffed and red and to make matters worse he had a rather large red hand print on his left cheek. In his hand, he held some scraps of paper that looked as if they had been thrown in the trash. Beside him was Kurama who, despite his friend's frustrated desposition, had a small smile on his face and was looking quite content. Next to him, the ruby eyed Koorime was smiling sheepishly at Yusuke's outburst.
"I assure you Yusuke that if you give Koenma some time to explain he can," spoke the red haired youth with emerald eyes. To his left, the ruby eyed ice apparition nodded her head in agreement.
"Thank you Kurama, now if one of you would be kind enough to let me see the letter I can answer any questions." Koenma said standing up on his desk. Yukina walked up to Koenma, handed him her letter and sat herself down right next to her brother. It read:
Dear Ms. Jaganshi,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will be attending your fifth year with your companions. Enclosed is a list of supplies that fifth years are required to have.
The term starts on September 1st. Please be on the Hogwarts Express at platform 93/4 for 11a.m. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster of Hogwarts
"Now, from what I understand, this is a wizarding school. It teaches different subjects such as Potions and Defense against the Dark Arts. Now, from what I know of the wizarding world, it's been under a bit of pressure lately from the main baddie showing up and killing off a student. Now, as Professor Dumbledore sent you all invitations, I want you to accept and be on the look out. Think of it as a new mission. Also, as you will be attending a SCHOOL," he emphasized the word school, "you will be expected to keep up the necessary grade requirement and act as students. Now, any questions?"
"Why isn't Kuwabara going with us?"
"Where do we find all these things on the supply list?"
"Where is this, Hogwarts?"
"Is this thing mandatory?"
At the first question, Koenma openly flinched. "Kuwabara isn't here because well..uh.. he didn't get a letter. You get the supplies at a place in London called Diagon Alley that you'll visit later, Kurama. Hogwarts is deep in the Great Britain countryside. And yes Hiei, it is mandatory."
The fact that the baka wouldn't be going lightened Hiei's day, though the fact that HE had to go, pissed the fire demon off completely. Smirking, he made his way down the steps with the rest of the spirit detective group to the portal Koenma had ready for him. Without that ignorant carrot top around, he could finally put his plan for his little sister in action. She was Koorime and could easily produce children on her own, but Hiei and seen how found she had grown of having company and he didn't want her to end up being alone in the end. She just needed the man...ahem...demon.
The Leaking Cauldron, London:
The Renkai Tentai had fallen through the portal straight into the Floo Powder network. They tumbled out of the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, with Hiei unfortunately landing on the bottom. Yusuke and Kurama scrambled off of the vertically challenged demon and dusted themselves off as Yukina helped her sibling off the floor. Everyone and turned to look at first but seeing someone fall out of the fireplace was a normal occurrence in the pub and they paid it no mind. Kurama being the most respectful one of the group (Yukina didn't like being around strangers) went up to the bartender, who they later learned was named Tom, and asked if he could point them out to Diagon Alley. Staring at them strangely, he motioned them over to sidealley in the back of the pub. He murmed to himself and then hit a brick in the wall, which started to cause the brick to move.
"Wow," was the only :word that could leave Yusuke's mouth as they walked into Diagon Alley and the others had to agree. The small street was overflowing with stores of all kinds. Some echoed with the screeching of birds, while others were filled to the brim with laughing children. One building stuck out though, a large cream colored one at the far end of the street.
"Alright we have to go to the bank first, then to get the books, our robes and wands after that, and finally our pets.Oh yeah, we also need some stuff from the apothecary as well." stated Kurama as they made their way to Gringotts. Being Demon Lords they were pretty loaded with money and all decided that they would all pitch in the pay for Yukina's stuff as well. As they walked into the bank they were greeted with the sight of goblins. Hiei grabbed and pulled Yukina close to him, glaring at every goblin in sight. He was contemplating on simply setting the entire place on fire and taking what he wanted but he knew that the others wouldn't agree and besides if this was a wizarding bank, they might have a slightly better security system than the ones the humans had in Japan. Kurama walked up to a free goblin asking him about exchanging gems instead of money. The old creature muttered to himself about young ones knowing anything about gems but agreed to take the stones in exchange for wizarding currency. Kurama motioned to Hiei and Yusuke to come over and the trio emptied one of their pockets. The goblin widened his eyes in disbelief. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, garnets, topazes, the occasional hiroseke and gems that they never heard of fell onto the desk.
"We would like to have four equal accounts from that amount of money," ordered Kurama. The accountant poured the gems down a small funnel, gave them each a key and then called a goblin to take them to different vaults. As they entered the vault storage space, Hiei eyed the cart warily, not trusting it with his sister's well being.
"Oh come now, the carts are quite safe. There are various spells on them and no one has ever been hurt." The goblin had already gotten into the carts and was jumping up and down inside of it to emphasize his words. Kurama raised his eyebrow and climbed in with the others making sure to put Yukina in the middle. "Alright, now off we go."
"Oh, I think I'm going to be sick..." Yukina clutched her stomach as she walked out of the bank with the help of Kurama. Yusuke was currently dragging out Hiei who had began to make a ruckus about getting his little sister ill. Kurama was slowly rubbing her back, his hands sliding through her blue tresses which she had let hang down for the day. After a while of sitting down and drinking a little water, her stomach had settled and they decided to get their books first.
"Come now Hiei, it's just a bookstore," said Kurama as he stopped Hiei from exiting yet another time. This time he had Yusuke as an accomplice.
"Just a bookstore," mumbled the angry pyro and punk as they glared at everything in sight. The Renkai Tentai would be joining the fifth year class, and they would have to get themselves caught up, much to Yusuke's constant annoyance. They picked out the different books that they would need and Yukina had to drag Hiei away from a book of hexes and other not so nice stuff. They heaved the overstuffed bags and walked out of the store with their arms loaded.. or more like Hiei's, Yusuke's, and Kurama's arms loaded and Yukina offering to hold a bag or two. After opening another portal to the Reikai, they dropped their stuff off and returned to Diagon Alley to get their robes.
They entered Madame Malkins Robes for Every Ocassion but had to wait because all of the workers were busy running up and down taking orders. Yukina was eyeing some fabric near the window when a young girl with long black in soft wavy curls caught her eye. She was wearing a kimono much like her own but this one had slits up the sides for flexiblity. "Yes, can I help you?" The voice snapped Yukina out of her reverie and she saw a woman fiddling with a measuring tape. After getting measured (much to Hiei's great disapproval ), and the the tape accidentally catching on fire, they were able to get their black robes for Hogwarts. However, their money bags were still quite full and they decided to buy some additional robes, more fancier and colorful ones. They left the shop with four bags and proceeded to get the rest of their equipment.
Next stop wands.
I know that Hiei and Kurama aren't demon lords but this is my story.
The couples are:
Kurama/Yukina( sorry Kuwabara) I'm gonna put him in the fic for a short period of time but he won't be a main character.
And please review. I welcome flames if you have a good reason. I welcome advice as well. And of course I love positive feedback.