Disclaimer: see Chapter One, also, there's a line in this that may be familiar to some of you. I don't know but my beta said she's read it somewhere so, just to be on the safe side, let me know so I can give credit where credit is due!

Warning: this does earn its R rating! Please be aware that this is not written for those under seventeen (or whatever legal age your country allows).

A/N: Hiii, this is the last chp of One Thing, I had fun writing this chapter so I hope everyone enjoys it.

Thanks to my beta Eireverde!!

Last on One Thing:

Werewolves had a superb sense of smell; Harry had kissed Hermione, and Remus must have smelled Hermione's scent all over Harry, considering that he had laid his head on her lap and she had petted his hair... and the kiss, oh dear the kiss! Of course Remus would think the worst. Harry had to do something to fix it. He made to stand up, but realized it was three in the morning and somehow he didn't think that being impetuous would be of any help in this situation.

Tomorrow ... Tomorrow he would wake up early and search for Remus, tell him his decision and everything would be all right.

Chapter 4:

He smelled like her all over. His hair, his hands, his chest, his lips ...

Remus felt the wolf stirring inside him. It wanted its mate and would do anything to claim him. But Remus would fight the wolf, he would do it for his Harry, who had made a choice already and who had not chosen him. This was exactly the reason why he had not wanted to tell Harry in the first place; it might have seemed selfish but in the bottom of his heart Remus feared Harry would deny him. After all, who could possibly want an old, gangly, werewolf as a partner until death?

As it seemed, definitively not Harry.

Remus curled up in the corner of his room. He couldn't stand the bed and the comfort it provided, he felt miserable and this was the corner he slept in when he was in wolf form. After Harry had left the previous night, after the kiss, Remus had felt like maybe there would be a chance of Harry staying by his side.

Ha! Old romantic fool, why would that beautiful boy tie himself to you?

But there had been a chance; Harry had a great heart and wouldn't let anyone die if he could help it. He was so much like his mother in that. Dearest Lily, who had disclosed his secret in hopes that her son would do what she saw as right. But Harry had not known his mother; he had been raised by the worst kind of Muggles and it was a wonder that he had turned out to be as great as kid as he had. Harry had given up his childhood for the war and it would be unfair to ask much more from him. He had a right to think of himself on the issues of the heart. And he had.

With the last hint of resolve he had left, Remus stood up from his corner and adjusted his robes.

Enough whimpering, enough! You will compose yourself and think what the next step is.

Remus sat down at his desk. The truth was nothing had changed from a week ago. The only difference was that now Harry knew. But everything else was the same: Harry would turn sixteen and he would die. Therefore, he had already set his affairs in order. He had willed his meager belongings to Harry, he had said his goodbyes and he was ready to go. He would join Sirius, James and Lily wherever they where and Harry would live a happy, successful life.

He really didn't know why he was so depressed. Remus had already decided, after his discussion with Harry, that no matter what option the young man took, Remus would not take advantage of him. In his mind, the sequence of events would be thus: Harry would be entirely too heroic and gallant, and valiantly accept his place as Remus' mate and Remus would be forced to refuse because he could not let Harry make the biggest mistake of his life. Remus would then die and that would be that.

Why am I so sad? All the outcomes have the same basic result: in a couple of months I will be dead. I welcome death; it will take me from this cruel world that has done nothing but throw sticks and stones at my broken back. Why should I have the opportunity to be happy when my closest friends are dead? Why should I breathe when they don't? I have always been a coward and refused to take my own life but what is left for me now? Nothing. I will welcome death when it comes. I will not risk Harry blaming himself if I take my own life, but I will throw myself into battle; do something productive for the Order, for Harry, before I leave ...

With that, Remus Lupin let sleep claim him. He was exhausted by the past couple of days and he no longer had any energy left to fight his need of sleep. He assumed the fetal position on a corner of his four poster bed and slept the night away.

The next day Remus had a talk with Dumbledore.

"But Albus, I need to leave!"

"I'm very sorry, Remus, but you know very well you're one of the few people I trust with Harry's safety and after his disappearance yesterday I do not want to risk him."

"But Albus..."

"What will you have me do, Remus? Leave Severus to it? Have them screaming and fighting every moment of the day and losing Harry's trust even more? Is that what you want?"

"No, but ..."

"I apologize, Remus. Sometimes, in war, we have to make some sacrifices and at this particular time, you will have to sacrifice what ever it is you need to do in order to stay here and look out for Harry"

It was a clear dismissal and as he left the room feeling miserable, Remus missed the mischievous sparkle in Dumbledore's eyes, a distinct warning that the old man had something up his sleeve.

That was how Remus found himself in his room trying to avoid the teenager. It wasn't a very helpful way of protecting Harry, but at least Harry wasn't in the house by himself. There were other Order members coming in and out of the house at all times; someone else could entertain him. Remus had spent the last three days engaged in this dance. If Harry entered a room, he left it; if he entered a room he would check it for any sign of the teen. If he did go inside and saw his green-eyed torment, he would do a double take and run from the room.

Remus would cook meals, send a message by owl informing Harry, and disappear as fast as he could. He did not want to be around Harry. It would kill him even faster. He could not afford to lose his composure. He made his choice, he made his choice... Remus would chant this as a mantra to keep from seeking out the company of the one he needed.

Harry was getting tired of this game. Remus was obviously avoiding him, completely thwarting his plans of seduction. It was time for a direct approach; he would tell Remus his decision, have a civilized conversation with the werewolf, and then snog the life out of him.

It had been the worst three days of Remus' life. The running and the hiding were getting to him and wearing him down, and as it was getting near the full moon, he was exhausted. He sat in the sitting room on the almost unused third floor, thinking of reading a book and resting for a while. He was confident that Harry would not follow him there.

He was startled when the soft call of his name woke him up. Apparently, he had dozed off on the short couch and apparently Harry 'would' follow him there, because he was the owner of that soft voice. Remus' heart skipped a beat as he took in the natural beauty of the teen through the foggy perception of the newly awakened. He found himself moving closer to the soft pouty lips before his brain finally caught up with his body. He made his choice, he made his choice...

He made a move to stand but Harry's hand on his upper arm stopped him.

"Remus, stop, we need to talk."

Remus tried to dislodge himself but Harry was stronger than he looked. He didn't know what to feel; he was stuck in between anger at being stopped, relief at being touched by his mate, and panic of having to face Harry. The wolf in him won. He needed to be close to his mate, and wanted to hear what he had to say, but most of all, he couldn't bear the hurt in Harry's eyes.

He settled back and the hand restricting his escape let him go.

"Go ahead, Harry, talk."

He sounded much more secure than how he felt.

Now that Harry had Remus exactly where he wanted him, he didn't know what to say, so in true Gryffindor style he plunged in head first and hoped for the best.

"Ok, a few days ago you said that you saw I had made my choice and that you wished the best of luck for Hermione and me. I was confused, but let it pass until later that night when I realized that if you really knew the decision I'd made, you would not have responded quite as you did. It was then that I remembered that I had spent the entire day with Hermione, and given the direction the day had taken you would be able to smell her scent all over me and jump to the wrong conclusion."

Remus moved to say something but Harry was not finished and raised his hand to stop him.

"No, don't speak, let me finish what I have to say. I kissed Hermione that day."

A small whimper escaped Remus but Harry took no notice of it.

"It was nothing more than a test. I love her as a sister and I needed her advice; I was too confused to make a coherent decision. What happened in her house that day is not relevant right now but I did make a choice that day and Hermione did help me make it."

He had been pacing as he spoke but stopped and crouched in front of Remus, trying to make a point of what he was going to say next.

"I chose you, Remus."

Remus Lupin had never thought that four words could ever make him as ecstatic and at the same time as miserable as those spoken by Harry Potter made him feel. He was petrified. He was so sure that Harry had chosen Hermione that he didn't know how to react. He could hear a low chant of He chose me, he chose me, he chose me in the back of his head but he was unable to react.

What he liked to call his common sense, as well as what he thought was best for Harry, made him answer with a chant of "No, no, no, no, no!" without realizing he was saying it out loud.

Harry was confused. Shouldn't Remus be happy he had chosen to be his mate? He reached for Remus' shoulders and shook him lightly.


"Harry... Harry, no, you can't choose me, I can't let you; I can't let you throw your life away."


"No buts, Harry, I can't allow it." He rose from the couch and started pacing. They had changed sides now, with Harry sitting on the small uncomfortable couch and Remus pacing the room.

Harry could see that Remus was reacting exactly as Hermione had predicted. He tried to hide a small smirk that wanted to escape. Now he was on planned ground. He could deal with this Remus, he just had to be patient and put his plan to work. The first thing was to appear to agree with Remus, just enough to give him a false sense of security until Harry could attack or in this case, seduce.

"I knew you would react this way, Remus, and I understand."

Remus had been a Marauder, and he knew a scam when he saw one but this was sweet innocent Harry. Still, Harry was very stubborn and determined and didn't normally give up so easily.

"What are you up to, Harry?"

Harry tried to muster his most innocent look, the one that only Hermione could see through.

"Me? Nothing, well actually, there is one thing. Come on, sit."

He patted the space beside him on the couch. Remus obeyed but sat as far away as possible from the teen, just in case. Harry succeeded in hiding his smile this time.

"Let's make a deal. I'll respect your decision, but if I'm going to lose the last connection to my family as well as one of my closest friends, I don't want him to run away from me every time he sees me. Promise me we will spend time together as we used to before all this mess."

Here Harry pulled the big guns: sad puppy dog eyes.

They had never worked on the Dursleys but not even Mrs. Weasley, with all of her experience as a mother of seven, could resist them. Remus was no different and felt himself give in.

"Very well, Harry, don't worry. I won't hide anymore; I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."


"Thank you, Remus, I really appreciate it."

Remus' nightmare began the next day. He made a light breakfast of toast, tea and fresh fruit. Big mistake; as soon as Harry saw what was laid out before him, he saw the opportunity to implement his lessons. He sat very properly on the seat facing Remus and began to eat his breakfast as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He took a strawberry and with the most innocent look he could muster he turned to Remus.

"You know, Remus, I love strawberries. They are my favorite fruit." While he spoke, he looked at the fruit with adoration in his eyes; he then took it from the stem and proceeded to nibble at the very tip of the plump berry. Juice dribbled from it and Harry took his time licking it from the rest of the fruit.

"They are so sweet but acidic at the same time. It makes my mouth explode with flavor." He repeated his previous course of action and sneaked a peek at Remus, who was completely taken with the view. Harry then finished off the fruit and licked the juice that had dribbled down his fingers. He sucked each digit slowly, making sure to leave no residue on them.

"Don't you think so, Remus?"


This brought the werewolf out of his state of reverie and Harry was glad to see a pink tinge covering his former teacher's face. Gotcha.

"Yes, yes, strawberries, amazing little fruit..."

Harry hid a smile and took a square of melon. He ate three more pieces of fruit before Remus got too hot and bothered to continue watching, and decided that for his sake it was better if he just washed the dishes.

Harry finished his breakfast and smiled. This was a glorious beginning to his plan. He would break Remus Lupin. He would break him and become his mate; there was no doubt about it.

In keeping with his plan, Harry started to help Remus with meals. He was a good cook; all those years at the Dursleys had made him a pro. He used these opportunities to practically make love to spoons, spatulas and such, as well as continually licking his fingers and making moaning sounds of pleasure. He was conscious of the need to be subtle enough so that Remus didn't figure out he was doing it on purpose.

Outside the kitchen, Harry would use other understated means of seduction. He would walk as close as possible to his prey; just close enough so that the wolf could smell him and sense him but not really close enough to touch him. He would ask Remus to pass him a book and make their fingers brush and linger more than what might be considered appropriate. He would use his cousin's old clothes and combine them with tight shirts so that slivers of skin could be seen between the shirt and the falling-down pants. He would stretch out right in front of the werewolf, and make little whimpers and purrs of contentment when getting comfortable on a couch.

He started to work on the neglected yard of the old house, and given the heat of the summer, his attire left little to the imagination. By mid afternoon, he always shed his shirt and worked in only cut-off shorts, usually giving Remus a coronary when he went outside to call Harry in for tea.

Still, Harry didn't just occupy his time with plans of seduction. He also got to learn more about the man he was planning to spend the rest of his life with. They would play chess and have conversations for hours that were on topics ranging from the war to the uses of ginger in cooking recipes. Harry and Remus would get so caught up in their discussions that they wouldn't notice they had started the conversation on opposite sides of a couch but ended it with being practically in each other's laps. Well, Harry did notice but it was the only thing he did not do on purpose.

While all this was happening, Harry realized he actually liked spending time with Remus. He found the werewolf interesting and a wonderful conversationalist who didn't patronize him but treated him more like an equal than a child. This knowledge made Harry want to seduce the older man even more. He started to look at him through romantic eyes and he liked what he saw.

He remembered one day when Remus had been teaching him self defense and had hooked his leg behind Harry's calf, making him fall. Harry was not going to go down alone and had grabbed onto his teacher's shirt and brought him to the floor right on top of him. They had stayed in that position, looking at each other's eyes, panting and sweating. Trying to cover his flustered state, Remus had started to tickle the teen, not counting on the effect that having his mate wiggling under him would do to his libido. Harry had frozen when he felt the other man's hardness pressing against him and bucked slightly to show the werewolf he was in the same state, releasing a moan from the friction. Remus had immediately panicked and run away from the room, leaving a very frustrated teenager to take care of his 'problem'.

Things had been tense for a few days, with them both trying to act as if nothing had happened until Remus felt confident enough that he would not jump the teen. What came out of it in the end was that Lupin refused to play rough with the teen anymore and practically taught him defense by long distance.

It was a hot summer day and Harry knew he did not have much time left. His birthday had passed amidst congratulations from his few friends and acquaintances (everyone including the Weasleys, Hagrid, Hermione and Dumbledore), all together at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place for a small party with a cake. It had been a joyous occasion for the teen, it being the first birthday party he had ever had, but it had been marred by a wave of sadness at the look in Remus' eyes when he had seen Hermione; it had been a mixture of rage, jealousy, resignation and sadness that broke Harry's heart.

In the days following, he had seen that Remus was getting weaker by the day. He needed to do something. He redoubled his efforts to seduce the werewolf. But he needed to make a riskier move; Remus was close to breaking but it was not happening fast enough. It was time to confront Remus once again and this time he would not take no for an answer.

He put on a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, leaving his feet bare. The search for Remus led him to the kitchen, where the werewolf was making lunch. Harry cleared his throat to make his presence known. Remus looked up from the book he was reading and choked on his own saliva.

Harry looked amazing. The red color of the shirt played perfectly with his tanned skin and black hair as well as contrasting nicely with his green eyes. The absence of sleeves, and the material cut from the shorts showed off his toned arms and legs, which were the product of a combination of Quidditch, gardening and defense classes.

Ever since they had had the infamous talk, Remus had been on the border of insanity. He had never realized Harry was such a sexual being. Everything he did was sensual: the way he ate, the way he talked, the way he breathed made Remus walk around the house with a permanent hard on.

The defense classes he had promised to teach became torture sessions. He had vowed to pay more attention to what was coming out of Harry's mouth instead of what was going in it during lunch. Oh, the things that kid can do with a pickle... He had been so intent on what Harry was doing to it that he had missed the question Harry had asked at the same time. Later that day, when Harry had appeared on his door wearing nothing but some over large sweatpants, he could not deny him his promised class, even if he didn't remember agreeing to it.

Harry stopped at the rooms' entrance. So much for the famous Gryffindor courage; he was uncertain of how Remus would react, but seeing the werewolf standing there in front of him with an obvious look of lust in his eyes made his uncertainty fade. He would do this; he would not lose Remus Lupin, not even to himself.


The werewolf tried to regain his composure as well as hide his erection from the tempting vision standing in front of him.

"Yes, Harry, how can I help you?"

"You're dying, aren't you?"

This took Remus completely by surprise. It was not a question, it was a statement and given the sadness in those green eyes he decided to be completely honest with him.

"Yes I am, Harry."

Harry took a deep breath, walked the few steps that separated them, and moved to kneel in front of the Alpha wolf.

"We have to mate Remus. I can't lose you, too."

A wave of sadness hit Remus; he was so proud of the teen for being so selfless and caring, Lily and James would have been proud of him, but Remus had made his choice and would not ruin the poor teen's life even more.

"No, Harry, we already had this discussion. I will not ruin your life and I refuse to impose myself on you. I will die, and you will live on, forget about me and be happy."

He patted Harry's head as one would pat a small child's. Big mistake. Harry was now very mad. Who did Remus think he was, making all these decisions unilaterally? If Harry wanted to ruin his own life, he would ruin it and there was nothing others could say about it. He jumped up from his crouching position and started pacing.

"I can't believe you! After all this, you are bullheaded, intransigent, irrational... and I love you."

A deafening silence fell on the room, broken seconds later by Remus' whisper.

"You what?"

Harry gave a defeated sigh and looked Remus in the eyes.

"I love you. I don't know how, but during this month and a half I got to really know you. I saw you in a different view and I liked what I saw. I once asked you 'what am I to you?' Now that I know the answer it's only fair that I let you know exactly what you are to me."

He crouched in front of Remus again and put the palm of his hand on Remus' cheek and the werewolf unconsciously leaned into his touch.

"I started off thinking of this as doing something I had to do: I had to save you. But then I liked spending time with you. I liked touching you and the way it makes my skin tremble. Later, I started to want more; I remembered the kiss you gave me that first night. I can still taste you; solely the memory makes me want to touch myself and in the days that you're more receptive to my presence I relive that kiss and climax saying your name. But it's not just lust I feel. I like to spend time with you, I find your company stimulating and after a nightmare nothing makes me feel better than you. Just knowing you are here, under the same roof helps me breathe easier.

You are my safety, my comfort and the only one who loves me for who I really am and does not buy into the whole 'hero of the wizarding world' propaganda. Don't you get it, Remus, this can only be love and I'll be damned if I let you die! Not because everyone I love dies nor even because it's the right thing to do, but because for the first time in my life I am going to be selfish and I want you for myself. I want to keep you, I want to love you, and I do not want to go on with this fight, with this war, if I don't have something to fight for. If you die, Remus, my reason to live dies, too."

Harry choked on his last words. His hand was wet from Remus' tears and his cheeks were stained with his own. He was about to give up when Remus' lips descended on his own. It was a mere touching of lips but to the men involved it was like coming home. After a few moments of just enjoying each other, Harry broke contact, stood and extended his hand, which Remus took with a sigh. It had happened. He had broken down and the only thing left was to give up and give in. He let the wolf take over, knowing that no matter what, it would not hurt its mate. He laid Harry gently on the bed and took their clothes off, not leaving any doubt in Harry's mind as to what was to happen next.

Harry had read all he could find about his role in this relationship. He let himself go limp, remembering his readings, which said that the mate must be submissive and that any challenge of the wolf's domination would make the wolf aggressive and the act more difficult than it needed be. The teen bared his neck in an act of surrender and complete trust, making Remus even more aroused. He started to lick the teen underneath him, to bathe him with his saliva, to make him his own, to mark him. Harry couldn't hold the submissive position anymore, he needed to laugh. Who knew he was so ticklish?

Fortunately, Remus didn't take it as an insult but laughed with him.

"You want to laugh, huh?"

"No, Remus, please don't tickle me, please!"

Their laughter broke any tension in the room. Remus proceeded to quiet his mate by kissing him once more, this time with even more passion. Harry could feel the desire coming from the wolf and tried to reciprocate with as much passion of his own as possible.

"I'm sorry, Harry, this first time will be far from perfect. I need you, I want to be inside of you and I can't wait. I'll make it up to you when the wolf is sated, I promise."

Harry took Remus' face in his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"Take me, Remus, I am yours to take. This first time is for need but it is also for love. I love you and I trust you."

Those three last words were Remus' undoing. He barely retained enough presence of mind to prepare the green-eyed young man.

"I don't have any lube."

"In my shorts, Remus, I have some there."

"You sneaky little..."

The mouth Harry clamped on his own made Remus unable to finish that phrase. He prepared Harry, Remus then lubricated and positioned himself at Harry's entrance. He looked into green eyes, asking for approval.

"Are you ready?"

Harry was moaning and groaning desperately.

"Yes, Remus yes, now, in me please."

Remus lost all of his control at hearing his mate begging in such a delicious manner. He entered in one swift movement and stopped, giving Harry some time to adjust to the burning feeling. Moments later, Harry started rocking and begging in an unarticulated way. It was all gibberish but Remus understood; he started to move inside his mate, fast and hard, efficiently pounding on Harry's prostate, making him orgasm without even touching him. At the same time, the clenching of the tight passage and the fact that Remus had wanted this for so long made him orgasm as well, and it was over in a matter of minutes.

As they lay there, sweaty and basking in the remnants of their orgasms, Harry thought that as fast as it had been, his first time could not have been more perfect. It had been with the man that he loved, his Remus, his werewolf. He knew things would not be easy; they had a long road to go, but they had each other and as long as that one thing remained they would bear it all.

The End

CrimsonTearsOfPain (the first review yay!!), Read300300 (one of the best? Wow I'm honored, hope it comes up to your standards), SiLvErFaTeD, child of the new dawn (yes I did, sorry! But here's the last one now where's my food?), ravn2-16, sou85a, Lee Lee Potter, KissesfromSirius (thank you hope to make you change your mind about slash!), Poicale (ohhh you're very tricky but no, just this one chapter, glad you liked my Hermione, Eire thinks I make her too girly but as a bookeater I must say I am as girly as they come.), Chibi-Alania, Sweet Mercy (hey, thanks for you review I would like to write more but this was supposed to be a one shot, two chapters top and now look what it is just be glad my muse has decided to expand it as much as it did!!), Jemma Blackwell, Dracula5555, Hoshi Tamamushiirono, Queen Zephora Yami, Alizarin Crimson, Faero of Egypt, Atemu/Yami, mrsrl, Yuuki Miyahara, Prongsblacks, NiamhAingeal (Thanks! I loved your long review, it was great, I so think Hermione is a good friend, my harry is always a bit oblivious but htat's just the way I think he is in canon, smart for some things and completely unaware of others, thanks!), im-a-daydream-believer, mcgonagall, Kathy, Duath and im-a-daydream-believer.