This is my ajckie chan adventures fanfiction. it is a lemon between adult jade and tso,and tell me what yuo all think of it. please enjoy this.
chapter one: memories
Jade lay back in her bed, sleeping, dreaming of him. That handsome, intelligent, perfect lover. He held her close, he kissed her, said the three words which made her blush, "I love you, Jade.." Then, she'd woken up. "Huh?..Oh..Yeah...It was just a dream..." Jade was now 17, it had been awhile since her, Jackie,and Uncle....separated.... after finally setting everything straight, after Shendu, the Demons, Daolon..everyone..Th dark hand, everything...She'd gone live with her parents. That was three years ago. But why was he still in her head..? Couldn't he leave her alone..? And yet..
Staying with Jackie, she'd learned alot about archaeology. That's why she's studied it now, even exploring old ruins, caves, the whole caboo now. She'd found and collected countless things, even in Egypt, she'd been able to help dig and excavate. That was about two years ago. When she found the box, the book, and the mirror.
:-:Two years ago:-: "Wait a second, Jackie, I'm going back in, I think I found something..!" Jade called out,, as she quickly ran back into the pyramid, and back down, down, through a hidden, carved and marked passageway, deep underground. Under a ruined pyramid. She was with Jackie again. But because he'd invited her. He missed her, she missed him, and he needed a freindly face helping him out. He'd been called about a recently discovered pyramid. The pyramid had obviously collapsed into itself, and become covered with sand. Only a recnet sandstormhas uncovered it. So jackie had been invited to help investigate it. The disoverer, an old archaeologist, knew Jackie well. Jackie brought along Jade too, for a chance to see her again. Jade leapt at the chance.
The scriptures and heiroglyphs that Jackie discovered were rather frightening. All over the walls, they proclamied it to be a curse upon whomsoever entered this pyramid, it was an unholy, evil place. Demons, monsters, and gateways lay throughout the pyramid. But the wranings were dismissed. After all, after countless pyramid excavations, with nought but treasure, potteries, rats, and rotten mummies to be found, who'd truly beleive the warnings? Jade did. But that's because she'd become superstitious.
She wandered through the passages far under the surface, listening to the steady drip of water, the soft echoes of her steps, and then the cry of an animal, which stopped her in her tracks. She glaced up at the walls, shining her flashlight on the caarvings and paintings. Now she stopped. And read. In almost every language, script, it was written. Evil. The symbols for satan, diablo, all of them, the werwolf, demons...Everthing....It was imprinted on the walls. The cry sounded again, and Jade shivered. 'What the hell is this..?Am I still in the pyramid..?' She continued walking, fearing, yet eager, to see what lay ahead of her. Was it truly so evil..?
She continued for a while, then stopped, and left. It had gotten rather cold down there. As she made her ay out of the pyramid, she realized she had been going in a steady pward spiral. How far down had she gone, and wasn't it supposed to hotter the farther down underground you went..? Once she was back up, she grabbed a water bottle, and another flashlight, and put on a light jacket. Now she was ready. Jackies topped her a moment, and asked her if she was ready to pack up for the night. Suddenly Jade realized how long she'd been in there. "Wait a second Jackie, I'n going back in! I think I found something!"
She arrived at a small room laden with webs, and the scent of dry rot. Covering her nose, she shone her flashlight around, but saw nothing. Then, in the corner, furthest from the entrance, was a sack, or what had been a sack. Inside was a box, about as big as a laudry basket, shut and locked tight with chains of pure gold, it looked. Gold also, was the lock that covered the front, big, bulky, with pins and links in it arranged so, a way it wouild never come apart. Jade quickly picked it up, and hurried back. She didn't tell anyone, even Jackie, what she had found.
Jackie had already packed everything up, he was leaving, Nothing more could have been found, besides scrolls foretelling doom and evil. When he saw her, she'd already hidden the box. "Did you find anything, Jade?" "No, It was just more heiroglyphs telling about more doom.." "Oh, well, Jade, thanks for coming out here. I missed having you around Jade, you are my favorite little neice." "Jade smiled, and hugged him. "Thank you for inviting me. When I write my term paper, it'll be really good. I learned a lot more while I was out here." Next morning, Jade and Jackie said goodbye and hopped onto their own plane, to go back home.
When Jade had gotten home, She was alerted to some horrible news. While she had been gone, her mother was in a car accident, and had died. Consumed by her greif, she'd forgotten about the box, and stuffed it up in her closet. Now, two years later, she remembered. And she pulled the box out of her closet. She was going to see what was inside. What evil the egyptians, or, whoever 'they' were were trying to hide, and bury.
The lock was a hell of a bitch for her to open, pulling and arranging the pins and links so, to open it, she used needlenosed pliers and a pair of steel-cutters to break it. Holdign her breath, she slowly undid the chains, an lifted the lid. Inside, was a delicately carved gold mirror, with heiroglyphs all over it, handle,and back. Beside it was a book. It was also gold, or atleast the outside was. The inside was sheets of silver imprinted with heiroglyphs, also. "Now I'm getting somewhere..." Jade murmured, as she got up, carrying the book and the mirror. She lay them both on her desk, and went over to her bookcase, and pulled out an egyptian heiroglyph book. Now she would understand what the scripts meant.
As she'd gone along, Jade had written down the translations as sh'ed gone along, and now, finished, she'd stopped to read the mirror. "Awaken to me, the gateway to hell, Those who are gone, Where the evil beasts dwell. Come to me, my breed, The beast of the-"...."Hmm.. It stops right there. Time to look in the book." Jade began to look through the pages, and then gasped in pure shock. Carved into one of the silver 'pages' was Tso Lan. The moon demon. The demon who'd been plagueing her dreams for so long. Her dream lover. Quickly, she began to read, to translate, every single heiroglyph on his page.
When she'd gotten done, she sat back, and began to read. However most of the page, the information she already knew, his absolute control over gravity, everything. But the way to release him, also. Not with the pan ku box, but with a portal that can open multiple times. The portal was the mirror. But not just for Tso Lan, for any demon. Including countless others listed in the book. But she went back to Tso Lan. She was going to release him. She wanted to speak to him. She wanted him.
chapter one: memories
Jade lay back in her bed, sleeping, dreaming of him. That handsome, intelligent, perfect lover. He held her close, he kissed her, said the three words which made her blush, "I love you, Jade.." Then, she'd woken up. "Huh?..Oh..Yeah...It was just a dream..." Jade was now 17, it had been awhile since her, Jackie,and Uncle....separated.... after finally setting everything straight, after Shendu, the Demons, Daolon..everyone..Th dark hand, everything...She'd gone live with her parents. That was three years ago. But why was he still in her head..? Couldn't he leave her alone..? And yet..
Staying with Jackie, she'd learned alot about archaeology. That's why she's studied it now, even exploring old ruins, caves, the whole caboo now. She'd found and collected countless things, even in Egypt, she'd been able to help dig and excavate. That was about two years ago. When she found the box, the book, and the mirror.
:-:Two years ago:-: "Wait a second, Jackie, I'm going back in, I think I found something..!" Jade called out,, as she quickly ran back into the pyramid, and back down, down, through a hidden, carved and marked passageway, deep underground. Under a ruined pyramid. She was with Jackie again. But because he'd invited her. He missed her, she missed him, and he needed a freindly face helping him out. He'd been called about a recently discovered pyramid. The pyramid had obviously collapsed into itself, and become covered with sand. Only a recnet sandstormhas uncovered it. So jackie had been invited to help investigate it. The disoverer, an old archaeologist, knew Jackie well. Jackie brought along Jade too, for a chance to see her again. Jade leapt at the chance.
The scriptures and heiroglyphs that Jackie discovered were rather frightening. All over the walls, they proclamied it to be a curse upon whomsoever entered this pyramid, it was an unholy, evil place. Demons, monsters, and gateways lay throughout the pyramid. But the wranings were dismissed. After all, after countless pyramid excavations, with nought but treasure, potteries, rats, and rotten mummies to be found, who'd truly beleive the warnings? Jade did. But that's because she'd become superstitious.
She wandered through the passages far under the surface, listening to the steady drip of water, the soft echoes of her steps, and then the cry of an animal, which stopped her in her tracks. She glaced up at the walls, shining her flashlight on the caarvings and paintings. Now she stopped. And read. In almost every language, script, it was written. Evil. The symbols for satan, diablo, all of them, the werwolf, demons...Everthing....It was imprinted on the walls. The cry sounded again, and Jade shivered. 'What the hell is this..?Am I still in the pyramid..?' She continued walking, fearing, yet eager, to see what lay ahead of her. Was it truly so evil..?
She continued for a while, then stopped, and left. It had gotten rather cold down there. As she made her ay out of the pyramid, she realized she had been going in a steady pward spiral. How far down had she gone, and wasn't it supposed to hotter the farther down underground you went..? Once she was back up, she grabbed a water bottle, and another flashlight, and put on a light jacket. Now she was ready. Jackies topped her a moment, and asked her if she was ready to pack up for the night. Suddenly Jade realized how long she'd been in there. "Wait a second Jackie, I'n going back in! I think I found something!"
She arrived at a small room laden with webs, and the scent of dry rot. Covering her nose, she shone her flashlight around, but saw nothing. Then, in the corner, furthest from the entrance, was a sack, or what had been a sack. Inside was a box, about as big as a laudry basket, shut and locked tight with chains of pure gold, it looked. Gold also, was the lock that covered the front, big, bulky, with pins and links in it arranged so, a way it wouild never come apart. Jade quickly picked it up, and hurried back. She didn't tell anyone, even Jackie, what she had found.
Jackie had already packed everything up, he was leaving, Nothing more could have been found, besides scrolls foretelling doom and evil. When he saw her, she'd already hidden the box. "Did you find anything, Jade?" "No, It was just more heiroglyphs telling about more doom.." "Oh, well, Jade, thanks for coming out here. I missed having you around Jade, you are my favorite little neice." "Jade smiled, and hugged him. "Thank you for inviting me. When I write my term paper, it'll be really good. I learned a lot more while I was out here." Next morning, Jade and Jackie said goodbye and hopped onto their own plane, to go back home.
When Jade had gotten home, She was alerted to some horrible news. While she had been gone, her mother was in a car accident, and had died. Consumed by her greif, she'd forgotten about the box, and stuffed it up in her closet. Now, two years later, she remembered. And she pulled the box out of her closet. She was going to see what was inside. What evil the egyptians, or, whoever 'they' were were trying to hide, and bury.
The lock was a hell of a bitch for her to open, pulling and arranging the pins and links so, to open it, she used needlenosed pliers and a pair of steel-cutters to break it. Holdign her breath, she slowly undid the chains, an lifted the lid. Inside, was a delicately carved gold mirror, with heiroglyphs all over it, handle,and back. Beside it was a book. It was also gold, or atleast the outside was. The inside was sheets of silver imprinted with heiroglyphs, also. "Now I'm getting somewhere..." Jade murmured, as she got up, carrying the book and the mirror. She lay them both on her desk, and went over to her bookcase, and pulled out an egyptian heiroglyph book. Now she would understand what the scripts meant.
As she'd gone along, Jade had written down the translations as sh'ed gone along, and now, finished, she'd stopped to read the mirror. "Awaken to me, the gateway to hell, Those who are gone, Where the evil beasts dwell. Come to me, my breed, The beast of the-"...."Hmm.. It stops right there. Time to look in the book." Jade began to look through the pages, and then gasped in pure shock. Carved into one of the silver 'pages' was Tso Lan. The moon demon. The demon who'd been plagueing her dreams for so long. Her dream lover. Quickly, she began to read, to translate, every single heiroglyph on his page.
When she'd gotten done, she sat back, and began to read. However most of the page, the information she already knew, his absolute control over gravity, everything. But the way to release him, also. Not with the pan ku box, but with a portal that can open multiple times. The portal was the mirror. But not just for Tso Lan, for any demon. Including countless others listed in the book. But she went back to Tso Lan. She was going to release him. She wanted to speak to him. She wanted him.